Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Greetings COBRA,

    This is the third question I shall ask of you, my first two about crop circles and Bernie Sanders were answered on air over the last couple years…

    Mehran T Keshe and plasma physics. You’ve consistently mentioned chimera plasma scalar control grid.

    MT Keshe appears to have proven free electrical energy based on a new understanding of neutron plasma physics.

    COBRA you’ve stated many times that the final barrier to the event is the plasma scalar grid control.

    Is Keshe plasma tech spreading worldwide thru internet a part of the dismantling of the chimera plasma grid control?

    If u cannot comment on this I understand.

    Victory to light and love and exponential joy that surely awaits.


    • I’ve looked into the Keshe material and workshops on screen in videos. There seems to be a huge power struggle going on at present, with Mr. Keshe presenting his work, making attempts to create strong foundations all over the world. I believe in what’s behind it, but the organisation is apallingly amateuristic,
      on many levels.

      The format of presentations is unbelievably sloppy, with Mr. Keshe walking out of the frame, invisibly talking about abstract principles and throwing in idealistic talk that doesn’t touch ground almost. The audio quality is poorly, much time passes with solving interuptions when going offline or off the air.

      A practical approach, plus shielding of negative energies, to keep this whole concept grounded, is needed, plus a coaching of Mr. Keshe’s condition and style of presentation. He’s extremely tired and mainly present in his head, due to his conditions,, barely hanging in there. He’s upset for a long time already and works, under enormous pressure. This isn’t new, many inventors who were involved in free energy work, have gone before him, through different phases of deteriorating difficulties.

      Coming out with something that is a huge threat to the existing powergame, pun intended, is always followed by efforts to suppress and destroy it by the players of that game. When I took a look into the comments of Mr. Keshe’s videos, numerous people complained about not “getting it” or calling it “gibberish”, asking for an explanation of basic principles and terms. My attention is always quickly moving away, when I try to follow Mr. Keshe.

      There’s a lot of “noise” going on, on energy levels. As I perceive it. I sincerely hope that a couple of warriors, who can cope with it, will come forward to assist the Keshe work, taking off the burden a bit for those that “walk it alone”. Co-operation of joined forces is the best antidote against the forces and their attempts to destroy truth. Let’s hope the Keshe work will prove to be the prelude to a world living in free energy and freedom.

  2. Hello and thank you for all you do!

    I am confused about the upcoming changes and the different aspects of them. I have read from several sources and they all describe it differently. For example in the Law of One they call it ‘The Harvest’. From the Cassiopaeans (Larua Knight Jadzcyk) it is called ‘The Wave’. From Corey Goode he calls it ‘moving into a higher energy field’. I have heard it called the ‘pulse from the central galactic sun’. And you call it ‘The Event’! Are these all names and descriptions of the same thing? I try to find corroboration, so I am trying to see if these different sources are saying mostly the same thing. Are these all the same thing basically?

    The other thing I am struggling with is whether this Event/Wave/Harvest (whatever) is inevitable and unstoppable? Some things I have read seem to indicate that there are sphere beings ‘sheilding’ us from these waves to ‘protect’ or delay the effects so that we can better prepare… ?

    Thank you!

    • Yes Jim, they are all referring to the same thing. Just from different levels of understanding and perspectives.

  3. dear Cobra, brother of Light , pls tell the situation now in Finland and under Finland and our sky here pls. We have nature and elementals are here friends with me. We are One!

  4. Is the mechanism behind the weaponization of food to manipulate the gastrointestinal microbiome that then causes disease?

  5. COBRA along that line, do you know of any other ancient cultures besides the Vikings that made it across the Atlantic besides the Vikings? This might be the Egyptians, Phoenicians etc. Also, are the egyptian artifacts found in the grand canyon a hoax or not?

  6. Hi COBRA, do you anything about Oak Island and what happened there in the past? Was anything ever buried there? Were the templars ever there? etc.

  7. 342.
    I read about the Etheric Archon Grid from Cobra’s blog originally published on January 3, 2013 and later published on
    November 1, 2015 by Colaborama. Since it was described as the main factor delaying the Event, how close are we
    to removing the Etheric Archon Grid?

  8. Could Cobra, or someone, give me clarity on the relationship between the Chimera, Draco and Cabal? Is that simply a hierarchy of leadership?

  9. Can you give more details on the “sneeze” referenced in the July 14th post? Also, what conditions
    will the general populace gain shortly after the sneeze, and more importantly after the Event? Will Financial debt be eliminated? Mortgages? Will we be freed of debt slavery immediately? Thank you

    • YES, I think this is an important question. Can Cobra elaborate a bit on precisely how the planetary situation will change once this “sneeze” happens?

  10. Cobra, do you agree, and at what extent, with Ibrahim’s Plasma and Planetary situation update:

    concerning the following items, that we allegedly may be now of:

    The plasma plane ?
    EM. Ibrahim : the new timeline and its sub-timelines are ready now to solve this problem, and this happened just 10 days ago [early to mid of July].. .

    The Galactic Wave ?
    EM. Ibrahim : it is in the third phase, in its peak now

    The blue pulse ?
    EM. Ibrahim : it is already active with the manifestation law through the collective consciousness now, and there is a final step that should happened on earth to let the pulse flow..

    Ascension ?
    EM. Ibrahim : uneven between the categories of people, but in general , we are under decoding the light code within ourselves..

    Ley-Line network ?
    EM. Ibrahim: almost completed, but waiting for the light pillars to complete

    The Disclosure?
    EM. Ibrahim : waiting for the completion of the conventions that happening now to be revealed as full disclosure..

  11. Benjamin Fulford announced in mid-July, 2016, that the White Dragon Society is offering rewards of close to $39 million dollars each for the arrest of top Cabal criminals such as the Bushes and Clintons. Can Cobra offer any comment of this claim? Is such a removal of these people authorized if they refuse to surrender?

  12. Namste, dear brother of light Cobra.. I enquire about the fourth dimension. Is it true Source and our galactic family of light and love are disintegrating this dimension? To further speed up the ascension process and also to stop the dark entities and beings, from being able to hide there? Please if you can elaborate on this subject. thank you . Victory of the Light.

    P.s. if marian banghor or whoever your name is sorry… reads this and feels it necessary to comment.. please don’t bother, I do not care for your egotistical, judgmental points of view. I don’t know who or what you think you are but just save it for someone who cares. people are just trying to find some answers and direction and I suggest you leave it to those who can provide it to them. love, light and peace be unto you.

    • For better or for worse, please, I suggest you take my comments with a grain of salt and a bit more sense of humour, khajiit7. We’re all entitled to offer suggestions and possible answers here, as much as Cobra intends to offer. If my comment doesn’t fit, please, come to me directly and tell me what’s on your mind or in your heart, okay? That’s what I call fair game, you know how to contact me. Thank you.


    Dear Sir,
    This is a brief answer to your ‘public review and discussion’ concerning your blog-post ‘Terms of Surrender’.

    We are respectfully forwarding to you the point of view by which you and RM have to negociate which each of us by our request, but not only with those in power now.

    One item which we, as each individual, may be interest in is the possibility to back free entirely from any kind of imprisonment no matter how allegedly ‘a natural process’ it may be or not a part of.

    What we need to be assured is that you find a solution for any of us to be able to take out, to detach individually from the collective consciousness (as a whole) from which (as Corey states) each of us are only facets.

    We ask this in order to no longer share the reality manifested by the earthly (and like hell looking) human collective consciousness as a whole.
    By backing free, we need to be able individually to no longer share the reality generated by the summum of individual thoughts of all earthly humans taken together.

    So, you and RM may negociate with whom you want and whoever you consider it may be at best for the humanity as a whole.
    But on the other hand you have to give to anyone the right to be separated individually from this disgusting collective consciousness, no matter it belongs to the nowadays or alleged post-Event era.

    May you take in consideration all of these requests (possibly coming from common people) and may you put in discussion some sustainable solutions in this way.

    With kindest regards.

  14. Hi Cobra,
    In one of your interviews you mentioned that in 1999 most of the souls on Earth had been evacuated from the astral plane to one of the planets in Pleiads by Ashtar’s command for healing. I would like to know if present day souls are still being sent to this planet. If they are not and they still reside on the astral plane, are they not then faced with danger from negative entities?

  15. If i see Time will come when the sphere won’t damper anymore the galactic energy, we are going to see etheric and astral life force manifestation. But before this time would you say that we can prepare ourselves to such event by going through an initiation for it is known that human have the potential to the tangible use of the etheric third eye to see and feel beyond the physical..or not necessarily.
    Cobra for you are an initiate of the mastery of the SELF and the temple’s portal, will you be kind to share deeper knowledge of the eye?
    I’ve heard something that the fourth dimension will be dissolved.
    By letting go of the reactive mind we let space to the SELF and surrender to its neutrality? Is it the purpose of being? Or maybe all will be revealed transcendantly in due time for every being after the event.
    Thank you

  16. Putin seems to be missing again! (July 1st 2016 – today July 13th 2016.) Where is he? Thank you for everything you do.

    • I had read in some source, maybe David Wilcock, that the last time he went missing he was taken for a meeting with representatives of the galactic federation. Hopefully, he’s having another meeting!

  17. Were the upside down pyramid shaped UFOs that appeared over the Giza pyramids in April 2016 real? If so, what was their purpose? Thank you for all you do.

  18. Is there a different explanation for these “holes in the sun?”
    massive new “hole in the sun,” or a big patch of black in the corona, was spotted on Monday by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

    But as Tom Yulsman of Discover’s ImaGeo blog notes, these holes appear from time to time.

    He wrote:

    A coronal hole is a place where where the sun’s magnetic field opens out into interplanetary space, allowing hot material from the corona to speed outward. As a result, these areas have very little hot plasma compared to their hotter, brighter surroundings. So they appear much darker.
    Yulsman also uploaded a snazzy animation to YouTube, above, which shows SDO images of the hole in sequence.

    Here’s one of the new images released by NASA:

    (Story continues below image.)

    NASA says these coronal holes can appear for weeks or even months at a time, and can take up as much as a quarter of the sun’s surface.

    While a hole in the sun is nothing to be too alarmed over, it can lead to problems here on Earth: Solar winds released from the corona can form solar storms, which can disrupt satellite and radio communication systems.

    On the other hand, they can also produce some pretty stunning auroras.

  19. Were the archons aligned with the light in the beginning? What influenced them to fall? Was the primary anomaly new to all of existence at the birth of our Universe? What caused the primary anomaly?

  20. Would Cobra please clarify the difference between Planet X, Nibiru and the Blue Kachina as there is so much confusion and fear porn on the internet about this, like Obama is going to nuke Russia if Putin warns us about Nibiru. Is Nibiru real and what can we expect? If real, how is Nibiru related to the Event and to Ascension? Thanks.

  21. Does the archon grid take our energy and fuel the Archons? If so, what is the purpose of raising our vibration?

    (based on article you link to in your article posted on November 2015 about Protection).
    the article :

    Thank you for any information.

  22. Thanks you very much for all those information.
    thanks again for the revolution to free human beings

    their is a concept of artificial sun and moon,according to it space travel is impossible.
    earth is enclosed with a dome(firmament) with that sun and moon are same size orbiting around earth under the dome.Stars and other are under the dome,Their are various visual evidence is available for that.if it is like that then how satellites are possible please provide us the proper truth.

    Satellites are impossible :

    No one Has Been to Space in OVER 40 Years:
    their are various article with video proof available for that.

    Distance to the Sun impossible to Calculate with Straight Light :

    Artificial sun patient :

    more about .so would you mind please bring the exact truth about this concept.

    Victory of light

  23. @Peyton

    Just one person’s opinion on precious metals options, do your due diligence.

    Physical bullion for delivery
    Miles Franklin (claims to have had no customer complaints in 27 years of business)
    SD Bullion
    Schiff Gold

    Internet-based PM investing, stored by provider in their vaults (not physical delivery, unless you request it)
    Hard Assets Alliance

    100% physical-backed funds that can buy through online broker
    PSLV – Sprott Physical Silver Trust
    PHYS – Sprott Physical Gold Trust

    Mutual Funds
    SGGDX – First Eagle Gold Fund (about 20% bullion, the rest precious metals miners)

  24. I’m needing advice on our financial situation. My Husband and I are retired and have all our money in a 401k and invested with a broker. We paid cash for a house. Im trying to get an advise on how to trade those investments for gold and silver. I need a reputable source to buy from and advice on storing it too. I don’t want it in a bank or depository. Cobra mentioned this before. He said something about giving a list of reputable people to buy from. We stand to lose all that we have if this collapse takes place. I know from the past how fast it can happen. In 2008 we lost half of what we had then. Any info or advise is appreciated.

  25. I read in a reply from Cobra that he would leave some reputable companies to buy gold and silver from with Rob. Did he ever leave them?

  26. will the return of the worlds prosperity start first with the lowest class of individuals or at certain agreed upon power centers?

  27. How do you define a being of “unity consciousness”? You have used this term before. My understanding is that we can choose to step out of duality/separation and become of unity consciousness, that is, aware that All is One. We then become of a higher density and understand that all is perfect, even in our current “lower” dimension where people are fighting in a dual (good vs bad) mindset (Archons vs RM). Wouldn’t the fight be futile and inevitably be endless as long as we are of duality consciousness? My understanding is that the only way out is to rise above, perhaps not in this life but in the next ones… ?

  28. Was Ireland physically part of Atlantis, and are there certain genetic traits that Irish people have as being descendants of Atlanteans?

    • Roscoe, try to find the free downloadable PDF “The Pharaos of Ireland” it will offer you some answers maybe.
      I myself believe in Ireland’s connection to Atlantis, due to an experience I’ve had on the South West coast.
      Also, I believe that Atlantis was large and that its location was quite wide-spread. Also, due to the rising of the sea level after the ice-age ice melted, many remnants of old civilisations could lay hidden below the surface of the sea, such as near the west coast of Ireland.

  29. hello cobra i want to ask you a question about the satirn ring david icke said that vas a devide that send frequency trought the solar system and use moon as amplifier to keep as in 3dimension and 2dnn spiral? is that true/and if is true waht is going on on that problem?thank you

  30. can the magnetic motor type Perendev be something useful for society before the event happen? or the roads are not open to new technologies? the planet will come out of inertia only after the event? no technology will be released before?

  31. Hello I’m from Brazil .. say the Pleiadians that landings formerly had its consequences because they changed the nature around, can a huge size of ship hovering over the sky without causing the same effect of a landing ?? many videos are coming out on the internet about that huge nava in the clouds. Equitumans were in charge of settling the land in the past? any anomaly began with the decline of this civilization ?

  32. Cobra: Many thanks for the wisdom you bring to great issues of our time:

    Would it be true to say that earth is being helped for these severtal reasons:

    1) It is close to being accepted into the Galactic Brotherhood?
    2) It is on a great trading route and it is important that strategic nuclear weapons not be exploded and interfere with the Space/Time continuum in which the ETs travel safely?
    3) It is being prepared for a Golden period of peace and prosperity – promised in this Aquarian Age – and is the Event intended to lead into this?

  33. Q: The NASA $1.1 billion Juno project is “on the news” at this moment; their spacecraft has entered Jupiter’s orbit and will be there for research. I was wondering if you have any intel on this subject, as well as what is going on with Jupiter right now with regard to Earth? Are there physical or non-physical beings on Jupiter? We also have a movie “Jupiter: Ascendance” which you shared is encoded and inspired by light-beings. Jupiter is clearly becoming more present in our collective consciousness.

    Q: I noticed there is a lot of programming in Poland with regard to Russia and Putin. It is almost always distorted information and manipulation of the masses using tragic past images and prejudices to maintain or enforce negative attitude towards Russia and Putin. As a Pole, I feel it it would be best for us to leave the EU and co-create “The Slavic Union” with Russia and other countries . Still, it is only a seed-idea for now, that resonates with but a few. I was wondering if you have any intel on this subject and the direction Poland might be going.

    Thank you. Victory of the Light!

  34. – I’d like to know what Cobra thinks about cryptocurrencies, about Onecoin; he never mentions these tools like valid alternatives to traditional banks, he talked about putting money on gold or a house to protect ourselves by banksters, but never suggested to consider Onecoin an option:is it a valid and safe tool, at least to rely on until the Event? Is it really free from Cabal control? Is it a mean of social justice, an ethical investment? Or are the private profits behind it to be avoided for our spiritual and financial liberation?

    -months ago an interview to Putin’s ex-wife Lyudmila was published, in which she stated her husband was even not human but a clone, and that when alive he used to be mean to her, should we consider all this stuff as misinformation?

    -is Europe (and Euro currency) going to resist before the Event, or is its total collapse necessary to re-start? I feel German Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble to be a particulary negative and dangerous character, who wants to provoke intentional suffering and destruction, and who is a main cause of actual Europe crisis, more than Angela Merkel; is he a draconian or what? Will he keep the power until the Event? Will Greece be forced by him to leave EU, followed by other South Europe Countries, stating the end of EU and severe poverty for all these Countries?

    -is censorship in Mainland China getting worse and worse until the Event? What’s happening to Tibet once the Dalai Lama dies? Are these demonic chinese elites strictly obeying the Cabal, or do they consider each other enimies? Is there a great resistance to censorship and oppression inside the Government and the Communist Party, is there someone fighting to free chinese people from such extreme enslavement, materialism and ignorance? Is any hope to see chinese education system (terribly oppressive, dangerously nationalist and brain-washing) renewed before the event?

  35. Hi Cobra my friend, – Question : There is a great deal of recent debate, theory, concerning what is being referred to as the “Mandela effect” – the definition and theory that time has or is being manipulated. People are remembering that the world around them from every day objects to relatives have changed. From a TV series changing name, to relatives suddenly not being alive and in existence, to those remembered as having passed are indeed alive. What is the truth and reality of the Mandela effect. Love and light – Medwyn.

  36. Greetings.
    I feel that there are beings that absorve my energy in a way I don ‘t comprehend. What can I do to avoid such acts, and how can I control my energy field?
    Thank you.

  37. Dear Cobra,

    What do you think about radiesthesia (such as pendulum or tensor) as a truth-finding method?
    Is there a risk for the results to be manipulated, and if yes, how does this manipulation happen?

    Thank you,

  38. I would like to know when you will announce about the World Meditation? You spoke about this meditation about a month ago and it suppose to happen on July 8th. Please let me know if it is cancelled or what happened? You were talking at an interview with Coory Good t

  39. Dear Cobra,

    First of all, thank you for your sacrifice for the freedom of humanity!

    After the Event there shall be many improvements in life, but I still see several problems remaining:

    1. Will there be some kind of simple and effective technique for physical and energetic personal protection available to everyone, so that everybody, even the weak, feels and is safe? And if so, can you give it now?

    2. Will men still be fighting for attractive women and vice versa after the Event or shall there be some permanent solution to this problem, like a method of finding inner fullness, completion? And if you know such a method, could you share it?

    3. With the new freedom of movement and low cost of living, majority of people living in the big cities will probably move to places of beautiful nature – won’t that cause problem and create new overly populated areas?

    4. Attractive land to live in may be in short supply – will this cause problems or conflicts between people?

    Thank you!

  40. Q: Hello there dear PFC & Cobra. Since after the 29-30 of June I started noticing the clouds here in Sweden changed. They seem to have become lighter, more “fluffy” and have a strange glow to them I have never seen before. And I seem not the only one noticing this here. Do you have anything to share in regards to this matter & change?

  41. Cobra, Some yogis/ saints claim to have seen a very, very large number of enlightened beings and/ or deities enter an object or a person. This happens very, very rarely and when it does happen it usually occurs at great speed and is accompanied by sound and/ or light manifestations of a divine nature. Please give as detailed a reply as possible as to why this occurs and what should a person do about these enlightened beings and/ or deities that have taken residence within his/ her self ?

  42. Hello COBRA!

    I have a question concerning the light body. In a certain channeling I heard that going into the light body is a very personal process and that the person itself decides, when he or she is going into the light body.

    And here is the point: How can I determine when and especially how can I perform that?
    I also know, that ascension is not about “escaping” as fast as possible from earth.


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