The world is collapsing, people are getting sick and dying, the culture is becoming morally corrupt, and society is slipping deeper into the muck. People are becoming crazier and crazier, more and more hateful by the minute.
If you ask us, the shrews, we will come up with a variety of detailed reasons, but they will all come back to the same foundational root cause—the globalists are attempting to control the world. Sure, there are a myriad of methods, actions, and processes they use to accomplish this. And you can describe these efforts in a variety of ways that may be more succinct and accurate than “globalists are attempting to control the world.” Put it any way you like, but I think you would agree with the basic idea.
Ask a sheep the same question, and it will be nearly anything other than that. First on the list is Trump. He is the number one evil-doer. His insanity, vileness, narcissism, psychopathology, and disgusting felonious behaviour are ultimately responsible for the world’s woes.
Next in line is probably Climate Change (but ultimately that is Trump’s fault as well), then Putin of course. Then the conspiracy theorists, the Republicans, the alt-right, the Christian Right, on and on. You get the picture.
Maybe it is just as shortsighted to blame all of the troubles in the world on the agenda’s effort to create a globalist government, but it sure makes more sense. And I would put it more succinctly by saying most of the issues we are currently experiencing are a specific result of the recent Covid insanity and all that came with it—the disruption of the natural maturation of our youth through school closures, the radical disruption of the global supply chain through lockdowns and restriction of trade, the psychological damage resulting from social decimation, the physical destruction the Covid vaccines themselves have rendered resulting in heart attacks, heart disease, strokes, blood clots, and a zillion other consequences of injecting poison into a person’s bloodstream. Nearly everything we see happening is due directly or indirectly to the Covid campaign.
But of course, a lot is not directly connected with Covid—but it is indirectly connected to the thing the Covid fiasco is connected to—in a word, lies.
We have these horrendous fires occurring throughout the world, possibly due to DEW and other meteorological manipulations by the agenda. We have a raging drug problem, we have a raging mental illness problem, we have a raging moral problem, we have a raging relational problem—need I say more?
Take this relatively recent act of Trump to impose a stiff tariff on Canadian goods coming into the US (since postponed for a bit). People who oppose this action (most Canadians, I would venture to say) blame it entirely on Trump and his pathological personality. It is because he is evil, hateful, selfish, and physically fat and ugly.
In their minds (the ones I have talked to or read) there is no consideration of other implicating issues—such as Canada’s lack of any serious effort to balance out trade agreements, or the lack of Canada’s commitment to control fentanyl production and distribution. These accusations may not be true, my point here is they are not even considered—true or not.
If there is any truth to any of the reasons either side states, no one (but us) considers that the screwed-up world that Covid left behind is responsible (it is). And who created that? “Oh, that was a pandemic caused by a virus that occurred naturally. There was no “new world” intention behind that! It was unfortunate but wasn’t anyone’s fault!”
Can you count the number of falsities in those three sentences? I count FIVE. Any more?
According to the people who hate Trump for this one executive move on tariffs, the world may end because of Trump. Certainly, Canada and the US will suffer immensely. The people of both countries will suffer for no reason. All because of a personal, self-serving, decision made by a pathological psychopath. Again, no one sees the Covid actions as any reason at all why these two countries would be having issues with trade, drugs, or immigration.
And if you get right down to it, Trump’s election is the result of the screwed-up agenda. If the world were not melting down, people who voted for Trump may not have even been paying enough attention to think the world needed saving—and that Trump was the only one who could save it.
Don’t get me wrong.
For what it’s worth, I do not think setting a 25% tariff on imports from Canada is a good idea. But I don’t know enough about world economics to state a good reason why—only that it will hurt a lot of people if it stays in place very long (assuming it ever happens). I have never been a fan of sanctions or tariffs to pressure another country to do our bidding. But I see this action as a result of a much bigger problem. I do not see it because a crazy man decided to do some nasty thing just because he likes to pull the wings off of innocent flies. That doesn’t fly with me—pun intended.
I would be willing to state, in my humble opinion, that 90% of the current world problems are due to the agenda—an agenda that is set on globalizing world governance by controlling the population. Sure, there are a lot of “natural” things that affect us negatively, and sure, lots of this stuff started formulating through innocent effect (due to the usual course of human social evolution, including the uncontrolled rampage of technology, the death of God in most people’s personal world view, the negative effect of nature—natural disasters and the natural effect of living a material life that eventually ends, etc.) These “naturally occurring problems” are simply employed by the agenda and are expanded to be useful to their intentions. They didn’t make all of them, but they used what was naturally there as a tool in their effort to control.
What do we do about this? We look at the source of the real problem—and the sources are the UN, the WHO, NATO, the WEF (among others), and who or what “runs” those organizations. We look at the people who support this “New World Order,” and we do what we can at that level.
Trump very well may be the only world leader who is actively doing that, but we also must be aware he may be part of it. At the least, he is a distraction—good or bad, what he does is not the true causal element to what comes as a result. If the result is ultimately good, then we can thank him, if it is bad, then we can blame where blame is due—the bigger picture.
One of the most difficult things shrews are going to experience in the upcoming years is witnessing the sheep blaming all the wrong things for the world falling apart. They will blame Palestine (or Israel depending on their bent) for a nuclear war with Iran, they will blame Putin if some idiot in Ukraine or the US blasts a nuclear missile into Moscow, they will blame Trump if the economy fails or relations with Canada and the US deteriorate, they will blame Trump for any racial unrest in the world, they will blame global warming for any forest fires anywhere on the globe, or floods, or hurricanes, or whatever, they will blame long Covid, Bird Flu, or whatever proclaimed medical culprit when their 30-year-old kid dies of a heart attack. They will not look to the real reasons.
And this will drive the rest of us crazy.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.