From the Epoch Times:

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  3. Bruh! finally rode the article, it's too long and interesting, I have no words to drop here but lemme drop my feedback u deserve

  4. Good gracious me, this video report offers a good portion of information and dots to connect. While here, in the West, nations are bickering and accusing either America or Russia, we’ve allowed China to silently enter through the backdoor.

    I knew that spending in America has risen enormously, by buying cheap Chinese products, and that most harbors in the world are owned by China. I’ve been thinking about this expansion fever of China and that this is a condition we should pay far more attention to.

    The social credit system in China keeps citizens in a virtual prison, a box they’re not allowed to step out of. On top of that, these people were forced to stay at home for 2 months, while many have lost their lives. Sacrificed, due to deliberate negligence, in order to allow a pandemic spreading all over the world.

    At the same time, there are voices talking about the British Pilgrim’s Society as the tinkers of this virus design. And there’s also Bill Gates and Fauci running around with syringes. It’s a web with strings attached to politics, economics, finance, and 5G plus the pharmaceutical industry, it seems.

    In the back of my mind, there’s still this pondering going on: Why do virologists step forward, saying that a virus isn’t contagious, that it can’t cause a dis-ease but is a result of a dis-ease? And why are so-called experts treating the virus as if it’s the cause of this pandemic?

    The answer to that question is present somewhere, we’ll have to wait for it, I guess.
    At the same time, there’s a vision of a scenario, maybe wishful thinking? where mankind steps into a higher frequency with a connected and united consciousness in tow, that will reveal that web and all the strings attached instantly. So that we all KNOW the TRUTH. Without the need for a worldwide protest march and riots in the streets.

    This video is well made, the investigator is a man of integrity, I believe. And it reveals the plans to create world power plus the strategies in China’s medical industry quite well.

  5. Great and Excellent Work a very helpful piece of information and it is kind of nice to know exactly you published this information here, along with I found a valuable post on your blog. Great work thanks for writing

  6. Hmmm, this video offers at least some facts about the Chinese management of what later became a pandemic, officially. I don’t believe in contamination through physical nearness or through the air, on objects or any other way. To me, the psychological impact of declaring this virus as the “killerbug” as Britain used to call this virus, has far more impact than any physical or material threat.
    The other reason why so many people die now, I believe, is that patients are offered the wrong treatment. When they reach a critical phase and are connected to ventilators, they’re also put to sleep with the help of drugs. This can last for weeks. Muscle strength begins to deteriorate, also the muscles for breathing.

    Besides, as far as I can believe an American doctor who witnesses that the pressure of oxygen in ventilators isn’t in balance with the ability of a patient’s lungs, securing breathing in a natural way, this form of treatment may well be the cause of death.

    Patients who are strong enough to recover after the ventilator treatment, often suffer from post-traumatic stress, muscle weakness, disorientation, and insomnia. I know that the quality, or amount of oxygen intake in the human body, has an enormous impact on all functions of that body: brains, hormones, digestion and the strength of the immune system to secure good health.

    This worldwide pandemic could well be an extremely clever construct of psychological warfare, where those of us who are losing loved ones tend to scream at others who dare to suggest that it’s all a scam. It’s one way of holding a strong grip on human belief systems that are in truth stemming from precooked ideas and sentimental triggers.

    The Climate Change Report was an aperitif so to speak, resulting in British citizens’ hanging of bedsheets in the windows of their home, with the slogan “We’re in a climate emergency” or David Attenborough’s “If we don’t act now, we’re in serious trouble”
    The gullibility of many British people is enormous, due to a lack of initiative to inform oneself and a fondness to share doom and gloom scenarios with each other.

    Look at the slogans everywhere, on windows of homes, on billboards in shopping streets or at the side of highways and public areas such as parks and forests. In Holland, it’s “Together we put an end to the coronavirus” and “Take care of each other”. This creates a relief as in “safety in numbers” but it’s under false pretense. Especially when we see the vaccination program being announced on those same billboards soon or later.

    But I’m no fool and I play the game of submission to this collective program, by only making the moves, but without any worry in the world. It’s hilarious, I’ve never felt better in my life ?


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