Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Cobra, several years ago the establishment made a very big deal about the Earth’s ozone layer becoming depleted. Holes in the ozone layer were presented to humanity as an existential threat, yet in the past number of years the topic of ozone depletion has disappeared entirely. Surely such a serious problem wouldn’t just go away. Were holes in the ozone layer simply Earth’s natural response intended to allow the flow of cosmic rays from the central sun to reach the planet’s surface? And did the establishment’s negative response have more to do with preventing these consciousness-raising cosmic rays from reaching us than it did with protecting us from a real danger?

  2. Cobra, I am in so much Gratitude to you for all that you do. I do participate in the weekly meditations and experience the blessing of communing with others.
    I am wondering what the situation is with the stranglet and toplet bombs. Since the head of the ‘hydra’ has been separated from its octupus body, I wonder if it is now much safer to eliminate the controls over us humans with regard to the implants we carry. Thank you for your dedication to humanity’s Freedom!

  3. Cobra, I haven’t heard much about how “the event” would affect beings besides us humans. Do bacteria, insects and animals get an automatic consciousness upgrade? Do all beings, despite their density, get sorted onto different timelines, or is this a strictly third-density experience? Won’t this be a solar-system-wide event? Will races living below the surface experience something tamer? How do things play out on the Astral (and other) planes? Perhaps these things “of no consequence” to us?

  4. I read many times Cobra say that some popular humans are Draco, other Archons and other Reptilians. Could you explain the process of taking over the Human body? Are they clones? is it like sime kind of Soul posession? Is it like an astral projection of a higher density being? Or do they already incarnate from birth with that soul?

    If that has already been answered somewhere, could you please send me an email with the link?

  5. Cobra

    Is it wrong to say that we came here to experience many professions, ways of be, many nationalties instead of we are trapped here on Earth because of the quarantine? What is it right? We came here to experience or to set this planet free?

  6. Cobra

    Why the academic world is so narrow-minded when they know something new for humanity? Are they hiding important discoveries of humanity or they are just narrow-minded and can not see new perspectives for humankind?

  7. Cobra

    The list of sumerian kings and pharaohs of our historians are all correct? Did the sumerian kings lived many thousands of years?

  8. Cobra I heard it was dangerous to learn authentic yoga in studios or on the internet. That one could lose the chance for a greater possibility if the yoga is done incorrectly. Is there anywhere on the internet we could learn authentic Yoga safely or must we go to a guru somewhere and not our local hot yoga studio.

  9. Hello!
    Within the musical style “heavy metal” has subdivisions, one of them is “black metal”, which idolizes Satanism, some bands also have the name “draconian”, they are only young people wanting to be bad or have some connection with dark forces?

  10. Cobra, what is the purpose of the Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) for being here on Earth? Where did they originate from? Where do they go and what happens to them when they die? Will they also be ascending with Earth Gaia and some humans to 5D? Thanks so much! And for all that you do!

  11. Question for monthly interview: The purpose of Whales and Dolphins: Cobra what is the purpose of the Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) for being here on Earth? Where did they originate from? Where do they go and what happens when they die? Will they be ascending with Earth Gaia and humans too to 5D? Thanks so much!

  12. Cobra

    Many people who are ollowing non mainstream teachings say that we as whole are creating our own realities, if that is so, all people who are suffering are only creators of suffering?

  13. Hi Cobra,

    I’ve noticed that many channels are popping up on youtube posting your interviews. Some of your interviews on these channels also contain strange sounds, echos and discordant frequencies that I find a bit disturbing. Many also seem to purposely put wrong dates on the interviews which seems to be meant to frustrate listeners. I feel that these may be more cabal disinfo agents (who are ALL over youtube) trying to put off lightworkers. I also am thinking that they may be including subliminal negative messages in these reposts of your interviews. Do you agree with this? Thank you.

  14. I’ve just read your post urging the Japanese people to reconnect with their origins. None of your posts speak of the extraterrestrial origins of the Black people and why Blacks suffer such virulent racism. Your post on the 13th Amendment does not answer these questions. What can Black people expect to happen as a result of disclosure and why is it that no one wants to address this in the Light Worker or Resistance community?

  15. 1. Were certain Jamaican Reggae artists, such as Dennis Brown or Garnet Silk star seeds or beings of higher density? Does these artists style of music exist in higher densities?

    2. Can you explain how the educational system of ascended civilizations function?

    • The AI is Chimera’s AI network which we commonly refer to as “the Veil”. I believe what Cobra is saying is that the Veil is about to come down in a significant way, revealing the truth to us. The Veil coming down means full disclosure.

  16. Cobra has stated that Putin is helping with the light due to a very enlightening experience with the Pleiadians. Cobra also says that Benjamin Foulford has pretty reliable information because of his contacts. However, on December 5, 2016 Benjamin Foulford posted in his article “There is now a major campaign unfolding to remove remaining senior Rothschild agents like the so-called “Vladimir Putin” of Russia (the real Putin died long ago)” Can you ask Cobra why this discrepancy between his information and Benjamin’s. Is that the REAL Putin or not??? Thank you.

  17. 1, is there a relationship between yladabaoth and a monastery called waldeba in northern Ethiopian and the lion of judah.

    2, is the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 legendary from babel you mentioned about a year or so ago the same and they both existed or totally something else.

    thank you so much your hard work you are doing, i can not even trying to describe how i feel every time i hear your interview and read your articles, all my fear disappears my joy starts to explain all i can’t have enough words. i will just say thank you victory of the light.

  18. What about the casualties among the Resistance Movement? Currently and in the past, e.g. in 1996 ? And among the Pleiadians and other positive ET’s, in the solar system and in their home worlds?

  19. Hello!
    Cobra, you said that all of electric, electronic and telecommunication facilities will stop working at the time of The Event. How will people without any idea of The Event react? Won’t they be shocked? Won’t they flow into panic? Won’t they loot or act with violence? Sometimes I surmise that also some kind of energy will come in the Earth at the time of The Event. And that energy will change people’s behavior and thinking, they will accept the circumstances with love and turn into their hearts. Would that be possible?
    Thank you!

  20. Cobra

    We know that in the final days of the Roman empire there was much hatred, violence, lust and prostitution, was that announcing the second invasion of the Archons?

  21. When the event happens Will it be an obvious world wide event ,like a mass Ufo sighting all over the world. Or will it start in 0ne area of the world then move to other areas .

  22. Warm greetings to everyone!! Cobra, you said that all of electric, electronic and telecommunication facilities will stop working at the time of The Event. How will people without any idea of The Event react? Won’t they be shocked? Won’t they flow into panic? Won’t they loot or act with violence? Sometimes I surmise that also some kind of energy will come in the Earth at the time of The Event. And that energy will change people’s behavior and thinking, they will accept the circumstances with love and turn into their hearts. Would that be possible? Gratitude!

  23. Cobra, you have told us many times that we are going to see the mass arrests being broadcasted on TV. But humanity is suspicious when politicians and powerful are arrested because many times or all the times on this timeframe politicians bought their release, are we going to see the politicians, bankers, and criminals going to jail? Will this be necessary to make sure for humanity that these people are really going to pay for their crimes?

  24. If draconians are luciferian beings not of the light and most reptilians are not of the light then why do you use the codename “Cobra” and why are you associated with one by the name of “Lady Dragon” and why are “Dragon” families in Asia using such names? Are there positive dragons? Thank you.

  25. ART II

    1) Operation Dreamland is the second and the ultimate Renaissance on Earth. There will be a revival of the renaissance style after The Event? Will we see the same masters of the Renaissance here or will it be more a way of seeing new perspectives?

    2)- When a person paints, can he or she see an alternative way of creating the same piece of art?

    3)- Do all the artists are making art or the most of them are on Art because it is still a very profitable life?

    4)- How was the true personality of Beethoven? Was he truly nervous and reckless?

    5)- We are on a epoch of emptiness of art. Is this because the Event did not happen yet?

    6)- What are te consequences for an artist when he or she creates a bad art after death?

    7)- Archangels and other beings of light appreciate material art? Or because they are just light they think that material art is not important at all?

    8)- Did Pleiadians create when they were not a spiritual race art how it is made on Earth?

    9)- Writing is considered an art on other planets? Do they read books?

    10)- Do the greeks as Sophocles, Aeschlyus, Euripides were masters of other planets?

    11)- Did The Parthenon a light or a dark piece of art?

  26. Cobra

    In the Event Notes Conference in Laguna Beach, by Alexandra Meadors, she says that after the Event there will be no horror movies. Is this true about action movies or comedy movies and what kind of movies will predominate after The Event?

  27. Will the water protectors be both protected and successful in protecting the fresh water in their stand against the oil companies and the energy transfer corporations? Will the ET’s be helping with this endeavor and be taking direct action to defeat the DAPL?

    • Is it important, Ludwig, don’t you want to miss out by being asleep when it happens? 😉
      The photon belt energy will decide when the time is right to arrive at planet Earth, you may
      find a lot of answers in the Event Handbook, offered by Cobra on the home site. Or read
      the Q&A sessions with Cobra, in an archive, also somewhere here.
      Saves you time and questions that might not be answered possibly.

  28. what is happening in South Africa and South Korea where the presidents are being exposed as puppets? Will this kind of truth come out in other countries?

    After the Event you have said speeding limits will be abolished. What is the reasoning for that?

  29. A question: for Cobra
    A statement as been issued recently by one of the main top spiritual ascension websites this statement seems to have be issued by the Prime Creator .
    Stating that all Arc Angels are Aspects of Lucifer and should not be contacted for any form of help or protection is this correct?
    If so does this also include our GUARDIAN Angels ?


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