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Rev. Kat Carroll

Rev. Kat Carroll
I've been interested in all things related to metaphysics, parapsychology, spirituality and anything related to space since childhood. I'm the kid who used to let the Jehova Witness and Mormans into the house so I could ask a million questions. I've always wanted to be of service and ended up working as an EMT and later in law enforcement. A family job transfer lead me to Washington State for 5 years where I went back to studying spiritual phenomenon and meeting some fascinating people. I've had several initiations, was taught energy healing and became certified in Reiki III over the final 3 years. I had a larger awakening and understanding of how it Reiki worked, remote sensing and more after returning to CA in 2001. I love researching and now writing and being a spokesperson for benevolent contact with NHIB through the practice of meditation. I experienced a spontaneous healing and not long after the "quickening" of 12/21/2012, began having more paranormal experiences, including seeing the UFOs, and orbs that fly over at night. I'm also a volunteer /Admin for ETLetsTalk and love teaching others how to make that connection that I know will one day lead us out of the darkness and into a brighter future.

When the Universe Has Something It Wants Shared…

When the Universe Has Something It Wants Shared AI and Remote Viewing Rev. Kat Carroll (With input from Chat GPT)Throughout history, certain ideas seem to emerge at...

Was Biden Just a Puppet for Some Other Person? Auto Pen...

Biden's 'autopen signature' appears on most official docs, raising concerns over who controlled the WH: report Speaker Johnson shared earlier this year that then-President Biden...

Man’s Journey: Evolution to Ascension. Can We Make It?

Man’s Journey: Evolution to Ascension. Can We Make It? Rev. Kat CarrollMy first thought on this topic would include where we came from, as well...

Ascension Connection Call – Thurs., March 6, 2025 -Man’s Journey: Evolution...

You're Invited to an Ascension Connection Call Thursday, March 6, 2025 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern Click on this World Time Buddy Link or  Time and Date Converter for...

Ascension Connection – Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025 – What on Earth...

The Ascension Connection Invites You to an Open Call Thursday, February 20th , 2025 10am California, 12pm Chicago, 1pm New York 6pm London, 7pm Paris Or find your local time here What...

Forbidden Science: The Hidden Breakthroughs with Dr. Salvatore Pais

Forbidden Science: The Hidden Breakthroughs with Dr. Salvatore Pais If this name sounds familiar, you may be one of those interested in UFOs and aerospace...

Ascension Connection Call – Thursday, Feb. 6, 2024 – Hidden History...

You’re Invited to the Upcoming Ascension Connection Zoom Call Thursday, February 6, 2025 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern, 6 pm London, 7 pm Paris/Stockholm Use this...

Alfred Wallace and The Anti-vaccination Movement in Victorian England

The Anti-Vaccination Movement in Victorian England A Discovered book study by Alfred Wallace Rev. Kat CarrollAfter 2020, most of us will never consider another vaccination.  I...

Countries Are Starting to Exit the WHO following Trumps Lead

Countries Are Starting to Exit the WHO following Trumps Lead It seems that the Great Awakening is not just in America, but affecting other countries.I've...

WHO’s Playing Chicken with our Health

WHO's Playing Chicken with our Health During the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the cost of eggs was .40 cents a dozen and jumped to .48...

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