You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews.Â
The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.
The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind.Â
Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!
Thank you.
Cobra can you tell us more about the twin souls.Thank you in advance. under the soul evolution tab is quite a bit of information on Twin Souls. After you have read through that and you have a VERY specific question for Cobra – please ask that. Thanks
Basically he answered on everything that I wanted to know,thank you for your reply I appreciate that.
How is it possible that tricking us can conform to respecting Free Will? The dark forces seem to be taking advantage of some kind of loop-hole or contour of universal law and can get away with it. How can showing us what they are going to do to harm us, in a way we don’t comprehend, when they are also desensitizing and dumbing us down, possibly permit them to go ahead and carry it out?
Thanks to you all.
How to master the physical-etheric transfer?Does the pleiadian has the ability to do that without using technology?
WHY…Doesn’t ANYBODY in the so-called “Light Worker” community ever address the TRUTH about the REAL identity of the people called “Israelites” (JEWS) that are occupying that nation right now…Especially when the REAL truth is coming out ALL OVER THE INTERNET, that in FACT was a nation of BLACK PEOPLE???
It is WIDELY Known that those occupants are KHAZARIANS, and NOT Black people…who have “Control” over the ENTIRE financial and banking system!
Which means they MUST be in control of the SECRET Space Program COBRA!
So WHAT have YOU to say about THIS absence of TRUTH
Out of Darkness:
No ego…Are there powerful humans and are their demigod like or could you explain these more powerful humans,also do you know who is SLS I’m SLS.
You’ve said a few times that the U.S.A. is the most Archon infected country on the planet? Could you be a little more specific, because for some people it may seem that it’s quite a comfortable place to live. Did you mean in energetically the most controlled country (by the Archons)?
You have said earlier that the Etheric Archon Grid suppresses and energetically attacks a person (by distorting the electromagnetic field and amoebas, etc.), if that person’s emotions, thoughts or vibrations are becoming too high. Is there improvement regarding this? Do the Archons still send minions at us, if we are reaching too high states of consciousness?
Did people on Planet X know before the liberation of their planet that there is life on other planets, like on Earth?
Due to the False Flag Attack in Las Vegas, I am informed by another contactee that other attacks are planned to occur in the future. One such false flag attack to cause more deaths is planned for the 2nd week in November accorting to one contactee. If you can check into this. I think it would be good to have a Mass Meditation to stop these False Flag Attacks, or setup a group meditation for future attacks to be stopped by the higher forces and light workers.
In the past you were very adamantine telling us that time travel does not occur like people think, and that people who were working on Project Montauk and Philadelphia were not much successful. On the other hand, we have Corey Goode saying that he participated on the 20 program and back and he was regressed twenty years the time he left, my question is: If we time travel for another planet or even time in our history, how can we talk to people if they have another language? For example, if I travel to the Ancient Greece how can I talk to them if I do not speak Greek? Can I speak with them even if i didi not learn Greek? Another doubt I have is: If I travel to the past or to the future, how my present life on my own time is affected? Thank you Cobra and Victory of the Light.
Better trust to Cobra. Corey as the prominent “time-traveller” was brainwashed by SSP. His intuition get out him from oblivion. But Corey as any time traveller could not predict not only time of the Event, but even also the trade indexes. You could only travel to the parallel world and meet your double. Simply. Also you could see “future” or past using holographic AI. Real future depends of God’s will plus our will ! If you show me a nice trader I suppose he is not traveller but is ensouled by some dark entity )
Dear Cobra, in your fantastic update about opening Outer barrier, for which I thank you and Light Forces and RM from the bottom of my heart, you say that if critical mass of people get beyond the Veil, the full Disclosure will become unstoppable. I believe you do not only speak about space travel but vibrational travel as well. Is that correct? (My experience: staring at a mandala I was sucked in and the other side I went out, emerging in an absolutely pristine silent clear space with our Sun ten times larger, warmer, closer and livelier tending to me. Behind me stayed greyish constantly buzzing illogical chaos and the moment I looked back at it, it sucked me back and here I am again. The mandala sucked me in when I realized that in fact it pictures binary codes. Was I really behind the Veil or what was that?) Thank you. Victory of the Light is Near.
Does the phoenix really exists?
Cobra, is it accurate to say that mass traumas, such as 9/11 or the recent Las Vegas Massacre, are orchestrated by the dark forces to create negative portals which can allow dark entities to pass through to Earth? What should we as Lightworkers be doing to counteract this?
Is the Hidden Hand Illuminati insider disinformation or have things changed since then? As to his take on the “Harvest” and the purpose of the Illuminati.
Dear Cobra,
If a person passes away before the Event can they incarnate into a cloned physical body after the Event. Thanks.
A couple of days ago my clairvoyant soulmate saw in a meditation, that the earth is surrounded by a huge amount of light force ships. But she also saw two or even more big black ships from the dark ones across from the federation ones. Situation seems to be, that the commanders of this dark ships have their hands on the trigger for toplet and strangelet bombs and threaten do destroy earth, themselves and also all the pleiadian and galactic federation ships, if earth should be liberated. For them there are only two opportunities: maintain the grid or total devastation. Target is to create a big shockwave of suffer and dark in this solar system, that only a couple of low negative entities would survive and yet be able to exist here, if earth should be liberated – kind of suicide squat as a last exit. The situation seems to be very delicate since the pleiadians are now planning to get those commanders off those triggers by taking them down through mind control (so they wont push the button) and then disable this threat once and for all. Can you confirm on this cobra und are you allowed to release more intel about this, if it’s true.
And would it be a great help from the awakened surface population, to just go in regular meditations and imagine, that all toplet and strangelet bombs are fully dismantled or won’t trigger, so dark ones losses their leverage and pleiadians finally can make their moves and end this thing.
Thank you and VFTL!!!
Hi Cobra there is a new supplement on the market called the A.G.E. Pill by Sisel International. It is claimed that the Light Forces gave an ancient formula from Lemuria to a scientist who works at the company. It is a precursor to the healing ships. It’s intended to reverse aging. You can read more about it here. What are your thoughts on this supplement? Thank you
Will most electronics be destroyed at the time of the event? And if so, how will we survive?
Is Clif High (Web bot) of the Light? He is quite an enigma so difficult to tell.
In August 2016 PFC interfview Cobra answered related to vaccination:
“There are certain detoxification protocols that can effetely clear the body from the harmful side effects of the vaccines. And you can, if you search for them, you will find them.”
Does anybody know what protocols did he mean and where to search for them? Thanks!
For example chlorophyll removes the heavy metals
Note to admins: in the Cobra Interview FAQ there is a non-working link, namely in the section LIFE – “Crossing Over: Death ????.txt”, can you please fix it?
Hi Cobra
Related to ascension you have stated that our personalities Will be dissolved. Why should that be a good thing? I see a more robotic person, and how about personal free will? Thanks
Hi Cobra
My question: on this prepare for change website, I recently read about whistleblower Bryan Kofron and Total Individual Control Technology. This is by tapping into a person’s mind via DNA knowledge. Scary stuff. Do you have knowledge of this (is it true?) and what is your thoughts on how to deal with it?
Thank you for all that you do.
Hi Cobra what would be your final suggestion for preparedness and what we all should be doing at this time?
How is princess Diana working towards planetary liberation?
I doubt she has any role in planetary liberation. She is most likely currently undergoing a healing process in the middle astral planes and probably has no involvement with the physical plane.
QUESTION FOR COBRA: Vaccines becoming mandatory. It’s scary stuff. Australia and certain states of America are leading the way taking choice away from parents and giving it to the state. What is this going to do to humanity? Will it cause an uprising and awaken people or is it going to cause more division and fighting. How do we stop this vaccine tyranny becoming mandatory?
Can you tell us how time travel works. I know you didn’t agree with Corey goodes idea of time travel so could you explain to us how it works
GF 1116 Louisa: Right, but we previously had Alfred Lambremont-Webre on the GoldFish Report where he disclosed that the DARPA time travel program pre-identified all the presidents since after JFK, and of course Trump was pre-identified as well. Even the Simpsons cartoon had predicted a Trump presidency, even though that is not the kind of research resource I attribute much validity to. But it was interesting that even Andrew Basiago was also pre-identified to become a U.S. President as part of this program that involved the Mars Jump Room Programs. I will ask you both about this idea of timelines and weather when they go into these programs are they actually all visualizing the same timeline?
Cobra: Ok, there is a huge amount of disinformation about timelines and time-travel. Time travel is really not as simple as people think. It’s not like that you go into a machine and then you come out in a different time zone or year. Time is a vector which is determined in the direction between the source and the primary anomaly and the time vector is not just something that you can bend by your will, or I would say it takes a very high level of consciousness to create time loops. And all those projects were actually attempting to do it and they were not successful in reality. GF 1116
By the way, this web site has technical issues. The ‘Post Comment” button disappears after filling in the comment box on Firefox for Windows 10 and the same thing happens on an Android 7 smartphone using a variety of browsers.
Also the ‘mouse-over command on top bar doesn’t work we either . They all work on Chrome for Windows.
Thanks for that
Please sort out the nature and identity of our planetary Logos:
On the one hand we have yourself and New Agers regarding Gaia as a benign aspect or child of the goddess or the solar logos.
On the other hand the Urantia book describes the planetary logos as being named Caligastia who is a nasty and negative God .
On the other hand we have Simon Parkes describing the god portrayed in the garden of Eden as being a royal reptilian .
And on the other hand we have the notorious “Hidden Hands” illuminati insider describing the planetary logos as Yahweh and a creature who is a jealous vindictive God .
Are these references to different beings, disinformation, or has the Planetary Logos converted to the Light after a dark history?
You know at some point someone has to address this. We all talk about malevolent beings from the minor Chaos of the astral plane such as the archons, greys, reptilians, etc. But nobody mentions the beings of the Ultimate Chaos above the mental plane. They are the supreme gods who pull the strings. The Great Old Ones, the Elder Gods (H.P. Lovecraft) and the Forgotten Ones (Keneth Grant, Typhonian Trilogy) who do everything possible through their servants(alien races and the stupid initiated) to prepare the ground and open a gateway for them to come into this reality and eat the collective unconscious of mankind. Anybody care to comment on that?
You have to study H.P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant, not just read them. Then you will begin to understand the problem with initiations.
I assume this is where we ask questions as I’m not interested in “commenting” .
I would like an explanation to what appears as a contradiction in your statements about the primary anomaly. I believe you have stated that everything created has to go through the primary anomaly.
On the other hand I recall you stating that angels got trapped in the primary anomaly – and that it was an essentially negative formation. is it some feature within creation, or is it creation itself?
You have referred to a Goddess Isis many times . I would like to know if it is your understanding that ISIS is the ultimate creator goddess herself, or perhaps the galactic logos of our Galaxy
Could you please clarify this issue for me?
Sent from mobile phone
I hope you’ve checked out our Cobra interview FAQ section at: where his comments about the Primary Anomaly questions have been answered. Please review that section, then re-word your question more concise, as we know Cobra needs very concise questions.
Are there human soulless as Mouravieff said in his books?
ashtar stole my root chakra
now i am bound in tachyonic source energy 5d continuum
with cincinnati stones covering my auric field which is existing
co creativly in the eternal now! help me please as st germain channeled
information through the tachyonic cell technology i got
to ensure the event as i co mingle in the ecliptic energies from the sun!
Question for COBRA: Was Yahweh of the Old Testament a custodial god who was given permission to establish himself over a particular people and region? How was the parting of the Red Sea accomplished? Was that at the Straits of Tiran?
Yahweh is Yaldabaoth, -5D negative master of Old Earth (source: Hidden Hand). Yahweh is cruel god, that took gold, women and firstborn (Bible)..
Cobra, can you please comment on what caused the lights that were observed in the sky’s over Mexico during the recent 8.1 earthquake?
love, cobra can you maybe help me understand Barbara Marciiniak,Her knowledge Seems infinite and wise, but also hopelesss for us anything on her ? and where is she coming from
I know we can do group meditation to dissolve the Hurricane Irma, but I am just curious why the light force not to do this with the advance technology?
Hi Cobra there is an almost promotion of transgenderism in popular culture, making it seem as if transgenderism is a cool and trendy thing to get into. What is this due to?
Still looking for his comment, but it is part of Agenda 21 and transgenderism is being “used” to bring Agenda 21 about.
Hi Cobra the date of September 23 has dropped a lot. Can you shed some light on the astronomical alignment occurring on September 23?
September 20, 2017, precisely at the Great Pyramid at 5:42:24.333 am will be a major alignment that we have not seen for Eons and this is the long awaited for. Venus will be in conjunction with Regulus at this time. So at this moment, Venus, the “Morning Star” will be aligned with the “King Star”, precisely at the Christ angle 26,3 degrees (angle in piramids). This cycle will involve many planetary and astrological events including the alignment of Regulus and Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Virgo.
Also its time of Woman(Virgo) with 12 stars, Moon at feet, crowned in Sun – astrological event of 23 September tied with Nibiru and Sun in Virgo (maybe eclipse)… Maybe Event as well. Yaldabaoth is ending (~90% now)
Is it true that a British girl found King Arthur’s Excalibur in Dozmary pool?
Good question. King Arthur also had a Cintamani. Deep ties with Holy Grail chalice of emerald or moldavite with 144000 facets that would activate the Cintamani Grid at the Event..
Hi, Here is the questions:
– Who was Dido (or Elissa) ? was she an initiate of the mysteries of the Goddess?
– What was her purpose in founding the city of Carthage? and was there a specific reason behind her choice of Carthage ‘s location?
What did China want from the USA in return for the secret codes for a large amount of gold to be given as a loan to the US Treasury last year?
Could you share with us on the status of the morphic chambers and directred energy weapons?
Is the cabal stealing money from their own minions?
monthly question for Cobra
There is a Chinese Business man whose name is Guo Wen Gui. He has exiled to United State and now living in New York. For more than half year, he has kept revealing the secrets of the highest level of Chinese government, including the illegitimate children of national leader, the deepest corruption and darkest murders behind the scene, the shadow actual leader of China and so on. All his disclosures seem like what we will see after the “Event”. Does Cobra know this man? Is Guo Wen Gui being protected by the light force in US at present ?
Cobra, recently a document has surfaced allegedly from an individual named Ernest Rauthschild, who claims to be a “Royal Prime Minister”. This document issues cease and desist orders to the “Keepers” (world leaders) and declares that some of them have violated their original mandates and are subject to removal of power. Can you comment on this document and/or its author at all? Is it legitimate or a fraud?
Cobra, I understand that Whales and Dolphins come from Sirius B. Half are there in human form and half are here on Earth in animal form. When a Dolphin or Whale dies or is killed on Earth do they go back to Sirius B as human form again, or reincarnate back to Earth as animal form? When the Event happens, what form will they take then? Thank you very much and Namaste.
Hi Cobra, who was the person known as Nichiren? Was he a light being?
It is recorded that he was nearly beheaded in Japan in 1271 by the Kamakura government for spreading the Buddha’s teachings to awaken all people to their inherent potential and free them from the tyranny of the Japanese government. However, just as he was about to beheaded a bright light raced across the sky saving his life. Was this bright light a meteor or something else? If it wasn’t a meteor, what was it?
Was the individual known as Sidhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha an Ascended Master? Is he currently incarnated again on earth?
Hi Cobra! Are You familiar with information about Dave McCann – falsely accused and imprisoned man in California? Is he truely a key person in the liberation of Earth and has to be set free from jail to fulfill his mission?
Hi Cobra,
If the energy grid has now been replaced with the New Atlantis energy grid does that mean that people who have recently died no longer have to reincarnate? And did anyone who died in 2015 have to reincarnate back to earth by force? And was reincarnation put in place so that souls could not connect to Prime Creator/Source?
Also, please let us know if the war will ever stop between Ukraine and Russia. And will Putin be held accountable for this war and for all of the crimes that he has committed?
Thank you,
Truth Seeker and Teller
Hi Cobra,
On the piano the white key representing the E note corresponds with the 3rd dimension. Following the E note there are 3 sets of overtones before we reach the G note or 5th dimension: one set that goes from the E note or third dimension to the F note or 4th dimension, another that goes from the F note to the black key F sharp/G flat note or astral plane and then a third that goes from the F sharp/G flat note to the G note or 5th dimension. Do these three sets of overtone notes correspond to the plasma, etheric and then astral planes in that order? Thank you.
Question for COBRA: can you elaborate on how we can expect to receive our mission activation codes from the Light forces now that the New Atlantis energy grid is up and running? I assume we won’t have Pleiadians, Arcturians, etc. showing up and speaking with us directly, so what should be be expecting?
i came across a channelling talking about what youre talking about.