Federal grant records have revealed that the US State Department is funding random LGBTQ ‘Pride’ events in other countries. 


There is no explanation other than ‘diplomacy’.

The “diplomatic” grant summary of such events states they are being funded “To support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security by informing and influencing foreign publics and by expanding and strengthening the relationship between the people and government of the United States and citizens of the rest of the world.”

So apparently things such as reading “queer children’s literature” to young kids, a “picnic for queer youth” and an LGBT-affirming worship service, all in an obscure Czech city are in the national interest of the US.

The US is also funding an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ event in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia according to the records, with the State Department giving them $15,000 for the event next month.

US taxpayers are also seeing their money go to Deystvie, a pro-LGBT nongovernmental organisation hosting a film festival, also in Bulgaria, “to promote inclusion and acceptance of the LBGTIQ+ community,” according to the federal records.

Another record shows the State Department has also allocated more than $5,000 to Better Together, a “LGBTIQA+ community conference” in Australia.

Why on Earth are American taxpayer funds being spent on this when basic infrastructure in some states is crumbling?

All of this comes in the wake of the State Department issuing a worldwide caution alert concerning Pride events:

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as sending Americans’ money abroad.

As we have previously highlighted, the Biden State Department is completely ideologically captured.

From modernity.news

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  1. The taxpayers' money worldwide has been spent on their own enslavement and extermination for ages, and it would be impossible without the 99% of the population's (sheeple/NPCs) active or passive cooperation, e.g. without their explicit or implicit CONSENT.
    Until this very simple math is understood by the dumbed down majority, nothing will change for the better.
    Nobody will come to save us, we can only rely on ourselves.


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