by Ben Zeisloft,

The Satanic Temple is offering students at Edgewood Elementary School the option to attend the Hellions Academy of Independent Learning to challenge the LifeWise Academy already present in the school district.

Members of the Satanic Temple launched a program at Marysville School District in central Ohio as a reaction against Christian programs that offer children optional religious instruction.

Christian organizations such as LifeWise Academy teach the Bible to government school students during the school day for those who opt into the courses, a practice that lawmakers are seeking to protect through new legislation. The Satanic Temple is offering students at Edgewood Elementary School the option to attend the Hellions Academy of Independent Learning, also known as HAIL, to challenge the LifeWise Academy already present in the school district.

The organization asserts that the Hellions Academy of Independent Learning teaches students “about values such as empathy, compassion, and justice in a fun environment without religious pressure or coercion.” Betty Elswick, one of the parents who brought the program to the school district, likewise claimed to local news that the initiative does not exist “to push a religious agenda.”

The Satanic Temple notes that the Christian programs are “only allowed to operate in public schools because they take students off site, they do not use public funding, and the school districts in principle do not discriminate against any similar programs based on the religion organizing the activity,” noting that they “will be testing school districts on that last requirement.”

The entity, which rejects belief in a literal Satan, has been frequently criticized in recent years for mounting campaigns to assert First Amendment protections while challenging Christianity.

Chapters of the group have similarly launched after-school Satan clubs at government schools that have after-school Bible studies or Christian student organizations to file lawsuits claiming discrimination when their own clubs are disallowed. One lawsuit filed on behalf of the Satanic Temple said that a school district in Tennessee “substantially burdened its ability to exercise its religiously motivated practice of offering inclusive, welcoming religious clubs at public schools.”

Members of the Satanic Temple of Iowa also erected a demonic shrine in the Iowa State Capitol last year, after which Michael Cassidy, a veteran and Christian, pushed over and beheaded the display. Iowa prosecutors filed hate crime enhancements against Cassidy but eventually dropped the charges in exchange for his guilty plea to much less severe misdemeanor charges.

The Satanic Temple most recently opened a “telehealth abortion clinic” in Virginia to dispense abortion pills, marking the second such initiative they have launched in the United States.



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