This Is One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube.


Maybe another option to send to some of your woke friends….

In a world where every significant event has been meticulously documented centuries in advance, the shocking revelations of Myron C. Fagin come to light through a 1967 recording. Fagin, a renowned Hollywood writer who unearthed dark secrets within the entertainment industry, claims that the world’s major events have been orchestrated by an elusive and powerful group. This secretive faction, which he identifies as the Illuminati, has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its inception in the 18th century. According to Fagin, this clandestine organization has been intricately involved in shaping history through a series of carefully planned events and covert operations. Fagin’s account details how the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s, infiltrated various institutions to further its agenda. The Illuminati, he asserts, evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States after World War I, maintaining its influence under different guises. This transition was designed to mask their ongoing manipulations and to control media narratives. By acquiring control over mass communications and press outlets, Fagin argues that the CFR, as a modern incarnation of the Illuminati, has ensured that the public remains misled and uninformed about the true nature of global conspiracies. Fagin elaborates on the mechanisms of this grand conspiracy, explaining how key historical events, including major wars and revolutions, were strategically fomented by the Illuminati. The plan, he claims, involved orchestrating conflicts such as World Wars I and II, and using them to advance their ultimate goal of establishing a one-world government. This strategy also included promoting ideological divisions and supporting revolutionary movements to destabilize nations and religions. According to Fagin, these historical manipulations were part of a broader scheme devised by figures like Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini to achieve long-term control over global affairs. Finally, Fagin warns of an impending cataclysmic upheaval, predicted by the Illuminati’s historical documents, aimed at destroying Christianity and atheism simultaneously. This upheaval, he asserts, will pave the way for the establishment of a new world order under the direct influence of the Illuminati’s true doctrine. The conspirators’ ultimate aim is to create a world in chaos, where the remaining populace, disillusioned and leaderless, will accept a new form of global domination. This dire forecast serves as a chilling reminder of the alleged depths of control and manipulation exercised by the Illuminati throughout history.


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