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Mike Stone – Forgive Trump His Fakery
Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing
After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is four more years of an impostor pretending to be Joe Biden, or four more years of Donald Trump, I’ll take Trump.
Seven signs of a fake shooting (See inside)
Makow Disclaimer- Trump is being installed to lead the West into a suicidal world war against Iran, Russia and China. He is a traitor and Americans are inveterate rubes. All world wars are orchestrated to kill patriots and increase the wealth and power of the central bankers. They couldn’t impose their tyranny with lockdowns and toxic vaccines. WW3 will bring in Agenda 2030.
Would you rather Trump play fair and lose the election?
Because the other side is never going to play fair. The other side stole the last two elections. The other side staged a fake pandemic and duped millions of people into taking a deadly “vaccine.” The other side, along with their followers, is completely unhinged. They would kill Trump, his entire family, and all of his supporters if they could. So what’s wrong with fighting fire with fire, or, to put it more accurately, fighting fakery with fakery?
Do you know a single brain-dead Democrat that feels even the slightest remorse over the last two stolen elections? Of course, you don’t. They are incapable of remorse. If you don’t believe me, ask your Democrat friends and family members if they feel bad about the stolen presidential election of 2020, or the stolen midterm elections of 2022. You don’t have to tell me how they’ll respond. I already know.
If they feel no remorse over the crooked dealings of their political leaders, why should you feel remorse over Donald Trump giving them a taste of their own medicine? And when Trump wins in November, you should openly gloat about it, and rub it in as much as you can.
“Man, if they hadn’t have tried to kill Trump, he never would have won. What a lucky break that was. And to think some people actually thought that shooting was fake.” Go ahead. Do it. Have a little fun for a change.
Real or Fake?
For those of you still teetering on the fence about whether this event was real or fake, consider this: the assassination attempt of Donald Trump fits 7 of my 12 Telltale Signs of a Fake Shooting. https://www.henrymakow.com/2024/02/mike-stone-gaslighting-is-the-msm-purpose.html
The 7 signs we see in this “shooting” are: no blood, no bodies, no surveillance video; Go Fund Me accounts set up within 24 hours of the event; non-stop media coverage; evidence immediately destroyed; the alleged perpetrator immediately caught or killed; multiple shooters; principals involved are current or former actors.
1) No blood, no bodies, no surveillance video: There is no photographic evidence that Corey Comperatore was killed. Have you seen his bloody corpse? I haven’t. Nobody has.
Comperatore has been described as the volunteer fire chief for Buffalo Township Fire Company 27, but did you see the memorial they set up for him at his own fire station? They spelled his name wrong. Then they did it again at the Republican National Convention. Was it because the Buffalo Township Fire Company never heard of the guy, or was it a subtle tell to those in the know?
They do that, you know. Throw out little signs to rub it in people’s faces. Why do you think that video of a smirking Robbie Parker was leaked to the public? It wasn’t done by accident.
2) Go Fund Me accounts set up within 24 hours: In this case, the Go Fund Me accounts went up so fast it was as if they had already been planned. And they’ve raised millions. This is one of the ways in which participants get paid.
3) Non-stop media coverage: The entire mainstream media is claiming, without exception, that the incident in Pennsylvania was an assassination attempt by a lone gunman. In case you forgot, the first rule when it comes to analyzing data is that the actual truth in any situation is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media is reporting. That has held true 100% of the time over the last 100+ years. Why would this be the lone exception?
Remember, these are the same people who told you that a non-existent virus was out to kill you. The same people who told you that a deadly and fake vaccine was “safe and effective.” The same people who told you that a man pretending to be Joe Biden got 81 million votes in the 2020 election. Did you forget all of that? The media has zero credibility. If they’re claiming it was a real assassination attempt, you can bet your bottom dollar it wasn’t.
4) Evidence immediately destroyed: Police have already hosed down the roof of the building where the alleged shooter was said to be, along with the roof where the counter sniper was. Why do you think they did that so fast?
5) The alleged perpetrator immediately caught or killed: Yup, a feminine-acting soyboy with no motive whatsoever to shoot at Trump. He’s gone now (if he ever existed) and can’t be questioned. Dead men tell no tales.
6) Multiple shooters: We now have numerous “eye witnesses” who claim they saw multiple shooters at the event.
7) Principals involved are current or former actors: Donald Trump is an actor, and a pretty good one. Or did you forget about that?
Of course, I can’t leave this topic without warning you once again that even with Trump in the White House nothing is going to change in the long run. People are too mired in sin, too intent on damning their souls to hell, for anything substantial to change.
And what in the world is going on with the Republican Party? As Andrew Anglin put it after watching the Republican National Convention, “It’s strippers, it’s homos, it’s foreign religious rituals, it’s fake ear bandages, it’s believing stupid shooting hoaxes, it’s calling for mass immigration from India, it’s endless wars with Israel’s enemies.”
From henrymakow.com
not everything is to be believed that is spread out of none reality into the front as being the lie of lies made to enforce a truth that is not.
Criminals and thugs have been ruining "Ops" running all countries as a Casino hall, and mafia covert, and all with pretty uniform's sharing "Authority". Agree so many if not all shootings are staged at back of factories close to and or edge of small town limits. All participants paid rather big to hush the truth that all is staged. The puppet pullers want to disarm all constitutionals for right to bare arms globally. Consider even the knowledge any proper gun trained gun Owner/hunter can know to see thru this. Even this attempt on mr Trump is a setup possibly to curve the lies believed in and bait what emerges from the cracks in the wood work. Flush out the criminals cut a hole in the haul watch the boat sink quick like, an see where the mice/rats emerg from in hiding, and just look at all the publicity, the determination stories to attempt and learn a new truth from so many angles. Back to any hunter. Had the shooter's really been using an AR like auto-magic weapon if .223 or 5.56 mm pretty much same bullet different ignition powder pkg's for different velocities. IF there where 3 shooters shooting directly at mr Trump and all missing their point of aim. There would be significant more murders by gun shot than what A Decent Fireman father! how so very sad and tragic so very sorry for all family and relatives My heart goes out to all. One lost their life over such display of idiots. Oh yes as well how Trained Snipper's where all watching thru optix of choice possibly even seeing the 1st sweat drop off the shooters ear, And they Did nothing until the 1st shot fired. 1 shot 1 kill. 1 sniper lost his job for doing the right thing 30 seconds too late. BS.
Consider all at fault by failing their jobs top down to the lowest nut.n.bolt of all security establishments Deliberate, at even the least for simple traffic coverage at a funeral, than such a wide live event of hundreds of Thousand peoples. 3 Shooters shooting. A thought to suspect would consider fly by miss to injure if not take off heads of many surrounding Trump. So there is a good cast of evidence. What where the laser checks to show less of 300 meter. Yet the end result is a true show of thugs attempting once again to rob steal and murder for purpose of mind control over all peoples. Yet how many of greater of 8 shots possibly heard. That would equal 8 or more for even pass threw injuries to trajectories Barrel to End-Point of targeted by sight alone.
Once again you have to wonder how these criminals of all times now have all been able to secretly get away with such murdering of its own peoples. Its obvious mob mind psi-ops to control all minds to culture a direction for all to band and jump on the same wagon of a new lie presented. Even at JFK there apparently where 8 shooters. I would almost doubt by any means Lee H. was even perched and not to the puppet step he was allegedly set to perform and with a cheap 29 dollar poorly built rifle. Fair number attempts showed gun used was inaccurate beyond 50 meters. impossible to place X number of hits on JFK. Jesse Ventura proved such. 1 example of many. the Word to consider we all have been led down the path of magical temptations to keep us in their hole/matrix of slavery at all cost and rob every single person of their Monies. And Life, Money for nothing its all about Money power and getting away with mass layers of lies presenting to be an understanding truth shut up and pay your taxes our lives have all be rigged to believing a different circumstance and we all too have given Paid into it all "dearly"!
yet few have their own faith and beliefs closer to a better truths and understandings of Spirit. A Lot more behind what meets the eye let alone media ear also of deceptive construct. manipulate the true story and play something upon all again creating the lie of a truth. They really can not even get Weather reports to be rightfully accurate. And continue this charade of calamity. They now do not even care for its own military. Go to battle get dead don't come home less it is in a box. "country joe" an 1 fish. How Sad same in Canada, Australia etc. all that is nato and associated. Sure to see the vivid picture. We do not need require any of this construct any longer break it all down to sand dis-assemble the play board, and rebuild a new Atlantis from ground up. Create the rival of trust integrity honor and common sense, field the new direction. For all country to join and step together constructively.
Has any thing changed really since JFK. No simply rooted more into the Red Velvet Drapery of LIES deceit and theft of the peoples. Constructing of 3 character Corporations also shown to lie by duty and title let alone oath of honor. Honor Trust Integrity went missing shortly after common sense was squashed into a rolo. Gone is it. Still some few hold those trusts and principles to heart and keep it to their own. The good few, thru too many unknown.
Time for 180 degree reverse and redirect into the path of truth light love and right given harmony for all thing. This is simply a baited extraction to capture more at their lies and unfaithful conduct to their legendary Oaths of duty. Old days when all caught little as treasonous acts 'Hint tip and living clue' line up to the Guillotine to remove the head off the snake. People who hunt deer with corn to lure in and kill the deer improper like, is not sportsman conduct let alone hunt for food. Much is similar by the conduct of Big pharma an what we call governments "the few bkwrds' w.E.f. Drug all and they can not use their minds to make good choice of anything. Cause chaos. Push all over the edge and master them like cattle "or sheep".
Time such is to lure the wrongful hunter of peoples faith and slavery energies, and put the Love of Light back into the hearts lost all along the way. We all have our slips trips and falls. We can forgive ourselves. Yet when these Thugs take from you, instant effect .n. rejection and inner hurt fills the consciousness. "Dirty gobber-munt". Grand-ma's all say it right. As they have all been defaming "mr T", Simply he was asked to run to duty up a deeper dark secret played under your kidnapped child never to be found again fear factors.
Or wife or daughter pedo sacrificial Leviticus sickness. So no wonder the savages are losing their fair game of free human food source and blood evil sacrificial tools they call "we own you". To do what we wish of you. No! no one owns nothing, owns no one, and is simply here to live and grow together.
Yet who can stand up and say we know what to do and act right. Play a story so many ways which one is the Truth. Ask yourself what is the real truth of all things. Not a trick question. Who is in control. we might say to think our trustee's the government we all call to fame support. "Our Selves" ???
Yet who is in command to pulling their strings to thwart upon all mankind such hypocrisy.
None have provided any proper support for the lands the people the animals lock them into zoo cages and control it all under their own sandbox and secret society of Red Fork Rule. The Matrix they control.
put it all in a boat. Cast it splashed with oil.n.gas send it out and rocket a flaming arrow to burn it all at sea. sink it for ever. Rocko'fellows corruption and all. We have tech to surpass carbon fuels. Call it Rebuild the Earth to a far better glory as to what these all have done with it over the last 15 thousand years in binding. New players turn incoming. The Light. And may God be our true Light guide for such a new duty and task becoming.