No diversity of thought allowed.

BBC staff are being ordered not to hire anyone who refuses to embrace ‘diversity’ indoctrination, a Telegraph report reveals.

Candidates who are “dismissive” of diversity and inclusion are not being considered for roles at the British broadcaster.

Apparently, diversity of thought isn’t welcome at the BBC.

Recruiters are told, “Don’t hire [candidates who are] unsuited to the organisation” if they are “dismissive or derisory of diversity and inclusion and surrounding topics.”

Since “diversity” has basically become a synonym for “conformity” and includes a whole baggage of shitlib ideology, the guidance is a way of preventing conservatives from ever working for the organisation.

Candidates who show show a “lack of interest in learning more where no evidence of education and understanding of diversity and inclusion was given” are also rejected.

“The place that I have given years of my working life, and that I sincerely cherish, currently feels captured by Left-wing activists and is unable to deliver on our core principle of impartiality,” said one BBC source.

“These guidelines illustrate just how embedded DEI [Diversity, Equality and Inclusion] ideology is in the BBC,” said Robin Aitken, a former BBC journalist and author

“The rules act as a mechanism to maintain groupthink and screen out anyone who is sceptical of this novel doctrine of diversity and inclusion.”

As we previously highlighted, part of the BBC’s effort to push “diversity and inclusion” consists of normalizing the bizarre furry subculture as well as making Doctor Who gay.

As a potential BBC employee, if you’re not all about “the message,” you’re simply not welcome.



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