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“WHITE HOUSE DOWN! ~ America Is Under Zionist Occupation”
Thank you! Finally and while I still think that TRU NEWS is still worshipping a RABBI AND A JEW RELIGION ESTABLISHED BY (((PETER THE ROCK)))…. I respect this statement from Rick.
Ridiculoys characters like (((BENNY FULLFORD))) continue to fake propaganda that it is the "NATTTTZIES", the Natzis…. just as ridiculoys as Alex Jones and his classic "the globalists and the chicoms"
While HIGH ESOTERICS are also playing a role and the false sides (((good and bad))) ((( right hand path versus left hand path))) are still at play…. Rick states he belongs in the Kingdom of God and I see that statement as [THOSE WHO CAME HERE TO LIBERATE] versus those who enslave (((Npcs, Jews, Globalists, Masons, Catholics, all other religions, Dragon Families, Archons of all sorts, creator defending narratives, all other Synarchic orders and groups))).
The truth ====> are you here to free humanity or enslave it.
US is not under occupation of Zionist US, UK,EU Israel was established by ruling Illuminati bloodline know in ancient time as Black nobility,to be use as instrument for global of control and manipulation,they embedded in every aspect of every of human civilization & society, meaning human race was infected by the Illuminati bloodline,they were living among as,
I pray that becomes true, that you’re going to the kingdom of God, but if you call yourself a Christian then I must say, you’re a damn fool, you sucked the lies since birth and have never seen the truth. You’ll just be coming back here, or lower, trying to get it right. Sri Krishna is God, and the one known as Christ told us of that truth, before the snakes took the truth away and gave you those stories of demonic origin known as the bible. The numerology of the bible is occult, not divine, and that’s a very clear clue. The divine numbers are 1,2,8,16,32,64,108. The bible’s significant numbers come from the witches that wrote it.