Article first posted in September 2022.
According to a new Ivermectin study published in the Cuerus Journal of Medical Science, the drug reduced the COVID-19 mortality rate by 92 percent.
According to a recent peer-reviewed study, regular ivermectin users had a death rate that was 84 percent lower than that of irregular users and 92 percent lower than that of non-users.
Flávio Cadegiani, a board-certified endocrinologist, and Pierre Kory, a controversial expert in pulmonary and critical care medicine and president and chief executive officer of the Front Line Critical Care Alliance, are among the authors.
The study (pdf below), which was conducted using a prospective observational study of 88,012 participants in the Brazilian city of Itaja, was released on August 31 in the Cuerus Journal of Medical Science.
According to the publication, people who used ivermectin as a preventive medication before becoming infected with COVID experienced significantly lower rates of hospitalisation and mortality.
The citywide initiative collected data prospectively and methodically between July 7 and December 2 of 2020.

The procedure entailed giving a group referred to as the “irregular” group a reduced dose of ivermectin (proportional to body weight) for 150 days, and the “regular” group up to three times or more of that dosage.
“Comparisons were made between non-users (subjects who did not use ivermectin), and regular and irregular users after multivariate adjustments. The full city database was used to calculate and compare COVID-19 infection and the risk of dying from COVID-19. The COVID-19 database was used and propensity score matching (PSM) was employed for hospitalization and mortality rates,” the study states.
The report also claims that in the “regular” group, the hospitalisation rate was 100% lower.
McCullough and Zelenko Protocols
Dr. Benjamin Marble, an urgent care specialist in Florida who has been in practise for more than 20 years, claims that among the 150,000 acute COVID-19 patients they have treated, just six deaths have occurred.
According to Marble, the “McCullough protocol“, of which ivermectin is the cornerstone drug, was used to attain the nearly 100% success.
“This is another great study which proves ivermectin works against COVID-19, something I already knew is a simple fact,” said Marble.
According to Marble, this study “should be the nail in the coffin” to the arguments that ivermectin is ineffective at preventing COVID.
“This study proves what we have known for some time, that ivermectin was an effective tool to combat COVID-19,” stated Kevin Jenkins, co-chair of the Zelenko Foundation.
Jenkins said, “Sadly, the only thing that comes to my mind is the lives that we’ve lost.”
Doctor Vladimir Zelenko is a Nobel Prize nominee who is renowned for discovering and using the “Zelenko Protocol,” a pioneering treatment for COVID. On June 30, he went away from cancer.
A combination of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, azithromycin, and other medications, including steroids, is known as the “Zelenko Protocol.”
Ivermectin is unsafe for human use and is meant for use on cattle and horses, according to major media outlets like the BBC and CNN.
“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” the FDA wrote on Twitter on Aug. 21, 2021.
According to Jenkins, the groups that fought against the use of these drugs ought to “be brought to justice.”
“Legacy media has lost all of what’s left of their credibility! These agencies pushed the greatest misinformation campaign known to man!” “[They’re] going to pay,” stated Jenkins.
Jenkins, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Dr. Christiane Northrup, members of the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” recently spoke after records revealed the Biden administration engaged in extensive censoring actions that directly impacted them.
Ivermectin has been promoted for usage off-label to treat COVID-19 in its early phases by at least two organisations, including the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group.
Ivermectin has not been approved or authorised by the FDA “for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19,” according to the CDC in an August 26, 2021 health advisory. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has also determined that there are currently insufficient data to recommend ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.
In a joint statement released in September 2021, the American Medical Association, the American Pharmacists Association, and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists expressed their opposition to using it to treat COVID-19 outside of a scientific trial.
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