The American First Legal team is currently litigating against Facebook and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for violating the First Amendment and censoring Americans on important topics that drastically affect their lives. The litigation has just exposed onboarding documents that Facebook (Meta) employees used to train CDC employees on how to censor the American public.

Facebook employees coordinated with government employees under the Biden regime to block Americans from learning the truth about COVID-19 and the so-called vaccines. Their censorship portal was titled “Covid & Vaccine Misinformation.” The CDC was allowed to censor more than 16 million pieces of content on Facebook and Instagram, citing “vaccine misinformation” as the reason.

Biden regime and Facebook’s censorship machinations are a threat to the republic

In 2021, the Biden-Harris regime pressured social media companies to eliminate important dialogue and public discourse on various issues related to COVID-19. Only accepted government narratives were allowed online. Facebook caved to the pressure and gave the CDC online tools so the government could control speech online.

In fact, the litigation documents reveal that Facebook, under pressure from the administration, implemented a new system of censorship, allowing government officials to efficiently request the removal of Facebook posts. This system streamlined the process, enabling officials to submit multiple links for censorship and providing a way to track compliance through ticket numbers.

In the portal, CDC employees chose their “Reason for Reporting” to remove a Facebook user’s post. These reasons included “COVID Misinformation,” “Vaccine Discouragement,” and COVID Vaccine Misinformation.”

Access to this portal was restricted to approved personnel, making oversight by outside organizations more difficult. Additionally, Facebook clarified the criteria for content removal in collaboration with the CDC. The documents indicate that Facebook outlined specific types of content it would remove and detailed what information it required from the CDC to justify censoring certain narratives while adhering to its community standards. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly acknowledged that Facebook caved to government pressure.

American First Legal Executive Director Gene Hamilton wrote about the latest findings:

These documents show–definitively–the architecture behind the systems that political appointees and governmental bureaucrats used to unconstitutionally censor the free speech of Americans online. The right to speak–to even question authority–is so fundamental to our national identity, yet in the name of a public health crisis, Biden Administration officials worked with major companies to silence dissent. The American people need to review these documents and understand just how far our leaders in Washington went to violate the First Amendment to our Constitution.

CDC removed vaccine truth from Facebook, brainwashing the public and harming countless lives

The CDC removed Facebook posts dissenting about social distancing, face masks and testing. All of these devices of control turned out to exacerbate disease theater that not only caused further hysteria, but also damaged the social fabric of society.

When the disastrous COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, the CDC targeted information on spike protein shedding from the vaccines and disregarded the negative effects shedding had on women’s menstrual cycles, ovulation and miscarriage risk. The CDC censored common adverse events from the vaccine and ignored the fatalities from the shot, disregarding all evidence suggesting the vaccine was a depopulation weapon. In fact, any information that “discouraged” vaccine uptake was targeted and removed. These coercive actions had a chilling effect on the informed consent principle and led to widespread violations of body autonomy rights and medical ethics throughout society.

Updates to Facebook’s community standards were quick to punish repeat offenders who spread so-called misinformation. People who made repeated “false claims about masks” for example, or who discouraged “social distancing” had their account’s reach reduced or removed altogether.

“Pages Groups, profiles, and Instagram accounts that repeatedly post misinformation or coordinated harm (see Coordinating Harm policies at the top of this entry) related to COVID-19, vaccines, and health may face restrictions, including (but not limited to) reduced distribution, removal from recommendations, or removal from our site.”

The Biden regime made censorship easy, and Facebook caved to the pressure, providing them unlimited power to restrict free speech and stifle the truth on matters that affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans. The federal agents who participated in this censorship scheme harmed countless lives with their vaccine propaganda and controlling narratives.


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