SOTN Editor’s Note: The article posted below in its entirety is supremely important because it underscores the multi-decade criminal conspiracy to carry out an Operation Gladio-level campaign of terrorism via mass shootings against the American people.

*Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)

The Primary Terrorist Arm Of
NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)

As the excerpt below indicates “Operation Gladio was a CIA-led operation that used the strategy of tension to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western Europe”.  However, The Powers That Be always adapt their nefarious schemes and seditious plots to the current times so as to align with the primary objectives of their civilization-destroying New World Order agenda.  In other words, today the well concealed masters of Operation Gladio are using that main terrorist arm of NATO to completely collapse the Right-wing parties and conservative organizations and Christian groups, as well as the Patriot Movement, MAGA Movement and Truth Movement.

What’s the critical point?

There are actually three crucial aspects to the ongoing prep phase of the rapidly intensifying American Bolshevik Revolution.

First, that virtually every mass shooting since the first BIG one — the University of Texas tower mass casualty event (MCE) on August 1, 1966  — has been carried out by the U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces and covered up by local law enforcement and the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.  The primary purpose of these MCEs is to fabricate a false pretext by which to completely cancel the Second Amendment thereby stripping the populace of their firearms.  In this way their future plans for a UN force to come in and take over, after the American Bolshevik Revolution is completed, will proceed unimpeded and without an armed defense by the citizenry.

Secondly, to methodically manufacture as much chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide as a prelude to the long planned kinetic war known as the American Bolshevik Revolution.  This strategy comes right from the same playbook that the Khazarian Cabal used for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which was purposefully launched just before the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic.  This is the primary piece of their “strategy of tension” that’s being used with great success in all 50 states so as to create a profound and pervasive climate of fear and anxiety, trepidation and apprehension, worry and concern.  And it’s working.

Thirdly, to normalize the extraordinary violence and mayhem associated with each and every mass shooting so that it becomes the new normal for these once United States.  And, so that very few folks will ever come to understand that the U.S. citizenry has been under withering attacks from its own government for 6 straight decades.  In other words, America’s own intel community, military and law enforcement have been waging nonstop asymmetric guerrilla warfare against the law-abiding citizens … and everyone accepts it as lone-nut mass shooters without any real investigations, prosecutions or appropriate consequences.

SECRET MERCENARY ARMIES, URBAN TERRORIST CELLS & ANTI-AMERICAN MILITARY UNITS: The American Bolshevik Revolution fast approaches the kinetic war phase

State of the Nation
September 8, 2024

N.B. Mass shootings coordinated and covered up by the US Intel Community at American schools are now the most common example of Operation Gladio at work in the USA, where this highly premeditated strategy of tension has been put on super steroids.  For example, there is the Democrat-Run Communist Takeover Plot To Unleash Bolshevik Violence After Election Day If Trump Wins

The FBI, School Shootings And False Flag Terror

By Patrick J. McShay

“Many credible sources, including students, parents,
and teachers have openly admitted on camera that
they were told at one point or another prior to the
Valentine Day shooting that a “Code Red” active
shooter drill would be taking place”.

— Shepard Ambellas, (After The Parkland Shooting)

After the school shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia that left two students and two teachers dead and nine other people injured, it was revealed that the FBI had been Monitoring the Georgia Apalachee High School Mass Shooter Colt Gray Since 2023 after he was investigated for making threats to carry out a school shooting.

The day of the shooting was his first day at the school, it’s hard to believe he had any enemies there, so what triggered him? Was he seeing a professional for his depression, or was it an anger issue? Didn’t the parents of the dead kids deserve to know he was a threat? His parents knew he was a threat, and so did the police and the FBI. Did anyone at his new school know? Was he on some psychotropic drugs to control his rage or some other mental illness? What responsibility did his parents have in telling school officials?

In breaking news today authorities announced that they have arrested the shooter’s father, Colin Gray, 54, on charges of murder, manslaughter, and cruelty to children.

My son had a friend from grade school through high school who he played on the football and basketball teams with, and he spent a lot of time at our house over the years. I used to sit in the stands with his father and we became friendly over the years. His son was a big hulking quiet guy who spoke very little, to the point that I thought it was strange and told my son he made me uncomfortable.

One beautiful day in the summer after they had graduated he walked into a gas station a few blocks from our house and shot and killed an innocent stranger, a woman, to death and then walked out, got in his car, and shot himself in the head. I read in the paper his father said that this possibly happened because he was off his medication. I had no idea he was on any medication, should his father have told us? After all, he spent nights in our home.

Typically the public is kept in the dark about what really happened during these mass shooting events because there is always prior contact with the police and the FBI before the event or there is a scheduled drill planned for exactly what later happened.

Before the Parkland shooting, there was a scheduled school shooter drill. The Boston Bombing had a bomb drill scheduled that day at the Marathon and the Tsarnaev brothers were Patsy’s who were being handled by the Boston FBI. On the day of the 911 attacks, there were numerous drills scheduled for that day, including one where terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers and CIA asset Susan Lindauer said she was briefed about the 911 attack months before the event. After the Columbine shooting numerous witnesses said there were more shooters involved than Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

William Cooper, in his seminal best-selling 1991 book, “Behold A Pale Horse” predicted the rash of mass shootings we’ve become accustomed to seeing eight years before Columbine. He wrote about an existing CIA program that used psychoactive and/or psychotropic drugs and hypnosis on mental patients called the “Orion” process that inculcated the desire to open fire on schoolyards. Is that what we are seeing/?

At Sandy Hook School, 2 men wearing camo were seen running out the back door of Sandy Hook School and were caught, handcuffed & marched by onlookers, put in a police car, & driven off never to be heard from again.

Jim Fetzer edited the book “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook”, written by 12 authors including 6 PhDs, which can be viewed online for free, proving that what happened at Sandy Hook was a Deep State gun control operation that many believe went all the way up the ladder to Barack Obama. Fetzer’s team proved that Sandy Hook was closed several years before the event.

This book was on its way to bestseller status but shortly after its release it was banned on Amazon, so Fetzer released it for free online, and since has been seen by millions.. See the free PDF here, you decide:

The Shooter (Patsy) arrested in the 2012 Aurora Colorado shooting, James Holmes, called the ‘Batman shooting’ by the media, was found behind the theater, passed out, and locked in his car. witnesses in the theater said 3 perpetrators fired & threw explosive devices into the crowded theater before exiting out the back door where they had quietly entered. Right behind the theater where they left an unconscious Holmes was an interstate highway where the real shooters could have easily escaped in a waiting car or van.The media didn’t think it was important to report that Holmes was a doctoral student at the University of Colorado & had recently given a speech to doctoral students and faculty on “The Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders”. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen reported that Holmes’ family was involved with a DARPA mind control program.

Holmes was also working at a Salk research center on a Super Soldier program known as the “Peak Soldier Performance Program,”. He was also seeing a psychiatrist for his own issues. Less than 2 weeks before the shooting Holmes dropped out of CU’s Neuroscience Graduate Program. Was Holmes turned into a Manchurian Candidate or set up to take the fall?

The mainstream news has no stomach for the truth as they are as controlled by the Deep State as are most of the Traitors in the Congress and Senate.

The shooting at Parkland Florida’s Douglas High School was just as strange. The official story is, former student Nikolas Cruz entered the school and murdered 17 and wounded 17 students and teachers. This is from Time Magazine:

“The FBI admitted agents received a tip in January from someone close to Nikolas Cruz, giving information on his “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.” Time and again the FBI had prior warning and did nothing!

This was another school shooting that leaves us with more questions than answers. This shooter fits the profile of an MK ULTRA mind control assassin. I’m surprised he lived. This is yet another shooter who had prior contact with the FBI. Like Aurora’s framed shooter and “Patsy,” James Holmes, We will likely never hear from him again, he got life without parole.

Shepard Ambellas reported that Secret Service agents visited Douglas High School just weeks before the shooting. Secret Service personnel were at the school weeks ago to change security protocols. In addition, a teacher told Rachel Maddow that she and the rest of the staff were told that an active shooter drill would take place this semester but would not announce the date. There was also a fire drill scheduled for that morning. Hmm…

Why did the mainstream media bury this information? In other interviews, students said that the US Military was in the school assisting with their evacuation from the school. What was the military doing there? Maybe it’s because these drills are usually planned by the “US Army Civilian Affairs and Psychological Command”. One student witness said there were definitely 3 shooters and said the students thought it was a drill.

Another important story that emerged and is being ignored by the media is the KHOU-TV interview with a student at the school, Alexa Miednik. She says if Nikolas Cruz was involved, then there had to be a second shooter because she was talking to Cruz in the school hallway while shots were being fired in another part of the school. Why did the media not cover this important story?

The suspect Cruz, commented on his Facebook page, “I want to be a school shooter”, and Fox News reported that someone close to Cruz had also called the FBI about him. This means the FBI lied about not knowing about him. Why? Journalist Mike Adams reported that Holmes was taking prescription antidepressants and hypnosis drugs, and said the Aurora shooting showed obvious signs of being staged.

The Parkland school shooting narrative sucked the air out of newsrooms across America and had as many holes in it as the false flag operations at Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado, Las Vegas, the Boston Bombing, the Pulse nightclub shooting, and other events that appeared to be staged.

Until the soft police state that we currently exist under, with total surveillance, militarized police, GMOs, Chemtrails, Fluoridated water,micro-plastics, Aspartame and other poisons in our food, suffocating regulation, Smart meters, Agenda 21, censorship, fake viruses, poisonous Vaccines and Real-ID on their agenda, take a nasty dystopian turn into a dark, full-blown police state, we must insist that the people involved in this treason be tried and convicted if as Trump says, we are to have a country, it must be done. And soon. These Deep State traitors in the Biden/Harris cabal must be removed!

In a bombshell story that just broke this week, a damning undercover video from Journalist & media personality, Steven Crowder and his crew. shows Nick Biase, Chief of Public Affairs for, the US Attorney’s Office, US Department of Justice, Southern District of New York. He says:

“He [Bragg] was stacking charges and, rearranging things just to make it fit a case. No, honestly, I think the case [against Trump] is nonsense…Every real estate person in New York does what he [Trump] did. Nobody’s ever been charged with this. It’s all him [Trump]…That’s why he’s [Trump] surging in the polls. You know, it’s a perversion of justice.”

“The point of prosecuting Trump was “to make him a convict…it affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon.”

“The Fani Willis case in Fulton County, Georgia is “a travesty of justice. To put it mildly, it’s a mockery of justice. She is a joke…The whole thing is disgusting. They’re just out to get him [Trump].”

“They are like idiots. They don’t care. They’re all political…They’re obsessed with getting him [Trump].”

See the video here:

if the mainstream media doesn’t run with this explosive story it will be criminal. These cases should all be tossed immediately and Trump should be awarded attorney fees.

Kamala Harris is in over her head. I know truck drivers who better understand economics and what needs to be done to turn this economy around. Biden and Harris are planning an executive order to allow the tens of millions of illegal invaders a quick path to citizenship.

A Harris presidency and the policies she says are important, like censoring social media and programs for illegals to buy homes and receive special rates are insulting to taxpayers who grew up with free speech and are sick and tired of funding this illegal alien invasion and these settlement programs.

In Orwell’s “1984”, Winston Smith knew, as he destroyed history for “Big Brother,” that his generation would be the last alive to understand even a glimmer of real history, and that their purpose and goals moving forward would be defined and decided by “Big Brother’s” police state. This is where we are today in America.


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