If you’ve gotten really bashed around these past 10 days in particular … with attacks coming in through people around you more loudly that ever … here’s why.
A LOT has happened energetically thanks to the breaking down of the Black Stone & receding Blue Spheres, and the folks behind Ground Crew Command Radio have only just come up for air … after averaging 8 hours/day of planetary clearing over and above their regular workload. Everything was put on hold, including the Ground Crew Command Radio show.
As you can imagine, our guest last week JoJo Seebarcher got affected just the same & couldn’t make it either.
What’s happened is … the amount of light & light beings entering through the veil has stepped up dramatically, thanks to the Black Stone being broken down & the Blue Spheres receding almost completely.
This has taken planetary & individual detox/clearing to a whole new, deeper level.
All good … but the initial impact of this has slammed all of us, Ground Crew Command Radio included.
It’s been authorized to happen by the highest levels of Light overseeing this, because if we reach a certain amount of clearing by the Solar Eclipse EVENT … our mass energetic work (meditation) during the solar eclipse could very well be the knock-out blow we’ve all been waiting for!
… and darkness is LOSING IT!
To put things in accurate 3D analogy terms … all remaining long grass has been cut to a tenth of an inch long, and all remaining snakes are uncovered and scampering to hide in whatever hole in the ground is left, and there’s not many of those left either. So they’re even jumping into people’s fields as well too, combining with people’s internal unresolved stuff, hence the literally crazy & nasty behavior of many around you.
A lot of planetary work had to be done in a big hurry with the Teams, almost every day since … to clear all the darkness that got majorly exposed, for things to calm down somewhat.
So … Ground Crew Command will return tonight, at 9pm EDT, with MK Ultra experiencer JoJo Jolene Seebachers’ appearance segment being recorded from a previous interview & broadcast to you during this week’s show.
She has critically important information to share that you need to hear!
All the latest news & analysis will be live of course.
Generally … this is all good, and very exciting with what’s happening, because things are being lined up in preparation for the Solar Eclipse Mass Global Energy Event (mass meditation). All realms of Light Beings … both physical & non-physical … and we too, are being jockeyed & moved into position for the knock out blow.
… hence, darkness LOOSING it!

So build up your energies for this, and of course if you’re struggling from all this massive step up in upheaval, then please do something about it. The resources are there for you, (mostly online).
Make it happen, because it will be a case of ‘all hands on deck’ come the 21st of Aug Solar Eclipse.
Please share the information online about the important upcoming Unity Meditation on the Solar Eclipse on August 21st at 11:11:11 Pacific Daylight Time (6:11 PM GMT). People need to know what’s going on, and to be ready for the BIG ONE (Solar Eclipse) so we don’t drop the ball on this massive opportunity we’ve all been waiting for.
… and it’s all on this week’s huge episode of Ground Crew Command Radio … your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented “work week”.
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/groundcrewcommandradio (& Hit the Follow button for show reminders & recordings)
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a small but powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasmatic planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to The Event. To learn about their current project, and or, to access powerful healing (down to soul level) … clearing … energy surgery … DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings, and return to your power … go to: https://www.returntoyourtruth.com … and hit the Share button.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Am looking for info on Archons. Can you please help me? Thanks!
https://prepareforchange.net/cobra-interview-faq/ look under Creation topic and under the Dark Forces topic. Much information to study there.
I just want to take the time Thank EVERYONE who’s out there on the Front Lines and Behind the Scenes working to bring about CHANGE for ALL of Humanity. I came here to help and as frustrating as it has been all and all I am Grateful and Blessed to be ALIVE on this planet during this Exciting, Scary Wonderful Time.
Thank you…
Balance…Justice…Food, Shelter & Proper Occupation for ALL…Compassion…
Unity5678D…Thank You…Amen…Nam Myoho Renge Kyo…Connect with all of you on the important upcoming Unity Meditation on the Solar Eclipse on August 21st at 11:11:11 Pacific Daylight Time (6:11 PM GMT)…Much LOve…Ashlaham***
Thank you so much. I am thrilled and relieved to find the black stone has broken down. This has been an extreme carnival ride of energy the past while. What keeps me going is calling forth, invoking both the Violet Flame, and the White Fire of An. I also keep up with my decrees nullifying consent to contracts, agreements, and exotic weapons attacks. Namaste.