July 13 2024 Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump
Sunday Morning Quarterbacking
By Rev. Kat Carroll
By now, you have noticed the “shots heard round the world”, the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump at the very beginning of Saturday’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The incident occurred when a 20-year-old man, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, opened fire on the rally, injuring Trump’s right ear and killing one spectator and seriously injuring two others.
The name of the young shooter was not identified till much later since he had no identification on him when found. Trump’s security service eradicated the problem almost immediately. Unfortunately, there was no way to question him about his motives after the head shot that killed him. He’s shown later in this article.
It’s easy to Sunday morning quarterback when you were not at the event. However, observing the event unfolding, and the aftermath that ensued, I was left with more questions than answers. I’m noting some “Bullet Points”, (if you’ll pardon the pun), about recent events that could be related. Some even predicted.
Why would someone want Donald Trump dead? Is he that hated by the left or does he and his team have information on government officials around the world that threatens them? But if you talk horribly about someone for almost ten years, stating he is a threat to democracy, a danger, and all his supporters are deplorable, homophobic, and many other names, is it not possible that some unhinged person would feel they need to take the problem into their own hands? Such is the language of hate and planting poisonous seeds in the consciousness of the public who has not been able to think for itself.
Let’s start with the ongoing trials of Donald Trump. Since before his election in 2016, the Democrats were finding reasons to impeach him for what later turned out to be “Trumped up charges”. Has a president ever spent his entire first term defending himself in court over what was later termed “a nothing burger”? The investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election has been extensively scrutinized. The search results reveal that multiple inquiries, including the Mueller investigation, have concluded that no evidence of a conspiracy was found. Many in the FBI were found complicit in perpetuating a fraudulent case against Trump.
The 2020 election where Biden won against Donald Trump had been watched by many patriots and a documentary was pulled together by Dinesh Souza called 2000 Mules. It garnered a lot of attention then was moved to paid only viewing. If what is covered in this documentary is true, then Trump did win the election, which is why he never conceded. There are a lot of people who would like to keep this hidden and Trump quiet. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18924506/
Meet The X-37B: Space Force’s Secret Mission That Flew For 908 Days – and spied on election fraud…
X-37B image courtesy of Space.com
In 2022, the FBI raided Trump’s home in Mara Lago removing passports, clothes and cases of documents from Trump’s home. His attorney was not allowed to be on site while it happened. They also turned off all the cameras (or so they thought). How is that legal? According to the Constitution and executive orders, the President of the United States has the authority to classify and declassify national security information. This authority is exercised through the President’s role as the Commander-in-Chief and the head of the executive branch. Executive Order 13526, which was signed by former President Barack Obama.
In the most recent case on confidential documents found in Trump’s home, documents were found locked in his basement away from public view. This is unlike those found in Biden’s garage left in plain sight and in multiple locations and apparently being sold by Hunter Biden to foreign officials. A gag order was attempted to keep Trump from discussing the case. Trump might have been arrested prior to the debate if the order stood.
“Federal judge Aileen Cannon heard arguments to impose a gag order regarding Trump speaking about his classified documents case. If Cannon imposed the gag order and Trump tried to defend himself in the Thursday debate on questions about the documents case, he would be in violation of that gag order and subject to arrest.”
Thankfully, that order was overturned. Per Politico:
“U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon turned down the gag order request Tuesday as she delivered another sharp warning to prosecutors that they need to make more concerted efforts at dialogue with Trump’s counsel before bringing disputes to the court.
“The Court finds the Special Counsel’s pro forma ‘conferral’ [with the defense] to be wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy,” wrote Cannon, a Trump appointee. “It should go without saying that meaningful conferral is not a perfunctory exercise.”
You can read the full article here: Judge Cannon rebukes Trump prosecutors over gag order request
Why did this not apply to Biden who had confidential documents in his possession when he was NOT the president? Will there be a boomerang effect in the near future? It’s good to remember that Al Capone, a notorious gangster, was sent to Alcatraz for tax evasion. Being the son of the President may offer a form of immunity, but not without embarrassment.
Per the Ways and Means Committee: The scheme generated millions of dollars from foreign countries for members of the Biden family, channeled through a vast array of corporate entities and shell companies. The evidence also documents a campaign by the Justice Department to protect the Biden family from investigation, even as Hunter Biden attempted to evade paying taxes on income that came from foreign countries, including China, Ukraine, and others. That Biden protection effort was strongest whenever investigative steps might have led to or implicated actions taken by Joe Biden. During the investigation into his son, officials instructed investigators seeking a search warrant to erase any mention of a “Political Figure 1,” who documents reveal to be Joe Biden.
On June 27, that debate took place and the world saw Biden as he is, without a teleprompter or people speaking in his ear. What was interesting is the fact that Biden chose CNN, known for their hatred of Donald Trump.
This June debate showed the world that he is mentally unfit to be President. It was already ruled that he was not mentally fit to stand trial! As of the evening of July 13, 19 Democrats and actor and former donator George Clooney have actively asked Biden to step down and many donors have stopped sending money. Despite choosing CNN to host the debate (who treat Trump with disdain), the date and time, muting microphones and other restrictions, it backfired terribly for Biden. He admitted, he’s not much good after 4pm. And it showed.
Since that debate, a plethora of YouTube videos have been shared about multiple crimes of his family, some he was directly involved with, and how the media has been lying and covering for him, and his family, for years. This was a big red pill for a lot of people to swallow.
There were predictions by channelers and remote viewers of an event this year.
Here is an article from politico on what could happen under certain “black swan” events.
Black swan events are high-impact occurrences that could throw the entire election off course. We’re talking about events so unexpected, so outside the realm of normal possibility, that they defy prediction and leave us scrambling to adapt. Think 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, or even the global pandemic we’re still grappling with today. Per Robert Brill in January of 2024. He also tells us how to be prepared and to survive such disruptive events in his article.
Some were wondering if Saturday’s assassination attempt was such a black swan event. Trump’s poll numbers had been falling but took a rapid climb after Saturday placing him above Biden as the favor to win the election.
Considering how many Secret Service were in the crowd, and calls from people who saw the shooter on the roof, how could this have happened at all and from so close to Trump? Why were no SS snipers posted on the building where the shots were taken, and why did it take so long to get them to look at what people in the crowd were yelling, man with a rifle on top of the building!? All high locations should have been covered or had agents assigned on or near possible sniper locations. What could possibly have gone wrong? Here is a post from Twitter/X:

Pictured: Thomas Matthew Crooks, would-be assassin who shot former President Trump
Also, did anyone else notice this man in the crowd behind Trump? There has been speculation of who he is for several years. Some of the patriot and truther and Q community think it could be JFK Jr. himself having faked his death after discovering explosives rigged on his plane.
There has been speculation that, if true, JFK Jr. would be chosen as Trumps Vice President. This would have set off a lot of concerns in the group known as, “the deep state” or the secret powers behind the presidency.
Here is an article from 2022 about Vincent Fusca. Vince Fusca, who some suspect of being a Kennedy, is running for Senate as his own man
I spotted him in the crowd and noted his calm demeanor. If you don’t think there is anything to this rumor, then just consider him a very big fan and leave it at that.
But, what if? Would those who want to maintain power in government want to keep another Kennedy out of the running, including Robert Kennedy Jr running as an Independant?
There have been predictions of an assassination attempt, one very recently published on July 4 by Dr. Michael Salla. Jelaila Starr on Failed Trump Assassination Attempt. – Interview Extract
Dick Alguire and Cliff High of Future Forecasting conducted a remote viewing and also some something happening in July 15. https://youtu.be/GQkrbCBO44k?si=b_i6UkdoHLhycECP. They state that something is about to happen that will change our perception of reality. Can you see the dots connecting?
Trump announced the creation of Space Force early in his first term. Many believe he would like to bring about disclosure, but a group may be preventing or blocking UFO/UAP disclosure from happening. If you think back, when Dr. Steven Greer started the Disclosure Project in 2001, and went public with whistleblowers, 9/11 buried information that was stored in building 7 that tumbled down despite very little damage. Steven Greer just announced that new whistleblower protection laws will begin on the 20th of this July, so close to the Republican Convention!
Would Trump have made a disclosure announcement had he not been shot? Would he have announced JFK Jr. as his VP? One wonders what he didn’t get to say! Could there possibly a team working quietly behind the scenes with a plan to save the world?
Interesting that the Republican National Convention starts tomorrow, the 15th. Trump’s popularity seems to be soaring after he insisted on stopping to wave to the crowd and pump his fist yelling “fight”! Even with his face covered in blood, he wanted everyone to know he was all right. This picture will be historical. The crowd went wild.
We know that Trumps not perfect. Is any man or woman? Would Jesus have been crucified for our sins if we were perfect? Whatever you think of the man, he is strong, stubborn and willing to fight for us. He asks only that we also fight for ourselves and our freedom.
Trump visited many nations to meet up with foreign leaders for world peace in January 2018, during his Capitulation Tour. He didn’t capitulate, the leaders of the various countries did, and we had 4 years of peace. This film is a good testament to what happened during that tour and why he was so viciously attacked in his first term by the far left democrats who never did peacefully transfer power. Trump said that the only way for us to succeed was in unity, working together. Details of what he held over them are in the video below.
President Trump & the Capitulation of World Leaders!
Defiant Trump raises is fist in defiance of the assassination attempt and tells us to fight. As crazy and chaotic the world seems at this moment, I ask you to hang onto hope, trust that there is a plan, and it is working in ways you may not immediately comprehend. It is a divine plan and you may have a part to play in transforming the world.
Other sources of information not generally seen in mainstream media or not included in the content above:
Black swan events: Could they derail the 2024 election?
@inthematrixxx on Twitter/X (there are several on X that have good reporting)
List of international presidential trips made by Donald Trump which began on January 20, 2017 and ended on January 20, 2021.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
If this attack on Trump had succeeded in his death, it would have reeked of the same problems that occurred in Dealey Plaza on the day JFK was assassinated. In that case, security also screwed up and backed off before the fatal shot(s). Also interesting that both Crooks parents are behavioral counselors. So were Kip Kinkle's parents in the Thurston High school shooting in 1998. How do the kids of people who should be able to recognize and treat mental issues miss this in their son? Sort of the perfect patsy in both cases.
Excellent article! Very good points for people to know about. I noticed Vince right away too. I have hope for our future. From dark to Light. This is definitely the time to get your popcorn!
Thank you Rachelle! If the attempt had been successful, it would have been similar to the assassination of JFK in 63, in that something occurred within security and they had backed away in the motorcade. In the case for Saturday, they didn't cover the most obvious building in line of sight, and delayed in getting the order to take the shot. This is a case of divine intervention. I anticipate a lot of news being released, such as what has come out since the debate between Biden and Trump. I mentioned the documents at Trumps home…. the judge dropped the case today!! Popcorn at the ready, Victory of the Light!