You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews.
The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.
The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind.
Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!
Thank you.
Hi I have two questions that are unrelated. The first question has a few layers too it.
Could Cobra please speak about the country South Africa. His knowledge about whats going on within the political situation here especially since there was a very recent & seems positive outcome with the voting of new governance within the country & the countries role within BRICS, especially since the current President is so corrupt its a joke! Why is he in power & who is controlling him?
Also if Cobra could give a bit of his insider info about the countries past. From its inception with the Dutch East Indian company & why they really colonized here & also if Cobra could speak about its recent past with regards to Apartheid & the truth behind that evil system being placed here & how it related to the world at that time & even now & lastly about Nelson Mandela, was he really a hero or a puppet placed here to manipulate the people?
Recently a mayor from Turkey spoke about & showed pictures of this big red light hanging over the city, Ive seen more pictures of the ufo & witnesses described it as a little star surrounded by a red light moving slowly in the sky then disappeared into nothing. Could Cobra speak about this, if he has any insider information about what it was or who it was over Turkey.
Thanks so much, Love & Light!
Hi everyone!
Question for Cobra:
– Some years ago I have experienced a total awakening that faded when I woke up the next morning.
I was walking back and forth between rooms in my apartment. Suddenly I decided to myself “Now, without thinking” . Then I went to a frightnening mind state that seemed that i was forgeting about everything. Suddenly the most positive and radical thing happened – I was without toughts, seeing everything as for the first time, without suffering or disconfort of any kind, and with huge enthusiasm. I was aware that I was aware! Totally alive! I realized that all my life was a dream in my mind and i had awoke from it. Also a heavy weight left the back of my head. Next morning – the “normal life” dream got back, with its endless stream of thought and painfull emotion. So the question is – for those of us that underwent an experience similar to this, what steps do you advise to get back to awareness as fast as possible? – THANK YOU ALL AND LOVE YOU ALL =D – António
First, I want to thank infinitely the Cobra and all light team working day and night in favor of light and love. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Cobra, I am not able to see you physically, but in way, I can see you and feel your light; thank you! It is an honor for us.
Well, I am Brazilian and when I was born in late 1989, Brazil has lived in long crisis; Brazilians often say that the crisis exists since Brazil exists… I feel that Brazil have been massacred by external powers, by outside governments, and even the politicians of our country are increasingly sinking our country; but, at the same time, I feel that Brazil, along with Latin America will emerge somehow… I hear and read little about Brazil, for that reason, I decided to send this question.
Please, tell me what you know the future of Brazil? Do you have any information about Brazil and the Brazilian population?
Thank you so much,
According to your blog in April 4 2012 about Resistance Movement. You mentioned that you have seen computers being developed and also Andromedan craft in their hangar in 1977, but apparently you were maybe a 6-year-old kid or so right then. How could that happen? Was you already there when you were a kid or you saw it on your vision or by other means? I need to get this clarified so as to answer doubts from others.
Question for Cobra:
If human “leaders” are under the direction and control of Reptilians and Dracos, which species of Non-Terrestrials are/were controlling them? Was it the Maitre? Have they been removed?
Thank you!
Do we live inside earth?×720-99U.jpg
Cobra, recently you were asked to explain why some individuals here on Earth have so much more difficulty dealing with being here than others. These individuals are largely positive, yet they seem to attract an inordinately large amount of negative attention during the incarnation, attention such as bullying and personal attack which wears them down over time. You responded that individuals who have a strong potential are indeed targeted by the controlling forces who want to slow them down. How do the controlling forces typically go about this? Are the people who give these positive individuals such a hard time actually Archons or Dracos, etc., or are they simply normal humans who become “possessed”? Secondly, is this an example of illegitimate “bad karma” that the Archons trick us into accepting when we begin an incarnation? Thank you for your time.
Did Yggdrasil (the great world tree) ever exist in the deep ancient past and if so was it destroyed by the Archons?
The great tree was mentioned in the bible:
Daniel 4:11 – The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth.
Daniel 4:12 – Its foliage was beautiful and its fruit abundant, And in it was food for all. The beasts of the field found shade under it, And the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches, And all living creatures fed themselves from it.
And then it was destroyed:
Zechariah 11:2 – Wail, you juniper, for the cedar has fallen; the stately trees are ruined! Wail, oaks of Bashan; the dense forest has been cut down!
There is a documentary on the subject that is gaining traction fast.
Something about this resonates very deeply on a soul level even though my rational mind rejects it.
Will such trees that are miles tall grow again after the Event and 5D shift?
Who was Lilith?
Ancient Egypt. Was Isis from Sirius? Who was Ptah? Who was Horus & what’s the significance of the Eye of Horus? Was Amun a chimera invention? David Wilcock said recently the Egyptian Gods like Osirus were an invading giant race, and the source of the Cabal bloodlines. Is that true?
what happens to one’s energy body when one masturbates alone?
how does it impact one’s energy flows and does it block chakras in any way?
What can the humans of earth do to protect themselves from the mind control AI, so to break away from it’s grip on us as a people? How much longer do we have to be under control, it is the worst experience you can imagine?
Hello Cobra, thank you for this opportunity to connect with you. My question is will the United States go into Marital Law and if so when and for how long? Also, how can we prepare peacefully and lovingly if this is true? Lastly, will the United State have an election or is the Marital Law set to occur during the election time (November)? Thank you and I look forward to your reply.
My question relates to debt forgiveness: Since there are some people with mortgages and others who have chosen to rent because of the inflated prices, it would not be fair to forgive mortgage debt and give people with a mortgage their home for free, while conservative renters get nothing.
There is another theory that mortgages will still need to be paid, but interest will be reduced or waived, and that everyone will be given a gift sum of money in their account, this is a lot more fair.
Cobra how do you see this situation playing out fairly? I am a renter and would hate to see others be gifted houses for reckless borrowing. If this is truly going to happen, do you suggest people get mortgages asap?
Do other, more awakened or advanced societies compete in recreational sports? Is there a possibility that professional team oriented sports will dissipate given humans’ awakened mental/physical powers? If Team A knows what Team B will do next, is there a point?
Le jour de l’événement, que se passera-t-il par exemple pour une personne récemment décédée du cancer ou autre maladie et qui aurait bien voulu être vivante à ce moment-là ? Aura-t-elle la possibilité d’ascensionner vers la cinquième dimension ?
Mr.Cobra or others. For the past many years I have had strong urging to not want to be here on earth and I want to go home. Yet I have no clue where home is. This urge has gotten stronger the past year and is really effecting me. Am I insane or is something to expect.
Please send an answer.
The serpent is widely misunderstood, it is the sergeant that offered eve spiritual knowledge from the tree of life. It is the serpent within you, you use the serpent to rise the kundalini, and reach your Christ mind. The story of Adam and Eve has been used by the cabal to portray the serpent as evil, when I’m actual fact it represents spiritual knowledge. It represents wisdom. Don’t be alarmed by this, it’s another cabal tool used to instil fear and potrait it as evil, as its knowledge is forbidden. Loo into the story of enki and enlil from the Sumerian tablets. You can watch a short YouTube video explaining it clearly, you will be surprised, but the evidence is in the Sumerian tablets. Many cultures around the world worship the serpent as a God. Hope that helps…
You have stated and I quote: “vaccines are deadly poison”, as a scientist I cannot appreciate this statement since it is not backed up by data or logic. Research shows very clear decline in death and disease rates (polio for example). It is difficult just ignore them since they are published in respected peer-reviewed journals that is the basis of our whole scientific world. In addition I can’t understand the reasoning, if its poison (meant to kill) why is there only usually mild side effects?
No evidence of the Dark? Tell these people to take a good look around them and have a closer look at exactly what is going on with war, famine, poverty. If there was no dark everything would be light and living in peace and harmony! I have encountered these people also. We love in a polarity world. With good comes bad unfortunately. The evidence you tell them is all around them. I hope that helps. I hope once the event happens, actually I know once the event happens, there will be peace, harmony, prosperity and above all love x
> Danell Glade
> August 9, 2016 at 10:34 PM | Reply
> COmpressionBReAkthrough – the Event
Sorry, Danell, my question was another. Why two names assosiate with snakes (reptilians), It’s very intersting association: when I read “cobra” I see in my brain the image of snake 🙂 The same I see when I read “White DRaGON”.
But when I read ‘Ashtar” I see the image of humanoid…
May be you understand me.
Question for Cobra: Could you please elaborate on the prime anomaly? Specifically, dimensionally, how far up (spiritually speaking) does this anomaly resonate? And, in the construct, considering, say, Bentoff’s vision of multiple universes, does this anomaly resonate across more than one universe? Given that, where did/does it originate (meaning, is it something which would benefit from focused clearing)? If possible, can you elaborate on the issue at hand regarding the prime anomaly, perhaps hitting on the importance (or lack of) of dealing with this ‘glitch’ at this time. I mean, with all the delays and postponements, is there a possibility that it won’t be dealt with at this time, that we will be shunted into yet another cycle? I know that we are constantly being reassured that is no longer a possibility, but if we had actually reached critical mass, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation at all would we? Thank you, for your addressing my question and your ongoing service.
Are there energy portals and tunnels in the Carpathian Mountains? If so what’s their approximate location?
Hello, and tanks for see the message, because what i want ask for COBRA is he have somone in restiance is show some probablyty of future personally and planet?, My brother have 13 years old, and told me about things go appen in future, the big fight againt arconetes, and other thing that correy have told, about IA, the gigants go comeback, and who have show is here brother spiritual, and explian is are Lieutenant, and have appear more 2 people, and more dreams not about the future, but is other things, my brother say have ability spiritual to see the future, and i m stun with information, when i go die, i know i go comeback again this planet, like my brother is change the spirtual in 5 years old with my brother spirutal.
Cobra do you know a tiaouhooba planet and civilisation of it? michel desmarquet was meet this beings and the masters of this planet named thaori.He write a book “mission” available to download in the net.Is they are a wingmakers?Did they a member of force of light?Did humanity meet them after the event?Who send a jesus christ to the earth?pleaiadans? tiehooba? or civilisation of rael?did experience of negative polarisation humanity cause growth a consciousness and understanding a polarity for all universe and all beings?
Hello! What is the purpose of the crop circles?
Please understand me why the name “Cobra” assosiates with the SNAKE and “White DRAGON” assosiates with the SNAKE too.
There are no chances in the Univerce.
COmpressionBReAkthrough – the Event
Question to Cobra
1. In South Africa mining is a source of income for a lot of people. There are towns that only exist because of the mining in that area. Currently the mines are struggling and a lot of people have already lost their jobs. What is going to happen after the EVENT happens? Will mining stop completely and if so what are the people going to do for an income?
2. In South Africa there is currently a huge debate going on around land claims. After the EVENT happens and all the borders are lifted, will people still be able to “own land”? How will housing and land owning be influenced?
1. Cobra said that both the light side and the dark side has a very advanced technology. Science is being developed on both sides. I doubt at this point since the light force is connected to the source and should have more information for advancing technology? Thanks
2. When I share cobra or corey or benjamin’ truth articles. There were some “Spiritual people” were angry against me and don’t accept the darkness, some of them even “questioned” me that I have no any evidence. That’s the main point, what attitude may we take when we are facing the darkness? Ignore ? Out of sight out of mind? Transform them into light?
Cobra can you tell us how to deal with these people?Thanks
You are encouraged to share whatever information resonates with you and you feel is accurate and truthful. This is all that is expected of you. Those who resonate with this information, those who seek truth and light, will accept it. But you should move on from those who reject it. You risk infringing upon their free will if you try too hard to convince them to accept ideas they don’t want to accept. You have no obligation to “wake them up” if they don’t want to be woken up.
Cobra in a previous interview you said duality will end at the time of the event. Does this mean we will become enlightened at the event?
As far as I’ve come to understand it, Sil777, regarding the duality consciousness, there’s the presence of this condition in the Universe, in certain locations, and there’s the presence of that condition (or vibration) in us individually. We are always free to choose a frequency to exist in, in sync with our awareness.
If you choose to remain in duality consciousness within, for whatever reasons of clinging onto what’s always been familiar and feels “safe”, you can exist in that vibration amidst of a planetary vibration that has risen above it. We’re never forced into a state of consciousness, we always choose for it from within.
It’s a law of nature, as far as I’ve come to perceive it. In itself, as I perceive it with possible limitations, enlightenment isn’t necessarily the same as stepping outside the duality consciousness that is present around, collectively.
To me, enlightenment is the ability to be present, while fully clear. And discern, without being thrown off guard by emotional resonance with what might disturb one’s inner peace, while being amidst whatever vibration that is present at that moment. It’s possible to be aware of duality consciousness, within and without, and not resonate with it, see? That’s what being sovereign means, to me at least.
That point of view of mine is put to the test now, for sure 🙂
The Keshe Foundation and spaceship institute claims that AI (artificial intelligence) is involved with its technology, should that be a warning or be considered a red flag? He also uses plasma generation for many of its demonstrations, is this related to the plasma octopus surrounding the Earth? If so how? It seems like these are technologies we need to help heal Earth, are these corrupted versions of higher vibrational technologies we’ll see after the event? Also is, that he is now based out of Saudi Arabia, a clue as to which side is backing him?
What is the role of twin souls in the liberation of the planet?
Are the light forces behind Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin. Did the light forces create Bitcoin?
A writer/researcher Bob Nichols(Veterans Today) does regular radiation updates and is reporting that the radiation levels are now staggering and of a lethal level in the US. Cobra in the past has maintained that there is some cause for concern, but that we haven’t reached a critical point yet. Can we get an update on these radiation levels? Thank you to Cobra and Prepare for Change for all the great work.
Cobra have you heard of the Venus project? If so what are your thoughts on it?
I have a question on the state of awake and sleeping. Why sleep restore energy and peole sleep? Will people sleep for longer time if stay at planets that cannot see the Sun? Are people at Antartica or inner have sane sleeping cycle? Or the inner Earth being sleep and wake up in hundred years like Snow White? Any beings does not sleep? Is dead soul or Angels or Chinera or Draco does not need to sleep,
We are still in one never ending loop and without any arrogance, I would like to show you how it could be possible to change the way we are acting our life on this planet. As you know the slogan of the French revolution is
liberty, equality and fraternity
that’s where the problem started, this slogan is wrong by accident or in purpose, that, I can’t tell you.
It has to be fraternity,equality and liberty, do you see it,
let me explain why, when a soul enters a body, he’s coming from out there going throug a mirror, so in that way everyting that was left is now right and vice versa.
Now back to our slogan, if we’re all brothers and sisters, we’re equal and if we’re equal we are free. If we’ll learn to live through a mirror, we’ll live from our soul who’s a pure part of the creator hologram and this planet will be a true paradise.
Thank you Cobra for your efforts – what happens when a toplet bomb is released or detonated?
Do I have to ascend?
jimbravo350000, your question reminds me of an expression in a cartoon illustration I have at home, with a young boy in the costume of a prince, with a cardboard crown on his head and a cardboard sceptre in his hand “I’m told that when I grow up I will understand it all, but I’m not sure if I want to”. You may find an applauding audience once you graduate 😉
My understanding is that you don’t. When the time comes for Earth’s surface population to ascend to fourth density, those who are ready will move on and those who aren’t ready will repeat third density on/in another world somewhere else in the galaxy, as Earth will no longer be capable of supporting third density life. Think of it as failing the third grade and having to repeat it while your friends move on. To answer your question, even if you are ready to “graduate” to fourth density you have the option of repeating third density if you choose to stay behind and help others in their journey.
Dear Cobra,
could you please tell us if after The Event, the religious cult like Scientology will disappear ? (hopefully yes) and what will happen to all the people involved with it ?
second question, can you please tell us something more about Switzerland: which is the position inside the Cabal’s plan and what will happen after The Event in this country ?
thank for all help and your time
Sorry, to add to my question, there are many channeled messages from
AA Michael, St Germain and the council also in a way confirming this as a major breakthrough and that we can expect change extremely soon. Are these confirmable or is the situation to Sensitive to comment on?
Many thanks!! Mary xx
In the above link dated the 31 of July 2016, it mentions that the cabal top echelons HAVE BEEN from the planet. This is a channeled message and I’m hoping that this is this correct? Cobra are you able to confirm this is the current situation?
Many thanks!! Mary xx
Cobra, If duality is removed at the time of the event, does this mean we all become enlightened beings? And the only thing left is to become consciously aware of it by intellectually understanding what has become of us?
Ok, what would happen to humanity now if the Event would not happen at all? I mean, if the Event timeline would not exist?
I would hope that we can still make changes in our world. Good people will report more of the truth, legal action will be taken against Cabal members and we could restore decency and goodness around the world. What if enough people reported abuse, human trafficking, crimes. It’s happening, doesn’t always make the news. I’d like to challenge any ‘lawyers’ out there – who know law to start some law suites against these corrupt local and country governments. Be more vocal. Of course, there is safety in numbers because too many whistleblowers have been taken out. Wether the Event happens – changes must happen.
Whatever happens or not, in the future, Ludwig, if you study the past prophecies of indigenous tribes, shamans and prophets, include astronomy, astrology and begin reading of historic events, you can’t miss the keys and wayshowers that clarify our present situation in life on planet Earth and the changes we’re going through. Besides, waking up is also bringing back the memories of who you truly are, it’s self-evident. Although I share advise and suggestions often, the only truth is the one found within you and if you know your vision of a future that allows your soul to fulfill its purpose, ask your guides and higher self for assistance to create just that. You’ll find the answer to this question here in due time. Meanwhile, live to your heart’s delight.
Hi Cobra, since I live in Vietnam, a country in the south east Asia, where China is so aggressive with their neighbors I have two questions for you and hope that you don’t mind give me the answers. Is China allowed to invade Vietnam, like they did with Tibet after the WWII, as part of the Cabal’s plan for Asia for the NWO? Will Vietnam survive this attack?
Thank you very much for your answers.
Q. I have been on this planet for 40+ years and I have seen with my own eyes all that is happening to it and how the people have been taught to look at this planet as just a rock versus a living thing. I am many others have formed and tried to get funded companies and projects that would bring about timeless solutions. Yet nothing happens to bring these solutions forward.. meanwhile millions are spent on pokemon and others time wasting distractions. How can we work together immediately to be the change and be the team on the ground who is willing to restore paradise on this beautiful planet?
Is Barrack Obama a lightworker? Some still seem to regard him as someone fighting against the darkness, but his actions as president seem to strongly indicate otherwise.
Hello Cobra,
Do we leave earth when our soul contract is done or can dark forces interfere and have a person leave before they are done on earth, getting murdered for example? My twin flame was recently killed and he was working on his enlightenment, making people aware, and doing a lot of good for a lot of people, I think he was one of the light workers. You actually answered some of his questions in 02/22/2015 interview (Gill). So my question is: is it possible that he wasn’t done here, but was targeted because he was making a difference?
Yes, it’s very very possible. Too many lights have been dimmed too soon.
Cobra: What is a “thought form”? Are they real physical things, and how are they created?
Hi Cobra,
Could you please clarify what relationship between Russia and Turkey is? Why are they improving their relationship with Erdogan?