Cindy LG
COBRA-23rd February 2025-Official Notes workshop “Portal 2025” Phoenix USA(February 2025)+Planetary Situation
Planetary Situation UpdateThe Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk...
Official Notes : Cobra’s Workshop “Portal 2025″Phoenix USA (1-2 February 2025,...
Personal Notes from the 2025 Portal Workshop in Phoenix (Feb 1-2, 2025)
Full Moon Meditations+Free International remote healing sessions between February 11th and...
Here is a reminder of full Moon Meditations and the remote healing sessions between February 11th and 13th, as well as the Divine Intervention...
COBRA-16th January 2025-Planetary Situation+Interview about Japan(January 2025)+Notes”Portal 2025″ Worshop in Taipei(December...
Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Workshop
Kyoto conference was a huge success. We had a strong group that managed to anchor and reinforce the positive...
Official Notes: Cobra’s Conference about “Ascension+Portal 2025″+Spiritual tools+Planetary Situation(the 2 days,Kyoto/Japan,...
(PFC NOTE : TRADUCTION FRANCAISE/FRENCH TRANSLATION: Kyoto Ascension Conference Day 1 Presented by Cobra :
Noted by NogiJanuary 4, 2025(PFC NOTE : And you can read ...
COBRA Interview by Iruka, January 2025 ( Japan, Dragon Families, Energies,...
This interview took place in Kyoto on January 7, 2025.This interview was conducted through an interpreter and was transcribed from a recording. The transcripts...
Noted by Nogi Revised by PatrickDisclaimerThis document is based on a handwritten note of words overheard by a note-taker at the workshop organized by COBRA in Taipei, Taiwan, which were later transcribed. Therefore, please read it with the benefit of your discernment and common sense that mishearing, writing errors and omissions are visible, so these notes are not 100% accurate. Please note that all images in this document have been added at the discretion of the note taker and are not the intention of the main speaker of the workshop, Cobra. Please also note that no questions regarding the content of this document will be accepted.Morning session Cobra: Everybody, welcome to the workshop! Today, we are going to start the process of preparation for next year. There is a lot to talk about 2025. I hope to clarify the process. I still cannot disclose some things before next year. I certainly cannot talk about the second half of next year.I would like to ask you Not to disclose those notes until January 11th 2025. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that a certain process needs to be completed before this information publicly. You also need to go through your own process of reconfiguration. Everything needs to be set. So, January 11th is the date you can release the information in your blog to talk with everybody who is open to this kind of information.When you release information, please do not force anybody. Many people are not ready for this information. Only the people who are ready to receive this can receive it. IntroductionThe purpose of this workshop is to prepare for next year 2025. This workshop is connected energetically with things that will happen in next year. I have already mentioned this portal a few times in my blog. But I was informed many times not to mention anything about this portal, so I could release very little information about it.This portal is so important and so huge. This portal will open in a very critical period and situation on the surface of the planet. So I will prepare this group as much as possible today.After this workshop, we will have a conference in Kyoto, Japan at the beginning of next year. Gradually, as 2025 progresses, I will release more and more information. Today, certain information about it will be released. Portal 2025This portal is opening next year with many events. This is a portal between two reality systems. Some of the information you will receive today is quite advanced and complex, so if you do not understand, you might understand later.I will explain certain astrological configurations which will occur next year.The astrological configurations next year are extremely important. Whatever happens next year would be very crazy, but there are long-term consequences for the whole planet. Actually, the process itself has already begun this November.Here is the chart depicting the movement of three outer planets from 2023-2029The red line is Pluto. They will make harmonious curves. As you can see in 2025, the three planets are coming together for the first time. After they make contact this year, they keep meeting in the coming years. This is a rare configuration that happens every 500 years. This is the so-called Renaissance cycle. Last time this happened was during the 16th century. It was the time of the Renaissance. During the previous Renaissance, printing machines were invented.Everybody knows that the Renaissance was started in Florence, but the real influence was in Venice. When Pluto, Uranus and Neptune formed the astrological configuration, the first publishing houses were founded in Venice. Those companies brought a revolution in human consciousness because humans were finally able to reach real information through mass printed books—it was a mass awakening of human consciousness.(
Official Notes : Cobra’s workshop “New Renaissance” ( Padova/Italia, October 2024) real awakening will not happen with the internet. The real awakening is coming with the First Contact and full disclosure. The real awakening is triggered by the spiritual energy coming from the galactic center.This process has been happening. The year 2023-24, it has begun. So we are in the middle of this process. This same process is becoming very intense in the next 3-4 years. 2025 is the key moment of this process.2025 is the key moment of this whole process. And the key player is Pluto in Aquarius. That process has already started in March 2023. I had a big conference in Taiwan during this period. After Pluto spent some nice time in Aquarius, then it went to Capricorn in June. It again went into Aquarius on November 19th this year. From now on, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about 20 years.During the following 20 years, Pluto in Aquarius will manifest the First Contact and full disclosure. That process started immediately when Pluto entered Aquarius on Tuesday November 19. On that day, there was a certain hearing session in the US government right at the moment,There was a confidential part and a public part of the session. The confidential part was given at the last one hour of Pluto in Capricorn. And then, there was a short break for 10-15 minutes. When Pluto finally entered Aquarius, there was a public part of the session. On November 19th, various plasma ships appeared in the sky around the United States. Secret Space Program in the US military has sent a lot of plasma ships. There were even photos and videos of the sight.This is the flow of next year. I will explain as much as possible although I cannot talk about certain things yet. As you see, this will be a very intense period. You have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Sedna. They are signifying a 25,000 year cycle.I will not go into much detail, I want you to see that the movement of these planets are so intense. They are creating a very strong resonance field for our planet. I have talked about the Grand Trine of three outer planets in past conferences, so I will not talk in detail. But this will start a certain process which cannot be revealed yet. I will probably publish this chart in my blog. I will also explain about many intersections shown in the chart.I can only mention some important periods. The first one is the portal we are already in, so called the portal of preparedness. The portal will open during the time between November 22nd until January 21st. The Light forces will have a lot of progress during this period. Strong purifications are expected, also more exposure to darkness is expected. This will be a very intense period.The period from November 21 this year to January 21 next year is a crucial time frame. During this time, the Light Forces will make significant progress and have many potential opportunities, while the dark forces will launch strong counterattacks. Everyone should prepare during this Preparation Portal. This is why we are having a workshop today and a conference in Japan at the beginning of next year. the next January 21st, there will be a necessary phase of purification and clearing. This will be very intense. Between January 21 and March next year, the Light Forces will take some actions on the surface world.In the next March, Neptune will enter Aries, introducing a whole new wave of spiritual energy and impulses. Between April and June next year, this spiritual impulse will be strongly felt in the surface world.The full moon and Vesak in the next May will also be a very important and intense period .Every one hundred years, Ascended masters gather at Mt. Himalaya and send spiritual energies to the surface of the planet. The last time it happened was in 1925, so the next time will be in May 2025. We can expect a strong spiritual energy coming in from April to June next year.Uranus will enter Gemini next July. When Uranus enters Gemini, it will inspire humanity and bring a surge of creativity. Uranus will create an explosive energy. This is a very potent process, but I cannot disclose too much information yet.In the first half of next year, things on the surface might appear as business as usual; however, the second half of the year will be incredibly exciting and dynamic. will showcase phenomena we’ve never seen before. For now, I cannot discuss the events of the second half of the year; let’s focus on the first half.Some astrologers are already talking about this period, but none of them got a whole picture.More about astrology. The mid-point between Uranus, Pluto and Neptune is important. As you can see here, you have a very interesting curve. Green line is Neptune. Those planets made first contact in September this year. There was the first spiritual impulse that came in, which was very strong. That was the first wave of the new renaissance. Another one is coming on January 6th next year, during the conference in Kyoto. There will be another one next August. There will be more in 2026. Each of the intersections will make a very strong spiritual impulse to humanity because they are the impulse of the new renaissance.When Pluto reaches the midpoint, it generates a powerful energy pulse that impacts the surface world. These pulses will all contribute to the New Renaissance. New Renaissance process has begun since Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19th.This process will reshape Earth’s reality.Sedna is an asteroid with a vast orbit t that reaches to outside of the solar system.. It will form powerful alignments with planets in the solar system and the Pleiades star cluster, generating strong spiritual pulses to complete the next 25,000-year cosmic cycle. In ten days, Pluto and Sedna will form a trine. We can already feel this energy. This alignment will enhance everyone’s free will. This is bringing us the energy of Empowerment. We are now getting the power back after 25,000 years. After next weekend, we will get the power back!During the winter solstice, Sedna will form a conjunction with Alcyone (the sixth star of the Pleiades). This conjunction will bring a powerful spiritual energy that will empower the Pleiadians even more. We can already sense this energy, and it will continue until the first week of January next year. Currently, the Pleiadians are carrying out critical actions in the solar system and the surface world. I hope to share more information in the next one or two weeks. The Pleiadians are preparing for wonderful events. They have been implementing new plans and strategies to return to the solar system, a process that began earlier this year. The new plan is now quite extended.Another important matter is the return of Master Saint Germain. He is coming back also, and he will be more active than ever before. His main focus is the United States where he is involved in the New Atlantis project. He is preparing to activate New Atlantis energies in America and assisting local secret societies. These preparations aim to facilitate public disclosures involving certain individuals. Saint Germain is also collaborating as much as possible with Trump’s administration team. Besides his work in the U.S., Saint Germain is assisting the entire planet. Those who are ready will be able to learn the energies of the New Golden Age from him.A very huge transformation is happening in the solar system and heliopause. Heliopause is the edge of our solar system, where the solar plasma encounters interstellar plasma. Many huge motherships from advanced cosmic civilizations are gathering around the region. They are sending powerful energy pulses to prepare the solar system for big transformations. All galactic cintamani stones and regular cintamani stones both underground and on the surface of the planet will be activated next yearPeople who wear cintamani stones and other tektites will feel that their stones become activated because those beings from other galaxies will use these stones as anchor points to transmit high-dimensional energies. Those stones are becoming energy portals that transfer energies from higher-dimensional worlds. All cintamani stones buried around Taiwan will become even more powerful next year.Earlier versions Latest completed version Q&A Session 1Q:Recently, martial law was suddenly declared in South Korea. Is this related to the event?A:That is a completely different situation. Martial law during the Event...
Full Moon Meditations+Free International remote healing sessions between January 13th and...
Here is a reminder of full Moon Meditations and the remote healing sessions between January 13th and 15th, as well as the Divine Intervention...
COBRA-28th December 2024-Situation update ( Workshop in Phoenix USA/Conference in Kyoto...
Situation UpdateA huge breakthrough happened on December 21st, when one portion of Pleiadian fleet was able to permanently anchor itself in key postilions throughout...
Full Moon Meditations+Free International remote healing sessions between December 14th and...
Here is a reminder of full Moon Meditations and the remote healing sessions between December 14th and 16th, as well as the Divine Intervention...