All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
Se minha mensagem chegar até vocês, peço cautela ao lidar com os seres humanos e nossas crenças limitantes. Acredito na melhor linguagem universal: o Amor!
Sintam-se amados e bem recebidos e sejam bem vindos!
If my message reaches you, I ask for caution in dealing with humans and our limiting beliefs. I believe in the best universal language: Love!
Feel yourself loved and welcomed and welcome!
What a wonderful idea we can talk about but I think the awaken should already be having the conversations with you telepathically! From a very young age I saw and felt things that others around me did not see or even feel … I always had a strong connection with the spiritual and I never doubted that the life we were carrying was all wrong but to wake up even 3 years ago! The heart of my letter to my dear friends is that the workers of the light all without distinction are being very hard pressed in their financial lives to the point that we do not know what to do! We are in great need of support from all of you and also from ways to defend ourselves against so many attacks in this area that we are receiving! The question that does not leave my mind and I take you today: How can we accomplish our missions if we are 24 hours a day worried about how to survive?
Resistance Movement –
I am deeply concerned over the fate of our beloved relatives – the living beings that create and make up the Earth’s natural systems upon which all terrestrial life depends. It seems that we humans are not waking up soon enough to avoid ecological catastrophe: species extinction, loss of habitat, the climate disasters of drought, flooding, wildfires, monster hurricanes – all of which threaten human culture and indeed our very presence on this beautiful planet. I know that there are ways to live in harmonious relationship and thrive with each other, with nature, and with all of life. But everywhere I look, I see evidence to the contrary – greed, arrogance, ignorance, senseless extraction and waste, violence, war.
I hold a vision for restorative practices in lifestyles that meet our authentic human needs while enhancing the health of living systems and the health of all of the living beings within them. I have done my best to put that vision into expression, and my efforts seem to have utterly failed. I would like to join with others in creating islands of sanity in the midst of the seeming collective chaos humanity is currently experiencing.
I am asking for guidance on finding others of like mind, people ready to risk getting out of their comfort zones to create land-based learning centers.where viable alternatives can find a place to germinate and grow to full expression. Whatever the obstacles that stand in the way of such initiatives toward positive change, I am asking for your partnership in their removal.
I affirm that harmony exists in Nature and in the Cosmos. Why does it appear that our current human expressions are exceptions to this harmony? Undoubtedly there is a deeper harmony that perhaps I am unable to grasp. In that case, please reveal the deeper purpose for the seemingly insurmountable challenges we are facing. Please show the way forward. How can we individually and collectively meet our needs while restoring health and resilience to our dear home planet and all of the life that lives upon it?
With love,
Hello RM thank you fo doing this work… for helping us liberate our minds and planet…. there is not enough words of gratitude we can express to you. We earth humans jave suffered a lot and peole need a non hostile enviroment so we can start to heal collectively. You are very brave souls and source creation is very proud of beings of light like you. I understand all the confusion you must feel from a place where you get attacked just for trying to free others and help… receive attacks from the same people you ar trying to liberate.
Count on me to help in your mission
in the name of all the spirit of humans from earth…thank you… our higher selfs will feel eternal gratitude for your efforts.
James arthur
Thank you. I want to help. In any way, anywhere. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Blessings to all of you from humanity of Gaia or what we have called Earth. Those of us who are aware and paying attention to the Ascension process, are so excited to have the chance to communicate or even meet with you, as I’m writing these words I can feel the Love radiating out from my heart to all who make this communication possible. Humanity is mostly a Benevolent species which would probably comes as a surprise too you with all the deception and war that has plagued Gaia through out her history. I’m sorry, please forgive me but this first letter too you is not how I would have imagined the words to flow out of myself, I wanted to keep this more of an upbeat positive message. So let me say this, we are so happy to be making contact with you the word “estatic” is the only one that seems to come to mind. We are excited, overjoyed, filled with enthusiasm, love and good will, we wish you safe travels until you arrive. I have learned that all of you have so many questions about us, humanity and we the Benevolent humans will be happy to answer your questions to the best of our abilities. Humans are a curious species, we have a God given gift for Exploration. I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready, peace and love to the Resistance Movement.
Dear Ones. Thanks to all involved for this chance to communicate. I resonate with the statements above. I am especially concerned about young people, young adults of all ages who volunteered for a very different assignment than what has occurred on Earth so far. Also people struggling to be well despite great odds [as Duncan and Peter above mentioned].
The postponement of the Event has made life very hard for these groups and others, certainly refugees. Please do what you can to speed this process up. I like Ralph above am getting older and pray I have the energy & health to continue to do my part. And I really look forward to meeting you-all.
Much love and blessings to ALL involved. Pat Spiz
Nada é o que parece ser! Precisamos de ajuda e precisamos ajudar o nosso planeta e pessoas. Mas como?! Me sinto como um peixe fora dágua! Quisera que eu sentisse a presença de um ser espiritual e me deSsE dicas como proceder. Sonho com um novo PLANETA, UMA Nova Era!,Que todos nós sejamos livres de todas as tiranias que envolve o mundo … Não sei se vou conseguir ver tudo isso, um novo PLANETA, radiante de LUZ e amor, talvez não! Mas com certeza dentro de mim eu sei que estou grato por estar nesse instante aqui, fazendo parte da mudança, que sei , um dia virá!! Que a LUZ BRILHE RAPIDO PARA TODOS E TODOS TENHAM CHANCES DE FAZER A DIFERENÇA AQUI!
Nothing is what it seems to be! We need help and we need to help our planet and people. But how?! I feel like a fish out of water! I would like to feel the presence of a spiritual being and give me tips on how to proceed. I dream of a new PLANET, a New Age! May we all be free from all the tyranny that surrounds the world … I do not know if I can see all this, a new PLANET, radiant with LIGHT and love, maybe not! But surely inside me I know that I am grateful to be in this moment here, being part of the change, that I know, one day will come !! May the light shine fast for everyone, and everyone has a chance to make a difference here!
Dear Resistance Movement.
I can not thank you enough for all that you are doing. It is very difficult with so many people still asleep to what’s been going on for so very long on our planet. I myself am just waking up and it is hard to hear that almost everything we’ve been told and taught over our lifetimes is a lie. To find out that our own governments are conspiring against us, with Gmo foods, chemtrails, withholding technologis that could end all the suffering on the planet, is almost impossible to fathom. I think the hardest to deal with is the mind control and propaganda and that has been used against us, makes if very difficult to figure out who to trust, even our own minds. It would be so awesome if the cabal and their handlers could be removed from power so that we has a species could actually become what we should have been in the first place.
Very much looking forward to the event and all this negativity to be gone. Much love!
I would like to thank all of you for intervening in behalf of all of humanity on our planet earth. I wish we could help ourselves so much more, but since we have no information about our past lives whatsoever, it is is extremely difficult for most of us to help ourselves come out this trance we have been under for eons. I consider myself more alert and awakened to what is and has transpired on earth, but still find it very difficult when telling others what I have learned to be our truths, as they literally, stare at me, blankly, and then either change the subject, yell at me, or just wander away. Any suggestions how to get one’s attention and then have a dialogue about what they so desperately must know?
Dear RM, A far other end of the spectrum here. Fully awakened starseed, family visiting 1+ month, solar grid created – I activate. Cobra has my info if he saved it. Full communication here through eyes and telepathy. Victory of the Light!
Hi you all, great initiatif but I wonder which language do we have to use to express ourself to the RM?
Does it need to be english? Or can I use my native language (Dutch) ? I know its all about energy and thats probably how the RM feel/read our thoughts but personally I can express my most inner feelings better in Dutch than English. So just wondering !!
Dutch it is. Thanks
Dear RM knowing you are assisting humanity on Gaia gives me hope for my children and future generations , with all the evil and dark forces here trying to eradicate and enslave humans we need help to stop dark forces poisening us, but also to help more people awakening, to many don’t realize what’s happening. My beautiful daughter Nadia was ruined by vaccinations 20 years ago and only within the last few years people starts seeing the crimes behind vaccines, if she was to get better and heal maybe more will realize, that’s my hope so help me helping her to help the world. Thank you so much for assisting us I am so grateful
Namaste Jane
I can only talk about myself and my situation but man, this place is hard to live in I’m from England and I certainly don’t have the worst life in the world compared to certain people’s life’s but it’s hard to see so many people walking around in everyday life and me just thinking who is aware ? Who is awake ? Who is open minded now I no I am a massive contradict beacause of things I know but still carry on doing but this is about telling you guys what it’s like living in this 3d reality and to be completely honest its fucking hard. I really want to know my life mission but have always struggled with meditation and Connecting with my higher self so just to give you my biggest insight on this life I’m living is working, where I’m from I need money so I have to work, so it takes up time and it takes me away from and gets me involved with things that are irrelevant and it’s really not as easy as saying leave your job and find something you love (just if it was that easy) I guess I’m just looking for guidance, I dunno I don’t really do this kind of stuff. I just felt this time something needed to be put out there because it just felt right
Peace & Love
Where my soul family at 🙂
People are losing hope and wish they can figure out a way to make life better. We could really use your prayers to help us find the answers.
Hello and greeting from Miami FL. I have a 6″ copper meditation pyramid in my house and I have created a grid inside to send unconditional love and protection for everyone. The only thing is that there’s not much information on how I can use it for the greater’s purpose. I’m following my intuition and communicating with my higher self as much as I can but it gets very difficult to understand. If you have any suggestions for me of how to use the meditation pyramid to assist the planet I will be happy to know and any tips on how I can help with the liberation on this planet will be appreciated. Thank you
Jorge 🙂
You may want to consider Wisdom Teaching by David Wilcock on Gaia TV (Gaia.com) if you are not aware of the show ($99 for a yearly subscription to the site to access many different shows). There he talked about the russian pyramids and the many experiments and energy they created as well as the dimensions. Metal is not the best material to use unless it’s maybe silver or gold. Simple PVC or wood works best and is cheap so you can build large ones. Anyway, consider checking it out if you don’t know about it or try searching online for some Russian Pyramid research. If you watch Wisdom Teachings, which I highly recommend, I believe the russian pyramid episodes are season 21. Love and Light, Toby
For the past 5 years, I have made a conscious choice to live thru my heart. Not that my mind didn’t interfere on a daily basis. I choose to listen to my heart. I have abandoned the crazy hamster wheel I use to live on. I have tried to manifest a new life for myself based on the heart.
I have suffered just about every symptoms of physical ascension. I do my best to do the right things most of the time. Being older, but healthy, I feel every wave come in. Sometimes, I am very close to going the hospital, but the energy settles and I am ok. We are not accustomed to feeling these energies. Most do not understand them. Hospital ER are full of people with these symptoms. I consider myself lucky to understand what going on.
Manifesting love in your daily life is hard on earth right now. It matters not how you feel or how you treat others. The population is mentally and spiritually emprovished and largely unresponsive to love. Humanity seem incapable of self-sacrifice and the controller evidently hell bent on destroying it. Having awakened and feeling rather disconnected from this 3d reality and its conditioning, I try to manifest love and harmony in my life daily: in my goals, in my relationships, only to be affronted by the negative forces that rules ruthlessly. It’s everywhere. I have not watch TV in almost 2 years, I tried to eat good food. Visiting the super market is downright scary. Once you have knowledge, the supermarket is a GMO mine field
I often look up in the morning as head to work and wonder at the beauty of the clouds, I think of our galactic family hiding up there, and wonder when are you we going to improve things down here. The radian sun and a crystal blue sky are awe inspiring to take in first thing in the morning. I look into the sun and take in a daily dose, only to see planes starting to make of grid of chemtrails. I have given up my car, now walk and look up frequently. This leaves me often feeling helpless. I often feel alone, tired of fighting. The chemtrails are my indicators that war is still on. You do not have that problem up there, you have no chemtrails to pollute you. We do down here. Most don’t even see them. I do and it upsets me, like a punch in the stomach.
We are largely surrounded by a zombie population leaving nose prints in their cellphone, are so self centered more worried about Bruce Jenner / Kaitlin Jenner sex change or the size of his daughters butt, than what going on in the Middle East. Not to mention governments that are hell bent on abusing each and every one of us, a health care system that leaves you sick, and education system that squelches the spirit. I studied to work in the medical field, and trusted what I learned. I use to think we were helping people, when in fact we mere cogs on the money machine. I do not trust them anymore.
I stay away from hospitals, doctors, and public health, as I really don’t want to get sick. Talk about an oxymoron. The very institutions and the science that I once was so proud of, I realise are killing the population while amassing fortunes. Everyone cheats to make a buck. We are in a prison planet and money is evil bars that restrain us.
We adrift in a sea of religions that are serious lacking spiritual enlightenment. Our souls are pledged as collateral. What the hell. Most don’t realise what really going on.
My words are really inept at conveying the dissatisfaction, not to mention how it feels to live down here when you are awaken. IT SUCKS.
So Resitance Movement, those of us battling in the trenches have indeed chosen this assignment (I get that), but sometimes we need a bit of break from our life (not many to be found), something that would inspire us to take another step forward. Just around the corner maybe our liberation. I have tried for 5 years to have someone join me from Africa. She is a French national that went there to settle her father’s estate upon his passing. We have had to deal with the Ivory Coast and its business culture. They are drowning in negativity and even after the Congo vortex was weaken, nothing tangible changed or so it seems. Everyone is on the take. Even as I send love to this area, spiritually send them positive energy these individuals are so negative and seriously lacking any form of empathy. They just don’t care and put every road block possible in the way. If it weren’t for the love I have in my heart for her, I would have capitulated long ago. Just imagine give up the ease of your life, give up luxuries, think of her before yourself, keep her safe and healthy, stay true, loyal, faithful (no sex for 5 years). Love is very powerful force, but I am still human, those around me wonder what I have done. I am of the light. I understand and suffer life as it is delivered right now. I pray and in some way keep the light in my heart so I can do my part in this epic battle.
So while Cobra, & RM, and the spiritual hierarchy, other inspire us to push forward, and being somewhere in 4-5D, but living in a 3d reality, you should understand from high above you see improvements, but down here we don’t sense that, it’s the shits.
I truly feel, that I don’t belong here anymore.
I could go on, but I am sure you will feel my spirit.
I am simply a tired warrior.
I am still on the team and you may call on me to be of service in as much I can be of help. The faster this liberation happens the better for humanity. Truly it sucks down here, and it is at the same time exiting to be on earth at this time.HELP!
May the blessing be!
Michel B.
Dear sisters and brothers of the RM, I’m so happy and excited to welcome you to the planet earth.
I find it is really hard to convince people around me to believe your existence. They want to see the proof. Logically they know that people on earth can’t be the only living beings in the universe, and they even believe UFOs are real. But they still have a hard time to connect that with their own life. I can’t wait to see the reactions they would have when you finally show up.
For me, I’m ready. I want the liberation of earth ASAP. Can’t tell you how lucky I feel to live on earth in this time of history so I can witness and experience this big EVENT.
Just want to say Thank you. Love and Light.
To our galactic family the Resistance Movement – life on earth- it’s a constant struggle, emotions like anger- it’s like you have this pressure building up in your body- energy you could call it and not in a good way. Your body becomes tense and you feel like you’re gonna explode. And people are mean & hurtful sometimes- like they really don’t care that you feel bad, in fact they seem to go out of their way to make you feel bad ( some people that is). It’s tense a lot of the time, often you have to pull yourself together & get on with it even though you might have all these feelings running around inside of you, it’s like you have to keep them in check just to be able to get on with life & what you have to do. It’s like you’re in some game where you’re moving straight ahead & you have to manoeuvre your way through all the obstacles. You can be going along nicely for a bit then WAM something is thrown at you and you have to deal with it the best way you can. Of course on a higher level we know it’s all a learning thing but it sometimes feels like someone is wanting to pick a fight with you & you have a choice how to react sure. I find though that when that thing or person that comes at you is unfair, unjust or dishonest or if someone is being intimidating- it makes me feel really angry like I said before like I’m going to explode.So you’re body is all tense & your breathing is fast and you have to try & calm yourself down take some big breaths so that you can deal with the situation that often doesn’t make sense. The best times here though are when you’re laughing, that’s when you just seem to let everything go in that moment. But the thing I could never understand is why when you have a big belly laugh as we call it, that it hurts your tummy- it’s probably just the stomach muscles getting a good workout- think it’s a sign, need to do it a bit more often haha! Anyway I can’t wait till we wake up to who we truly are and meet up with our galactic brothers and sisters and have a peaceful existence.
Thank you
Many of us are filled with love and hope. Please remember this as we try to work together toward a common goal.
Dear Resistance Movement,
The biggest heartbreaking issue for me and thousands of others, is that our children are being tortured, raped, killed and sacrificed by evil forces for centuries. Precious knowlege, our history and the truth of who we really are was hidden and taken away from us. Our water, food and air is poisoned. They’ll do anything to keep us enslave. Many of us has woken up and is ready to take our lives back. Please help and assist humanity in bringing back Light to the surface of planet Earth and to stop all evil which should have never take place.
With Love and Light
To our Celestial Neighbors – Thank you for your efforts to make our home a more nurturing one. We have been sheltered, controlled and conditioned for too long and are now ready to step into our own light as conscientious and responsible celestial citizens. Please know how grateful we are for your selfless service and I affirm that soon we will thank you in person; rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator: Adonai.
Thank you so much for everything you have done..But We need a lot more help Please..So many have been brainwashed.. We want our freedom from the Cabal..New World Order… We want Peace Prosperity Abundance for All..Not for some. The Suffering of the People Animals and Planet have gone on way too long…Wish it never happened but it did..It needs to End Now Please …We need every bit of help we can get..So many need to be healed..In so many ways…We want to eat clean food and drink clean water. And Breathe Real fresh air . We want and need a safe world to live in.. Not to be forced or tricked into getting poisonous Vaccines..so called medications .and all of the other things they have done..to Mankind..We want truth ..about everything and All wars to End..this has been a horrible experience…I tried to be happy..but I would quickly remember all those hungry suffering and Abused It’s hard to be happy when cries for help.fill the planet..Please liberation Now for the Planet and All of her inhabitants
Thank you..Much Love.. Victory of the light now
I Remember
Dear RM , Many of us are waking up and see that we have all been manipulated into following a false way of life . We all yearn for your presence here on Earth and can not begin to tell you how thankful we are for your assistance . I see so much sadness and pain ,many lost and wondering among us .Many of us have simply forgotten our mission and could use any and all guidance you can share . I believe that if you where to come to some of us ,be it in our sleep or in person, you will find that we are very willing to do what we can to assist . Many of us long for the day that we can all be together traveling the universe sight seeing,stopping along the way to help or incourage those whom just need a hand. I envision a world of peace and joy ,everyone is doing what they love to do ,no one has to pay for food ,water and shelter as nature intended . If there is anything that I or any others can do please let us know . You would be surprised by how many of us want peace across the multi verses, To feel unconditional love and freedom to be who we really are . Much love to you all .With gratitude from the planet Earth ,the event can not get here fast enough . Lets rock this planet .
We are all suffering here on Earth. We need full disclosure of our true history now. We are being brainwashed and culled. Our food is full of toxins, our children are suffering with the education system driving them to despair and they are all being vaccinated with dangerous and harmful chemicals that are affecting their brains, we are being sprayed with harmful chemtrails, all these methods of madness are affecting our health, Cancer and Alzheimer’s is on the increase, Autism is on the increase. Every day people on earth suffer, some from starvation when there is plenty of food for us all. Others in the western world suffer daily by trying to survive in this crazy system, they live their lives full of stress and they never get time to think, they are too busy trying to survive. Depression and alcoholism is on the increase. People live their lives full of fear, their decisions are based on fear. Some people are so deeply brain washed they can’t wake up and see the madness around them. Those of us that are awake must help them and speak up for them until they realise the truth for themselves. Please help us all, humans are basically good we are trusting by nature and this is why we are in this mess. We have trusted and believed in our leaders and they have taken that trust and used it against us. They have been taken over by the powers that shouldn’t be anymore. They have spent years manipulating and controlling us, if everyone on the planet knew the truth the world would change overnight, people would be shocked but unlike the rest of us who have woken up to the truth alone, they would have everyone else around them to share the truth with and they could comfort each other and move forward together and the ones that awoke first will be able to help them. Please help us to get the truth out to everyone. Please help stop the suffering of us all. Thank you.
Dearest RM Brothers and Sisters-
Thank you for your assistance and concern for us and our beautiful but tormented planet. Folks are listing all of the horrors humanity is suffering and rightly so. I feel that you already know the “statistics”. What I want you to deeply absorb are the emotional pains suffered. We’ve heard that we are considered emotional infants by some and that other galactics don’t do feelings our way. I’m sure that we can mature but I think these same emotions are what makes humanity fantastic. They have been what has saved our butts this long! We’ll pull it together for love, family and friends. Most people will put themselves in harms way to rescue a stranger, we’ll shield an unknown child, give food, $, etc. to someone needy when we don’t have much, etc., etc. I have felt that I don’t belong here since a child and even looked at humanity as almost an observer. These little buggers can sicken me at times but I will defend them/us anytime. When we love, we LOVE. I sob too frequently knowing our innocent children are being tortured and raped, that animals are tortured for food we’ve been coerced to eat, that our men are killed and maimed in fake wars, that animals are being skinned alive,that children are slowly wasting away from starvation, (have you seen a picture of this and looked into their eyes?). that family members of all of us are dying in pain from diseases injected into them….too much to list. My heart is breaking and it’s hard to hold back the despair though I know we need to stand in Truth. I’m a Boomer Lightworker who has been doing this for decades. We’re losing our strength and feeling guilty for doing so!! We are being radiated, injected, poisoned, mind controlled and expected to stand strong. We can barely stand up to function. We are doing our best AND we need help and intervention right now. I’ve heard we’re almost 10 years behind schedule so-to-speak. We need NOW. Blessings to you and appreciation. Jan
Amados hermanos universales, es muy grato, poder dirigirme a todos, desde hace muchísimo tiempo esperamos con ansias ciegas poder dar un giro a esta torcida historia humana, con grandes aciertos y desaciertos , en días con esperanzas y renovados brios y otros con incertidumbre y desinformación , es de seguro nuestra baja vibración que nos trae instantáneas de oscuridad y luminosidad, sintiendo cambios desde fuera, entregando nuestro destino al universo y sin embargo al no ver la luz, contamos con que nuestro trabajo , pequeño tal vez, sea el camino mas veraz, para lograr salir de esta tiniebla , a pesar de sentir que no es posible avanzar con la velocidad de nuestro tiempo- hora; Esta es la sensación que me acoge y de seguro me encantaría tener mi mente y alma mas avanzada para sentir que puedo hacer mas, y comunicar al mundo mas luz con la sabiduría que da el crecimiento.
Un fraterno abrazo de luz , besitos de sol, esperando el instante que podamos reconocernos.
Dear universal brothers, it is very gratifying to be able to address all of us. For a long time we have been waiting with blind anxieties to turn this crooked human history, with great successes and failures, into hopeful and renewed days, and others with uncertainty and disinformation , It is surely our low vibration that brings us snapshots of darkness and luminosity, feeling changes from the outside, delivering our destiny to the universe and yet not seeing the light, we expect that our work, small perhaps, is the most truthful way , To get out of this darkness, despite feeling that it is not possible to advance with the speed of our time-hour; This is the feeling that welcomes me and I would surely love to have my mind and soul more advanced to feel that I can do more, and to communicate to the world more light with the wisdom that gives the growth.
A fraternal embrace of light, kisses of the sun, waiting for the moment that we can recognize.
Voici mon message pour mieux nous connaître :
Nous sommes une minorité sur terre a élargir notre conscience et comprendre que nous avons été mis sous quarantaine. La minorité vie avec leur inconscient de manière programmé et propage la desharmonie la peur la tristesse sur terre. Nous vivons en majorité dans la peur du manque et prenons aux autres ce qu’il ont de peur de mourir .Ce qui nous amène à nous écarté du moment présent et donc de toucher le bonheur. Pour ce qui est de ma minorité qui s éveillé, nous mis à l écart de notre société et vu et jugé comme des fous et de sortir du système mis en place par nous dirigeant est du coup très compliqué. Nous restons du mieux que l’on peut pour se reconnecter et diffuser la lumière mais cela demande des dépenses d énergies très compliquées a gérer. Nous avons besoins d aide . Donc au nom de notre humanité je vous envoie notre gratitude pour votre soutiens. Bienvenue à vous. Je reste disponible de n importe quel manière que ce soit pour en savoir plus.
Facebook Adam matrice
Here is my message to get to know us better:
We are a minority on earth to broaden our awareness and understand that we have been put under quarantine. The minority lives with their unconscious in a programmed manner and propagates disharmony fear sadness on earth. We live mostly in the fear of lack and take to others what they are afraid of dying.That brings us to move away from the present moment and therefore to touch happiness. As for my minority that awakened, we sidelined our society and seen and judged as mad and going out of the system set up by us leading is very complicated. We remain as good as we can to reconnect and diffuse the light but it requires energy expenses very complicated to manage. We need help. So in the name of our humanity I send you our gratitude for your support. Welcome to you. I remain available in any way whatsoever to learn more.
Facebook Adam matrix
True heart, hand in hand we shine bright!
Firstly RM, I would like to express my appreciation for all the movement has done. I would like to try and bring an issue to your attention. I’m reading increased frequency of Acid Attacks targeting people. This act is so cowardly I have trouble believing that a human being has committed such attacks. I would very much like to see these people brought to justice.
Many of us suffer from lack of food, clean water, and shelter. Many of us are sold into lives of sexual abuse and slavery. We are tortured, mutilated, and put in prison. Our lands are taken and our families and friends are killed before our eyes. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. What more needs to be said?
It is difficult when as a small child you are able to look around at the world and know within you that “this” is not right. That everyone, including your parents is doing it all wrong. And yet you had only begun to speak and you desperately want these people around you to love you and accept you so you …follow. You follow them to church where they indoctrinate you and to the doctors where they inoculate you and to the schools where they recycle you. And there is nothing you can do but exist within the system. And as you know, the system sucks. So, now we are 11 with a hole and a teflon plate in our head and drugs to keep us from …froming and now I have found myself within and looking out and the world is exposed as seriously messed up, but yet again you are hampered by societal norms placed to put restrictions on your behaviour by the self policing of religion. but everyone seems to notice that you are…different because you refuse to play by their rules. You refuse to back down in the face of stupidity. You no longer allow arbitrary mob rule…to rule. You make your own rules and you begin to live them despite…..despite being referred to as odd or weird….eventually they attach new names to you like amazing or awesome because for some reason you bring light with you.You are no longer suffocated by guilt or self hate or not being good enough or that you’re a victim of the man. You come to realize in those quiet moments of self contemplation what you can be. who you really are. why you really are. And then…and then you want to share it.
By Rachel Garland
Greetings Inner and Outerlings:
Hemp is one of the world’s oldest crops. It also happens to be one of the most versatile. From plastics to paper, the hemp plant provides the means for humanity to live in harmony with the environment and the ecosystems that support it — without us wanting for anything.
Just to give you an idea how far this plant can take us, here are 15 amazing ways hemp can be a game-changer for planet Earth…
#1) Growing hemp prevents pesticide pollution
Did you know hemp is naturally resistant to pests? Unlike cotton or flax (which are estimated to consume 50% of all pesticides) growing hemp does not require pesticides or herbicides.
When pesticides are sprayed on land, they can easily seep into water sources such as a river, ocean, or pond. If pesticides contaminate a body of water it can harm the living creatures within that water source (fish, frogs, insects, and more) along with anyone ingesting it.
Pesticides have been linked to cancer, birth defects, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s Disease to name a few. So not only are pesticides dangerous for the environment, they are also a hazard to our health.
By integrating hemp, we can significantly reduce our exposure to unnecessary toxins and pollutants.
#2) Hemp helps restores soil fertility
Hemp can grow in a wide variety of terrains and soil types. It forms deep roots helping to hold the soil together. This in turn prevents soil erosion. In fact, hemp also increases the microbial content of the soil. And the incredible benefits don’t end there.
The stem and leaves of the hemp plant are rich in nutrients. After harvesting, these nutrient-dense remnants of the hemp plant can be returned to the soil, rejuvenating it for a richer yield the following year.
#3) Hemp can produce biodegradable plastics
Americans used over 45 billion plastic water bottles in 2015 alone. Even crazier: plastic water bottles can take anywhere between 400 and 1,000 years to decompose.
Considering the United States’ recycling rate for plastic is only 23 percent, there is room for improvement to say the least. [Recycling is also a one-time-only deal, meaning plastics are actually down-cycled into other forms of plastic before ultimately reaching landfill — Editor.]
The basic building blocks of plastics are cellulose derived from petroleum. Yet petroleum is highly toxic. Hemp on the other hand happens to be the greatest cellulose producer on earth. It also happens to be biodegradable.
Why not use non-toxic and biodegradable hemp for producing plastics? Instead of stuffing our landfills with toxic chemicals we could reuse and recycle natural products.
#4) The hemp plant absorbs toxic metals
Soil sustains life. The plants that feed, clothe, and house us originate from the earth. Yet we’ve become increasingly detached from this basic human need. Meanwhile, man-made waste has contaminated soil across the globe. Both our planet’s health and our personal health are under duress, and the need for change is imminent.
It has already been proven that hemp can eliminate toxins from the environment. Hemp is so effective at absorbing toxic materials it has even been used for removing nuclear radiation from Fukushima and Chernobyl.
#5) Hemp is an outstanding renewable biofuel
Imagine if there was a non-toxic fuel source that could be domestically produced and was totally renewable. Turns out that material already exists. It’s been on this planet for hundreds and thousands of years.
Hemp converts to biodiesel at a 97 percent efficiency rate. It also burns at a lower temperature than any other type of biofuel. Plus, when burned in a diesel engine, hemp eradicates the exhaust odor of petroleum with the pleasant smell of hemp.
With over 4,000,000 miles of roads in the United States, transitioning to hemp biodiesel could help heal our planet one mile at a time.
#6) Fabrics made from hemp do not contain chemical residue
Did you know the majority of synthetic fibers we use today are manufactured from polymer-based petrochemical materials (AKA highly toxic materials)? Producing these synthetic materials requires an energy-intensive process, burning large amounts of gas, coal, or crude oil. And if that wasn’t enough, this type of manufacturing process releases toxic emissions into the air while also leaving toxic residues within the fibers. Not exactly a pleasant notion.
Yet, this problem can be avoided by switching to hemp. Hemp fibers are easily removed from the plant and can create clothing with zero chemical residue. Hemp is also a highly durable fabric and UV resistant.
#7) Hemp can balance effects of carbon emissions
Industrial hemp has the power to transform the environment. Hemp is unique in that it is one of the few crops capable of balancing human carbon emissions through rapid carbon dioxide uptake. It does this through a process known as carbon sequestration.
When cultivated, hemp actually captures carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Essentially, hemp helps sequester or “trap” carbon from the air into plants. For every ton of hemp produced, 1.63 tons of carbon is removed from the air.
#8) Cultivating hemp prevents deforestation
Deforestation is increasing across the globe at alarming rates. Scientists now believe the rate of deforestation equates to a loss of 48 football fields every minute. Within 100 years, it is estimated there will be no rainforests. Shamefully, the United States has less than 5% of the world’s population but consumes more than one-third of the world’s paper.
But there is hope. Hemp can easily replace trees as the source of raw material for wood and paper. Once acre of hemp can produce as much paper annually as four acres of trees. While trees take years to mature, hemp can be grown and rapidly reproduced within months. Hemp paper is also more durable than paper produced from trees.
In other words, this is a no-brainer – transitioning to hemp could literally save our trees, and ultimately, our planet.
#9) Industrial hemp conserves water
It can take more than 5,000 gallons of water to produce 2.2 pounds of cotton. In fact, cotton is one of the most water-dependent crops around and is quickly depleting our limited freshwater sources.
Meanwhile, hemp requires minimal irrigation in comparison to cotton. A study in the UK comparing cotton production to hemp production found that hemp required 634-898 gallons of water to produce 2.2 pounds of hemp.
Considering hemp is suitable for fiber production, it is clear to see the superior option.
#10) Hemp supports sustainable farming practices
Farmers who practice sustainable farming techniques know the importance of rotating crops by season. Not only does it keep the soil nutrient-rich, it also increases the overall yield.
Hemp happens to be an ideal plant for crop rotation. It enriches the soil while also removing toxins. Growing hemp helps keep the soil and air more habitable for years to come.
#11) Growing hemp prevents soil compaction and erosion
Did you now soil compaction and erosion are some of the biggest problems plaguing farmers today? This is particularly true for farmers within the Midwest who depend on two staple crops – soybeans and corn.
Corn contains a deep and fibrous root system that penetrates the ground deep below the surface. Over time, these roots can lead to soil compaction during the winter and spring. Soybeans also have a strong root system but do not penetrate below the topsoil. As a result, soil erosion can frequently occur.
However, hemp is capable of repairing damaged soils. In fact, introducing hemp into crop rotations not only adds diversity but can also reverse the effects of soil compact and erosion. Hemp contains deep roots that can reach up to nine feet below the surface. These hearty roots help to break up soil compaction while also increasing nutrient absorption.
#12) Hemp builds stronger and healthier homes
The use of the hemp plant can extend into every aspect of our lives – including our homes. Fiberboards made from a hemp-based composite are stronger and lighter than those made from wood. Not to mention the combination of hemp and lime (hempcrete) results in a soundproofing system and insulation superior to that of concrete.
Hemp homes are also shown to have incredible durability. One hemp home in Japan is estimated to be over 300 years old!
Perhaps even more astonishing, hemp homes also provide a healthier living environment. Unlike fiberglass or drywall, hempcrete is nontoxic and mold-resistant.
If we’re smart about this, hemp homes will be the future of green living.
#13) Hemp reduces air pollution
Air pollution is not only harmful to human health but can also cause a number of devastating environmental effects. While China is the world’s largest producer of carbon dioxide, the United States is close behind at number 2.
Should we choose to ignore this reality, these problems are likely to increase even further. Meanwhile, hemp can break down pollutants and improve air quality. Hemp can even be used as a paper source, eliminating the need for chlorine bleaching – a direct cause of excess carbon dioxide in the environment.
#14) Hemp grows in almost any environment
Imagine if there was a crop that could be cultivated almost anywhere in the world. In fact, this crop required zero pesticides and could produce over 25,000 products. Better yet, this crop could mature within months and keep producing for years to come. Surprise – that crop is hemp. Hemp is an incredibly durable plant. While hemp thrives in a mild climate and humid atmosphere, it can survive almost anywhere.
From China to Colorado, hemp can grow in a broad range of climate types, which means hemp has the potential to be sourced locally. A source of food, income, and more – hemp farming could change lives for the better. Hemp can also lead to more sustainable farming, which in turn will bolster local economies while having a positive impact on the environment.
#15) Hemp can help curb world hunger
Around 795 million people are undernourished globally. In developing countries (where 92 percent of children live) 30 out of every 100 will experience stunted growth due to a lack of nutrition.
Now, imagine if hemp were in the picture. Not only is hemp inexpensive, it can be grown almost anywhere. In fact, hemp seeds are considered to be one of the most nutritionally dense food sources on this planet. A complete protein – hemp seeds supply the body with amino acids, vitamins, and much more!
In addition, hemp seeds can also produce two vital food products – oil and flour. So not only is hemp nutritionally rich but also versatile.
Cultivating hemp as a staple crop could change people’s lives for the better worldwide, especially if you consider the vast number of people that could not only be fed but also nourished by this superfood.
It’s Time We Return to Our Roots.
Humankind have been cultivating hemp for thousands of years. Some anthropologists even believe hemp was the first agricultural crop domesticated by humans over twelve thousand years ago.
It is time we return to our roots.
Switching to hemp products may not solve all of the world’s problems but it is a start. Hemp has the potential to leave a cleaner and greener planet for future generations. So what are we waiting for? It is high time to let the hemp shine once and for all.
If you agree that hemp could change the world, please share this article with the people in your life. Let’s spread the word all over the Uni-Cosmos.
Greetings to our Brothers and Sisters here to help out with this intolerable situation on our beautiful blue orb. We are so grateful that you are here and helping us!
Many of us have, with time and devotion to study, come to realize that we have spent this life in a movie of fiction. We were fed a lie and we believed it! It is time for a change and many of us are willing and ready to help. We just need to know how we can best do that. We know about the weekly event meditation and focusing our energy in positive directions and letting people know that there is another way to live……that life doesn’t have to be a struggle, peace is possible. We want more. We want actual ways to cut away the darkness and bring in the light! We too are here to help!
The majority of 3D humans are basically good people. What we want is to live in peace, harmony with the Earth and all creatures great and small, joy-filled days to follow the song in our heart, see the goodness all around and share the Earth’s abundance with all.
May the Victory of the Light relieve the suffering.
I will try to keep it short as I could go one for a long time. Whether I am a starseed/wanderer or not I can’t say with certainty. I have had a sense of spirituality my whole life. I tried religion but it never made sense and was unable to connect. The religious wars, race wars, socioeconomic wars, the conquer and divide made it hard/has made it hard for me to cope. I have nothing to complain about with a hard working partner, three energetic wonderful children, and a well above average income. But the personal daily struggles to understand the frustration, pain, suffering, and darkness of others and myself can be unbearable. I was fortunate enough a have a “dark night of the soul” moment in January of 2016. Over the course of the next year I wondered between light and darkness slowly finding myself in meditative moments and eventually leading to me to an awakening, “The Law of One”, oneness, and the love and the light.
For the first time in my life something made sense and truly gave me purpose to keep on. I still struggle daily with pain and can be classified as a functional alcoholic. While at times it makes me even more angry I usually find a sense of peace in alcohol consumption to the pain and struggles and trying to understand planet Earth which I love and feel like it is my home. Maybe a lame excuse but it is a part of my coping ways. I also find great enjoyment and peace in meditation as I shoot for at least 30 minutes daily. There are times when it feels almost orgasmic and I don’t want to leave the moment. But in my hectic and chaotic life it is all that I can really offer. The need to reach as many people and help others as I can has always pained me to the core. It’s not that I want recognition or a pat on the back or a told you so moment…. just the lust of personal satisfaction on the inside of me that I have truly helped humanity in a positive way.
Whether I am on the right path I can’t say as it is very or seems quite crooked. But each day I get up and shrug off the struggles and darkness. I meditate, forgive, hug my kids, and keep up the fight in the love and the light.
To unity, love, light, joy, peace, harmony, compassion, kindness, and equality for all of humanity and beyond….. To love all people, forgive others and yourself, and help all people regardless of religion, race, gender, beliefs, and other distortions. Victory!!
Dear RM;
Here in the US we are being poisoned by chemtrails, our water, Genetically modified and processed food, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and who knows what else. The government starts wars that make them rich and kill our people. Many people work hard but don’t make enough money to cover basic living expenses.
I have a vision of a society where we are all free. We take care of each other. There is world peace. Our water and food are clean and nourishing. We have all that we need and are free to be creative and build happy lives.
We have also been lied to about our history and who we are. Technologies have been kept from us. It’s time we know the truth. The whole truth.
Thank you,
Hi I’m heidi I desperately hope you can help us evolve and make this world a better place at the moment it’s embarrassing to be labelled human due to the actions of a percentage of our race..I wish there was something I could do to assist the forces of light I’ve started by trying to wake people up of course knowledge is power I pray things will improve for future generations and you can help set us free from this slave society and prison planet..much love to all parties assisting us and Thankyou from the bottom of my heart ❤️ let’s hope things will get better x
Question : Was it the RM that showed me the visions in the clouds? It was a very profound experience for me. I am very grateful.
Dear Resistence Movement,
The last days i feel down, because of the top G20 In Hamburg leaders of the world.
I am wondering if humanity now not again wil being deceved by the NWO regime in the West further I am even angry about the Pope to say to forgive the Priest Orgy abuses.
When even wil the Bushes/Clintons/Obama’s and the Jezuits being arrest and when will the Mainstream being stopped. Please Cobra if the light is so bright why can our Planet Earth not yet being in Liberate for the Final Horizon Breaktrough for the Announcement.
The People in the Netherlands are also feeling sad and angry because the Governements are stil in charge to the people, The Politicians are even laughing and not doing the work to change the regime so that much people stil obey like slaves. Hopefully my dream to the Event coming soon and hope we are forgiving those but stil it is so hard.
I love my family, brothers and sisters but hope for the better for all humanity on soon this Miracle for the era of golden age in love, freedom, prosperity, joy and conditional Love .<3
Köszöntelek benneteket, kedves és tisztelt Ellenállási Mozgalom és Galaktikus Konföderáció tagjai!
Én Európai Tamás vagyok. Jelenleg egy sínylődő foglya vagyok az elitnek. Nem nagyon tudtam idáig olyan erős és igazi eredményt elérni, ami elvezethetne engem a Szíriuszi családomhoz. Szószerint a fizikai formám segítségével.
Én teljesen egyedül vagyok! Szinte egyetlen személy sincsen, akivel kerek és őszinte módon, a sötétek maradéka által kigondolt retorziók megtörténése nélkül tudnék beszélni és együttműködni itt a fizikai világ lakói közül. Kérlek benneteket, hogy segítsetek rajtam. A feleségemhez akarok főként eljutni… A neve Amália. Itt van a Naprendszerben egy anyahajó fedélzetén. A Szíriusz-A naprendszerének lakója!
Már voltak velem olyan élmények is, ahol a bizonytalanság, a szegénység és a lépéseim nehézzé tétele elképesztően megterhelt. Nem akarok diszfunkcionálissá válni!
Kérlek titeket, hogyha lehetséges akkor segítsétek a törekvéseinket (Apostoli Magyar Királyság Link: www.apostolimagyarkiralysag.info) Magyaroknak és a Föld többi igazi országlakóinak, akik azonos, de igazságos indíttatásból cselekszenek.
Kérlek, hogy távolítsátok el az összes gonoszt! Legyen az fizikai, nem-fizikai vagy bárhonnan való.
Én csak békét, harmóniát és teljes igazságt akarok.
I thank you, dear and respected members of the Resistance Movement and the Galactic Confederation!
I am a European Tamás. I’m currently a lazy prisoner for the elite. I did not know how strong and true results I could achieve so far that could lead me to my Syriac family. Actually, with my physical form.
I’m totally alone! There is hardly any person with whom I can speak and cooperate here in the world of the physical world in a round and honest way without the retaliation of the remains of the dark. Please help me to help me. I want to get to my wife mainly … His name is Amalia. It’s on the board of a mother ship on the Solar System. Resident of the Syrius-A Solar System!
I’ve had experiences with me where the insecurity, poverty, and the difficulty of making my steps are incredibly burdensome. I do not want to become dysfunctional!
Please, if possible, help our aspirations (Apostolic Kingdom of Hungary Link: www.apostolimagyarkiralysag.info) To the Hungarians and to the rest of the earth’s true peoples who act equally but justly.
Please remove all the evil things. Be Physical, Non-Physical or Anywhere.
I just want peace, harmony and full truth.
I just want to say how grateful I am. Thank you to the RM! Victory of the light!
Dear resistance movement,
It’s an honor to connect with you. I want to tell you a little about myself. I’m 23 years old and I live in the USA. I hit a block in the road a couple of years ago. Etheric archon octopuses put ET implants in my body a couple of years ago. I dealt with them and psychic attacks daily until I had them removed last month. The implants did a lot of damage to my chakras and aura and health. Actually, I’m recovering from the trauma at a fast pace. I’m waking up to who I am. I’ve discovered my starseed heritage and I’ve had pleiadian and arcturian attunements. I have two strong desires that I want to share with you. First, I’m having a hard time opening my sacral and solar plexus chakras. My health is not where I want it to be. I want to accelerate my recovery. Please send healing energies to me. Second, I’m young and I’m very knowledgeable about what is going on with the global situation. I can’t talk to a lot of friends about cobra, the RM and spiritual topics. I feel like I can be a great voice for my age group (20-30 year olds). I’m willing to receive inspiration and guidance from the RM on how I can step up to the plate and become a leader in my community. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Universal blessings and warm regards,
An meine Brüder und Schwestern, der Widerstandsbewegung.
Auf dieser Erde, in meinem Land, Deutschland und auf vielen anderen Teilen der erde, sind, oder werden die Menschen im Schlafzustand gehalten. Man sagt ihnen, von Kindes Beinen an, wie die Welt zu sehen ist. Wie sie sie sehen, und nicht, wie wir sie erfahren könnten, wenn wir nicht ein Leben lang, ständig suggeriert worden wären, mit den Dingen, die uns versklaven. Man spielte uns eine Welt vor, wie sie nicht ist, außer, für die, die davon Nutzen haben, und uns unter ihrer Macht, ein Spiel spielen ließen, das wir als “Brot und Spiele”, bezeichnen.Man unterschlug uns Technologien und machte uns zu Sündenböcke. Man ließ uns glauben, dass wir eine Schuld haben, die wir nie begannen haben konnten. Es wurde uns Glaubensrichtungen erzählt, die dazu beitrugen, dass sich Kriege und Unruhen ergaben, die uns wieder, in eine Beschäftigung fest hielten, damit wir nicht nachdenken, was falsch sein könnte. Der Mensch wurde ein Spielball der Wissenden und glaubte, dass alles richtig sei für ihn. Wir wurden nie mit der Wahrheit unserer Geschichte konfrontiert, und glaubten an einen Gott, der selbst kein Gott war, oder ist. Der eine steht über allen, auch über denen, die uns erschaffen haben. Das zu erkennen war schwer, aber, die Wahrheit zu sehen und zu hören, ist allemal besser, als blind im Leben zu sein, und nie frei zu sein in der Erkenntnis, die man sich durch Wahrheit, bewusst werden kann.
Ich bitte unsere Brüder und Schwestern der Widerstandsbewegung, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen, uns zu helfen, dass die Befreiung des Planeten ( Gaia )und der Menschen, sich weiter fort setzt. Die Menschen sind am Aufwachen, aber viele trauen sich nicht, es laut zu sagen. Kommt und helft uns, oder setzt euch mit uns in Verbindung, mit denen, die dazu geeignet sind. Die Zeit ist reif für einen Wandel.
Friede, Freiheit und Liebe, für alle Wesen auf und in der Erde.
Aho, kante tinca!
To my brothers and sisters, the resistance movement.
On this earth, in my country, Germany and on many other parts of the earth, are, or are, kept the people in sleep. They are told, from childhood, how the world can be seen. How they see them, and not, as we could have known, if we had not been constantly suggested for a lifetime, with the things that enslave us. We were introduced to a world as it is not, except for those who benefit from it, and let us play under their power a game which we call “bread and games.” Us to scapegoats. They let us believe that we have a fault that we could never have begun. We were told about the faiths that contributed to the wars and unrest that brought us back into a job so that we could not think about what could be wrong. Man became a gameball of the knowing and believed that everything was right for him. We were never confronted with the truth of our history, and believed in a God who was not God himself, or is. The one is above all, even over those who have created us. To recognize this was difficult, but to see and hear the truth is always better than being blind in life, and never to be free in the knowledge that one can be aware of by truth.
I ask our brothers and sisters of the resistance movement to get in touch with us, to help us to continue the liberation of the planet (Gaia) and the people. People are waking up, but many do not dare to say it out loud. Come and help us, or get in touch with us, with those who are suitable. The time is ripe for change.
Peace, freedom and love, for all beings on and in the earth.
Aho, rante tinca!
PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD AND HERE IN THE UK,ARE AT BREAKING POINT! they are having their health destroyed by chemtrails poisoned food and water, and lack of housing and even basic things such as warmth and food! the majority of the planetary population is suffering too much and it must stop!!! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!
Resistance Movement -Blessed Love- We have been watching and recording the night skies for ten plus years – will you please provide more convincing displays that will not be deniable, If possible. All respect due.Thank you all for your energies – Love – and Power.
Hello, dear RM. I feel that I came here to do something special. But I am getting older, and can’t be the physical warrior that I one was. I still feel I have much to offer. Please communicate with me and tell me how I can contribute to make this happen. It has to happen, and the sooner the better. We all deserve a better life, and I am willing to contribute. I am extreemely grateful for your help, and I ask to be a part of this historical event.
Thank you, and victory to the light.
Ralph Nichols
Please let me know how I can help to bridge the gap between very different belief systems (religious) and open mindedness. I am open to telepathic communication or dream communication as long as it is benevolent.
Peace and Love.
the surface population is so brainwashed, spreading the news of the Resistance Movement is almost futile.
medical technologies are being withheld from us causing suffering and premature death. death by curable diseases. the FDA is a criminal organization and supresses cures that work, and are unpatenable.
the same is happening with free/cheap energy, causing wars, and economic enslavement.
our food supply is engineered by monsanto and other giant companies for nefarious purposes.
vaccines are hurting our children.
This is an amazing idea. I wondered about writing about our daily complaints, daily motions and how this affects us emotionally. This feels like a letter to a pen-pal. Dear RM: I Am so excited to make your acquaintance as a pen-pal and soon in the physical if that is to be. All my life I’ve felt out of place and now that you are making yourselves know to us, helping us, my whole life has meaning. I have felt this way when I fell in love the first time, the day of my wedding and after giving birth to 2 children. Of course these are wonderful, amazing experiences and for some time I believed they were my mission and they are but I’ve also felt lately that I have another or more missions in my life and I honestly believe, like my 1st experiences, that these missions are based on love. Thank you for helping us. Love & light We Are One. Victory to the Light
Dear Resistance Movement.
Please help to stop evil harrassement and murder attempts on us Targetede Individuals and victims of traumabased mindcontrol .
They the people behind this terror, horror and torture play Gods, which they are Not but are supported by Millitary, Intell. Agency, police, firebrigade and a vast of ” volunters”! They use gangstalking ,microwave- weapons , psycol haraseement, poisoning and they try to steal all private life away, by listening to your calls , reading or blocking emails etc etc.
Its Global and a lot of us needs help, before they manage to kill us or stress us to death.
Thats their agenda and people are coming forth to tell their nightmare story in abundance now on Youtube etc.
Please restore peace and justice and take care of the perpertrators and killers, corrupt politicians and government thats behind all this.
Remove them from the planet , they do no good here for the blueplanet they are anti- life and- love and spoil totally innocent peoples life.
Please destroy their evil weapons and abuse ASap or show humans how to defend themselves against these dark forces.
Thank you and welcome on Planet Earth
Blessings to my sisters and brothers of the Resistance Movement. I am eternally grateful for your involvement in the evolution of Gaia and look forward to our eventual meeting and celebration for the liberation of our planet and her loving inhabitants.
As you are well aware, the humans on this planet are very unique. We are able to experience a wide variety of emotions and expressions. Our amnesia that accompanies our low vibration environment has made it very difficult, at times, to remain focused on the task at hand. I welcome the moment when we remember our true powers and openly communicate with our families from the stars. It has been a tiring and troublesome journey as well as a glorious and gratifying one. It is time for us to return home.