Rebecca Rose was born in 1972 to a Naval aeronautical engineer father and German mother who formed a breeding couple for the Nachtwaffen, aka German Dark Fleet, that had fully infiltrated the US military-industrial complex. She was subsequently recruited into the Nachtwaffen when 4 years old. by her father who signed papers in the presence of two Gray extraterrestrials. At age 9, Rose began her “20 and back” where she served for two decades as a cyborg supersoldier, first on Mars and later in the outer reaches of our solar system, on a Kuiper Belt facility run by Draco Reptilians. In her 2nd Exopolitics Today interview she shares more memories and documents that substantiate key elements of her SSP service. Most remarkably, she found documents confirming that her father worked in Special Programs Division during her 20 and Back with the Sanders aerospace company that was sold to the Lockheed Corporation in 1986. Rose describes her encounters on Mars with indigenous Mantid beings and also Reptilians who were spiritually connected to the planetary consciousness. She describes the key events of her time on Mars and the Kuiper Belt, and how she has healed herself of the traumas. She has concluded that as a Sirian starseed, she had volunteered to be subjected to such traumas so as to relay intelligence to positive extraterrestrials wanting to monitor and prevent the Draco Reptilian agenda for our planet and solar system. Rebecca Rose’s website is:


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