Doctors say COVID can cause erectile dysfunction, and they’re calling on men to get vaccinated to ‘save the future boners’


This is just pure insanity!  I don’t know how any of these people in this video could bring themselves to this level of embarrassment.  It is not due to the subject matter, it is just about to what length are you willing to go to continue the fear and gaslighting about a pandemic/virus that likely is completely over.  What is the purpose?


  • Urologists have united for a vaccine education PSA, right in time for National Impotency Month.
  • COVID-19 has been linked to a greater risk of ED, so getting vaccinated could “save your boner,” the doctors say.
  • “Trust us, we’re penis doctors,” the team says in the short film.

A group of urologists have come together to urge everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine, at least to preserve erections.

Penises are front and center in a new PSA meant to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The video begins with men fondly recalling their first erections, then presents a sobering statistic: men who’ve had COVID-19 are up to six times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

The figure comes from a study of 100 men in Italy, which found a correlation between the viral illness and penis problems. The estimated risk of ED for men with a history of COVID-19 was actually closer to 5.5 times higher than normal, and it was a relatively small study.

But the factoid caught the attention of some creative advertisers who wanted to shine a light on “schlong COVID,” Brian Siedband, co-founder of the ad agency Quality Meats, said in a press release.

“We stumbled across this fact and thought, with all the vaccine hesitancy out there, guys need to hear this,” he said. “Especially younger guys who think they’re not at risk [for severe COVID] but might be not thinking about the long-term effects.”

After pitching the idea to a couple of “traditional organizations,” the team decided to directly enlist urologists to speak on the subject. Soon, more than 30 doctors had signed on to join Urologists United for Vaccination Education.

Surviving COVID-19 may have lasting effects on the penis

It didn’t take much convincing to get the urologists involved in the PSA, the co-founders said in the press release. After all, they’re passionate about the penis and combatting the misinformation around it.

“I was on board as soon as I heard the idea,” said Dr. Larry Levine, Professor of Urology at Rush University Medical Center. “Given all the misinformation out there, we’d rather people get facts from us, doctors who’ve devoted their lives to studying the penis, than rumors from Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend in Trinidad.”

The doctors have come up with a few possible theories of how COVID-19 might contribute to ED, although none of them have been proven yet. Urologists think erectile dysfunction after COVID may be connected to the disease’s vascular effects. People with severe COVID can experience inflammation throughout the body, especially in and around the heart, which could result in blocked blood flow to the penis.

Additionally, the mental impact of long COVID and the pandemic overall can’t be underestimated. The sedentary lifestyle and high stress levels associated with the early stages of the pandemic both have the potential to affect sexual function, and some urologists have been seeing more cases of erectile dysfunction since the start of the pandemic.

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  1. That banana in a condom, ha…!
    But to be serious, only for a moment, to me, this is the medical industry, pulling out all the stops…
    One devil of deception after another is tried now as if it's the last attempt in the death throes to cause as much damage as possible before the curtain falls. When you think it can't go crazier, it sure can.
    In The Netherlands, one of the governmental advertisements, at the start of vaccination, was "Planning to get pregnant? Wait!"


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