Aussie farmers have lashed out as the Albanese government’s official advice on diets will now incorporate the impact of certain foods on ‘climate change’.

The changes to Australian Dietary Guidelines follow a review by the National Health and Medical Research Council, with a sustainable diet now being defined as being “…accessible, affordable, and equitable diets with low environmental impacts”.

That’s right, folks. The food pyramid of 2024 has climate impacts as a concern.

In a statement, the NHMRC said they decided to include ‘sustainability’ because a survey showed that one out of every three people surveyed ‘considered it important’ (yeah right).

“The dietary guidelines expert committee advised that recommendations for dietary patterns and food groups should firstly consider health impacts in the Australian context, followed by consideration of sustainability and other contextual factors,” the spokesman said.

‘This is consistent with how sustainability has been incorporated into dietary guidelines in other countries.”
Furious red meat producers have accused the Dietary Guidelines Expert Committee of using the advice to drive ideological agendas and spread misinformation.

They are concerned the new advice will deter Aussies from buying steak and lamb chops in favour of chicken or plant-based alternatives.

Red meat Advisory Council chair John McKillop said incorporating ‘environmental sustainability’ into official guidelines was an “overreach”.

Red Meat Advisory Council Chair John McKillop says he thinks we’re seeing a lot of pressure from particular niche groups in the push to “do away” with the livestock industry.

— Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) February 20, 2024
“These developments are an overreach by the dietary guidelines expert committee that go well beyond the policy intent of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to provide recommendations on healthy foods and dietary patterns,” he said.

“The nation’s dietary guidelines should be focused on promoting public health, preventing chronic diseases and ensuring that all Australian have access to accurate and reliable information about their basic nutritional requirements.”
Mr McKillop said by expanding the official dietary guidelines into non-nutritional areas the public would lose faith in the NHMRC.

“People should have the right to feed their families nutritious food, without mixed messaging about the environment or other sustainability considerations.”
The RMAC will ask the statuary body to reconsider the official advice, threatening to involve the federal government if the request falls on deaf ears.

The new advice comes just months after the United Nations called for this to happen.

Once again demonstrating how unelected world bodies have infiltrated our national sovereignty.

The beginning of the systematic destruction of our food systems.

We have been warning about the dangers our world supply chains face in the face of these radical agendas since the pandemic period, where the Rockefeller Foundation hosted a forum on the topic.

Last December, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FOA) released a sustainable food roadmap that called on wealthy countries to cut back on meat and dairy.

It was part of a roadmap that explored how the world could be fed in the next 25 years ‘without increasing carbon emissions or requiring land-clearing’.

The FOA said if countries started producing less red meat and switched to chicken, environment goals ‘could be achieved a lot faster’.

The Emirates Declaration commits 158 countries to integrate food into national climate plans, meaning our world supply chains may soon be grouped intro radical policies for ‘sustainability’.

This ‘Global Goal on Adaptation’ provides a playbook for investments over the next 10-20 years.

The FAO roadmap sets out how governments can ‘end hunger’ and cut emissions from food, which completely ignores any regulations to protect and restore nature, which are key for food security.

And society is already being trained to accept a future without meat to ‘save the planet’.

In the book, Food in a Planetary Emergency, academics insist the meat industry ‘needs to be overhauled’ if the world is to survive — and that current farming methods are ‘unsustainable’.

“Rather than growing the grain or the food we need for human consumption, we are growing the grain for the animals – and then eating them.” Professor Marinvoa told the ABC.

It was also only a matter of time before the scientific elitists and mainstream media began targeting the average citizen growing food in their backyards, and now we are starting to see the propaganda emerge.

A new University of Michigan-led international study has found through ‘data models’ that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens ‘have a carbon footprint that is, on average, five times greater than conventionally-grown produce by the agriculture industry’.

Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown meat, has been cleared for sale in the United States, as the synthetic world is being prepped to replace our current industries.

The Frankenstein future is set to take over the Hyper-Processed era, while real food is lost to the annuals of time and remembered as a distant memory.

Also reported has been the future impacts that solar geoengineering will have on food production, as well as the rise of a manufactured water crisis soon set to emerge.

They are hell-bent on destroying the food system as we know it, that’s for certain.

And now, you must be wary of your ‘climate impacts’ as part of a ‘sustainable’ diet.

You can only guess how far this type of thing could go if allowed..

Rations, fake food, and much more. All to ‘save the planet’.

We must all say ‘no!’ to this corporate agenda being pushed on society.


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