Kim Goguen, Director of the Global Intelligence Agency is LIVE, talking to you about the New Year!

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    – plays a truth about so much to digs and finding time displaced life before our times. listening to Kim indicating some have held "Assets" good possibility the dots tie this and that to the same asset held of riches held from all to know or least view as history. One could key lots. such allows one to learn to fill in the blanks. if not imagine a great deal more as to what is thought surely could be as in a truth creating such illusion or is that another form of Lies.
    to protect? What for why and the who?

  2. Trying to understand who these American Cowboys are who run places like Israel, Iran, China, and Russia. Are they supposed to be English gentiles? No, it rather sounds like American Jews. I'm surprised lately at how much communism there is in the US military.
    Who would lead Russia to destroy Ukraine?

    The SSP means the international Secret Space Program. You know the one that Fulford always confuses with the US Space Force on a grade 2 level. The SSP deals with space travel and aliens. The US Space Force is men with guns, not world leaders.

    • The 'cowboys' are the Operatives that run the Trump campaign. They are members of the SSP. They have decided that they are going to run the world. So they are making deals around the world and cutting checks they can't cash.

  3. She's as nervous as hell. Sounds like she sheepishly lying about her status. She's avoiding the elephant in the room ie "WTF happened to her reports and the UNN channel?".
    Something is desperately wrong here. Where's the overly confident 'BS artist' we've seen all year, gone?
    Kim is like a one of those Multi-Level Marketers. They only ever seem to be talking to new listeners and adds all the listeners that are long gone, in the numbers of "you guys" as if they are still around.
    I hardly believe Benjamin Fulford anymore, but at least he's consistent with his BS and it's somewhat verifiable. Kim's loopy stories are as bad as the 'Big Call' which goes on about the 'any day now Gesara and currency reset' in Africa, Vietnam and Iraq'.. another elaborate hoax.
    These people still want your money through monthly subscriptions, which tells you they are grifters.

    • Kim still has a news website UNN. She gives the situation report Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Kim is usually addressing the deep state in these reports. The members of UNN are up to date on most things but she has to repeat some of the basic info to the next level of deep state that starts listening and thinks they are in control. It's repetitive but there's always lots of new info in there as well. This report highlights many of the changes from the Alpha/Omega systems to the new Golden Age AI.


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