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BIS Plan For A GLOBAL CBDC Was Just Released
'THEY' try to use all means to bring about THEIR ultimate Goal of Talmudic-Supremacism over the Goyim! Started with the, what I call, 'The Jewish Plague', Marxist Bolshevik-Communism, that disease of the Jews, that they spread from, St. Petersburg, Russia, to Shanghai, China, to Cape Town, S. Africa resulted in the deaths of some 200 million people in the 20th century. That was/IS the World HOLOCAUST done by the Jews! They are still working to achieve their Demonic Goals, in the Holy Land-Palestine they want to create, establish their Nest-Capital, JERUSALEM, from where rule the World-Goyim! Now in the21st century, Global Warming, WEF, One World Order, Global CBDC, Total Control=High Tech GULAG, Transgenderism-Sexual Deviant-Bio-Neutral Creatures are being created, Masculinity is Male Supremacy, must be wiped out! No more MEN-WOMEN, just CREATURES will do, who are easier to control, keep in line, by the 'Chosen Few'!
James, You are correct to point out "Talmudic" which implies Sematic Tribes, Muslim's/Arab's as well. They All work together to Genocide Indo-Europeans.
You are certainly Correct about the 200 Million Genocide that plagued White Slavik & European homelands in the entire 20th Century.