Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Cobra,

    You’ve mentioned multiple times that the genocide in Rwanda was orchestrated to open a negative draconian portal in the mid 90s. Was this the result of a mass lowering of vibration due to this event? Was something similar planned in terms of the archon’s orchestration of World War 2 and the unprecedented senseless loss of life that resulted from this event?

  2. The White House issued an executive order called Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events on October 13. Have you read this? Are they talking about ‘The Event’?

    • rainbowbody33, I believe there’s confusion, by the suggestion in the title of this article here, that it is about The Event that Cobra talks about. The White House announcement is related to the present conditions in the US, due to Hurricane Matthew and the flooding, the breaking up of infrastructure and managing it.
      See the video of Suspicious Observers in the Community page, for info about Solar activity.
      Today, the Sun was calm.

  3. Are we going to know the Past lives of all the Ascended Masters after the Event? And the information that is being spread about the past lives of Ascended Masters is lie or not?

  4. monthly questions for Cobra

    I have quite much bad feeling and bad imaginations base on cobra’s major situation update. Cobra needs to clarify much things about the functions of the biochips.

    The biochips can send our audio video stream to Chimera’s computer, which means a lot: 1,Chimera has known all of the deployments of positive military on the surface. 2, Chimera has known all the strategies of Eastern Alliance and other surface positive groups. 3,Chimera has known all the identities/address of the awaken surface population , has known all of the public and private information of those 144000 people ,especially the most awaken ones, which means they can send agents to assassinate the light worker and light warriors if necessary.

    So how can we win this war if your enemy knows all of you and you nearly don’t know all of your enemy ? Cobra needs to clarify much.

  5. Cobra

    With this escalation of the cosmic war are we going to see more news from Nasa? The disinformation is going to increase or not? What are we expected to see now?

  6. Q: If Jesus understood universal law and the laws of attraction why did he allow an outcome in which he would be murdered? Was this necessary?

    Q: Is plastic an invention of the archons?

    Q: Is it possible to override the effects of archon implants, the veil and other dark force technology by asking for assistance from light forces there by giving them permission to intervene on your behalf without triggering negative consequences such as detonation of strangelet bombs?

  7. Hello Cobra…thank you for your lovely interviews. I would like to know about Finland, and the Finnish language, since it is not known where it origins from, where does it come from? The language is so different than any other, is it old? And the people, where do they come from, history books does not tell, is there something we have not been told? Thank you so much.

  8. Corey Goode said that disclosure of lower level military/intelligence agency SSP that operates in low earth orbit is underway. Is the ‘Flying Dorito UFO’ appearing again over Wrekin hill in England a low earth orbit SSP craft?×306.jpg

  9. Do the Archons put traps on people`s lives and then they switch the gulit and fear button for people blaming themselves or others of the problems they are causing on humanity? Is this the way they are acting?

  10. Plans for the first space station ‘Asgardia” have been revealed. Humans can sign up to be a citizen. Is this a good idea?

    • I will provide some links to assist you with this as it has been addressed.
      This link is fairly recent, but Cobra commented the same around a year ago:
      Hope this helps.

  11. Hello. Cobra.. Can you speak about the role of gold and silver both before the event and after the event? Will this be useful as a viable alternative to the fiat currency systems during the transition, and what will happen to the value of these metals for the average person both before and after the event?
    Thank you..

  12. Cobra,

    1. Do you plan on having more ascension conferences in the near future?

    2. With so much misinformation floating around and aside from using our own discernment to gather our truths, do you recommend any books with mostly reliable and truthful information about our history, creation, or current situation?

  13. Cobra, can you comment on the recent efforts by Canada and many U.S. states to legalize recreational marijuana? Are we seeing legitimate responses to the wishes of the people or is this yet another example of cabal manipulation? Does legalized marijuana benefit the cabal in any way?

  14. I have some more questions about things after the event:

    1. When the quarantine is lifted it possible that positive ETs and humans could be in romantic relationships, or are cross-species relationships severely frowned upon?

    2. Are people throughout the Universe aware of Earth and its situation? When we visit other planets will there be recognition of who we are?

    3. Will more advanced technologies be introduced to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

    4. Can the surface population cross breed with any of the positive ETs or are we too genetically different?

    • Hey KingSolaris,
      As an assistant to the interview process I will share some regarding one of your questions.
      Question 2:
      Questions I, or other assistants do not provide links for are ones left to ask Cobra in the interviews.
      Hope this helps.

  15. Well, two questions

    Why Ben Fulford is saying that Neil Keenan is dead?

    After this election on the US, Russia is going to get more aggressive with the Cabal or will it be the usual game we are seeing on alternative news?

  16. Question 1: What are Shadow people?
    Question2: What alien humanoid species with “Four fingers” work for the government? Did they?
    Question3. Why is Jupiter’s atmosphere so active with auroras? What is the relationship with Earths liberation process?
    Question 4: To whom do the massive Cube Space craft belong to that are seen near the Sun?
    Question 5: Does an earth like planet exist on the other side of our sun that mimics our orbit and thus can’t be detected? Is in it different density or dimension?

    • Hello Andre,

      As an assistant I am able to provide you with some references to a couple of your questions which I will list below:
      Shadow people question:
      Jupiter’s atmospheric activity question:
      Hope these help.

    • Hey James, as an assistant to the interview process I am providing you with a link/reference to an answer to your question. Thank you for your time and patience.

    • Here are more references I did not get posted in my original reply.
      Hope these help too.

  17. Cobra I have a deep longing for enlightenment. I cannot let it go, I feel as tho if I do, I would run wild and savagely free like a fire burning down a forest and hurting everyone inside it. Do I still let go? How did you let go?

  18. I am Elvira from Romania. These are my questions.

    1.Certain crystals are heated in the sun while others do not.

    2.I see many crop circle but one does not go out of my head.
    Why do I feel that there is some message for me ?

    3..Is there a common ritual dance in other planets ?
    Cobra are you familar whit the paneurhytm dance.
    The pleiadin know this dance ?

    • Beautiful video, Elvira. I believe these are the ritualistic and joyful creations of all cultures that were in full touch with the elements, nature and nature spirits. I’m almost sure ancient Egypt celebrated these movements and sensuous experience with the space around and within, opening up.

      This paneurithmy seems very similar to the eurithmic dances and therapy that was introduced by Rudolph Steiner, around the 1900th year, in Austria and Germany. He built the Goetheanum, a building of wood, based on natural laws of geometry, visibly resembling a crystal form. He was greatly inspired by Goethe and his work.

      The website holding much of Steiner’s lectures is You might find videos with demonstrations of eurithmic dances/movements on YouTube. They exist, I’ve seen them. There’s deep wisdom in a properly performed eurithic movement, coming in resonance with, what I feel, as archetypical forces of nature, our deepest roots and most inner stirrings can wake up in that style of moving and awareness of the 4 directions, expanding one’s attention to all sides, including full body awareness.

      I’m very connected to this style of work, the use of movement on all levels. It’s deeply rooted in me, I’ve learned many forms of dance, even Flamenco… on wooden clogs.. just kidding. I’m from Holland.
      I hope you’ll find inspiration in what’s still existing to this day, the practice of eurithmy in antroposophic medical/therapy centers. Maybe you know of it in the country where you live?

  19. There seems that there are many delays going on, first the Congo energy vortex and then the biochips. I’m curious to know if the Event still happen in our lifetime. I mean if most of the people on the Earth right now would have the chance to experience the Event.

  20. Cobra, many claim to be already in contact with alien entities’. Nancy Leader claims to have contact with the Greys and speaks a pole shift and NIBIRU, What can you comment on her web site zeta talk and will NIbiru cause a pole shift. IS THIS PART OF THE EVENT? PLEASE and bless you and OUR CAUSE. David from Kentucky

  21. 2 Questions for future Cobra interviews:
    Q 1. Cobra Please comment on the strange happenings in Afghanistan regarding Giants found in a cave and being killed by the US Military. What Giants? And UFO’s shooting at US troops. What if any UFO base exist there and what race of aliens are they – good or bad aliens?
    Q 2. Comment on the mystery of the Orion Nebula. Is it a gateway or doorway to God or higher dimensions. The Book of Revelation talks about the city of God, and some believe it is the city in Revelation that is coming to earth in a thousand years to be revealed as the city of heaven on earth. What is your take on the Orion Nebula?

  22. I have two questions for Cobra.

    1) Recently you stated that a small part of Eastern Canada was once part of Atlantis. Could he say which part that is?

    2) Are you able to provide any information on what Randy Cramer has referred to as “plasmid freelancers”? In the late 1970s I encountered a being near the edge of a forest that was essentially a bright neon “blob” which was able to move quickly through dense woods without making a sound. Cramer has said that these beings are essentially “bag men and hit men” and are rather nasty. Should I be concerned that one of these entities was lurking just outside my home? What might its purpose have been?

  23. I have a file with all the interviews Cobra. It does not have any information about Lucifer. He does not want to talk about Lucifer. Why? All experiments of this archangel took place during the reign of the Archons.

    It seems to me that Cobra will not answer this question.

  24. Was that a double for Hillary at the first debate? Wouldn’t Trump know about this with that wire up her back?

    On cosmic disclosure David said “the sun is going to burp.” What does this mean, is it part of the event?

    Did the Israeli satellite that was blown up have an harmful purpose?

    Are our dollars becoming gold backed now? Could that lead to the RV before the event?

    Is Obama a willing or unwilling puppet for the Cabal?

    Has the positive military terminated cabal leaders and henchmen?

  25. Is alkaline water bad for us? I heard from a lightworker, drink only alkaline. Now I am reading it is not recommended. Please confirm. Thank you!

  26. 1. When will people fully remember their past lives?

    2. Wouldn’t there be resistance from positive ETs about us visiting their planets after the Event? How will they differentiate between positive humans and more negatively oriented humans?

    3. What will happen to religious extremists after the Event?

    4. Are there positive ETs that consume aspects of human cultures? (food, music, dance styles, etc)? Will they want to travel to Earth after the quarantine is lifted?

  27. Hello from Bulgaria. We were 9 mln people before East block crashing and now we are less than 6 mln and live in big poverty. For 1/4 century (26 years) we reduced with 1/3. And live much worse than before.
    Can you tell me why this happens to Bulgaria and bulgarians?

  28. 1) in the hindu scripture bhagwad geeta it is said that to chant the mantra “hare krishna hare krishna kirshna krishna hare hare, hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare” is the fastest way in this age to transend the darkness to light. cobra is this a way to raise the frequencies in the most easiest and fastest way ?

    2) will pakistan and india have a war in which major indian cities could be targeted ?

    3) will India be the first country to disclosure ?

    4) is indian pm nerendra modi a important member of the light, what is his role ?

    5) is nirmal baba a part of illuminati?

  29. Was the Armenian Genocide of 1915 where 1.5 million Armenians lost their lives, laying the groundwork for something (related to a portal) that hasn’t been uncovered or discussed yet? What were the hidden reasons behind it?

  30. Cobra, you said the Rwanda Genocide was laying the groundwork preparing for opening the negative portal that led to the Archon invasion of the Congo in 1996. Was the Armenian Genocide of 1915 where 1.5 million Armenians lost their lives, also laying the groundwork for something that hasn’t been uncovered or discussed yet? Will there be official recognition and reparations made by Turkey in our lifetime? There is a lot of healing that needs to take place.

  31. about RUNES
    – Are the Runes a form of archetypes energetic symbols coming from an extra terrestrial source ?
    – What is that Source ?
    – what is the purpose of that specific symbols system
    – Who was Odin ?
    – Is the 24 runes runic system the good one and is it complete ?

  32. I’m curious what the intended purpose of orgasm is. I’m fairly certain that we are being encouraged to misuse orgasm and no doubt there are negative consequences when anything is misused.

  33. What is the percentage of the Event be a bloodshed on Earth and it got in the wrong direction? Will there not be mistakes and failures? Can we be secure and safe that the Event is going to be smooth and it will have just success?


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