It is getting wild!


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. The unfortunate clause being deliberate in any case by forced upon any 1 of 2 sides. To the DS/DC KMafia clans. Simply an expendable asset. More the chaos and disruption more they feel they can control the out come. Or place a tin can on it and hold it down till nothings moving under. They perform this silent Trojan Horse technique every time as they place the word "Refugee" in front and pay people to act out parts again using all our Free-Gift-Tax monies for their game play expenditures. Add 'Move to your new future' 'The United Kingdoms', and Grow Rule more then the founders. Some alone would bite on such hypnotic arranged wordings. (enter mr Sorros or is that sorrow's of lies and more pain).

    Paid actors, sleepers until the call to purpose. (least the idea and some have activated in pockets let alone crimes never seen before etc etc) Take on Canada big candidate as has US of A-corps. All upon the Worlds a Stage platform. Game of Risk planetary control. Stand back and see the formula has been played much the same dress and participant does not matter. Its been a slow seed to be aware of its ugly growth. All we may do is hold value to inner faith that greater things are in all works to make change "A Reality".
    For this is our prize to live by biblical in a more great portion. Yet hardship on the mind! seeing it in view going down a spiral.
    Believe and feel all 6 sides of the matrix are under a microscope. The crescendo is close to its all out symphony of its main theme. (in wish dreams, view point at the 50 thousand ft lvl, and rising out too "Beyond the Stars").

  2. The deep state needs to be taken out with guns of course they do not care – do we really have an alliance liberating us so many promises and a can continuing to get kicked down the road. In reality our countries in Europe are being invaded by barbarian Islam for a take over and no matter what these hostiles being bussed in (legally and illegally) do to us our money is being spent on protecting and looking after them in the UK and our country is now a caldron of anger which is ready to explode. WE must get Islam out of UK we cannot continue on with our people being raped and killed and our economy being raped and Pillaged to give to these foreigners Billions of pounds being spent on this while our pensioners are being sited for deprivation of their winter fuel bill to plug the hole . People in UK do not know this but the Monarchy and the government of UK was dissolved for treason in 2001 they have no real power. We are already returned to Common Law and already have the power to kick them all out. watch this from just before 18 minutes : It is very hard to believe anyone or any information – I now tend to listen to the promises made verses what is continuing to effect our lives negatively in reality and it looks like the Deep state programmes are continuing on. AS the man said we need to enforce out liberation or else they will continue on. They are a bunch of crook mobsters he is making good sense to me. I want to see the army in UK deporting that enemy out of UK and escorting the corrupt parliament to Gitmo and our police is a private for profit security organisation that is why they are attacking us .


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