All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
I have one thing to add to my post, if an implant is hijacking our free will then that it isn’t freewill. That is coercion. If prayers can’t be answered because something is twisting my freewill around that is plain not fair. People aren’t even aware of this problem and with clear intent are asking for help. So why can’t the intent of the people be observed and followed and not the version that is being twisted by the implant?
dear resistance movement
wir haben alle dieses sogenannte ego, das unsere persönlichkeitsstruktur bestimmt, in der wir denken, fühlen und handeln. vielen menschen ist gar nicht bewußt, von welchen mechanismen sie geleitet werden. das bewegt sich viel im unterbewusstsein. es bedarf vieler kleinarbeit sich selbst zu erkennen
in dem, was einen bewegt. viele von uns handeln “wie Kinder” aus mustern der Kindheit heraus und reifen nicht wirklich zu einer humanistischen Wesenheit. dies passiert auch wieder auf diese Arzt und weise um inneren schmerzen auszuweichen.
komme gerade von einem gemeinschaftkaffeetrinken: die meisten lassen den andern nicht ausreden,
unterbrechen, hören nicht zu, reden durcheinander, wenige sind achtsam und aufmerksam im Umgang mit dem anderen. jeder möchte wichtig sein, was gutes sagen, den anderen zurück drängen, weil er zu stark erscheint etc.
ich leide sehr unter diesen Mechanismen und bin dann gerne auch allein oder mit einer Person.
und ich weiß wir brauchen mehr Teamarbeit und Gemeinschaft.
liebe frieden freiheit für mich und alle menschen und die erde
google translate – Dear resistance movement
We all have this so-called ego, which determines our personality structure, in which we think, feel and act. Many people are unaware of the mechanisms they are guided by. That moves a lot in the subconscious. It takes a lot of work to recognize itself
In what is moving. Many of us act “as children” out of childhood patterns and do not really mature into a humanistic entity. This also happens again to this doctor and wise to avoid internal pain.
Just come from a communal coffee shop: most do not let the others excuse,
Interrupt, do not listen, talk together, few are careful and attentive in dealing with the other. Everyone wants to be important, what good say, push the other back, because it appears too strong etc.
I suffer a lot from these mechanisms and am happy to be alone or with one person.
And I know we need more teamwork and fellowship.
Love peace for me and all people and the earth
Dear RM,
I am in deep gratitude, for all that you are doing, and have done for humanity. I’m sure it has not been an easy mission for you, just as it has not been for us.
I have read most of the posts and do not feel as if I can add anything more to what has been said about the lack of unity of the surface light workers. I must agree with the general consensus that has been expressed.
The recent experience, I would like to add, is of a positive nature. I have had extended moments, and sometimes several days of complete joy and light. There is an ebb and flow to the experience and it is very real. When I am out in the public feeling this joy, it has been my observation, that others are very responsive to the light they see. I feel something very positive has recently transpired.
I will use the exercises and suggestions you have passed along.
Thank you again.
Victory to the Light!
Dear, dear Resistance Movement!
Knowing you here by our side gives us so much strenght and assurance that we can make it!
This cleaning/ elevation process, though difficult at times and quiet long, gives us a glimpse of our reconnection to the universal love and we truly can’t wait to be reunited again with your folks and our galactic brothers. We know it takes a honest and true work on ourselves, needing a face to face with our own shadows.
We do really not have an idea at which level our good will is affecting the whole situation and as though we still are not able to connect with our true abilities, our hearts are filled with an expanding joy and a power ready to break through. We can feel our hearts thriving!
We, after centuries of disconnected lifetimes, feel for the first time again the glimpse of eternal love so great.
I long for home; a little thought tells me though I’m eager to take part as a transformer of conscious systems in the free will universe. I do whinge a lot during this lifetime because it is so hard to be limited by a closed down and poisended 3D body and facing all the horrors made on sacred living beings here; I somehow fear I would jump with a big shout right in again for the next battle! OMG! What a tough job!!
We love you so much! Thanks for your support!
desoler et/ou desolant comme vous voulez. j’espere ne pas etre trop derengeant.
google t – Desolate and / or desolate as you want. I hope not to be too deranged.
Thank you all of you for your work. The thing I want the most is that all beings on eath to be free and happy. I work for that on my level. Peacefully, but firmly. Somewhat like Gandhi. It needs dedication and sacrifice. But it’s the most important thing for me : a free earth. Just like for you I guess. I just have the narrow view of the surface. You have the big picture. I hope my wish will come reality soon.
Is it possible for ine to be informed, yet still asleep? In other words, intellect and intuition have validated much of the truth, however spiritually there has been no connection or awakening experience. Is it premature? Does the individual hold themselves back vibrationally due to their health, diet, and consumption of alcohol? When one wants to help, but does not understand how, is that indicative of a larger problem, or is this individual too much STS to do any good? Asking for a friend.
Our deepest gratitude to you our sisters and brothers of the RM! Thank you so much for helping humanity awaken and for our liberation. If I can further help, please let me know. Love to all, Steve at www.stone-light.net
Dear brothers and sisters of the Light,
Our situation here on Earth is very complicated and the magnitude of duality here reflects that. Famine and obesity epidemics exist concurrently, the divide of nearly all economic aspects follows the Parteo Principle which I can only assume is deeply embedded in the Tablets of Destiny supercomputers OS. The tides have shifted and the break of a new dawn has begun, however too many remain asleep. I implore you to ask your superiors for permission to ramp up the awakening process and begin direct contacts with a wider field of range. We have been so patient, and the beast has nearly exhausted all of it’s influence on society but what is needed now more than ever is an alternative to be shown to the people of our world. Lift the Veil and reveal to the world a reality that has been hidden for far too long. It is high time this planet needs to be utilized for the true purpose it was made for and ascend to the planes of existence that we and our Father have waited for, for so long.
Liber Secundus is near,
Dear Resistance Movement,
First I want to start off by thanking you for all of your hard work and service to humanity. We are the last planet in this galaxy to be liberated and without your dedication and support in making a difference, we would be worse off than we are now.
Let me give you a little perspective of what I see from our point of view. The elite scumbags see us nothing but “useless eaters” and take pride and pleasure in watching humanity suffer. Only you guys truly know the evils they really do behind closed doors, we hear bits and pieces of a lot of information, but I’m sure it’s 1000x worse.
They have created this slavery system that unfortunately, we no choice but to live by. The idea of a perfect life is to make a “living” slaving away at some job for 8+ hours a day, then going home and rinse and repeat the next day. This isn’t what life is meant to be about, and I’m sure you know that as well. Making slave wages where people and their families can barley afford to pay bills and put food one the table. One should be able to express themselves how they want and experience what they want. Instead, we’re all fed lies every single day of what the ideal should be. They’re poisoning our food, putting toxins in the sky, lying to us every single day and planning for continued mass murder. And that’s the tip of the iceberg, you know what else they’re doing to us. It doesn’t need to be said.They need to be stopped and humanity needs to be liberated.
It’s true that most of humanity is still asleep, but for those who are awake and see what the world truly is, it’s a sobering thing. Why can’t the rest of humanity wake up and see that we’re all being played? We’re all being lied too? No, because people are not open to accepting the truth and they don’t want to shatter their little bubbles of reality that they live in.
This is why we need your help, because the awake people here can’t clean up this mess without your support. There are too many still asleep and we don’t have all the time in the world now if we hope to have a future where we’re free. This ain’t living and although people think they’re free, they’re truly not.
I only dream of one day where we get to meet you and our galactic family, free from the clutches of the dark. Maybe it won’t happen in my lifetime, but I truly hope it does. Who knows how long really this will take. Full disclose 100%, do not buy their sales job about partial. Nothing will even get accomplished, they are just buying time and master deceivers.
With love and gratitude!
from rajah on behalf of humanity. this song expresses what we REALLY want
dear resistance,
es ist der Mangel an liebe in uns seit der Kindheit, seit mehreren leben, der zu viel neid, eifersucht, hass wut, rache und konkurrenz führt. bei anderen wiederum angst und mißtrauen hervorruft, jeder ist vor jedem etwas krass gesagt auf der Hut und will sich schützen, sich nicht verlassen fühlen, sich nicht minderwertig zu fühlen, sich einigermaßen gut fühlen, sich nicht unterlegen fühlen, scheinbar geliebt fühlen. wenig kommt aus reinem herzen, da eigentlich kaum einer ein wirklich offenes, reines herz hat.
jeder fühlt er braucht liebe, bekommt sie aber nicht, kann sie nicht geben und wenn er sie gibt, bekommt er nichts zurück.
der selbsterhaltungstrieb, die angst zu sterben treibt jeden menschen zu kämpfen um seine eigene haut.
das geht durch alle schichten.
ich selbst arbeite schon lange an diesen negativen Gefühlen, wenn ich mich verletzt fühle. sie lassen mich jedoch am ende mir selbst gegenüber wieder schlecht fühlen. es ist ein Kreislauf und automatismus.
ich habe eine große Sehnsucht, dass diese Verhaltensmuster sich transformieren mögen in Verbundenheit, vertrauen, teamarbeit und dass sich mein herz und aller herzen wirklich rein öffnen können.
in liebe licht frieden freiheit getaucht für alle menschen und die erde
danke – danke – danke
google t – Dear resistance,
It is the lack of love in us since childhood, for several lives, which leads to much envy, jealousy, hate, revenge and competition. In others, fear and distrust, everyone is in the least shocked, and wants to protect themselves, not to feel abandoned, not to feel inferior, feel good, not feel subdued, seem to feel loved. Little comes from pure heart, since hardly anyone has a really open, pure heart.
Everyone feels he needs love, but does not get it, can not give it and if he gives it, he gets nothing back.
The self-esteem drive, the fear of dying drives every man to fight for his own skin.
This goes through all layers.
I myself have long been working on these negative feelings when I feel hurt. But they make me feel bad at the end of myself. It is a cycle and automatism.
I have a great longing that these patterns of behavior may transform into bondage, trust, teamwork and that my heart and all my heart can really open purely.
In love light peace freedom dipped for all people and the earth
thank you thank you thank you
Liebes RM,
eine harte zeit bricht an für mich, nach 25 jahren des zusammenseins geht jetzt meine beziehung auseinander, was ich lange schon fühlte. ich wusste, es passt nicht mehr, doch jetzt ist es sozusagen unabwendbar.
lange zeit wollte ich es nicht wahrhaben, nun ist es soweit.
noch ist alles ungewiss, aber ich weiß, wenn ich durch die dunklen täler gegangen bin, erwartet mich das licht und die befreiung.
danke dass ihr euch um unsere belange kümmert, dass ihr uns helft, denn ohne eure hilfe wären wir verloren und das event würde noch einmal tausend ewigkeiten auf sich warten lassen.
sieg dem licht – dank euch lichtkräften…
Love RM,
google translate – A hard time is breaking for me, after 25 years of being together now my relationship goes apart, which I have long felt already. I knew it did not fit anymore, but now it is so to speak inevitable.
For a long time I did not want to believe it, now it is time.
Still everything is uncertain, but I know when I have gone through the dark valleys, the light and liberation await me.
Thank you for your concern that you help us, because without your help we would be lost and the event would be a thousand eternities in itself.
Win the light – thanks to you light powers …
Beloved RM. First, thank you for all that you do! I am eternally grateful.
I believe a core issue, if not “the” core issue, for the in fighting is scarcity.
The public light warriors income (literal survival for them and their family) literally depends upon their credibility or the pubic will not follow/listen to them, period. Lack of credibility means no income over time.
Anyone or thing that threatens credibility, threatens their livelihood at least to a certain degree. I cannot stress this enough. Lightwarriors have endured tremendous emotional pain. Pain does not feel good as you know. It’s a very effective deterrent.
Scarcity leads to extremely painful realities. Homelessness is real. Divorce over finances is real. You could loose family, children… the list goes on. Scarcity or not being able to provide for your children will make any loving being extremely protective of their income source/credibility. Scarcity = PAIN.
The facts mentioned above bring tremendous stress… that a being who does not or is not experiencing that reality may not comprehend. I can personally tell you scarcity is sever emotional torture.
So, when trying to fight a war while blind folded with essentially your hands tied behind your back, the love in your heart and your courage as your weapon, one must be very “causious” to protect any asset (income) that furthers the warriors progress. Boy, talk about potential to create havoc by the dark forces as our vulnerabilities are easily exploited and manipulated in many if not most circumstances.
Now imagine, you can not see what your colleague can see, you’re not exerpiencing all of the same things, but you need to blindly trust that the warrior by your side has not been manipulated by the dark forces.
Yes, great trust. Now you may say, well go inside the truth will be shown/ become known to you. Yes, but remember we are blind folded. We cannot see it. We cannot touch it. We must have complete faith in another being who may or may not have been tricked/ manipulated. That is a great deal of trust in our higher knowing which we are clearly disconnected from to a large degree.
So, I feel you have done the right thing by asking cobra to release manifestation tools and by giving us a tool to dissolve the implant. If we had money, no scarcity, so many more would attend cobras conferences! I would personally love to!
Without scarcity the tension associated with potentially having to say, i was wrong publicly, becomes less about survival and more about emotional maturity.
Without scarcity we can afford to come together thereby grow together in unity and consciousness.
Without scarcity… the dark cannot force fear on us unless we are in a physical war zone.
Without scarcity… they become the ones with the blind fold as light warriors will no longer worry about loss of credibility but embrace our fellow light warriors and stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder as we move forward to eradicate the dark forces on the ground. The dark forces cannot comprehend our love! If they could, they would be terrified as we are much stronger and as we unite they got NOthing on us!
I believe this with all my heart! We are courageous! We are loving! We will fight if we have to and like I say, don’t make me be a mean mom because I will fight to the death for whom and what I love. I don’t just mean fight physically. I mean I will love and expand my ability to love beyond what darkness believes is a potential to exist. I will SHINE and the dark will collapse to the love that I am so honored to represent, Source.
End scarcity and trust and emotional maturity will begin to flourish and ground firmly, then the rest will be galactic history.
Beloved RM, with your assistance all things are possible. Your leadership and love continues to shine through our blind folds, continues to inspire, and continues to teach humanity emotional maturity and most importantly, consciously and unconsciously reminds us how to love. For that, I wish to thank you.
May your smiles soon be seen by all of humanity.
All my love to you…
Hi everyone
I want to explain different points
I hope that my English language is understandable
My words are addressed to everyone. Not just for resistance
I have removed one of the implants. in my life
It was a very strange feeling
They have been removed. Because of raising Consciousness
Awakening / Mind Cleaning / Awareness Raising / Looking at the higher perspective / Different views / Trying to understand people’s land situation.
A lot of things help clean the mind and body
In order to raise Consciousness. To remove the implants
The difference of thought is based on changing customs, traditions and behaviors. When all those behaviors change. The person’s life response changes. What I mean here is that it is a complete reprogramming of the person.
If you want to hate someone. Do it completely.
In order to remove all the hatred from within you. Then ask yourself a question. Why you hate him.
Then when you want to hate someone. But you can not. For here you have cleansed the hatred from within you.
Maybe we talk about love a lot. But we do not know about the amount of hatred hidden inside us.
I want to speak little to the resistance movement. About people, lightworkers and light warriors
in the beginning,
Life here is full of chaos. And within that mess. Love, beauty and talent. From the outside the chaos and the inside balance. This chaos is what makes this balance from within.
What I mean here is: the fish can not see the ocean inside it. When the fish becomes outside the ocean you will see it.
Here we are out of the light. A lot of mess a lot of grief a lot of darkness.
People here act based on what is inside their minds
Many customs, traditions and negatives planted inside. And various software implanted inside her mind
All these details control life here.
Everyone here defends himself for what he wants for himself. He does not care about anyone else
All those small details inside. Is what makes him do these things.
He is not really aware of what he is doing
Just like a little child. He wants everything for himself only. All this because he lost everything.
For lightworkers and light warriors
They are most exposed to many positions in her life. Especially childhood. More than other people.
Here I am not talking about the suffering people experience.
It’s a different suffering. Reality is different. Life is different. People are different. The behavior is different. The reality here on the ground is different from what we were used to in our original home.
No matter what is inside us, great and important. Here it is our reality that controls us (I am talking about lightworkers and light warriors).
But actually why are they fighting each other ??
They really do not really know what’s going on inside them. They are still asleep. Not awake.
They read a lot of articles that talk about what’s happening now
They read Cobra articles. They read many, many of these articles on the Internet. They talk a lot about love, wonderful life, beauty and meditation.
But they do not really know what these details mean. They are like parrots.
I’m not talking about all the lightworkers and light warriors.
Consciousness is what binds us together
Speak unconsciously. It makes us fight each other. We fight each other for the same cause we fight for.
I think this explanation is enough for me
Thank you for listening to me.
Back in 1991 Ken Kerry, acting as scribe, published the third book in his now famous trilogy, The Star Seed Transmissions. This third book in the series called “The Third Millennium, Living in the prehistoric world” gives a wonderfully poetic and lyrical description of what we are at the very precipice of experiencing and are today calling “The Event”.
Back then this information being delivered to an ill prepared human race was so new that it seemed like science fiction and only the most intuitive among us could grasp some of its breathtaking implications.
Today, 25 years later, our spiritual (Divine Spirit) and emotional (Divine Will) bodies and their development as experienced within the Heart, has brought us forward in evolution so much so that when you read this now a far bigger picture of what is about to happen brings an enormous breathtaking depth to our understanding.
Here is some of what Ken Kerry described 25 years ago as humanities “Moment of Quantum Awakening”.
“At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth’s gravity field will be affected in some way. This will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical president.
Regardless of whether one accepts this change or attempts to back away from it, THIS EVENT WILL BE OF GREATER POWER THAN ANYTHING THE EARTH HAS EVER SEEN. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.
At the moment when Creator’s luminous field comes into perfect alignment with the Earth Mother, all illusion of a destructive nature will be dissolved. Though there have been many centuries leading up to this moment when the moment comes IT WILL BE DECISIVE.
There will be a great shift then, a single moment of quantum awakening. In this moment, the smallest interval of time measured in these dimensions – the interval that occurs in every atom between each of its billions of oscillations per second – will be lengthened into infinity. An interval of NONTIME will expand. Through that expansion, eternity will flow. Some will experience this moment as minutes or hours, others as a life time. Still, others will experience this flash of NONTIME as a succession of many lives. And some few will, in the moment, know the NAGUAL itself the great Nameless Presence that exists before and after all these worlds.
In the expanse of the NONTIME interval, human beings will have all the time they will require to realize, experience and remember the full consciousness of their eternal spirits and to recall the origins of their individuality in the primordial fields of being. All will have ample time to recharge their form identity and its biological projection with the awareness of who they are, why they have individualized, and why they have chosen to associate with this planet’s human expression. Each one will have the choice to return to biological form or to remain in the fields of discarnate awareness.
Those who choose to return to human form will do so fully aware of who they are. No longer will they be but partially incarnate; they will resume biological residence with the full memory and consciousness of their eternal natures SHARING the creative capacities of the Star Maker, whose reflective cells they will then know themselves to be.”
Thank You, Ron!
Ron that was inspiring. For the RM first thank you we are all so happy you are here helping to liberate Gaia from the dark forces. In terms of suffering mine isnt physical but mental and emotional. Imagine realizing the truth of the matrix you are in and how the media the govt 911 all lies yet shockingly everyone around you cant see what you see!! Like a bad dream and like a dream the more you try to wake people up to the dark forces controlling them the more they turn on you or outright ignore you! My own siblings think I am crazy cant fathom 911 was a hoax and ETs arent real and JFK was killed by a lone gunman. Basically the programming is more than they can overcome. For me it is in plain view..fake news..fake events suppressed health cures intentional sickness via gmo food vaccines water etc.. My pt having to stay positive and live in the heart when at every turn you try to inform only to be rejected. A few are awake on some issue like 911 but to explain to them we are ETs too our dna has many races making us unique and we are beings of light and consciousness not just physical workers here to work eat sleep and die. We need the chemtrails stopped can the RM or LA take these jets or drones out or teleport them? We also need something to shake people up to wake them up to your presence and the matrix they are in. A message to all cell phones via Facebook?
With love and light I say thank you and may the divine energy of source flow through all of you and all of humanity even the cabal so we can all be 1 unity consciousness now! Victory of the Light RM!
Dear RM’s,
…Why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal…
The way I would understand this behaviour among lightworkers is twofold:
1. Most -if not al-l lightworkers have a higher automatic empathy than the average population. This makes them VERY aware of the suffering of fellow souls, humans, animals, plants and Gaia. This sharing of that suffering makes them in turn very sad but especially VERY angry at the perceived guilty evil ones. If any other truthseeker/lightworker than lightworker nr 1 spreads a slightly different explanation for what is going on, the gigantic-almost immeasurable anger in lightworker 1 about the worldwide inflicted suffering prevents him from seeing the possibility that the other one (LW2) spreading his own message is a LW as well; they can only see someone sabotageing their effort to fight evil. The despair shows then up that this sabotage will prevent evil from ever being defeated. Which is enough to be angry enough to attack LW2.
2. Whenever one’s monthly salary/income/spendable money/survival needs are under threat by losing audience to a newcomer, the negative emotions of fear, despair, anger, etc will so strong as to prevent logical thinking and seeing the truth. The neg emotions in LW1 will create the conviction that the other one (LW2) is wrong and is attacking oneself thus attacking LW1’s message and work, and thus is attacking the whole Earth and thus LW2 must be evil or a tool for evil.
I hope this helps,
Thanks, and please try to see we have no chance whatsoever of beating the might of this interfering evil without same level of intervention of the benevolent side. I suspect that for many millennia, the benevolent have strongly understimated the manipulative destructive evil side. The evil ones are FAR better at lying and deceiving than you are, admit it! 😉
Please hurry. We can’t hold this up much longer.
Dear RM. It is great to have an opportunity to tell you what and how we experience life on earth. Why light workers attack each other……? There is a ton of reasons for that. Growing up in a world where you are subjected to all the enslavement and abuse, you are prone to be emotionally wounded and badly damaged in your psyche. Life on earth forces you to grow up with a distorted perception. Every persons circumstance differs and therefore every persons perspective differs. You see life through the glasses of your own perceptions. One single word uttered can mean a hundred different things to a hundred different people. It just depends on your perception! Sometimes the intention behind the words spoken can be misinterpreted. That once again happens, because of the other persons perceptions. This can cause a lot of disharmony and misunderstanding. People read things in situations that is not necessarily the truth. Misunderstandings, mistrust and fear, causes people to feel vulnerable. When feeling vulnerable they tend to defend. When defending they tend to attack.
With all the info and dis-info going around nobody feels safe. With all the deceit and lies going around nobody feels loved. This makes people feel vulnerable and the cycle begins again….when feeling vulnerable they defend and when defending they attack. It is the way we have been programmed… and its hard to get out from under that programming. The damage in the psych of a human can sometimes be so big that they can not free themselves from the pain. They need help.
No human being in their rightful mind can hurt another wilfully! You have to be mind controlled (and reacting to something) or possessed or forced. No human being in their rightful mind will purposefully attack another just for the fun of it. You attack because you perceive danger. And once again danger is perceived through your perception thereof.
Each and every human being on earth has their own perceptions which has been shaped by the control, programming, enslavement and lies we have been drilled with.
Does that make sense to you? Because honestly…..life on earth does not always makes sense to us????
At the last of Twelve should be occured was not happened.
Their adult ritual was not held.
They are fully agree with their role.
They are experienced children.
They are Live in fear.
All of them.
All of us.
Dear Resistence Movement,
I want to Thank you for all that you are doing for our beautiful Planet, and for all the Creatures big and small living here!
Maybe this has already been said many times in all these letters, but I do want to add my voice. What I find so very frustrating at times, is that all the techniques and the (money) abundance is waiting to be received. I know many people who are suffering from cancer and other diseases. People are dying from useles Wars, No food, no water and No hygiene. A few people have billions of dollars (euro’s) ruling our entire World and billions of people have NOTHING, while Everything is already there!
I know we all have to wake up, and we are trying to help people to become aware, But I believe we could use a huge push from our Dear Friends to get us through these very intense times!
I am full of Hope and Faith that Everything will be Allright and I pray that together we can make all our dreams come true, not in the near Future, but in the NOW moment!
It is no longer a wish , or our dream , It is our Reality.
Lots of love Lia Wijnbergen
Dear Resistance Operatives,
I’ve been extremely pleased to ‘ tape into your flow ‘ in the past where I found the inspiration for a video about your organization. The density at the surface almost made me forgot this – that gives you an overview of Life at the surface. You were all so physically real to me and then you have ‘ ceased to exist ‘ in my reality due to some reinforcement of ‘ the veil of forget-fullness’ .
At the surface each success & achievement seem to be followed by a deep regression / atrophy along with an increase of attacks. You innocently begin your journey by thinking you just need to shine as bright as possible, then you realize this very light gathers all the negativity around you. Thanks to Cobra we were made aware of the need for Self-Protection and to avoid taking projections personnaly.
Still, the awaken population is tired of this. The bodisattva vows, this willingness to suffer on the behalf of an inconscious collective is an old ideas – we do no longer want to obide by it. Enough. As commited as we are to Planetary Liberation, loving beings on the verge of the Ascension Process now need a safe and healthy environment where they may proceed with the ultimate phase of their transition. In some cases it’s really an emergency.
You know, here one cannot transfer his consciousness into a cloned body whenever it becomes ill or is subject to internal disfunctions. We’re all incarnated into one single same body made of earthly elements – thus corrupted and highly subject to entropy. We then receive a limiting ‘ label ‘ by Society based on physical criterias and we have to carry for the rest of your life ( Tall, Small, Strong, Weak, Beautifull, Uggly, White, Black, , etc… ) Even by working on/owning our own Belief Systems we’ll still be subject to the related collective ignorance to a certain degree.
For sensitive beings this is very hard to deal with. I myself feel very close to the Galactic Commands, which represent my ‘ first identification substrate ‘. Some lightworkers/warriors have nothing to do with earthly cultural backgrounds and yet they are caught in collective dramas and become the first ‘ casualties ‘ of the delays. For occult transmutation purposes, I agree, but even dedication has its limits !
Some of us try to’ shift to parallel realites ‘ where no human suffering exist ‘ but I came to the conclusion that the mass of Mankind are – unconsciously – anchor points for lower frequencies. For a long time I nurrished the ideal – and still do – of freeing them all from their invisible shackles. But confronted to the day-to-day reality and people here, even the stellar councils could wonder if everybody will awake. As long as we all share a common reality we’ll still be subject to our ( ” own ! ” ) co-creations.
Traumas are exploited again & again by the archons so that no matter what activity you’re engaged in, you’ll have to deal endlessly with nasty thoughts. It’s like if the rewards for having awaken were nothing more than stigmatization, isolation and an invasion of darkness in our lives. I don’t say ‘ lonelyness ‘ because I forgot such feeling thanks to ‘ higher connection ‘. With relationship it’s another story, it’s so hard to deal with people – the spectrum of awareness available here is so wide !
The connection to the mighty I AM presence realigns all of this instantly and brings much needed relief but it is always quickly ‘ hijacked ‘ either in dream or day time. It cannot fully compensate the inherent limitations of the flesh at our present degree of evolution. Unity Consciousness is slowly beginning to heal yet the depths of what has been inflicted to humanity is still affecting us all.
At times we’re not even sure who ” our fellows ” are ! I thought life would become more pleasant as we were reaching the Event Horizon but it’s quite the opposite. We can maintain an ” island of peace ” within our lifes but frankly, that’s all we feel like doing at times when we look at the bigger picture.
I know how complicated the earth situation is, and I surely don’t want to point fingers at you for the delays. I thank you from the bottom of my heart to have made earth your next destination right after the liberation of your own planet. Surely you could have enjoyed the ‘ times of reconstruction ‘ with your fellow on Planet X yet you chose to come and give a hand with this hellish planetary quarantine.
For this, Bro’s & Sista’s, you have my deepest gratitude ♥ Loving thoughts.
Looking forward to meet you face to face in the near future dear Mickey 🙂
These words were written from a state of mind I’m not usually in and I think they are reflective of what the Lightworkers are enduring. End of the doleance session, back to active duty.
I also look forward to further cooperation in the service of the Light !
Ps : you rock 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVkuTBTz0Fc
Arbre Solaire
Though English is not my native I think I express myself better with it.
So here I am, Ece.. who has named herself Vera in her childhood.
Just like my inspirational knowing childhood… Spinning, crystals, colors, animals, plants, concepts and listening to my inner being are amongst my daily interactions with Gaia. Don’t know what is happening in my dreams most of the time, but wake up with a sense of glory and joy usually.. Just cannot explain any to any earthlings 🙂
My answer to your question would be “lack of trust”. In this illusionary game like experience, the definition of success has been told far different here, and when we seem not to have enough while trying to maintain our earthly accepted features, we kinda feel “not good enough”. And this affects a lot. Even though light beings know that material world cannot satisfy us completely and thus we know that all we look for is those perfect moments when we are in the bliss.. in meditation, an intense affection, uniting with nature… Still we want to have those moments in a very nice house, with expensive garments and designed furnitures around 🙂 And if we don’t have this kinda financials and conditions, we sometimes feel like failing.
And I guess everyone here would agree on the difficulty to talk about the divine and cosmic truth in their reality. I am loving all the things that I have learned within the last years.. from my I am presence, the beloved angels, masters and light beings, So many wonderful things to contemplate on, so marvelous feelings and experiences for me to share.. But for a really good reason I suppose, I just do not have anyone to share all with, yet. This also brings the feeling of “lack of trust”. While the world game is out there, my main focuses are being seen “odd”, no one is a bit interested.. after sometime it is way better to stay alone to find the time to deal with the really interesting matter. Such as writing a letter to the Resistance Movement 🙂
I love and appreciate every being that involves in the ascension of Earth. Would really be wonderful to connect with you in a more direct way soon, meanwhile we the light workers will keep on lighting the free world and focusing on the oneness of all creation.
Hallo lieber Cobra und ALLE von der Widerstandsbewegung
Ein ganz herzliches DANKESCHÖN von Herz zu Herz euch ALLEN für eure Hilfe! 🙂
Dafür danke ich von ganzem Herzen!!!
Liebe Herzensgrüße Ingrid :star:
cari amici e fratelli della resistenza vi ringrazio di cuore per il lavoro che svolgete per l umanità,sapere che è in atto un aiuto da parte delle forze della luce è a dir poco confortevole.infatti la forte dualità ti trasporta sempre in un stato di abbandono dello spirito questo è causato dal fatto che non riusciamo a percepire i nostri corpi eterici ma percepiamo in maniera molto pesante le varie forme che l ego ci propone distraendoci dal pensare chi veramente siamo.io voglio emergere dall oscurità ma quando vedi che hai fatto un passo avanti subito ti ritrovi con tre passi indietro,eppure la differenza è notevole,infatti quando mi trovo a vivere magari per una settimana nella luce io sto benissimo mi sento forte di poter affrontare qualsiasi situazione,ma poi ecco che l oscurità ti prende e ti fa stare male.vi dico che quando si ha un attacco dall oscurità è molto difficile opporsi e poi col senno del poi e facendo un autoanalisi si riesce ad uscirne ma con molta sofferenza almeno per me.nelle 3D la vita è difficile ci sono sempre problemi che ti attanagliano uno in particolare è la situazione economica bisogna lavorare e nel mio caso( operaio edile)sono schiavizzato non abbiamo diritti solo doveri e alla fine del mese ci si arriva sempre senza soldi il lavoro è da come lo vedo io solo schiavitù,e la cosa più brutta è che io sono consapevole di questa situazione.insomma cari fratelli vivere qua nelle 3D è TERRIBILE SOPRATUTTO PER I RISVEGLIATI.io vi chiedo un aiuto perche il mio libero arbitrio non è affato come lo voglio io,io non ho deciso di vivere cosi io si ho scelto di venire qua ma non in questa maniera senza poter ancorare la luce,in piu sono anche malato(sindrome mieloprofilerativa philadelfia negatif)che viene dalla bassa autostima che tutti questi disagi provocano in noi la somatizazione.io voglio vivere nell ,unicità non nella dualità non cè la faccio più a sopportare questo.fratelli della forza della luce posso parlare con voi?io vi do il permesso vi prego anche solo telepaticamente mi basta ad aver forza per affrontare la vita fino a l evento,che spero di poter restare a lungo su gaia per poter vedere il cambiamento.una domanda ma appellandomi al libero arbitrio io posso cambiare la mia situazione?vi ringrazio e vi benedico per la vostra collaborazione.
vittoria della luce
ps:potete parlare con me anche con lo smart fone
Hello, blessing Cosmic light.
Is it efficient and useful for resistance movement, to promote the descriptions and hierarchies mentioned by the Melchisédeks and the others mesagers of the “Book of Urantia”?
Infinite thanks,
Love for all
Thank you to all at RM,
I’ve been selecting a few of my more openminded family and friends to explain truths and guage receptiveness to these truths that we face.
My observations tell me that most are receptive to many of our concepts, but have become complacent in using common sense and logic. They have tremendous curiosity. However, instead of analyzing a situation objectively and using facts at hand they tend to default to waiting for the “media ” to report a story before they will act on information. I think that prominent members of civilization are going to need to step up (Or out..grin..) and begin to wake up the masses to the facts at hand and explain the deception that’s permeated their “reality ” for so long. The curiosity is strong but the programming stops them from making sensible analysis.
Thank you for your time and Cheers!?
Apologies, correction for this paragraph, which should read as follows:
“Almost 20 years ago, LW-A (who already had a big network of followers) launched a vicious attack on LW-B, who was a newcomer to the scene. LW-A practically said that LW-B was channeling evil. I know about this because I was in contact with LW-B, and he graciously said that he won’t take action, because that was the BEST course of action ~ no action. LW-B told me that LW-A felt threatened because many of LW-A’s followers started attending LW-B’s meetings. Today, both are very successful in the LW field.”
Viele Lichtarbeiter/innen sprechen dass sie angegriffen werden. Für einen dunklen Energieangriff, braucht man selbst dafür seine eigene Tür aufzumachen dass der Angriff durch sein eigenes Energiefeld hinein dringt. Wenn man im Gleichgewicht lebt, kommen auch keine Angriffe durch sein eigenes Energiefeld. Ich selbst war an einem Ort wo es sehr viel dunkle Energie hatte und hatte dort Cintamani Steine eingepflanzt. Kein einziger Angriff hatte ich gefühlt.
Auf seine eigene schöne Gefühle einzugehen ist der beste Schutz. Alle Menschen haben ein Energiefeld um sich, den Torus oder mit anderen Worten seine Aura. Sollte ein Angriff dennoch stattfinden kann er bei einem Menschen wo in seinem Herzen, dem inneren Licht zentriert ist, nicht durch sein Energiefeld durchdringen. Der Angriff geht dann sofort wieder auf den Angreifer zurück. Auf seine eigene schöne Gefühle einzugehen ist der beste Schutz. Denn das innere Licht/ Liebe, Quelle, ist als erstes mit dem Gefühl verbunden.
Dear RM,
Once again, heartfelt and deep gratitude to all of you in service to liberation of Earth and her Humanity/all beings upon her. As you know, words alone are limited, so please accept my sincere thanks in energy.
This time, I will focus on the infighting in the LW community, as per Cobra’s latest update of 21 July 2017. And I will make it personal, from my own experiences.
Almost 20 years ago, LW-A (who already had a big network of followers) launched a vicious attack on LW-B, who was a newcomer to the scene. LW-A practically said that LW-B was channeling evil. I know about this because I was in contact with LW-B, and he graciously said that he won’t take action, because that was the BEST course of action ~ no action. LW-B told me that LW-A felt threatened because many of LW-B’s followers started attending LW-A’s meetings. Today, both are very successful in the LW field.
Major LWs with large following sometimes end up attacking each other because they don’t want to lose their “members”. Especially if their information differs from another. This, to them, is a threatening situation. I have lost count of how many times I’ve written to major LWs to get them to feature Cobra’s meditations, but they are not interested because they don’t want to lose their following. This is an example of “large” vs “large”.
I have a very small blog, and I have encountered instances where popular LWs with large following who use my materials without crediting me, or even cropping off my blog name at the the bottom of images that I create. This is “large” preying on the “small”.
Then we also have the situation where major LWs and their “members” cannot accept a situation (or information) that puts their belief at risk. This would refer to things like the RV….. VERY MANY LWs have invested in this. They either have put in large sums of money, or are depending on the promised prosperity. So when someone like Cobra comes along and says much of this is untrue, then….well, it won’t sit well with them at all. We are talking about MONEY……a huge huge huge issue with Humanity, as you well know.
As I have mentioned in my previous letter, almost all of the problems can be attributed to two main areas, the first of which are the control systems in place (programming, implants, conditioning, Psyop/Psywar, deceptions, manipulations etc.)
The second area is our inauthentic “nature”. This means that much of what we do is out of ego or fear. As you know, it is said that we have a reptilian brain because of how the medulla oblongata functions. The survival and fight-or-flight instincts kick in whenever we feel threatened in ANY way, big or small. This makes us competitive, have the need to be right, and our drive to “survive” is strong.
We are conditioned to be competitive socially (through mass media, peer pressure, institutions, family etc) all the time. We are even taught that evolution (and therefore, “existence”) is dependent upon survival of the fittest.
We are also conditioned in scarcity. We are conditioned to believe that there’s “not enough”, so we have to fight for our share, of everything! If we attack another LW who is threatening our survival (for money, fame, popularity, etc) and we “remove” the “threat”, then we have one less competitor/threat to worry about.
If LW-1 says this, and this is different from what LW-2 says, then of course we have the situation where people will ask, “Who is right”? So….a “war” starts.
I hope this helps in some way. Thank you for continuing to listen to us, it is indeed a very brave and compassionate thing to do, in itself. You have waded into a very deep and dark pit, but it is where we are at the moment. We REALLY need all the help we can get, even though some major LWs are “teaching” their members that we don’t need help from anyone at all because we can do it all by ourselves.
You are trying to understand something that has been our operating system for eons of time, and you (and all the other Light Forces) are trying to reverse a situation that’s taken so long to fester. It’s like trying to completely rehabilitate a hard-core drug addict overnight.
BUT…..we really need to be completely rehabilitated asap, because with each passing moment, some Human life or condition is in danger. In addition to all that control systems, our Pineal glands are calcified and our bodies are sick through dark agendas. We are being impacted from every aspect of “life”.
I fully understand your predicament, I truly do. May you and all the other Light Forces find some solution to help our situation asap. If you have the positive version of StarDust, then please by all means stardust us liberally so we can all step up our Consciousness and step into our own Light.
Much Love and Namaste 🙂
To the Resistance Movement,
I can only say that I cannot say enough how thankful I am to enter into a new chapter in the story of Humanity, you are the catalyst we need, and we are ready for you.
All the thanks in the world would not be enough for you and yours, but I’ll toss one grain of sand on that beach. Thank you.
May love and light be with us all.
Wie man bei einigen Briefen sieht, schreiben viele Menschen gleich für alle Menschen.
Nicht alle Menschen sind gleich. Verwechselt nicht Meinungsverschiedenheit mit Ehrlichkeit.
Ehrlichkeit im Denken, Aufrichtigkeit im Herzen und innere Zufriedenheit ist ganz etwas anderes als Meinungsverschiedenheiten. Es kann verschiedene Meinungen geben, dann ist es Zeit darüber zu sprechen . Man kann darüber diskutieren und akzeptieren. Wenn man aber bewusst lügt, spüren einige Menschen dass man sie anlügt und es entsteht Konflikt und Misstrauen. Es kann für einige Menschen verletzend sein. Einige Menschen merken aber nicht dass andere sie anlügen, die sind sehr leicht beeinflussbar, und werden meist von anderen Menschen ausgenutzt. Diejenigen wo in einer finanziellen Notlage sind, ist es wichtig das ihr ein erfülltes Lebens lebt. Seid ihr am verhungern, oder am verdursten, oder seid ihr Obdachlos…? Das kann man alles ändern. Es ist mit nicht egal wie es den anderen geht, deshalb mache ich jeden Sonntag, die Aufstiegsmeditation, pflanze Cintamani Steine ein helfe gerne anderen Menschen, wo es die Hilfe auch schätzen und lebe ein erfülltes Leben. Das macht mir grosse Freude. Es ist so wichtig, dass man auf seine eigenen Gefühle eingeht und alles loslässt, was gegen das eigene innere schöne Gefühl ist. Zum Beispiel, wenn man sich wohl fühlt, ist es wie, wenn man eine schöne farbige blumige Blumenwiese anschaut und wie sie duftet und sich schön anfühlt.
Du fühlst dich nicht wohl ?
Du kannst dich in diesem Moment fragen, was würde die Liebe jetzt tun ?
We have also to understand what do they mean by lightworkers attacking one another:
Is it the case, let’s say, Alfred Webre attacking (time ago) Kevin Annett? or is it the case of ‘laymen’ lightworkers attacking one another, i.e. 2 neighbors in a discussion about Cobra,
or, is it the case that us, we, attacking a top lightworker speaking intensively about karma, which we know that is an arcohonic invention.
In order to have a comprehensive answer from us, we have to know what they mean by this attack.
Whatever is meant by the question, I think we can only answer and think about and for our own inner en outer behavior and be honest as honest can be..
Writing a letter like the ones down here in my opinion is very very private and should maybe not even be read by us. Than even seeing people reacting on certain letters is above my comprehension and sense of independance. (can’t think of the word I mean)
This COULD be a place where we are fully safe and sacred .
I can not lift my head because I always stumble with the same stone, the black stone, the truth I am not happy on this earth. I pretend to be happy. My nerves sweat pain and fear every day , we are one ?
You profess concern over LW’s infighting. Well, Exactly who are these LightWorker’s. LW’s seem to pop up and start “preaching the word”, then we are asked to use discernment. Too many unknowing people simply “hang up a shingle” and start business. Then they ask for donations and create memberships to support themselves and charge for “seminars or webinars to share their “truths”.The only way we can “use discernment is to compare information and use our imaginative gifts to tell whether we should believe them or not. And they live better lives than we are able to do through those funds. They travel to places we cannot afford to go, and have a lifestyle we can never afford. Then, they disagree….. so who’s right? You want to know about our suffering. Most of our suffering is not having enough to live on and be happy, Yet, we can always just decide to BE happy and we generally are. I think one of the problems out there is the constant guessing who to believe. I meditate long and often and receive many, many messages that I have to sort out and classify as to what I think it may mean. I have found out a lot of truth, but would I swear to any of it? No. We form “beliefs” and these take on a life of their own. Each is for us alone, it may not relate to others. Does this make them True? Not necessarily. The biggest problem is ego or narcissism. We become attached to our beliefs and screen out the saying of others. Yet, what if they are correct. Given enough work, it is not hard to find out many things that make perfect sense, but we don’t Really KNOW. The only true source is within, but we know that the military has “The voice of God Technology”. We know there are implants and we have been hardwired from birth to forget our true origins. How can we believe channelings, no matter how “nice” they may sound, or from how “High” a source it purportedly comes from. David Wilcock has done a marvelous job of collecting information, but he is releasing it at a pace that is “Partial discernment..” Is it because he is trying to keep the money flow coming? Kauilapele is an empath like me, so he releases things that resonate with his inner sense, but it’s not his information. Corey Goode keeps telling us dribs and drabs, but, also, keeps telling us he can’t tell us things. Slow partial disclosure, again. Sheldon Nidel tells us certain things should have already happened and whoever he is in contact with has been saying “it” should be Soon, or “it’s on the verge”. What is the definition of these phrases?. Jerzy Babcock (Zap) Keeps saying “it’s happened”, then he does another report to say Well, no it hasn’t. He has announced the arrival of the “funds” at least several hundred times, but they are still not present. There are people on the RV/Intel site that say their intel is spot on, but “you can’t foresee changes that cause it to be miraculously “delayed” And so it goes.Where are “the arrests” that have been promised by so many, so many times?? This situation is reaching critical mass, which is probably why you have asked for commentary. Judge Anna is “working on a Republic”. HATJ and Terran are working on the OPPT. Donald Trump is doing some good things in a very convoluted way, but is still labeled as as part of the Cabal. Pattie Brassard and Karen Lucyk are the most credible people I’ve found, and what a tale they tell. Even my friend Aug Tellez has incredible insight. I am simply spending my time assimilating as much information as I can handle and looking within, and living. Now that the Sphere Beings have quit blocking or filtering the Cosmic Love light from the Source through the “black sun”, things are going to start popping, but I don’t know how fast. Be patient everyone, and loving and look within; it will all come in “all ways, always”. Give forgiveness, and send out love in each meditation. It will come when it comes. Ms. Lee
thanks for this info. Pat S
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that.”
At an overview of this question, a short answer may be:
The surface population does not know who is a genuine lightworker, and who is not, or who does a genuine lightworking or not. While the RM members know most likely one another, and what each of them have to do or to work.
On an other hand, for here, there might be that all who distanced themselves from Cobra, or are not believing in a sudden Event which will change the world, but are believing in a smooth decade long transition might be not genuine lightworkers and might be misguidind the collective consciousness of humanity,
so might they be worth to get an attack in order to become more grounded or to come back on track…
Should RM study this cases, give out their point of view, and we will give other of our opinion, as case may be.
We may need your assistance in this collective action:
August 21st – Total Eclipse of the Sun – Join Forces to Align Our Future with the Planetary Liberation Program!
July 19, 2017 by Ada Shaw
It is time to prepare for the next big Prepare For Change mass meditation Event!
….and this time we will be gathering together physically…it is finally time to meet the rest of the 144,000….
….this promises to be a BIG one!
On Monday, AUGUST 21st, 2017 … a mere 5 weeks from now…there will be a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE over the USA.
We will be gathering together all along the ECLIPSE PATH which goes from OREGON through NEBRASKA and KANSAS and ends in SOUTH CAROLINA.
The eclipse starts at 10:16 AM in Oregon and ends 90 minutes later at 2:48 PM in South Carolina. (Different timezone – 3 hours later in the day)
Prepare For Change is organizing a physical mass meditation event to declare our decision to trigger the Event and bring back Light to our planet.
We will be holding physical meetups along the eclipse path, and planting cintamanis and special free will crystals to amplify our intention.
If you are able to organize an IN PERSON MEETUP along the Eclipse path on this date, or if you are able to help with the placement of stones and crystals, please send us an email:
To volunteer for this project: Email [email protected] .
As long as there exist any form of outside influence, manipulation or control in how humanity perceive its reality, particularly in the astral/plasma or etheric planes in conjunction or independent of the physical/mental and emotional planes, humanity cannot truly exercise free will. The illusion was not initiated or created by humanity itself but is a result of cumulative influence of outside (dark) forces. The resultant ‘reality’ or perception of it, then, was a byproduct of continued manipulation by the dark. As long as an outside dark force has influence or control over humanity, its state of wakefulness will be limited. There are of course, those who are aware, but who are not truly free from the influence in the astral, plasma or etheric planes, thus, it’s judgement could become clouded. Humanity needs to be freed from any form of manipulation. When you are presented with lies upon lies, but was told it is the whole truth, then humanity’s choices are constricted to what is known.
Our recommendation is for the complete and full removal of outside dark influence (especially in how humanity perceive its reality) and their technologies in all planes that it exists as well as full unrestricted disclosure of what is TRUE. Only then can humanity exercise free will. Ascension too will be swift.
I, through my Mighty I AM Presence and It’s Oneness with the Collective Mighty I AM Presences of All of Humanity and All of Gaia’s Kingdoms and Elementals, IMPLORE All of Light, Love and Truth and all that is Divine from the 5th Dimension and Higher, to freely anchor within our world, every available Cintamani Stone, linking all grids, vortices, gateways and stargates and points of interconnectedness of the Flower of Life at the planetary level and in all planes, creating a vast ENERGY of protection, cleansing, purification, healing, transformation and restoration of our True Divine Origin, and transmutation of all that is discordant and not in alignment with Humanity’s Ascension in the Present Now.
Dear brothers and sisters of the Resistance.
I am Jorge. I start by thanking you deeply, from my heart, for all your efforts.
Currently being a human living in this beautiful planet, I have been witness of the great potential for positive/negative actions of the human race. Most of our human brothers and sisters are still asleep and under the influence of the illusion, as you well know, and thanks to your work this number is diminishing. As someone who has loved/hated humanity over the course of my short years here, I would like to point out that the conditions which keeps us in a state of apparent separation (not only from source but from our own people) makes difficult to deal with ourselves, as our social complex is very primitive and ignorant. We have been taught to harden our hearts and to live in an environment where the “strongest” survives and the corrupt thrives. Everything is upside-down here, and most would prefer a new vehicle or a bigger house given the choice between that and enlightenment.
As the event draws in closer, it is evident the majority of the planet lives in constant fear and preoccupation of hunger, poverty, sickness and war. It is time for all of this to end. We need to take accountability and responsibility of our actions, as individuals and as a collective. But for this to happen we need the current paradigm to be destroyed, for knowledge to be spread massively about the crimes and acts done against us, in order to start the healing process. Our free will has been hijacked under penalty of becoming cannon fodder, since that happens to anyone brave/foolish enough that defies the current controllers. We have no means of defense, as most of us are as children due to our ignorance and any change brought about by violence will only replace a bad with a worse.
Expressing myself and for many of my acquaintances, we request of you a more direct intervention. The conditions imposed on us have been generated by abuse of knowledge and technology from negative beings, and all we ask is a balanced situation where we can actually make a difference, for all of those unaware of the reality and for the awakened. Let us have a chance to win by ourselves by leveling the terrain. Give us the chance for a fair fight and we will do the rest. For that is the spirit of the human race.
Thank you for your service.
Adonai vasu borragus.
Greetings to the Brothers and Sisters of the Resistance Movement 🙂
Thank you for all the work you do for the liberation of the beings on this planet! It is much appreciated 😀
I would love to try to help share some perspective on how my personal journey has shaped my experience and how I would describe the situation for the surface population of the planet based on it. I can’t say this applies to anyone else, but it does help paint part of the big picture!
For me personally, the hardest part of being part of the surface population before times of being ‘awakened’ was the complete disconnection from source. For those of us without a strong family or community connection, growing up could be a very disconnected time. There was a part of me growing up that felt abandoned. The amount of division and separation ingrained into us through society and culture growing up genuinely made me question whether the universe was a loving place. And this kind of personal questioning of a core part of existence makes it difficult to connect with others and also my true nature. It felt like a vicious cycle. It took a lot of personal work and resolve just to reach the point of awakening and remembering that the universe was a loving place. And while that realization was an important first step, it doesn’t really start to bring all of the elements together enough to see this world as the kind of loving place I know the universe is. It was like all of a sudden now I had the faith that the universe was a loving place and everything was all right, but still living in a world that doesn’t act that way makes it very hard to integrate certain truths like that.
Feeling alone and abandoned by the universe growing up in my view also makes it difficult for anyone on the surface to connect with each other in a full way. I have realized that many trust issues that I had could all be traced back to a general distrust that the universe was a loving place. Many do not do enough introspection to realize that distrust that the universe is a loving place is a major influence on all aspects of personality, communication, and many other things. Issues of trust in personal relationships don’t always have logical reasons and many times I find that interpersonal trust issues stemmed from not trusting that the universe was a loving place. If it was a loving place, how could there be so much suffering? This is a rhetorical question as I now understand answers to this, but this very basic question seems to be a root cause of lack of faith which also seeps into all areas of relationships between individuals on the surface as well. It is not recognized as such, so what happens is people get carried away in their emotions and make it difficult to confront these root psychological issues.
This helps lay the basis for addressing a point COBRA brought up about how many the Resistance Movement find it difficult to understand how light workers could attack each other. It brings to mind the Bible verse Luke 23:34 “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” To me this is still what’s going on. Even after being “awakened” to more of the true nature of the universe, the division created by design in all areas of life on the surface of this planet makes it very difficult for people to feel connected to each other even after having moments of divine truth revealed to them. While we do in a way have an external enemy in the cabal, the major blockages are all within and can be worked on from there. The first moments of awakening and connection to source give us a glimpse of the true nature of reality but then going back to the divisive society and culture we live it it is extremely difficult to hold that understanding of the divinity in everything and we tend to externalize our issues and fight amongst ourselves rather than take responsibility, accept our shortcomings AND others, and put down our egos to work together. Even after seeing the truth, there is so little of that truth flowing freely in this world that we quickly forget and once again “know not what [we] do.”
There really needs to be a long period of consistent loving communication and care between the people of the surface population (and others as well) before this trust in each other – and even more importantly – the loving nature of the universe can be restored. Those lightworkers arguing amongst themselves still don’t trust that the universe is a loving enough place for these differences of opinion to all make sense and be part of a divine plan. Certain programs are still running strong convincing individuals that some ideas are to be feared and that we should struggle to avoid these things we are afraid of, which unfortunately prolongs suffering.
I hope this is a helpful perspective in understanding some of the behaviors of the surface population! At this point after living this life on the surface of Earth it’s crazy to try and put ourselves in the mindset of someone of the Resistance Movement that may not have received some of the programming and living circumstances that encourages behavior of not working together. I look forward to sharing perspective and experiences with you all once we can freely have contact 🙂
I love you all!
Let’s just realize you don’t understand what’s going on down here. You’re not faced with all the oppression and resistance that we are. You’re not poisoned constantly, like we are – food, air, water, medicine, chemtrails, et al.
We’ve heard about groups helping us for 20+ years, yet things only get worse – and you wonder WHY we question what’s happening?
I’m sure you mean well, but that isn’t helping. Too much talk – too many messages – too much advice – How about you finish what you came hear to do and worry about yourselves – not anybody else…
Since december 10 2008 8 years of nonstop maximum emotional energy suppression now sexual energy suppressed as well coming from etheric computer mainframe please make it stop!
This is a re-post. Maybe you will be brave enough to post it this time…….
Cobra’s latest comment:
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:”
It is very simple: Every single light worker/warrior is targeted since before initial “birth” – and I mean initial as in thousands of lifetimes ago for many – for severe torture from birth and in the womb, brain control implants, demon (aliens like you) possession/oppression/influence trauma based mind control and soul shattering technologies you apparently claim to have no clue about. They are all born into Draconian AI controlled “families” and tracked life long. If you try to break free, you die or worse. Every single light whatever is severely compromised through these unhealed (by design, by intent) wounds and the AI Dracs and their Luciferian minions use them to infiltrate and take over/influence/deceive until the desired outcome occurs. Every movement any make, any thought or feeling we have is tracked and responded to. How stupid are you? You are looking more and more like an A.I. honeypot than anything true.
You can watch Corey Goode on Cosmic Disclosure say a similar whitewashed version of this. You tell us you “monitor” all surface communications. Apparently, not so much.
You are blaming the victims here. Damn you too. Damn you too for being cowards and claiming to be ignorant. That is all on you. You are in league with the enemy, believing projections and lies and relying on them too.
I have been DECREEING vaporization while you try to love A.I. machines to death. All of that carnage and time lost you will be held accountable for. And you will pay in kind if I have my say.
I was just up before the “authentic God” and a Cobra light worker as guide and as witness dealing with this very thing (infiltration due to unhealed wounds being used for attack against yourself and your fellow light-workers and husbands and wives, whatever is close to you) for the millionth time and you don’t know? We’ve heard that before from A.I. Drac-holes.
Shame and guilt eternal is now all over you with your admission of lack of preparation or more likely lack of concern. That is NOT loving nor kind nor true!
Humans are well aware you are not here for “us” but to save your own skins from a multi-verse wide Drac A.I. borg take over. Now you have made it crystal clear. How are you any different then they are?
And I know why this “dialogue” appeared. As do you. It was not your choice – it was by human force on you.
Now do your JOB and STFU. We’re tired of your excuses and when that fails blaming us. Save your own skins if you can.
And giving A.I. MACHINES more chances than those who by your own admission are Light WARRIORS! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU FOLLOWING? As in ass raping children who the fuck…..uncaring machines rank higher than us. Wow. Just wow, that you have admitted it publicly wow. Not surprised really,.. you shall know them by their fruit or lack there of.
People here on earth today are born into a harsh reality that is completely orthogonal to how things should be. They don’t remember anything and have to learn how to deal with the progressively distorted ways of their parents and their grandparents before them. Like how much they are loved and how it will all be ok.
The learning process for a young child can easily be described as trauma, a formatting to a way of coping with what is expected henceforth from agent Smith in everyone.
Growing up in an environment so separated from the idea of source does not allow much of that vision to develop innately. It’s felt as a niggling inexplicable hope and desire for something better, whatever that might look like with so many distorted visions provided containing singular elements of truth resonating with your inner self only to lure you in to waste your time and distract you with needless work. A savior, that sounds easy.
It requires full time study to achieve a clear vision, but that is only permitted in your ‘spare time’ which gets smaller with each generation and has become little more than a cool off period before one is expected to get back out there and perform more menial brain numbing tasks for ungrateful faceless companies just so you can satisfy the agent Smith in every one of the conformist Nazis you may meet that you are a productive member of society that is worthy of their time to talk about the meaningless approved list of politically correct talking points, the weather, obvious to all.
By the time you have started to figure it out, got angry, fought the system and inevitably lost you are only just starting to figure out that correcting others and fighting with them desperately for any small victory allowing you to prove to yourself once and for all that you are the winner you always knew you were because you helped in some misguided way, brainwashed into you by society abroad…then you have finally started to wake up, again, to the realization that waking up might never stop and then the niggling fear sets in that all the new age hope, propaganda in the world, the truth about Extra Terrestrial life, the coming revolution, might all just be another lie designed to keep you living, toiling in hope until you are too trapped to care.
I can’t, I don’t believe that, I’ve had…experiences… Even if it was all just some military program designed to mess with my sanity it still proves the existence of a certain technological feat. But the illusion around me is constant and my experiences, just memory…
You numb out to the world around you, escaping from it through drugs, alcohol, whatever you can get your hands on, knowing, remembering, being reminded constantly that they don’t help. They are just your misguided attempts to sate the insatiable longing for a better world.
How can somebody outside that environment ever claim to understand it when we can only ever see things from our own perspective, fueled by whatever emotions we have left to offer.
Spark, fizzle, pop, my inspiration comes to a close…that will be $12.99
pozdrav RM ze srdce Evropy,
čtu už Cobrovy stránky několik let, a to množství informací je ohromné, nicméně lidé v 3d světě mají rádi hmatatelné důkazy a osobně musím konstatovat, že mé oči zatím žádný takový důkaz neviděly, ovšem je možné že se neumím dívat, ale například informace že pod Tajwanem je obří základna pro 5 miliard bytostí? kolik m2 plochy vychází na 1 bytost? nebo že Cobra hledal vynálezce zařízení na volnou energii? vyspělé bytosti z jiných planet určitě mají své vlastní technologie, Cobrovi jsem psal email ale samozřejmě nikdy nepřišla žádná odpověď,
ale nevadí dál budu věřit ovšem ne slepě věřit
ať bytosti všech světů jsou šťastné
a ať už brzy všichni pracovníci světla uvidí plody své práce
nic jiného si nepřeji
Dear RM,
I understand that it is difficult to understand why people on earth are making so much trouble together.
As far as I understand it and survive in those troubles, I mostly handle those conflicts as misinterpretations of the messages that people give to each other by means of verbal language and body language.
When people wants to create harmony in their communication, they have to agree on four levels in that communication, and most people don’t know, or they are not capable to distinguish those levels. when there is misunderstanding, they fight for their “rightness”, but don’t see that they are fighting on different levels and never can come to agreement.
The lowest level is fighting for the truth, and often people don’t see that the truth is only connected to our senses: see. hear, taste, smell and sense of touch. So to agree, you have to use your senses to agree about what you both perceive and don’t use words anymore. Fighting for the truth is senseless, because you have to search and perceive.
The second level of agreement is the level of rules and conventions. A lot of people use the word “truth” on this level, but that gives only more misunderstanding and trouble. You cannot agree whether a rule or norm is true or false. You have to make an agreement whether a rule does count or do not count in a certain situation. If you disagree you don’t have to use your senses, but you have to negotiate about the validity of the rule in certain situations, and make appointments about the validity of the (new) rule.
The third level is the level of feelings and emotions. Every situation evokes certain feelings and reactions, which are stored in our unconcious memory in the form of “emotions”. So when you grow older and have more and more life experience, all situations and communications are emotional. When a situations evokes different emotions in communicating people, they don’t understand each other and react somtimes in totally different and opposite ways. To understand each other and create mutual understanding, people have to be open for the different experiences they have had in the past, and the different emotions that are connected to those situations, and show each other that they recognize each others emotions. That is also called “empathy”.
The fourth level is the level of values and intentions. Each communication has an intention. People that communicate have a reason, wants to achieve something, and mostly they want to creeate a situation that is valuable for them. In different social groups however, people differ in their system of values, and fight for what they think what is valuable and what they have to reach. So when there is no agreement about the intentions and the values behind that intentions, there is no mutual understanding and no harmony.
You see, to prevent conflicts in communication is very difficult, because communication is complex. You have to agree on four different levels in four different ways to create mutual understanding and harmony.
What I do in my dayly life is creating a fifth level above the values and intentions to overcome the differences, and that is pointing on one common value for all people: love and harmony to feel happy. That’s what everybody wants on earth.
I hope this will throw lom light on our difficult way of creating trouble on earth.
Kindly regards
Merci infiniment pour votre aide frère et soeurs des étoiles ainsi que la résistance, que la lumière vous protège et vous guide. Nous cotoyons la douleur, la souffrance, la haine chaque jours depuis notre naissance. L’humanité a besoin d’aide car les forces negatives sont trop puissante. Il ne se passe pas un jour sans que je souhaite guérir ou aider un frère ou une soeur et sans pouvoir vraiment résoudre completement le problème. Même ceux et celles qui veulent aider son malade et impuissant et affaiblie par le systeme dans lequel nous vivons. Beaucoup d’humains sont endormis et ne se rendent même pas compte qu’ils sont a la merci des force obsure tellement ces force son puissante. Que la lumière éclaire les plus faible pour qu’a leurs tour ils puissent éclairer autrui. Paix et amour a tous les êtres de cette planet. merci, merci merci Victoire à la lumiere! Translation English:
Thank you so much for your help brother and sisters of the stars as well as resistance, may the light protects you and guides you. We see pain, suffering, hatred every day since we were born. Humanity needs help because the negative forces are too powerful. I don’t go through one day without wanting to heal or help a brother or a sister as I am not able to really solve the problem completely. Even those who want to help are sick and helpless and weakened by the system in which we live. Many humans are asleep and do not even realize that they are at the mercy of the darkness these forces are too powerful. Let the light illuminate the weak so that in turn they can illuminate others. Thank you, thank Victory of the light!
To the RM and all my brothers and sisters from this planet and beyond…
I am now a 33 year old imperfect human being. I say imperfect because even though I have had a profound spiritual awakening I still struggle with all the daily constructs put in place to veer me from my path. I know I still have a long spiritual journey ahead but everyday, even in the midst of all the obscene tyranny and heartless acts people perform on each other, I STILL HAVE FAITH. I believe not only that there are positive factions out there to help and assist us, but I truly believe that all beings on this planet can come together and rise up against the forces that are too easily tearing us apart. I have read most of these posts and many resonate with me… I too have seen beautiful things in my life and also many times have fallen momentarily into the darkness. Yet, even with the continuous attacks upon my energy and psyche, I’m still here… standing tall… saying I will devote myself to do whatever part (big or small) to assist in taking down the deep state.
From a young age I struggled with the construct. I was an adopted child into a large country family in a small town, strictly Roman Catholic teachings… like many others. My adoptive family taught me lots about love and kindness, but as the years went on I realized how brainwashed and covered in fear they truly were. Next followed almost 20 years with little guidance in the right direction and so my frustrations, fears, and confusions led me on a life of many tough lessons submerged in drugs, alcohol, unhealthy sexual desires, jail time, massive depression, and suicide attempts. Years and years passed with no direction or hope until about 7 years ago when I started asking myself the right questions… and slowly the world began to open up. As it opened, all I saw was negativity and that affected me even more with no direction in hand. It wasn’t until just 2 years ago, when I truly stepped into the first real transition of my spiritual awakening as I witnessed the birth of my son. It was that moment that things began to come together; mind, body, and soul.. and I knew I would never let this beautiful child walk through his life as another zombie.
In the last 2 years I have experienced many things. Meditation and nature has become a staple and I feel I am being fed knowledge I have asked for all the time. But as all the fear and stress that falls with really being open to the real construct, it is also very hard and lonely. My desires have changed, I love my family, but witnessing them as they are, so lost, so broken, and really not being able to articulate what is going on in a way to reach them has me keeping a little distance. I struggle everyday in how I should be approached such relationships in my life so that I can continue my growth.
I have been shown many things in a short amount of time. When I meditate, I honestly understand how important it is to give gratitude for what you have and also state your intentions. I love to create, I consider myself an artist, but until recently did not know how I would use that to reach the masses. Now I do and I have consciously decided to aggressively pursue my passions in film so that I can create projects that will instill hope in many people, positively reaching them with subliminal messages to awaken them in a positive manner, until the deep state who uses negative reinforcement and fear tactics. IAM NOT motivated by fame, greed, or or material gain… I just sadly believe that with my skill set this is the only way to trick the system and reach millions of lost souls. Opportunities are coming my way and I want everyone to know that I will be entering the layer of the beast… If I lose my physical life on this journey it will be for the greater good and light. I want to enjoy my life, but I care first about creating my projects to TRIGGER something profound inside people. I will follow my intuition and rigorously keep asking for the universe to send me the right people and/or circumstances. Think of me as an Undercover Artist of the light, deciding to step into a world that COULD BE BEAUTIFUL and fulfilling, but instead is a ocean filled with Satanists, pedeofiles, mind control, material greed, and military propaganda.
In closing, we here on earth all have different perspectives in life,. I just want to teach people that they have to begin focusing on themselves and tuning into their higher self for guidance if they want to snap out of this zombie infested deep state matrix. I ask my higher self, the RM, Galactic Federation, and all positive factions here on planet earth and beyond to send me love, guidance, knowledge, and protection as I move into an important and possibly dangerous phase of my life.
Again I am an imperfect human, but I strive everyday to be a better leader and better father for my son. I humbly thank all positive factions for their ongoing participation in the liberation of this beautiful planet. It is my hope that your intentions are pure as mine are and that you truly walk in the light and are not just another diversion… That being said, my intuition tells my the latter.
Peace, Love, Knowledge, Unity, and Spiritual Harmony to all.
You can call me… Skye.