Russian activists document “sudden deaths” among young athletes.
Since the start of the global genetic injection campaign in 2021, media reports detailing the “sudden deaths” of athletes have gradually become part of the new normal.
It’s a worldwide phenomenon—and Russia is no exception, according to #HowManyMustDie, a collaborative project launched by STOPVACZISM, STOPPANIKA, and Anna Rudneva’s “Raising Awareness” channel.
On April 3, the group published a list of young Russian athletes who had “died suddenly”:
Many are very young—18, 19, 21 years old. In some cases, the press openly wrote that the deceased were “vaccinated,” and suspected a causal relationship between vaccination and death. In many cases, there is no information about “vaccination”, but it is known that almost all professions were subjected to coercion, and athletes also needed it to travel abroad.
Without more information (which the Russian Health Ministry refuses to provide, because, in their own words, transparency may “cause a negative attitude towards vaccination”), none of the listed cases could be described as conclusive. But several are extremely difficult to dismiss.
Victor Plahuta, a 35-year-old powerlifter, was hospitalized on October 28, 2021—eight days after getting “vaccinated”. He died a week later, purportedly of pneumonia.

Grigory Malyarenko, 22, a hurdler and member of Russia’s national team, died during a training session on May 24, 2021. Local media reported he perished from a blood clot that may have formed from a previous “coronavirus infection”.
A month later, a blood clot took the life of 30-year-old Maxim Ishkeldin, a member of Russia’s national hockey team.
“The athlete died almost instantly,” Russian media reported.

Professional footballer Alexander Kozlov, 29, died suddenly from a blood clot in July 2022.
Other young athletes have fallen victim to sudden heart attacks over the past two years.
Of course, lots of things can cause blood clots and heart problems—including Sputnik V.
Post-vaccination data published by Argentina shows Russia’s “flagship vaccine” is comparable to AstraZeneca’s injection in terms of safety.
This is not very surprising if you are aware of the close collaboration between the Russian government and the British-Swedish pharma giant.

Is this why the Russian Health Ministry classified Sputnik V’s clinical trial results, claiming the data was a “trade secret”? (Maybe!)

Meanwhile, “sudden deaths” continue in Russia—and they aren’t limited to athletes.
On April 1, STOPPANIKA, a website that maintains an interactive map of suspected vaccine-related injuries, compiled recent news reports about Russians who had “died suddenly”:
This is just a small fraction of the cases in recent days. [But] information is not entered into the map unless there is confirmation that an injection was made. […]
People are dying absurd, senseless deaths—and no one has yet been held accountable …
Russia recorded a natural population decline of more than 1 million people in 2021—a loss of life that surpasses even the darkest years of the 90s.
The government’s response?
That’s a trade secret.

“We do not catch diseases. We build them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature…they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells.”
- 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells (Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic Agents)
- See the Horrifying Ingredients in AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine (Grandmageri422)
- Priest who participated in trial for unethical Moderna vaccine dies suddenly (LifeSiteNews)
- Growing evidence ‘COVID-19’ symptoms a result of 5G/wireless exposure (Weston A. Price Foundation)
- Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over”
- Top Canadian Pathologist On COVID: ‘Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated’ (Edmonton City Council)
- Coronavirus Truths: Part 2: Koch’s Postulates Not Being Used at All for COVID-19, Why? (Frank Report)
- Fresh twist as mystery ‘COVID-19’ number plates are listed for sale after a BMW was left abandoned at an airport before the pandemic even began (Daily Mail)
- Socialist teachers unions are using Covid-19 as a political weapon (WSJ) (Wall Street Journal)
- Israel’s Hadassah says it’s involved in development of Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Times of Israel
- Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day (Weston A. Price Foundation)
- Pasteur vs. Bechamp: An Alternative View of Infectious Disease (Marone Wellness)
- Jewish Harvard professor indicted for allegedly making false statements about secret work in Wuhan (CNBC)
- Chabad suggests Covid-19 a transformative power for Noahidism (
- U.N. chief warns COVID-19 provides opportunity for terrorists (Daily Mail)
- Did Russia hatch Covid-19 in Novosibirsk as a bioweapon? (
- Ireland’s first public gathering since Covid began is Islamic prayer led by Chabad rabbi (Getty Images)
- Berkeley professor sparks outrage by claiming Trump supporters who have an ‘indifference’ to COVID are like Germans who ‘ignored and profited from the Holocaust’ (Daily Mail)
- COVID treatment Trump touted as a “cure” was developed using cells derived from aborted fetal tissue (CBS News)
- Rogue Covid-denying Russian priest storms convent after being barred from preaching when he encouraged faithful to ignore lockdown orders (Daily Mail)
- Nurse who believes 5G spreads COVID-19 – and how daughter’s brain tumour turned her into ‘activist’ with help from TV chef Pete Evans (Daily Mail)
- In response to Covid-19, UN and Chabad connected Rabbi starts WhatsApp Noahide conversion group (Stop Noahide Law)
- China enhances cooperation with Belt & Road countries to fight COVID (Belt and Road News)
- COVID-19 is a Smokescreen for 5G Radiation Sickness (Great Mountain Publishing)
- No Record of SARS-CoV-2 “Virus” Isolation at National Research Council of Canada (Ecclesia Militans)
- ‘My immune system has just become so solid from my way of life’: Anti-vaxxer actress Isabel Lucas ‘opted out’ of COVID (Daily Mail)
- Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective (Mercola)
- Persuading Employees into Vaccine Compliance (In defense of our nation)
- ‘Apocalypse’: British doc writes scathing essay aghast at govt COVID takeover (Life Site News)
- Doctors petition EU to stop all COVID vaccine studies due to grave risks (Life Site News)
- Health departments across the US admit that they ignore key COVID-19 test data (Life Site News)
- COVID-hyper PM Trudeau supports anti-gov’t protests in India but not in Canada (Life Site News)
- Facebook starts removing torrent of vaccine skepticism points of view (Daily Mail)
- Wyoming health official leading state’s COVID response said the ‘so-called pandemic’ is a ‘plot by Russia and China to spread communism and hurt America’ (Daily Mail)
- Biden to tap Jewish doctor as Centers for Disease Control chief (Times of Israel)
- Pfizer COVID jab warning: No breastfeeding, avoid pregnancy for 2 months, unknown fertility impacts (Life Site News)
- Revolution in molecular biology promises disastrous, deadly consequences (Life Site News)
- Canadian nun protests lockdowns, cites spiritual, mental, and physical harm (Life Site News)
- Forcing citizens to take COVID vaccine ‘entirely unlawful,’ says Irish doctor (Life Site News)
- FDA approves emergency use of Pfizer vaccine tested on cell line of aborted baby (Life Site News)
- EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says ‘politicians don’t have the right to forbid the holy Mass’ (Life Site News)
- FDA announces deaths of two Pfizer vaccine trial participants (Jerusalem Post)
- UK regulator: Don’t take Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine with anaphylaxis risk (Jerusalem Post)
- Israel makes anti-coronavirus mask from ‘biological warfare’ disinfectant (Jerusalem Post)
- ‘Global COVID-19 herd immunity will take two or three years’ (Jerusalem Post)
- Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead (Life Site News)
- US bishop publicly takes COVID vaccine connected to aborted fetal tissue (Life Site News)
- Bishop Schneider explains why Christians must never take abortion-tainted COVID vaccine (Life Site News)
- Cornell University allows non-whites vaccine exemption due to alleged white privilege (Breitbart)
- Nurse collapses on live TV after receiving COVID-19 vaccine (Life Site News)
- Nurse shows AstraZeneca ’vaccine’ contents (Video-Leaked Reality)
- 32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine (Brighteon)
- Covid-19 roadmap: 12-step plant to create a totalitarian world (Andrew Carrington Hitchcock)
- Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Lights Hanukkah Candles For Israeli Embassy (Andrew Carrington Hitchcock)
- Governments are using COVID-19 restrictions as ‘opportunity to suppress the Catholic Church’ (Life Site News)
- Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky: People ‘need’ to get coronavirus vaccination (Jerusalem Post)
- Will we ever learn the truth about China and the pandemic? Two inquiries are ‘cloaked in secrecy’, WHO lets Beijing vet investigators and it appoints British scientist with links to Wuhan, writes IAN BIRRELL (Daily Mail)
- The ‘Covidarchs’ awash with YOUR tax millions: From the pigeon controller to the yoghurt maker, they’re the unlikely business people who became as rich as oligarchs on the PPE gravy train (Daily Mail)
- Putin lauds AstraZeneca as it signs vaccine tie-up deal with Russia (Daily Mail)
- Orthodox rabbis in U.S., Israel tell followers to vaccinate (Times of Israel)

- WHO Finally Admits COVID PCR Tests Unreliable But Promoted Them Anyway To Justify Vaccines (Christians For Truth)
- Chinese Not Required To Take Unsafe COVID Vaccines Because The Pandemic Ended Without Them (Christians For Truth)
- Minnesota lawmakers claim 40-percent inflation in state COVID death numbers (Life Site News)
- The Father Of ADHD Declares – It Is A Fictitious Disease! (Sons of Liberty)
- Facebook removes Australian celebrity chef’s page for COVID-19 conspiracies (Daily Mail)
- In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus…wrong (Jon Rappoport)
- Boston Doctor Develops Severe Allergic Reaction After Getting Moderna Vaccine (New York Times)
- Researchers Advise Men To Freeze Sperm Prior To Receiving COVID Vaccine Over Concerns It May Cause Sterility
- Nurse Tiffany Dover-Vaccine Recipient-Is she DEAD?
- Nurse speaks out after getting Covid vaccine
- Vaccine ‘Holocaust’ Begins In Israel As Jewish Man Drops Dead Two Hours After Receiving COVID Vaccine (CFT)
- 20 dead microbiologists in 30 months
- Pfizer, AstraZeneca chosen for lab to foster Israel biotech startups (Times of Israel)
- Republican official believes he caught virus at White House Hanukkah party (Times of Israel)
- These classic children’s stories warn us of the peril of buying into the big lie — a COVID lesson (Life Site News)
- Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds (Life Site News)
- DC passes bill to vaccinate children without parental knowledge, consent (Life Site News)
- Child dies after COVID-19 test in Saudi Arabia (MSN News)
- Woman arrested for filming empty hospitals in Gloucestershire (Gloucestershire Live)
- Reality Vax class for kids (Video-Bitchute)
- British Anti-Lockdown Activist Arrested for Filming Empty Hospital Wards (Watts Up With That)
- Jewish journalist Kurt Eichenwald says he wants to beat an anti-masker to death (Breitbart)
- Soviet-satellite Hungary Receives 6,000 Doses of Russia’s Coronavirus Vaccine (Moscow Times)
- A Houston doctor said more than half the nurses in his unit won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine for political reasons (Business Insider)
- 5G military bioweapon causes COVID disease (airways, lungs) (Riksavisen)
- After receiving vaccine, 62-year-old Israeli woman suffers allergic reaction (Jerusalem Post)
- 49-year-old Israeli struck with anaphylactic shock after receiving COVID vaccine (Jerusalem Post)
- 88-year-old Israeli dies hours after COVID vaccination in second such incident (Jerusalem Post)
- China denies entry to team of WHO experts due to investigate the origins of Covid-19 pandemic amid growing suspicions of a cover-up (DM)
- Portuguese mother, 41, dies two days after taking Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (Life Site News)

- The Hamburg Syndrome (1979), Pandemic Sci-Fi with english subtitles (Video)
- PETER HITCHENS: Guess where Professor Lockdown got his ideas … China’s police state (DailyMail)
- Chinese doctor calls the nation’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine ‘the most unsafe in the world with SEVENTY-THREE side effects’ (DM)
- Pfizer Admits Possible Birth Defects from Vaccine (Thinking Housewife)
- Putin, Germany’s Merkel Discuss Joint Coronavirus Vaccine Production (Moscow Times)
- I wish more Catholics in Scotland loved Mass more than they fear (a tiny risk of) death (LifeSiteNews)
- Pope Francis calls on ‘everyone’ to take COVID vaccine: ‘It must be done’ (LifeSiteNews)
- Coronavirus vaccines sending hundreds to ER, according to US gov’t reporting system (LifeSiteNews)
- Israeli government said planning to roll out vaccine ‘green passport’ in lockdown exit (Times of Israel)
- The unborn babies used for vaccine development were alive at tissue extraction (LifeSiteNews)
- In new lockdown, Ontario threatens fines, jail for leaving home (LifeSiteNews)
- Algeria, Palestine Greenlight Russia’s Coronavirus Vaccine (Moscow Times)
- Putin Orders Mass Coronavirus Vaccination Next Week (Moscow Times)
- Over 20 people vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine die in Norway – media (Unian)
- Coronavirus patients’ info given to Shin Bet without their knowledge (Times of Israel)
- Rabbi Lau Infected With Covid After Being Vaccinated (COL Live)
- The unborn babies used for vaccine development were alive at tissue extraction (LifeSiteNews)
- Deranged, deluded and deadly: How Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers leads an anti-vaxxer movement that thinks jabs are a ‘New World Order’ conspiracy and chanted ‘Covid is a hoax’ outside a beleaguered hospital (DailyMail)
- Jewish podcast ‘jokes’ about Chabad distributing vaccines (COL Live)
- Serbia becomes first European country to use Chinese COVID vaccine for mass rollout (Reuters)
- Mexican cardinal calls out ‘globocrats’ for using COVID to implement ‘world government,’ population control (LifeSiteNews)
- China health experts call for suspension of COVID vaccines as Norway investigates 33 deaths, Germany probes 10 deaths (LifeSiteNews)
- Russian Region Becomes First to Introduce Covid-19 ‘Passports’ (Moscow Times)
- Russia Files for Sputnik Vaccine Registration in EU (Moscow Times)
- U.K. warns new virus variant may be more deadly, could be around ‘forever’ (Times of Israel)
- Biden admits ‘nothing we can do’ to change virus trajectory (LifeSiteNews)
- Anti-vaccination coercion doctor launches party to ‘heal’ Israel (Times of Israel)
- In 2009, was U.S. Homeland Security planning a pandemic? (No Snow in Moscow)
- Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe (NewYork Post)
- Russian Black Sea Fleet sailor was in intensive care after being vaccinated against COVID-19 in occupied Crimea (Inform Napalm)
- Facebook suspends Netanyahu’s chatbot for seeking to ID unvaccinated Israelis (Times of Israel)
- Israel predicts rise in anti-Semitism, as virus-related hate is spread online (Times of Israel)
- Study Confirms Autism Boom – Correlates with Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines (LifeSiteNews)
- 24 elderly residents die in Hampshire following COVID vaccine (DailyMail)
- Serbia turns to China for Vaccines (Belt and Road News)
- Leader says Serbia is proud to give citizens Chinese vaccine (DailyMail)
- 39-year-old nurse aide dies ‘within 48 hours’ of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot (LifeSiteNews)
- Israel’s Hadassah says it’s involved in development of Russian COVID-19 vaccine (Times of Israel)
- Chabad Headquarters Delists Shliach Over Anti Vax Statements (COL Live)
- Red Deer mother in tears as son taken to undisclosed isolation centre (Western Standard)
- As demand for vaccines plummets, Israel may resort to incentive programs (Times of Israel)
- Cardinal Müller decries the Great Reset (LifeSiteNews)
- Pro-Kremlin media engaged in Sputnik V vaccine’s offensive marketing in Eastern Partnership countries (EuroMaidanPress)
- O.C. health worker who died after getting COVID-19 vaccine would want others to get vaccinated, wife says (KTLA)
- More Evidence Israelis Are Using Placebo COVID Vaccines — And Have Changed PCR Test To Prove Vaccines Are Working
- Ohio School District Shut Down After Many Teachers And Staff Suffered Serious Side Effects From COVID Vaccine
- Flyers ‘Found’ On Train In Germany Ask The Question: ‘Do We Have A Corona Problem Or A Jewish Problem?’
- President Xi: China ready for Vaccine Cooperation with CEE Countries (Belt and Road News)
- Flyers in German tram blame Jews for pandemic (Times of Israel)
- Vladimir Putin has REFUSED to get the Sputnik V Covid vaccine and only said he ‘could’ get the jab later this year – insisting he won’t ‘monkey around doing it in front of cameras’ (DailyMail)
- Three outspoken Canadian doctors who condemn lockdowns as causing more harm than good (LifeSiteNews)
- Former Detroit TV Anchor Karen Hudson-Samuels Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine (CBS)
- Catholic Priest confronts City Hall on Virus restrictions. Fr. Lavery CMR
- Vaccine Diplomacy: Russia & China boosting their Global Influence (Belt and Road News)
- Mammograms are picking up swelling in women’s breasts following the Covid-19 vaccine, raising ‘unnecessary’ fears about cancer, radiologists say (DailyMail)
- Downtown Eastside residents offered $5 after getting COVID-19 vaccine (Global News)
- Austria suspends AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine batch after death (Reuters)
- 3,000 at Romania anti-vaccination protest amid COVID-19 rise (DailyMail)
- Dr. Mike Yeadon: The pandemic is over, herd immunity already reached
- Chardon Local Schools closed due to staff absences following COVID-19 vaccine (Cleveland19)
- No, the Virus Has Not Been Isolated (The Thinking Housewife)
- Israel Rolls Out ‘Green Passport’ for Vaccinated. It’s a Security Disaster (Haaretz)
- Why the roots of the EU’s vaccine catastrophe lie in Merkel’s shadowy past in Communist East Germany (DailyMail)
- Another school closed due to vaccine-injured teachers (Edwardsburg school district)
- EU Falling Behind China and Russia in Race for Vaccine Influence (Moscow Times)
- Russia mulls digital travel ID for flights within Eurasian Economic Union (ETurboNews)
- Bread and Circuses: NHL partners in COVID-19 vaccination ‘It’s Up To You’ initiative (NHL)
- Countless Schools Across the Country Close Due to New ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects As Fauci Readies 3rd Shot
- Netanyahu meets Hungarian, Czech leaders to discuss vaccine cooperation (Times of Israel)
- Mother’s face, arms, chest, back and legs erupt in agonising red rash after getting AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine – as 41-year-old claims she is still in unbearable pain two weeks later (DailyMail)
- Why mass vaccinaton amidst a pandemic creates an irrepressible monster (Dryburgh)
- ‘What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is actually hazardous waste’: Scientists find evidence of toxic chemicals in some face masks (DailyMail)
- Kremlin propaganda’s conspiracies claim that Ukrainian, Lithuanian leaders faked their vaccinations (EuroMaidanPress)
- Vaccinated fans will soon have their own sections at Miami Heat games (Breibart)
- New Report on ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders During Pandemic Raises Human Rights Concerns (Epoch Times)
- Hospital blamed over women’s death from heart inflammation after vaccination (Times of Israel)
- Italy launches manslaughter probe into death of teacher, 57, who died a day after being given AstraZeneca vaccine as country re-enters lockdown and EU turns its back on the jab (DailyMail)
- Baltics and Ukraine targeted for refusing Sputnik V, with social media amplifying false messages (Inform Napalm)
- Former Pfizer scientist says COVID vaccine a trojan horse for totalitarian takeover (Church Militant)
- Irish Professor Dolores Cahill On Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’. Life Expectancy Is Maybe Only A Few Years! (Video) (Bitchute)
- Mother’s legs erupt in agonising blood-filled blisters ‘after getting AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine’ – as 34-year-old reveals rare reaction left her wheelchair-bound and fearing she’d need her limbs amputated (DailyMail)
- News anchor inadvertently calls Covid vaccine euthanasia
- Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions (Reclaim the Net)
- Urgent investigation after two New South Wales men – including a ‘fit and healthy 55-year-old’ – die days after getting a Covid-19 vaccine (DailyMail)
- Cuba Offers Its COVID-19 Vaccines to Eurasian Countries (Telesur)
- RDIF’s Dmitriev predicts pandemic end by May, claims Russia’s vaccine is ‘world’s best’ (Arab News)
- No Jab For Me (Reference site)
- London doctor describes ‘unprecedented’ level of sickness after COVID injection (LifeSiteNews)
- Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory (DailyBeast)
- Judith Reisman, adversary of the porn industry, died 10 days after getting COVID vaccine (LifeSiteNews)
- South Dakota’s Noem Bans Vaccine Passports (Epoch Times)
- Chinese-produced animated movie introduced American kids to the idea of a fearful virus, masks and life-saving vaccine — back in 2016 (LeoHohmann)
- Russian Government proposes other countries use the Eurasian Development Bank’s COVID-19 Free Travel app (EDB)
- Russia’s Ex-PM Medvedev Backs Mandatory Vaccination (Moscow Times)
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Preparedness for a High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic
- Miami School Asks Staff Not to Take COVID Jab; Global Media Assault Follows; Pfizer Trial May Support School’s Concerns
- CDC Lowers PCR Test Guidelines To Ensure 95% Of Vaccinated People Will No Longer Test Positive For COVID (CFT)
- Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19
- Jewish Dr. Arnold MONTO, head of FDA committee that approved COVID vaccines: “We gonna not worry about adaptive & innate immune responses.” (Odysee)
- Code of Jewish Law – Shulchan-Aruch. No 81: “It is allowed for a Jew to test on Akum (non-Jews) whether a medicine brings health or death.”
- 19th century rabbi Israel Lifshitz called freemason vaccine creator Edward Jenner ‘the righteous man of the world’ (MJCC)
- Chabad Mineola Opens Doors as Covid Vaccine Site (Col Live)
- ‘Huge red flag’: Medical researchers bury data showing 82% miscarriage rate in vaccinated women (LifeSiteNews)
- Vaccination not sin – Russian Orthodox Church (Interfax-Religion)
- Appeal over Bournemouth graffiti at vaccination centres (BBC)
- Russian Orthodox Church: Refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is a ‘sin’, anti-vaxxers must spend their life repenting
- Top Israeli Infectious Disease ‘Expert’ Calls COVID Anti-Vaxxers ‘Parasites’ (Christians For Truth)
- Chabad Leads Vaccination Effort in Ukraine (Col Live)
- All Three Presidents Who Declined the Covid Vaccine are now DEAD (Coercion Code)
- Moscow’s QR Code Passes Get the Tattoo Treatment (Moscow Times)
- Vaccinate or Repent Forever, Russian Orthodox Church Warns (Moscow Times)
- Lockdowns killed more Canadians under 65 than COVID-19: Statscan (True North)
- Jason Kenney vows to not cooperate with feds on vaccine passports (True North)
- Polish anti-vaccine protesters chant Jews are to blame for the COVID-19 pandemic (Times of Israel)
- Long Lines Form for Russia’s Third Coronavirus Vaccine in Moscow (Moscow Times)
- Israel Joins List of Nations Barring Unvaxxed from Social Life, Including Synagogue Worship (New American)
- Prison for anti-vaxxers? People who promote refusal of vaccines should be made criminally responsible, suggests Russian official (SOTT)
- Israel to become first in world to test Oravax oral COVID-19 vaccine (Jerusalem Post)
- Canadian province of Alberta ends all covid-related mandates, chief medical officer admits no material evidence of pandemic (InspiringMinds—BrandNewTube)
- The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier (Dr. David E. Martin)
- Covid ClotShot religious exemption documents (Gab)
- Dr. Anthony Fauci receives award from Shoah remembrance group (Jewish News)
- Soviet actor Oleg Basilashvili says unvaccinated are traitors (
- The Contagion Fairy Tale (Weston A. Price Foundation)
- Vatican Begins Requiring COVID-19 ‘Green Pass’ for Visitors (VoaNews)
- Public Health Ontario Has No Record of Virus Isolation (Ecclesia Militans)
- The Spike Protein “Vaccine” – What it Does to Your Body
- Babies born in the Covid scamdemic ‘have lower IQs’: Three-month-olds now score around 80 on intelligence tests – compared to 100 before the virus struck, research says (DailyMail)
- Fully vaccinated man dies of COVID-19, daughter says he was cautious (The Hill)
- WHO Memos 1972 Explains How to Turn Vaccines into a Means of Killing
- SSPX Refuse Letters of Religious Exemption for Conscientious Faithful Facing “No Jab, No Job” (Catholic Truth)
- Dr. Dan Stock’s Presentation to the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana Over The Futility of Mask Mandates and Covid-19 Protocols (Hancock County Patriots)
- Thousands of Pakistanis Line Up for Vaccine After Gov’t Shuts Down Cell Service for Unvaccinated (EU Times)
- Saint Vincent Prime Minister Smashed in the Head with a Rock After Vaccine Mandate (EU Times)
- No Longer Science Fiction: Graphene-Based Brain Control Technology Announced (EU Times)
- Jewish presence at Sydney vaccination centre (Jwire)
- ‘World’s Smartest Man’ with 210 IQ Urges Resistance to COVID Vax, ‘Depopulation Agenda’ (Big League Politics)
- NFL QB Kirk Cousins Stands His Ground on Vaccine Refusal After Meeting with Public Health Expert (Big League Politics)
- ‘Stop The Shot’ Part III: Doctors, Nurses, & Whistleblowers (LifeSiteNews)
- ‘The Nuremberg Code has been violated’: Prominent medical expert blasts FDAs approval of Pfizer COVID jab (LifeSiteNews)
- ‘Sputnik V is our new oil’: Russia hopes to make more money from vaccines than selling arms as Putin gets jab tonight (but won’t say which one) (DailyMail)
- BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, 44, died due to incredibly rare blood clot complications caused by AstraZeneca covid vaccine three weeks after she had first jab, coroner rules (DailyMail)
- ‘We will enter into the time of the Apocalypse’: Bishop Schneider warned about vaccine mandates (LifeSiteNews)
- Argentine Health Minister Visits Russia to Discuss Vaccine Supplies – TASS (Moscow Times)
- Jewish-occupied Jesuits claim Refusing the Covid vaccine is the ultimate sin of omission for Catholics today
- Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines? (Jerusalem Post)
- 19 reasons to reject COVID-19 jabs and their mandates (LifeSiteNews)
- More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems: Report (Toronto Sun)
- GoFundMe de-platforms dad whose only son died after Pfizer jab (LifeSiteNews)
- Rabbi says jab refuseniks are ‘murderers’ who must be punished (Church Militant)
- The Contagion Myth and Germ Theory Hoax For Dummies (Truth Scrambler)
- Can the US government create a fake pandemic? (LifeSiteNews)
- My little sister just died from her first dose” (TellMeSweetLittleLies—Rumble)
- Sustainability and Super Pandemics: The Connection (Dr. Igor Shepherd)
- Covid vaccine cuts people off spiritually – personal experience (Reddit—Conspiracy)
- Questioning Covid (Weston Price Foundation)
- Bishop Schneider explains why Christians must never take abortion-tainted COVID ‘vaccine’ (LifeSiteNews)
- Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO whistleblower – vaccines as a bioweapon to depopulate – entire interview (Rumble)
- Leaked Zoom Video Reveals Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics (Epoch Times)
- Is Polio simply the effects from exposure to DDT? (Suzanne Humphries, MD)
- President of Croatia slams media for pushing the jab (LifeSiteNews)
- The emperor has no clothes: COVID math simply doesn’t add up (LifeSiteNews)
- Nigerian Jummai Nache’s legs amputated in U.S. after Pfizer COVID-19 jab (PM News Nigeria)
- Father Savvas Agioritis shares testimonies of spiritual decline after taking the vaccines! (Video) (State of the Nation)
- Army physician warns about toxic ingredients in COVID shots (LifeSiteNews)
- Get Sputnik Jab, Putin Tells Erdogan (Moscow Times)
- COVID Medication, Not The Virus, Triggers 250 Percent Death Rare Spurt (Principia Scientific)
- Covid-19 isn’t killing the elderly and vulnerable; it’s Midazolam and the Covid-19 Vaccines that are killing them according to British Funeral Director (The Expose)
- Russia fails to buy off and silence clot shot whistleblower (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Tennis veteran Chardy suspends season after reaction to Covid jab (News 24)
- Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower (LifeSiteNews)
- Fauci states he has ‘many Jewish friends’ (3:30 mark)
- Fauci joins the annual Holocaust commemoration
- Israel says FOURTH “booster” vaccine will be required to keep covid “green pass” active
- California teenager died of heart condition two days after COVID vaccine, death report says
- Mikael Dolsten, the Jewish immigrant leading Pfizer’s vaccine charge, hopes the US stays a melting pot (JTA)
- Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots (LifeSiteNews)
- Woman dies of degenerative brain disorder after COVID jab, sparking fears of long-term side effects (LifeSiteNews)
- Pfizer fires whistleblower who leaked COVID emails to Project Veritas (LifeSiteNews)
- Soap star who went from atheism to Christianity risks career calling out anti-life, pro-vax Hollywood
- More US gov’t documents support claim that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic
- People must be willing to die rather than submit to ‘morally repugnant’ jab mandates: Bishop (LifeSiteNews)
- Abp. Viganò: the ‘pandemic Sanhedrin’ is spinning a ‘labyrinth’ of COVID lies (LifeSiteNews)
- US airlines cancel thousands of flights as pilots protest forced COVID shots (LifeSiteNews)
- French friars arrested for attempting to destroy 5G towers (LifeSiteNews)
- In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine that Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’ (Renegade Tribune)
- Dr. Thompson says Clot Shot tanks Killer T-cells (From Rome)
- Canadian province creates special police force to implement draconian COVID mandates (LifeSiteNews)
- NBA all-star refuses to get COVID shot despite season-long suspension, media pressure (LifeSiteNews)
- Microscopic high-tech metallic objects visible in COVID jabs, blood analyst claims (LifeSiteNews)
- BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds (LifeSiteNews)
- Pfizer Vaxxed 16yr boy dies during Math Class, on Zoom (From Rome)
- Austrian DeathVaxxed MP says, “Vaccines are safe….” then collapses (@Filippo60—Twitter)
- Double-jabbed Austrian MP collapses in front of parliament while shilling for clot shot (ByKush—Youtube)
- Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients (LifeSiteNews)
- The Virus That Doesn’t Exist: Lies and Consequences (John Rappaport)
- Alberta medical officer apologizes for saying cancer-stricken 14-yr-old died from COVID (LifeSiteNews)
- Epidemic of plane crashes linked to stroke-inducing clot shots (BitChute)
- China’s Role In Belt And Road Vaccine Development And The Global Health Silk Road (Silk Road Briefing)
- More US gov’t documents support claim that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic (LifeSiteNews)
- Teen dies of heart attack soon after getting COVID shot so he could play hockey: report (LifeSiteNews)
- NBA player says COVID vaccine caused blood clots, but team officials told him to ‘keep quiet’ (LifeSiteNews)
- Girl, 11, dead after suffering cardiac arrest and suddenly collapsing at school (Mirror)
- Some places in Russia forcing vaccination with armed soldiers in ski masks (Hate_Speech—Bitchute)
- I had my religious exemption approved by a Fortune 500 Company that loves these jabs. Here’s my advice: (Reddit)
- Video: Maskless Worshiper Dragged From Church, ,Choked And Assaulted By A Huge Group Of Masked Parishioners At The Orders Of The Priest (Defiant America)
- ‘Fully vaccinated’ Canadian nursing home hit with 12 deaths attributed to COVID (LifeSiteNews)
- A Jewish man saying Jews made the covid 19 vaxxx… crazy 1m clip (Anthony Nesci—BrandNewTube)
- Have COVID death numbers been exaggerated to scare people into submission? (LifeSiteNews)
- Former Canadian provincial premier Vander Zalm calls out COVID tyranny, says ‘end game’ is a global ‘reset’
- Putin says unacceptable to infringe on prerogatives of World Health Organization (TASS)
- Diplomats faced problems obtaining QR codes in Russia (
- Russia State Duma proposed ways to combat fake vaccination certificates (
- “Babies could be born with tails and animal hair!” say Turkish doctors (StopWorldControl—Rumble)
- Three Ohio judges “die unexpectedly” in nine-day span after vaxx mandate in Cuyahoga County (TheCovidBlog)
- Christine Anderson in the European Parliament makes an epic speech about political elite using extortion and manipulation to push the experimental jab
- Student Gets Leg Amputated After COVID-19 Vaccine, Dies Of Brain Blood Clots (ibTimes)
- Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection (Health Impact News)
- Woman Who Shamed Others for Not Vaccinating Their Children Now Drowning in Medical Bills from Child’s Vaccine-Related Myocarditis (Investment Watch Blog)
- Jab worshippers have turned the vaxx into a religion! Read these replies… (Investment Watch Blog)
- Jason Maurer: 45-year-old Ohio bartender tells world “shut up and get your vaccine,” dead five weeks after second Moderna mRNA shot (The Covid Blog)
- Jasmine Comeau: 17-year-old Canadian girl loses use of her left leg and foot four days after second Pfizer mRNA injection
- Depopulation Agenda: Planned Parenthood’s documented blueprint for destroying humanity comes to fruition over last 50 years, culminating with COVID-19 (The Covid Blog)
- AI-based device capable of checking QR codes of vaccinations has been created in Russia (
- ‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules (LifeSiteNews)
- Gavin Newsom’s DOUBLE JAB of Covid booster and flu shot made him sick enough to cancel Scotland trip and disappear from public view for nearly two weeks until he popped up at Ivy Getty’s wedding on Saturday (DailyMail)
- German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently (Summit News)
- NBA player said Christian faith guided him to reject COVID jab, stand for national anthem (LifeSiteNews)
- Dr. Igor Shepherd: Covid is a Global Military Operation, We’re Facing Genetic Genocide
- Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks (Yahoo)
- Italy’s suspected covid death tally corrected from 132,161 to 3,783… this is where covid hysteria began, and it was 97% FICTION (Natural News)
- ‘It’s the Jews’: Antisemitic tirade unchallenged at Arizona school board meeting (Times of Israel)
- Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometrics tests in 2015, 2017 (Silview)
- California county imposes mask mandate inside private homes regardless of vaccination status (LifeSiteNews)
- Russian Region Raffles Coal to Boost Covid Vaccinations (Moscow Times)
- Rogue Russian Monk Sentenced to 3.5 Years in Prison for Covid denial (Moscow Times)
- China’s covid misdirection via Epoch Times and other alt media (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Putin awards Soviet Jewish inventor of Sputnik V covid shot (
- Pro and amateur athletes dropping like flies after death vax?
- Vax liberation script may be in the works (Timothy Fitzpatrick)
- Russian Federation Communist Party (official opposition) supports clot shot mandates (
- EXCLUSIVE: ‘If it’s so scary for you, f*** off home!’: Maskless man berates ‘coward’ Tube passengers for wearing masks saying ‘you are leading us into slavery’ (DailyMail)
- On COVID restrictions, our governments keep firing up the gaslights and shifting the goalposts (CBC)
- WestJet flight diverted back to Calgary after pilot medical emergency (Calgary Herald)
- Jewish Beverly Hills residents receive anti-semitic flyers in zip-lock bags on their front lawns on the first night of Hanukkah
- NHL postpones multiple games for ‘fully vaccinated’ team with COVID outbreak (LifeSiteNews)
- Video: Demon Spills The Beans on Black Magic in Covid clot shot
- Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS report (LifeSiteNews)
- Refugees denied COVID jabs because manufacturers fear lawsuits over adverse reactions, documents show (LifeSiteNews)
- Conservative MP: Trudeau wants to make jab mandates, COVID protocols permanent (LifeSiteNews)
- What’s the Covid Jab Doing to the Brain? (Vernon Coleman)
- Swedish company showcases microchip that can download COVID-19 passport status (Yahoo Finance)
- Prominent bishops, priests, laity sign ‘Bethlehem Declaration’ that opposes ‘morally illicit’ COVID shots (LifeSiteNews)
- Swedish startup Epicenter unveils rice-sized microchip implant that stores your COVID vaccine passport under your skin and is read with technology used to take contactless payments (DailyMail)
- Graphene makes probing the brain easier (Materials Today)
- It’s time for Canadians to just say no (Toronto Sun)
- COVID Backwards In Hebrew Is DIVOC: Possession By An Evil Spirit (We Live in a Mad World)
- Five professional soccer players die from heart attacks, fueling speculation of vaccine side effects (LifeSiteNews)
- Israel, One of Most Vaccinated Countries in the World, Sets New COVID-19 Case Record (Epoch Times)
- Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital Ottawa as up to 50,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ anti-vaccine mandate truckers arrive at his office – days after he dismissed them as a ‘small fringe minority’ (DailyMail)
- ‘Makes No Sense’: Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa (Epoch Times)
- Covid microchip developer says there’s no stopping roll-out: ‘Whether we like it or not!’ (Express)
- Heroic Dr. Mel Bruchet MD, 80 years old, handcuffed, drugged, and imprisoned for warning us (
- Alleged Russian hacker claims clot shot being used to track people, even in Russia (Video-Brighteon)
- EXCLUSIVE: Unsettling photos show heavily bruised great-grandfather, 78, after being forcefully handcuffed by Ottawa cops for honking his car horn to support Freedom Convoy as family says he is suffering from PTSD (DailyMail)
- The TRUTH about the Freedom Convoy: RUPA SUBRAMANYA spoke to close to 100 protesters. She didn’t find a single insurrectionist, white supremacist, racist or misogynist. She did find a diverse group of decent people, who’ve had enough
- ‘Don’t kick them out until we get our turn’: Read the shameful Ottawa cops’ texts about roughing up peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters and laughing about their horses trampling grandmother in disability scooter
- Unsustainable Humanity (Igor Shepherd)
- Why liberals love masks (Catholic League)
- They’re Dying Suddenly in Russia, Too (News from Underground)
- The Father of the Vaccine (Renegade Tribune)
- China Played a Major Role in Creating the Pfizer Vaccine! (New American)
- How Health Freedom Defense Fund Vanquished Technocrat Mask Tyranny (Technocracy News)
- Israeli researchers warn of new international COVID wave, driven by Delta comeback (Times of Israel)
- Russia’s COVID shot collusion with AstraZeneca (Edward Slavsquat)
- Peer-Reviewed MIT Study Finds ‘Significant Association’ Between Covid Jab and Cardiac Arrest
- Radio host injured by COVID jab says media ‘don’t want to hear’ about adverse events (LifeSiteNews)
- Rabbis explain whom Covid is meant to kill (James Hill)
- Jerusalem Post op/ed goes out of its way to deny Jewish conspiracy behind Covid (Jerusalem Post)
- China elected to governing board of World Health Organization despite COVID-19 role (LifeSiteNews)
- Vaccine demands by rabbis appear linked to depopulation plans (James Hill)
- Russia “moving towards” making COVID shots mandatory in the national vaccination calendar — health minister (Edward Slavsquat)
- Rabbi Lazar Backs Russian Vaccine (Chabad)
- Israel caught hiding children’s vaccine injuries (America’s Frontline News)
- 700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin (Rumble)
- World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund For Vaccine Passports (Technocracy News)
- To save Jews and keep Nazis away, these doctors invented a fake infectious disease (Times of Israel)
- Jeremy Mansfield: South Africa broadcaster beat leukemia 13 years ago, calls non-vaccinated “fuc**ng stupid,” now in palliative care with liver cancer
- Israel to host WHO European regional conference for the first time (Jerusalem Post)
- Legal Bombshell: $10 Million Legal Settlement To Healthcare Workers Who Were Forced To Take mRNA Jab (Technocracy News)
- Live With UK Funeral Director John O’Looney
- Putin: “We have established a dialogue with Israel on the supply of vaccine” (TASS)
- Putin’s Jewish Rothschild clot shot Tsar says SputnikV needs to be updated to Kraken variant (
- One of the developers of Russia’s Sputnik V COVID vaccine strangled to death in a Moscow apartment (
- Russian Jew Khavkin created world’s first cholera/plague vaccine (
- Russian finance minister stresses need to maintain WHO’s central role in ‘sanitary shield’ (TASS)
- Russia is still complicit in the Great Reset (Edward Slavsquat)
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Chat GPT said this was too much information for it to process (too long). I wonder how many people will be able to get through all, or part of it?