Video Link

This week, Alex Jones interviewed former Jew Brother Nathanael Kapner, an Orthodox Christian, and after being once again humiliated on the Jew issue, deleted the interview from his website, Banned.Video.
Alex be like: “Banned.Video – where I ban my own videos.”
The full video (worth watching) is above, and here are some of the better clips.

I am accused of having shit-talked brother Kapner in the past. I probably did early on. But now, he’s been doing this for 15 years, and he deserves big respect.
He is always on it.
Here he is talking about Hitler.

 Video Link

It’s hard to trust a Jew convert to Christianity, but Kapner is legit. As far as I can tell. I can’t see any other reason he would do this so aggressively for so long.
Further: though I don’t really respect Alex Jones, I do appreciate that he is allowing people who are against the Jews on his show.
The fact that Jones is now interviewing antisemites shows which ways the winds are blowing.
Everyone is talking about the Jews now.
All of my dreams are coming true.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Agree many in knowledge sharing good logical points are worthy, as well knowledge has no sides much is really as presented and or used by, just understand its source filter and acknowledge accept what resonates and too know not all book covers behold full girth of its content by the purity towards goodness in all of mankind. The symbolism and use of verbal tone and enforce of certain words can be lucrative to spellbinding its source may not be expressing the rightful truth (as a slithering snake may hiss in warning) .
    Trust within and behold that trust and quickly retreat.
    i-ching #33 retreat The power of the dark is ascending. The Light Retreats to security that dark cannot encroach upon it. it is of natural law, as well can be called by the inner gut. as Trust your feelings in presence of. to be aware!

  2. Wizard of Darkness! Versed in the Art of War, know thy enemy. Sure Know what thy enemy is daunting one by disguise of Wizards clothing. The Intelligent use of "Voice programmed variance of command is being expressed to singsong words for all listeners" the very words of one by expression indicating not Zionism is all of the double sided mouth command its belly shall condition to the enemy or its enemy all.
    Why all black why the star pendant of "What" Mastery pendant in of the arts of wizardry and command token to underlay its truth prior to striking like a King Cobra. Come little one I have a treat for you.
    Careful. Why has not one of d.. clans not progressed and evolved only to behold what has been lengthened study and mastery of long time endings. No not a wolf in sheep clothing, not a wolf in wolf clothing a dragon in of its scaled reptilian dragon fire breathing clothing. Reaching times before Christ set birth and others like him to try and help man help themselves create invest and provide a better standard loving all to each other.
    They do not change because they all have convinced themselves they know then by command of such various trickery that its their held knowledge they continue to this day to hold such craft of deception and reverse psychologies. Any of the "isms" he mentions Zionism 's commu….'sms social…'sms etc etc
    All feel to believe to think Master Controllers of all and others of skin not of their own. Radical by term all race have them no matter, their infiltration to all and back slice verbal blade and hatchet. Masters of and creators of money. The very Slave stone weighing all those who carry such trinket dream robbery theft murder death kill. what has it brought from a very long term long ago in a galaxy planning then all thru of the now nanosecond time.

    A once proud term always still has dominion and power over all. Proof of Source GOD Creator. simply look around you. All is the influence of his freedom gift feature in the building of all things now created by mankind.
    Yet the counter to such wonderful mastery of Stardom to creations invention and feature rich conduct. Another solely and only another taken by hiding form of human, From their we take it all and over! it is easy now to see what they have brought to the lands of earth and all mankind.
    Pretty much all the same as adding a Copper Penny to a Glass of Coka-cola Pepsi what have you. Dissolving to end point reaching vaporizing nothingness.


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