
What is 10x more lethal than COVID-19? Viral covidiocy. 9 out of 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated in the K, Israel, Chile and Argentina, where case fatality rate was 1300% higher for the vaccinated than for the unvaccinated, plus a higher 40% contagion rate (5% if unvaccinated): the opposite of the narrative. The USA, also showed worse outcomes for
the vaccinated than the unvaxxed. COVID waves seem to have receded due to the increase of herd immunity of the recovered, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
In the USA and Europe, 5 million adverse reactions and 70 thousand deaths were reported linked to COVID vaccines. Informed consent forms can’t protect COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers against legal actions, even under immunity by law, not only because they
are not really “vaccines” but gene hacks to produce the S1 spike protein
(or parts), nor because some or all the elements are secret, un-disclosed or hidden, but especially, because the cure had been found, voiding Emergency Use Authorization (EUA):
if you get COVID, especially if vaccinated, follow this successful evidence-based treatment
This research is not “antivaccine”, but pro-sane-vaccines. Unlike insane vaccines, it stands for evidence based medicine, i.e. scientifically proven safe and effective treatments.
500 scientific citations prove a systemic  bias against cheap effective cures and towards unethical, ineffective and/or unsafe vaccines.
Among dozens of effective treatments here reviewed, ivermectin is the best mass cure for COVID-19 variants. It had been scientifically proven beyond any reasonable doubt by
May 2020, yet, instead of informing the public about the amazing results and going back to normal, there was a global scheme to block lifesaving information and promote lock downs, masks, restrictions, experimental vaccines and passports.
1 million dollars of ivermectin would end the pandemic compared to 160 thousand million dollars PER YEAR to keep a perpetual endemic disease, with vaccines always chasing new variants in a never ending lucrative arms race.
It is not a matter of unsettled science: there are more RCT studies than for any other standard-of-care treatment. An insane “war on bugsby legal drug cartels?
It was an un-treatment pandemic designed to push vaccines and expensive monoclonal antibodies as the only option.
The pandemic proved that there is neither quality control nor pharmacovigilance in any country of the world, especially the USA. In spite of more deaths linked to COVID vaccines than all deaths reported since 1990 from all vaccines, there was no real follow up of cases, no studies about subclinical side effects like myocarditis and thrombosis, no interest in public health: Deaths after vaccination (USA,
With COVID vaccines, Governments have turned a medical act into an administrative mandate.
 Yet, practically no medical association protested against this violation of the right of the physician to practice medicine, i.e. a customized  treatment according to the best knowledge/possibilities.

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