Kim Goguen, Director of the Global Intelligence Agency is LIVE, talking to you about the New Year!

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  1. She's as nervous as hell. Sounds like she sheepishly lying about her status. She's avoiding the elephant in the room ie "WTF happened to her reports and the UNN channel?".
    Something is desperately wrong here. Where's the overly confident 'BS artist' we've seen all year, gone?
    Kim is like a one of those Multi-Level Marketers. They only ever seem to be talking to new listeners and adds all the listeners that are long gone, in the numbers of "you guys" as if they are still around.
    I hardly believe Benjamin Fulford anymore, but at least he's consistent with his BS and it's somewhat verifiable. Kim's loopy stories are as bad as the 'Big Call' which goes on about the 'any day now Gesara and currency reset' in Africa, Vietnam and Iraq'.. another elaborate hoax.
    These people still want your money through monthly subscriptions, which tells you they are grifters.


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