The opening ceremony of the Olympics has put on an awful display of drag queens in all sorts of different ways, but the worst of which is mocking Christianity and the Last Supper of Christ, as depicted by Leonardo da Vinci.

It’s absolutely disgusting that they would the Olympic world stage to attack Christianity like this. It’s abhorrent and offensive.

Way to go Macron. Next, try mocking Islam and their prophet Muhammad. See how that would go for you.

But it didn’t end there. According to Turning Point UK:

A scantily clad bearded man dances provocatively at France’s Olympic opening ceremony. Why are they trying to normalise this filth? How far the West has fallen.



Noticed that Paris Olympics’ Opening Ceremony Lacks Biological Women?

The theme of transgenderism was on full display at the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics last night. Two biological males, Lady Gaga and Celine Dion, opened and closed the show respectively, and the equally transgender Ariana Grande (also here) made an appearance. These people, as well as others, have been strategically outed in social media over the last year or so.

Here’s some other offensive images from the Olympics:



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Massimo Introvigne wrote that the 2024 Summer Olympics Opening-Ceremony shows what's wrong with the French Worldview of Laïcité. Take the Article and Website of Bitter Winter what you will.

    Thanks for reading,

    — Elfriede Lentner,

  2. Take Massimo Introvigne's Perspective on the 2024 Summer Olympics Opening-Ceremony what you will:

    Thanks for reading,

    — Elfriede Lentner,

  3. The Christian Right's misinterpretation and ignorance of scripture makes them behave like monsters and hypocrites. Yesterday they went on and on about "Mocking the Pale Horse of Revelation". Today its the picture of the last supper. Yet, the ceremony all of a sudden takes on angelic importance when Celine Dion takes stage. How twisted and unbalance in thought can you be?

    Let's not forget that Leonardo Da Vinci Painted that scene of Jesus and the Apostles using his GAY LOVER as the stand in for Jesus. If ANY GROUP IS ENTITLED TO MOCK THAT SCENE, it's the GAYS!

    Leonardo da Vinci was gay

    The Book of Revelation should never be taken literally, it is allegory. This book was COPIED from the HINDU TEXT. The 7 seals of Revelation are the 7 SEALED CHAKRAS that must be opened in meditation when you "Go into your closet and close the door…." and "your eye be single" and filled with light. Matthew 21:6.

    The PALE WHITE HORSE is an allegorical reference to the Hippocampus of the brain which plays an important role in enlightenment in Meditation.

    For decades now, the US Department of Defense has begged the Leaders of the Religious Right to stop teaching these passages literally, and they all refused because they fear loss of income in donations. Did you know that ALL MEGA churches and large denominations have quietly informed their congregations to Go To The FEMA Camps if life becomes to "weird and unexplainable"? Why you may ask have they dones this? Because they would rather continue to comfortable lies than tell the uncomfortable truth.

    When Kerry Cassidy says that we should "intelligently unwind the lies" she is ignoring the pain and heartache that the religious right inflict on others with their misinterpretations, ignorance and harsh judgements based on erroneous understanding.

    JD Vance publicly shames women who don't have children or who don't marry and yet the Apostle Paul tells us that this is BETTER.
    1Co 7:8 "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, IT IS GOOD FOR THEM if they abide even as I."

    Yet JD Vance is treated like a hero by the Religious Right for speaking AGAINST Christian doctrine! Unbelievable.

    And Christians wonder why a growing number of people want them thrown into re-education camps.

    What the video below to learn what the horsemen of Revelation are really about.

    356 Revelation Four Horses Of Apocalypse

    Unless the Christian Right can point to specific scripture and accurately articulate its meaning, they need to shut the hell up! Most of them never even study their bible and only go to church on Sundays to "Feel Holy". They don't know diddly squat about the scripture.

    This ignorance must stop.

    They are victims of exactly what Enoch warned against and it is done on purpose by lying pastors and ministers who themselves are part of a system of "ordination" that guarantees they teach nothing but lies.

    From the Book of Enoch, Chapter 98:14-16 Woe to you who set at nought the words of 15 the righteous; for ye shall have no hope of life. WOE TO YOU WHO WRITE DOWN LYING AND GODLESS WORDS; FOR THEY WRITE DOWN THEIR LIES THAT MEN MAY HEAR THEM AND ACT GODLESSLY TOWARDS (THEIR) 16 NEIGHBOUR. Therefore they shall have no peace but die a sudden death.

    If the Religious Right continues to be unwilling to examine the evidence that they have been lied to, then the rest of us have EVERY RIGHT TO PUT THEM IN RE-EDUCATION CAMPS and be free of their hateful hypocritical and ignorance judgmental behaviors!


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