The infusion of Dragon Energy across the planet is strongly shifting the balance of power in the field. It is being felt at all levels, including the Intervention who are triggered and reactive. The two Hurricanes of late, in the Gulf of Mexico, by their signatures, have been looking decidedly amplified and artificial. It’s most definitely an attempt to disrupt the progressive shift of power and movement to 5D. The strategy will ultimately fail, but right now, it’s an invitation for us all to stand strong in the eye of the storm.

A Storm is Being Whipped Up

Recently, Hurricane Helene struck Florida, and up the eastern coast of the USA, causing widespread devastation. It could have been far worse, as out over the Gulf of Mexico, the storm suddenly built to a catastrophic sized proportion, of major threat to life. At the time, an Openhand group was on pilgrimage in Sedona. In our group, four were from Florida and one was synchronistically called, Helene. Especially due to the emotional locational connection, we were readily able to synchronise with the storm and feel into its energy.

In becoming as-one with it, you could certainly tell its vibrations were being “whipped up” – we know the technology is there to do it. We were able to bring presence to bear and reduce the Storm’s power as it came ashore, by bringing the natural Torus to bear. Although still highly destructive, the power was greatly reduced.

We later came to realise, through direct connection, the intervention power behind it was the base, orchestrating layer of the Simulation: the frontman having been Ra, but behind him, now, the “Council of Nine”. You may have heard many promulgated channelings from this self-appointed “Council”, supposedly benevolent, but with an intention to steer humanity and the planet under their dominion and control. They are mimicking the genuine, and true, “Group of 9” Ascended Masters.

A False Council of Power

In connecting into this false Council, (who were surprised by our ability to do so) it’s clear they’ve reacted strongly both to the confrontation and reduction of Ra’s power (who is now greatly diminished), but also the infusion of Dragon Energy and the reactivation of the Dragon Leylines since the summer. Helene actually began from Dragon Energy, which is working to release building energetic tension, as the Shift now goes exponential through the inflexion point – the Old Paradigm to New.

The Council are effectively saying to Benevolence: “if you bring in this Dragon Energy to transform the balance of power, here’s what we’ll do”. In effect, they’re trying to hold the Shift to ransom.

Discover More About Infusing Planetary Dragon Energy in This Podcast

Paradise Lost?

And now you have the second inbound storm, curiously entitled, “Milton”. John Milton was a famous English poet (strange for an American storm!) who wrote the masterpiece, “Paradise Lost”, about the fall of humanity, and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. This is another signature, another clear threat against the Shift in the balance of power on the planet. It’s also, of course, timed for maximum impact on the upcoming US election. 

When you consider the psychology of this, to my mind, it actually comes from a place of weakness, because it’s that of ego – needing to telegraph one’s actions in a ‘beating-the-chest’ show of bravado. Ultimately it reveals the underlying lack of real univeral power. And thus, why it will ultimately fail.

Strong Convergence of Benevolence

So now you see it revealed – the base layer of the Intervention, that’s so far been hiding behind the scenes, but now openly stepping into the fray. You can be sure that Benevolence, through the Group of 9 (the real one), will be engaging this self-appointed “Council” in order to reveal their wayward tracks and the ultimate fruitlessness of its continuance.

Right now, there is a strong convergence in the area of the Star Being Nations, Lyran Dragon Energies and the aligned Draconians, to work to diminish the effect of this Intervention Retaliation.

How are we each to work with this dynamic in our individual lives? Because have no doubt, the shifting energies are affecting all.

Dragon Energy In The Eye Of The Storm

As the energy field now tilts strongly in favour of the Shift, and as intervention energies retaliate, it’s going to create a good deal of discord in the field – we’re seeing that replicating through intentional amplification in the Middle East too. We must work hard to find the eye of the storm – the vortex of presence at the centre of our own individual Torus.

Your aligned field is a fractal of the Universal Torus, as is the galaxy, the solar system and Gaia herself. A crucial aspect and purpose for the Shift to 5D, is to restore this natural balance of power here on the planet, and indeed, further afield through the solar system. Where you reanimate your Torus, not only do you steady these inflows of energy through your life, but you have a replicating reanimating effect in the field too – rightness is restored; the natural Flower of Life regenerated.

Reclaim Your Power!

These are highly pivotal and alchemical times we live in. Do not be fooled by the whipped-up external hysteria. You must now learn to ‘tie yourself to the mast’ of your own Torus, and infuse aligned authentic energies of the Shift in order to thrive and prosper. That most definitely is doable. But only if our orientation to the Inner Journey is correctly aligned and applied. This is the highest priority now, that I encourage all to actively engage with.

Here’s a sense of how the Grand Galactic Convergence is now driving the Shift across the planet…


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