Dr Macklin talks about the agenda behind the vaccines. He explains what the nano technology looks like from a spiritual standpoint as well as how it works in the body.  He talks about the spiritual power of intent and the use of energetic protection as an immune booster to help guard against the effects from the nanotechnology.

Dr. Macklin describes what remote viewers and lightworkers are seeing in the energetic fields of biological damage that does force the soul to lift out of the body thereby creating a robotic life form. He mentions work that he is currently doing which employs a technique of using timeline splitting to help heal from this current dilemma.

Talk about the AGENDA: The whole agenda is to get rid of the human race and to create a planet that is more hospitable to the reptilian races. They want to own the planet. They want to reduce the oxygen.

On June 12th, Dr Macklin has a group ceremony to assist with the healing of the planet and the shift to a more positive timeline. To participate:
Our powerful ceremony and comprehensive map of intent to dismantle and dissolve the darkness, manipulations and violations happening on our planet.

Source: https://NicholasVeniamin.com

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