The posts reshared by McKinney also accused Jews of genocide and pedophilia.
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney shared a number of antisemitic posts on X throughout the beginning of October.
One of the posts that McKinney shared claimed that “Jews promised to murder Xtians…they boast that they murdered Christ…so Christ followers no biggy to Jews. World, we have a problem!”
In another repost by McKinney, it was claimed that “Jews and Israel love trafficking organs, children and women, murderers, slavery black and white, genocide Muslims and other countries worldwide, lies, manipulations, pedophilia and sex offenders, funding training Azov nazis and al-Qaida….”
The images accompanying the post are headlines used by Israeli media reporting on sex crimes that Israelis or diasporic Jews were accused of committing. Many of the articles also reported on Jewish pedophiles using Israel as an escape haven from prosecution in their countries of origin.
Another of the posts that McKinney shared, on October 4, included images of alleged Jewish involvement in the African slave trade.
Cynthia McKinney’s history of antisemitism
McKinney has previously made headlines for antisemitic posting on X.
In September 2023, the Jerusalem Post reported on McKinney sharing an invitation to a KKK event entitled, ““CAN BLACK PEOPLE AND WHITE PEOPLE WORK TOGETHER DEFEAT OUR COMMON ENEMY?” with a Star of David under the word “ENEMY.”
Well, that debate got shut down on all platforms and my notice about it got shut down on "X!" Interesting how the First Amendment now works!
— Cynthia McKinney PhD (@cynthiamckinney) September 12, 2023
In other posts from the former Democrat, she shared an article claiming that “The Zionist regime was the prime force behind the 9/11 attacks, and that Israeli spies working for Mossad were celebrating the burning Twin Towers.”
Aired Only One Time
— Cynthia McKinney PhD (@cynthiamckinney) September 12, 2023
McKinney made similar claims about Jewish involvement in the September 11 attacks, the Post reported in 2021.
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Watch "Marching to Zion documentary" that doesn't even begin to cover the evil of the God damn Jews.
And make no mistake, GOD HATES JEWS. Their religion is PURE EVIL. Diomedes, pull your head out of your ass, and why don't you fucking learn something, you jewish supremacist apologist fucking pedophile.
It's judaism.
All zionist and jewish supremacist and genocidal and trannyism and their pedophile beliefs come directly from their religious book, the Talmud and the Zohar, along with their beliefs promoting mass murder of gentiles and murdering Christians and stealing from Christians or their genocide in Palestine/Gaza and now Syria and the white genocide the jews have been perpetuating with immigration policies and speech laws in the West, locking up whites who protest their own ethnic cleansing, and then they have police in the UK a bunch of pedos who cover for Islamic Muslims Arab rape gangs that kidnap and gang rape and murder white and Christian kids.
The jews in Israhell literally argued for their "right" to rape and sodomize prisoners. It's all from their abominable and evil and wicked religion and their abominations of the Talmud and the Zohar.
You're just a Jew covering for the jews and their beliefs which cause them to act as they do. Go fuck yourself. At best you're a useful idiot, at worst you're a Christ-killed pedo jew. Fuck you dude. I'm so sick of people like you, dumbass fucking idiots who know NOTHING, making excuses for the jews' religion and what it promotes.
Everything you see Zionazis doing is a DIRECT RESULT of jews' religious beliefs — yes including their pedophilie and blackmail rings with Epstein and kidnapping kids via CPS (typically going after Christian kids and they want to give Christians' kids to sodomites since jews are reprobates and fags — Israhell is the fag capital of the world — and all fags are pedophiles).
Go fuck yourself, kike.
Considering so many 10s of 1000s of people are awakening to the atrocities, the many lies, the many pathological, homicidal dispositions of the zionist jews, perhaps now is not a good time for netanyahu to be so visibly declaring /demanding death to Palestinians – and the world, for that matter.
it is not Judaism, it was the Khazar Jews, Askanazi or the what they called Zionist Jew,
She knows what she is talking about. It was Mossad behind 9/11. Wake up folks…