Interview Summary

Rosalito’s Sudden Reaction to Wi-Fi Rosalito describes how a move from a 2 GHz to 5 GHz Wi-Fi router instantly triggered an extreme reaction in her body which she refers to as a non-electrical “shock”, causing her to flee her home until the device was switched off. Attempting to revert to 2 GHz WiFi didn’t help — she’s become sensitized. Unlike many who suffer for years before identifying the source, Rosalito immediately recognized Wi-Fi as the cause of her symptoms, which immediate recognition she considers a blessing.

Long-Term Health Issues Tied to Wireless Technology

She recounts her early adoption of wireless technology in the late 1980s and 1990s, using cordless phones and early Wi-Fi devices. Looking back, she connects years of anxiety, panic attacks, tinnitus, eye floaters, and immunity issues to prolonged exposure to wireless radiation. After eliminating Wi-Fi and wireless devices, her symptoms—including anxiety—disappeared.

The Social and Practical Challenges of EMF Sensitivity

Living without wireless technology has led to social isolation, as people are unwilling or unable to turn off their devices around her. She describes an incident where a strong, confident carpenter panicked at the idea of turning off his phone. Despite not needing to use his phone for the work planned, he was unable to turn it off.Simple activities like shopping became difficult due to high RF exposure, once leading her to collapse and need for hospitalization.

Hospital Experience and Medical Confirmation

In the hospital, a doctor validated her condition, confirming that radiation exposure was affecting her health and stating that the only solution was lifelong avoidance. This moment marked a turning point, reinforcing the seriousness of her condition and the need for strict shielding measures.

A Life Without Wireless and the Awareness Mission

Now, Rosalito is dedicated to shielding herself with full-body protective clothing when necessary for leaving her home, but refuses to make shielding fashionable to avoid normalizing its necessity. She has built a website, Rosalito.Art, to spread awareness through graphic design, creating simple, visually striking educational images about the dangers of EMFs. She aims to reach people who wouldn’t otherwise seek out information, planting the seed of awareness through social media and public education.

The Societal Implications of Wireless Addiction

Rosalito and Keith discuss how modern society is deeply dependent on wireless technology, with people unable or unwilling to disconnect, to the detriment of the species.Rosalito speculates on the potential benefits of a prolonged power outage, believing it could serve as an accidental detox, revealing to people how much better they feel without wireless radiation. Keith shares his belief that many people are unknowingly affected but are reluctant to acknowledge it, akin to addiction denial.

A Call to Action

Both emphasize the responsibility of those aware of the dangers of EMFs to educate others, comparing it to sounding an alarm during a house fire. They express concern for future generations, especially babies exposed to high levels of radiation in the womb and childhood. Rosalito believes the only true solution would be a global ban on EMF emissions and AC power but acknowledges the difficulty of achieving such a change.

Final Thoughts

Despite the hardships, Rosalito sees her experience as a blessing, as it allowed her to take control of her health. Now that she is aware of the harm, she has no desire to return to her previous, wireless-dependent life, even if a “cure” were possible. Keith concludes by praising Rosalito’s artistic contributions to EMF awareness and thanking her for sharing her story. This interview highlights the stark physical and emotional toll of wireless technology on individuals and underscores the need for greater public awareness, alternative connectivity solutions and technical help with accurate assessment and effective remediation.


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