We hope you are using your discernment, but just in case….
It’s over for Charlie Ward, as he finally has had to admit, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), that he has lied about to his followers, for 4 years, and has been claiming to be be an official spokesperson for, is not true In this video, we look at this admission and backtracking, as well as many other occasions where he has lied and backtracked before, and also his attacks, lies and threats about me, fabricated to try and discredit me for continuously exposing him for the fraud he is!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
various diligence can be done as one might share. do your own research and find for yourself. We seem to be currently getting so great a barrage of information. Whether it be AI generated and programmed to do so using "journalistic parameters" followed to break truth and design slap stick assault on some truths bending it beyond the 1st viewer to making such quick calculation. BS. And that sinks in with no further thought. As in another post per other source indicating "we want more time" is that really by the ones working towards the dream of ascension/freedoms oppose to being in the gang of thugs only wanting such for performing as much chaos and carnage possible. For the last 2 more years many have been talking about QFS being the personal financial vehicle to change for."
"No more theft" from any detail of exchange in a high level construct as to how QFS is to deliver and provide more and only equal fair value of financial process.
This could or is this could very much be an AI construct using the image voice and dialog of Charlie and taking him along with all QFS dialog down in a facade made to believe in. No one knows but Tricks are more in the daily Media Meal we all consume and are gullible intimidated and or influenced to Process and think by "Or Not!". Some I'm sure are frustrated by the push pull mechanism of all information as it is presented.
Consider a recent now couple of posts I came cross as to AI has caused one 14yr to commit suicide let alone another who uses one of the AI chat bots as being told 2 various times as to go and off yourself. Less its tangible in hand or guaranteed to present the reality of its means seems to be up front in many grey cortex to thinking. Let alone reacting to any of this. The many that do not have such exposure could not care a less one way or another. So Trick Trade or Fiction. Learn to decide for your self and consider balance is the reality backed by all truth as more the tangible.
Last thought are the heavy sided the more fear of losing their Casino game Cards and Tricks they have evolved to such perfection of Robbing every transaction alive to better their cheat and always winning hand. World is Run Right Like a Financial Casino and the House of Dark Always Wins. Even Governments and the all Tax Systems we pay into. It all goes into their pockets and maybe 1.2122 percent ever goes towards "Fiat" Fix it Again Tony! .
Where do you think all the charitable goes 97% party pocket lined filled and new Pools Porches Castles Yachts all around. Oh forgot one. Personal Jets, Hangers, all the free gas, one could ever want to freely Fly By!.
And we pay for the carbon tax they faulted on every time it was brought up last 50 yr. Ditto the list is endless. the Tax system is rigged directly so they also take a greater share out of your pocket. sales tax already and wage taxes and that list too is also endless. Time for change would think. Reset and balance it. There is no debt there is no economy problems it is their expression to greed I don't have enough is more the bark to calling it a legal to illegal by the lost word "Fairness". We do play fair and suckers to doing so. Where is the reality we can get fair status on daily living. Something has to change. Asap.
as the past 50 yrs has in turning over the Right stone. One Perl of Wisdom express.
Everything we are told is a Lie. Simply believe "soulfully" in your self and continue to test and gather, learn to learn more lessons and carry on. Its only the you and yourself behind those eye lids to contender with. Life is about experimentation, The Failed Experiments are all part of the Process.
Keep with your own Birds of a Feather mind body soul and spirit in light via Trust and Honor. So be genuinely honest with yourself and all you meed to share the day and time by. Those of the lesser shall find their own swamp to drown in. And think to believe the tsunami of truth shall bury them all by their own shame an guilt, and as one has said in recent.
Shall go Poof ! Let Gods Will be Done.
yes time is in the now for desired change. Tic Tok.