cancer season astrology 2024


Cancer Season 2024 begins on the June 20 Solstice, a time when the veil is thin and we can tap into the healing powers of mother nature with greater ease.

The Solstice also brings either the longest or shortest day of the year. For those experiencing the longest day of the year, we are being encouraged to shine outward, and put our ideas and visions out into the world. For those experiencing the shortest day of the year, we are being encouraged to shine within and pay closer attention to our internal world and our dreaming state.

The Solstice is also our reminder that we are half way through the calendar year and at a turning point where we can take a new direction if we choose to. Set intentions under the Solstice about how you would like the remainder of 2024 to go. Set intentions for more peace, more love, more gratitude, and more of whatever you are looking for in your life moving forward.

It is never to late to start moving in the direction that you desire. It’s never too late to share with the Universe what you need or what you would like.

While the Solstice is a powerful time for setting intentions, it is also a great time to sit out in nature and soak up the healing vibrations of the energy grid. Allow yourself to feel more connected and more attuned to the wonderful world around you.

Cancer Season 2024

Following the powerful Solstice energies, we are met with the first of two Capricorn Full Moons, one on June 21st shortly after the Solstice peaks, and the second on July 21st.

Both the June and July Capricorn Full Moons will work in tandem, revealing more to the picture as the month unfolds. This means that whatever events transpire under the June Full Moon will only be part of the story, and we may have to wait till July to receive the full picture.

While these Full Moons do hold some heavy energies and are encouraging us to step up into a new level of responsibility, they offer some just rewards too!

Cancer Season 2024 also brings Saturn and Neptune Retrograde on June 29th and July 2nd respectively, as well as a sweet and sensitive Cancer New Moon on July 5th, which happens to coincide with the powerful Sirius Gateway!

Sirius is considered our Spiritual Sun and every year around the first week of July, it conjuncts our Sun, shining down high frequency energy that supports the advancement of life on earth.

The New Moon taking place at this time is a powerful omen for new beginnings, and for a new wave of possibilities to take hold. This is going to a be a power time to rise up, step into a new freedom, and access new parts of our consciousness.

Cancer Season officially comes to an end on July 22nd, as the Sun enters Leo.

Working with the Energies of Cancer Season

To work best with the energies of Cancer Season, it helps to understand the messaging behind the crab. Most people think that Cancer is sensitive, moody, and like the crab, wants to be in its shell. But there is actually so much more to this little creature, and so much more to this zodiac sign!

The story behind the Cancer Crab is actually a surprising one. The Crab was actually a protector of other ocean life and would use its hard shell and fealess, caring nature to look out for those around it. While protecting a fellow sea creature, the Crab was crushed to death. To honor the Crab for its bravery and loyalty, its crushed pieces were scattered into the sky, forming the many twinkling stars of the Cancer constellation.

Whenever we look up to the constellation of Cancer, or we enter Cancer Season, it is our reminder that we too hold that fearless nature. That we too can stand up for those that we love, and that we too, hold the same bravery and strength in our hearts.

The Crab is not the largest, biggest, or most dangerous creature in the sea. It is not really an animal that we think of when we hear the words protector, and yet, despite its outward appearance, the Cancer Crab was all of those things.

If you are feeling small, unworthy, or unfit to handle something that is unfolding in your life, Cancer Season is your time to shake off your fears and insecurities, and connect with the power of your heart.

The crab gets its strength, and its fierceness not from its physical body, not from its knowledge, but from its heart.

As our heart expands, as we connect with the love that we are, and the love that surrounds us, we too are able to find our courage, our compassion, and our strength. We, too, can stand up for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for the life that we desire.

Things to Do During Cancer Season:

  • Acknowledge and give gratitude for all that you love and all that is important to you
  • Protect all that you care about (including yourself)
  • Love all parts of yourself
  • Connect to compassion
  • Do something for others
  • Spend time with your family
  • Create comfort in your living space
  • Create feelings of security, especially in your living situation
  • Feel at home within yourself, regardless of what is going on for you
  • Honor your emotions
  • Work with your heart energy- allow yourself to feel
  • Slow down and move with intention


Intuitive Astrology: Capricorn Full Moon June 2024

capricorn full moon astrology june 2024

The Capricorn Full Moon arrives on June 21st, shortly after the Solstice, amplifying its power and magnetism.

Full Moons draw energy up and out of us, making them powerful portals for releasing, completing, and unearthing new information. And, as the energy grid of the planet moves into higher harmony under the Solstice, the Capricorn Full Moon allows us to experience a deeper healing and a deeper shift into alignment.

The Capricorn Full Moon and Stepping into Alignment

One of the ways the Capricorn Full Moon beckons us to step into this alignment, is through stepping up into full ownership of our lives.

We have to claim all of our choices. We need to accept what currently surrounds us. We need to take responsibility for exactly where we have landed, regardless of how uncomfortable that may be.

This is not to say that we are responsible for the things that happen to us, but rather, we are responsible for dealing with the things that happen to us.

When we can accept the cards we have been dealt, when we can accept where our choices have landed us, that is when we can rise up and find a new power, a new success, and even a new determination.

If we step up under this June Capricorn Full Moon, if we rise up and say, “I accept”, and wholeheartedly feel it with our being, miracles can happen under this Solstice Moon.

For guidance with this, we can turn to the Capricorn Sea-Goat, and use it as our spirit guide.

The Capricorn Sea-Goat as Our Spirit Guide

Capricorn is ruled by the mythical Sea-Goat. It is half goat, half fish, never really belonging to the land or to the seas, but nonetheless, it finds its way, giving the Sea-Goat a rare vantage point that no other animal can experience.

As the Sea-Goat masters the ability to climb a mountain, it can see the world from up high. As the Sea-Goat masters the ability to swim, it can see the world from below the surface.

The Sea-Goat has so much riding against it, but it has learned to step up and take responsibility for all that it is and all that it has. It is through this acceptance and this responsibility that the Sea-Goat finds its gifts and success.

The Sea-Goat is unlike the other animals, but when it embraces all that it is, it unlocks its true and magical potential.

How can embracing all that you are lead you to your magical potential and success? There is only one way to find out!

A Duet of Capricorn Full Moons

The June 21st Capricorn Full Moon is one of two that we will experience this year. The next Capricorn Full Moon arrives just as Cancer Season comes to an end on July 21st. This means that the first Capricorn Full Moon is part one of our story, making the second Capricorn Full Moon the final part of our story.

Whatever transpires under this June Capricorn Moon will likely continue to reveal itself as we move into July. Full Moons bring release and endings, so it seems there are two parts or more to the story with whatever comes up for release.

Full Moons can also amplify our emotions and bring up emotions that were buried deep within. Perhaps in order to really understand the feelings that are arising, we need to give things time; we need to give more breathing room for the Moon to work its magic.

A Wave of Emotions

As the two Full Moons fall at the beginning and end of Cancer Season, it is possible that many of the themes we will be working with over the next month relate to our emotions, our ability to feel compassion for others, and our home and family environment.

Cancer energy wants us to feel safe; it wants us to be in such a secure place that we can lovingly and wholeheartedly protect and nourish ourselves and all that we love.

There is some heaviness floating under these two Capricorn Moons as well that we may find hard to integrate or digest.

We may feel a harshness or experience harshness in the world around us. We may feel held back in some way or perhaps closed in. While there are lessons for us in this space, we can work with this energy in a productive way by setting boundaries and being clear with others and ourselves about what we need.

Pay attention to what comes up and out of you under this June Capricorn Full Moon. Perhaps take some notes so you can keep track of how the story completes itself come July.

A Solstice Capricorn Full Moon

A Solstice Full Moon is always a powerful one. The Universe wants us to release all that is blocking and holding us back from realizing our dreams and potentials. And very often, what is blocking us is acceptance.

See if you, like the Sea-Goat, can rise up and accept all that you are and all that you have been given. See if you can become the master of your destiny by accepting your fate rather than working against it.

You may even wish to look back at the intentions you set under the December Solstice of 2023. How have your intentions manifested? And what blocks can you release to make your intentions come true?

If you start with acceptance, ;f you start with responsibility, you, like the Sea-Goat, will experience the rewards of the mountains and the seas.

Your Capricorn Solstice Full Moon Ritual and Reading is here.


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