Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

Warning labels on MEAT
It's totally off base. People have lost their tiny minds.
More bull shit or was it a cow
Evil! There is nothing harmful about eating meat. That's an old lie told to push the fat is bad argument. The only harm is in the way the cows are fed. Grass fed meat is best. The climate is always changing always has always will, but the extremes in our natural world are due to the assaults by Geoengineering,weather manipulation, HAARP, Directed Energy Weapons, GMO'S ,food additives and preservatives, and many more issues . Crimes against Humanity for the globalist New World Order Madness genocidal agenda!