All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
To The Resistance Movement,
I will try keep this short and go straight to the point. I am writing to ask for intervention on behalf of the animals and wildlife of this planet. I am sick and tired of hearing humans whinging and lamenting because of our condition and our status of living live slaves. This is true. However many of those who are are so horrified by the atrocities carried out on humans on this planet, very often do not even think at the way our brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom are systematically tortured, destroyed, eaten, experimented upon, killed for blood sports by psychopaths, and used in the most horrific way by deranged, greedy ,ignorant humans, day in and day out. At the cost of sounding arrogant, I would say that the great majority does not give a toss about other creatures. Ah, Humans first is the motto. “Oh my God, the fox in my garden is a vermin, please call the pest control” ” Oh my God. I have a mice in my house, I will buy a trap” This is unfortunately the general mentality. Needless to say I would start drumming into people’s head some respect for other living beings at whatever cost, and that includes our relatives of the plant kingdom! Not wanting to interfere because we have “free will” does not hold anymore when untold suffering and destruction is inflicted upon innocent beings who should be honoured instead. Those of us who can see and feel their pain, who try to raise awareness and confront the perpetrators and teach our children and grandchildren that this is wrong, need help to stop this and we need it quickly! I am not a saint or completely innocent either but enough is enough!
Thank You
RM, could you speak about LieKillers and 1christianauthority please. Specifically what you think of those two YouTube channels. Thanks.
What a great opportunity to communicate with Cobra and RM. Thank you ALL for all your efforts to free Earth Humanity! There is very much suffering of many humans on this planet… We Love You for all that you do! Thank You!
My words are going to be harsh, but after thinking quite a lot about it, I believe that while they may be overloaded with frustration and pain which I would typically keep to myself, you still need to hear them.
First, I am absolutely incredulous that you’re just now getting the memo that humans are suffering *unbearably*. Where did you miss it? The centuries of trafficking of children to satanic ritual sex abuse by governments? The selling of women’s bodies to violence and rape and then scapegoating us since time immemorial? The nonstop regime changes and wars for control of petroleum profit? The millennia of near-ubiquitous genocide of indigenous peoples around the globe? Brutal institutionalized slavery in every corner of the planet?
What exactly escaped your notice for all this time? What have you actually been doing, because the depth of evil we face not at all confusing to anyone who is engaged in this fight. Have you been ignoring the pleas and cries the battle-hardened of us in favor of the ever-happy veneer of the positivity cult?
This is the sort of thing that has made people like me walk away from any thoughts that we might have allies. The disappointment gets worse every time we are abandoned to the point it’s not worth considering anymore. I’d be deeply and humbly and eternally grateful if only I had any reason at all to believe someone is out there helping. So far, I see exactly zero evidence of it, despite desperately looking. It would boost me for another decade if I had the tiniest inkling that there was actually some help somewhere.
When I say “people like me”, I mean those of us on the frontlines. The mothers who *quite literally* wipe up our children’s blood and clean their gaping wounds until they are finally taken from us completely and sold into a life of torture. The ones who cry and grieve and pray over our children’s lifeless bodies, and are horrified that we find comfort in the thought that their suffering is finally over, that death is better than living. We who have lost count of the losses because there is not ever a single win to break up the ocean of pain. Not one. Not one targeted child spared. The ones who are so numb from never-ending shock after shock that we can no long really be sure if we are alive or not. Maybe we are somewhere in an in-between world. Maybe we are dead, and this is actually hell. There is no way to know.
Second, it’s really quite simple why there is infighting. You won’t like my answer, but you’re going to have to deal with reality one way or another.
1. You have terrible judgement about identifying and neutralizing psychopaths and other predators. You are very poor at understanding how they operate. I know this to be true because you’re flummoxed by why a bunch of targets of psychopaths can’t work together. It’s paradoxical. This is really basic stuff. I suggest that you work on your discernment.
2. Human capacity for denial is stunning. Their minds are split and they get very, very distracted by shiny objects. People who don’t like hearing about difficult things will beat those of us who live difficult lives over the head with sticks to shut us up from interrupting their rainbow and unicorn peace fantasies. Or their television. They do so to maintain their precarious sense of comfort. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster™ that at least we seem to have moved on from the reflexive victim-blaming choruses of “it’s only your negative thinking that causes bad things happen to you”. Or maybe I’ve finally fired back enough about what a ridiculous thing it is to say to someone whose heart is pulverized that no one dares say it to me anymore. That’s fine. I’ll take small progress, even if that progress is isolation.
3. There can be no unity until people are safe. You’re skipping ahead some important steps in a very specific and natural process. It is not in any way safe for people to unite with other people without enormous amounts of protective skepticism, in the way you seem to think should be happening. We’re not there yet.
Once everyone is safe – which I still doubt you understand exactly how extreme the suffering is – then we require justice. Reliable, consistent justice that we can observe over time is *real* and dependable. Then and only then trust-building can BEGIN. That will also take time. After trust is established, however long that takes, then by all means implore people to work together. Before that, you’re just asking for us to supplant our own incredibly hard-earned judgement through our countless losses, and be attacked again and again. (See #1.)
Safety. Work for our safety. Focus on the task at hand and stop skipping steps. Isolation is the price that many of us pay to keep ourselves in the fight at all. That you can’t understand this simple truth belies the fact that you do not now, and likely never will truly understand how extreme the attacks are on us and how deep the wounding is to humanity. If it’s true that there is a planetary hostage situation, fine. Deal with that reality as it is. Deal with what is in front of you. But for the love of all that is good stop asking us to do things that jeopardize our safety.
Great words! I do agree with you 100%.
C’est avec beaucoup de joie que je vous écris ce message .
Merci de nous donner la possibilité de le faire .
Le plus difficile pour moi aujourd’hui peut sembler Un détail .. mais c’est la possibilité restreinte pour bcp d’avoir accès à de la nourriture saine . Je suis mère de 2 enfants que j’élève seule . Mes revenus ne me permettent pas d’acheter de la nourriture biologique . C’est parfois Avec colère que je fais mes achat , partager entre l’envie de nous donner des produits sain et l’obligation de nous nourrir .. je trouve cette situation très difficile à supporter .
Vous vous posez la question de savoir pourquoi les lights worker se ” battent ” entre eux au lieu de combattre la Cabale , je crois qu’on peut voir plusieurs raisons.. la fatigue , l’énervement due à la lenteur de notre progression peut causer ces batailles , certains pensent connaître la façon d’accélérer le processus Et sont confronter aux idées différentes d’autres .
Un problème d’ego , peut-être que la cabale à ce moyen de faire ressortir les batailles égoïque histoire de nous ralentir ,
Enfin je crois que la peur de la cabale peut aussi être en cause … il est plus ” facile de tirer sur Un lightworker connu que de s’attaque à ces monstrueux membres de la cabale .
Merci de tout Cœur pour cet échange Et sachez que j’ai hâte de pouvoir vous rencontrer .
Nous avons tous hâte ici de voir la Paix revenir sur Terre,
De vivre dans l’abondance , de pouvoir enfin nous reconnecter avec notre Famille galactique ainsi que celle du dessous .
Merci Et à très bientôt
Victoire de la Lumière
google – It is with great joy that I write this message to you.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do so.
The most challenging for me today may seem like a detail .. but that is the limited ability for bcp to have access to healthy food. I am the mother of 2 children I raise alone. My income does not allow me to buy organic food. It is sometimes With anger that I make my purchases, share between the desire to give us healthy products and the obligation to feed us .. I find this situation very difficult to bear.
You ask yourself why the lights worker “fight” each other instead of fighting the Cabal, I think we can see several reasons. The fatigue, the nervousness due to the slowness of our progress can cause These battles, some think they know how to speed up the process and are confronted with different ideas from others.
An ego problem, perhaps the cabal to this means to bring out the battles egoic history to slow us down,
Finally, I believe that the fear of the cabal may also be at stake. It is easier to shoot a known lightworker than to attack these monstrous members of the cabal.
Thank you for all Heart for this exchange And know that I can not wait to meet you.
We all look forward to seeing Peace return to Earth,
To live in abundance, to be able to finally reconnect with our Galactic Family as well as the one below.
Thank you and see you soon
Victory of the Light
Overwinning in helderheid aan het licht!
Dear Resistance Movement,
You ask why the light forces keep attacking each other?
1. I think a lot of this has to do with having an invisible enemy. This is not an obvious threat like another tribe wating to destroy your village. How can you fight something that you cannot see? That you don‘t know for sure really exists? All of this is just something we heard someone tell us about, and we resonated with the information. But maybe inside of us, we feel unsure, because we don‘t know who exactly is the enemy and what they are like, what do they look like, what are their weaknesses, what do they know about us, will they maybe start threatening us when we speak up?
2. All of us lightwarriors have different information on how things are on earth. In the beginning, when I awakened, it was not common knowledge among lightworkers that there are extraterrestrials, negative ETs, who hold humans prison on this planet. Now, a few years later, you can be quite sure that a lightworker has the same understanding like you in this regard. But still, with the intel Cobra gives us, everything becomes more complex, and when I tell other lightworkers about it, they just don‘t resonate with it. They fear me concentrating too much on one person‘s intel, rather than comparing different peoples‘ intel. Why aren‘t there more people on this planet who can support the information Cobra gives us?
Every lightworker has a different understanding of what is really going on, and that seperates us.
3. We don‘t really know what to do. Everyone is so busy with their own struggle to survive, with their health problems or other issues they have, emotionally, energetically. There is so much stuff coming up that wants to be seen, wants to be healed. And on top of that, we still have to survive in some way. And this is the truth of it: Everybody is struggleing for themselves.
Lightworkers are working on their light, always slowly gaining a higher vibration. And that‘s already so much work. Many of us get distracted a lot of times, we are afraid of our own power, thus we don‘t even try using it, we are insincere, we don‘t know what our mission is, we want to do something to help the world, that could benefit humanity, but we don‘t know what that is. And also, we are weary so many times, because nothing really seems to change, all the change is taking too long, too slow, this is just frustrating and you get doubts so much. Does this really work, do we really make a progress? Am I doing something wrong?
4. Lightworkers are not perfect. Their emotional body gets triggered, they have a lot of things coming up, old karmic stuff, that‘s why they are not necessarily balanced people, and with all that spiritual stuff we are being told, they often don‘t really know what‘s the right way to react. Because we are being told different guidelines on how to handle a situation, and they contradict each other a lot of times.
I would say many lightworkers are also being manipulated by beings they cannot see, and thus they don‘t realize it. And then they attack other people, because they are not so aware of their own self.
5. The ego. For many people, spirituality is a concept. You think you got it all right, you understand how things work on planet earth, and all those people who don‘t, are just not as advanced as you. The ego always wants to be right, and it sees lack in everything. The ego seperates us from each other. So even if you are interested in spirituality, it does not mean you are a spiritual person, someone who respects others as they are.
6. We are afraid of other people. Even if a person states they are a lightworker, it does not mean they are trustworthy. A lot of lightworkers have been disappointed by others. It is very important to know the other person, to be able to look deeply inside their soul, and honestly, a lot of people are just ugly inside, or they have ugly parts, and that is really sad. Trust is a very important thing, especiall if you want to create a community. And you have to be able to see who is really pure and who is not.
Actually, we don‘t really know if there are extraterrestrials on this planet, because we have never seen them, we don‘t know if archons exist or other entities that mess with us energetically, we don‘t know if implants exist, because we have never seen or felt them. We don‘t know that stuff for sure, we don‘t know if any Cobra says is true. So how could we do something about it?
I am wondering what it actually is that you think we could be doing.. Because there are different ideas on that. Cobra suggests we should create Event Support groups, and we should meditate each Sunday. Then there are other ideas, like creating communities, and even there are different concepts on that.
Now I will go to bed. I hope you are out there. I love the idea that you know what is going on, in contrary to the people on this planet, we don‘t know anything for sure. (Except that we exist.)
Much love
The entire concept of planetary slavery is garbage and that Creator Itself has not stepped forward to help end this suffering shows how little Creator Itself understands pain. I would love to join the RM, for IAm totally over “surface life”… Even the forces of light are so brainwashed that they turn upon one another… I have personally been beyond the soul trap into deep space multiple times so getting caught again is of no concern to me. I have tachyonized myself and am ready for an outcome, either Peace or annihalation at this point sounds fine by me…
Love and Light and Stuff
Queridos hermanos de la Resistencia, desde Argentina les digo que Indoamérica rebosa de personas hermosas que saben que algún día la Luz retornará, según sus tradiciones orales -, y muchos otros tan golpeados por la vida que sólo anhelan liberarse del sistema que los oprime generación tras generación pero aún desde sus miserias materiales son extremadamente generosos con sus hermanos. Muchos tomamos equivocadamente el camino de la violencia, pero ese error nos enseñó que no es el medio ni el modo. No obstante el trabajo del opresor es intenso, por consiguiente ¡ Bienvenidos a la comunicación con nosotros !
google – Dear brothers of the Resistance, from Argentina, I tell you that Indoamerica is full of beautiful people who know that one day the Light will return, according to its oral traditions – and many others so beaten by life that only yearn to be freed from the system that oppresses generation after Generation but still from their material miseries are extremely generous with their brothers. Many mistakenly took the path of violence, but that error taught us that it is neither the means nor the mode. However the work of the oppressor is intense, therefore Welcome to communication with us!
Olá Movimento de resistência. Eu já escrevi anteriormente mas agora vou escrever em meu próprio idioma nativo.
Sinceramente eu estou impressionado como vocês leram as ”entrelinhas” das nossas mensagens e entenderam rapidamente que no final das contas estamos sofrendo tanto inclusive por questões financeiras.
Sobre os conflitos entre os nossos irmão Trabalhadores da Luz eu também não entendo porque eles se agridem mutuamente. eu acho que é a questão do EGO, muitos ainda não aprenderam a deixar seu EGO de lado e querem ser maiores que os outros de todas as formas. eu também acho que é o desespero e a incerteza e as influencias externas ao olhar ao redor e ver tudo sujo, violento e competitivo.
Bem, essa é apenas meu ponto de vista o qual gostaria de compartilhar com vocês. e mais uma vez obrigado por nos ouvir
Vitória da Luz!
Hello Resistance movement. I’ve written before but now I’ll write in my own native language.
I honestly am impressed how you read the ” in-between ” of our messages and quickly understood that ultimately we are suffering so much even for financial reasons.
About the conflicts between our Brother Lightworkers, I do not understand why they bother each other. I think it’s the EGO issue, many have not yet learned to leave their EGO aside and want to be bigger than others anyway. I also think it is desperation and uncertainty and external influences to look around and see everything dirty, violent and competitive.
Well, that’s just my point of view that I’d like to share with you. And again thank you for listening to us
Victory of the Light!…
human cheaters are of Low intellect mislead by evil of divide and conquer of high intellect. if Low intellect resort to violence of selfish Attack of harming others for personal gain as corruption, they become part of the corruption system. the rules of law is for honest people written by dishonest “profit driven” law enforcers. justice cannot prevail with “illusionary” currency system where real human energy is exchanged for currencies of no values. that is the cheat by design. return to gold as real money system and revalue trust and honesty. Infinite fiat is balance by infinite love where loving beings are forgiving all cheaters with infinite loving heart. But karma for cheaters actions need to be felt in order to learn and forgive. When cheaters felt the pain and resort to violence of war, they need advise how to become better and learn in an honest way. the cheaters are just abandon child with no guidance and need Angels help as well. do not Attack any innocent life.
Ich danke Cobra, der Widerstandsbewegung und allen Lichtkriegern, Lichtbrüdern und Lichtschwestern für Eure Arbeit. Durch die weisse Säule des Lichts und das Verschmelzen mit dem Ich Bin Das Ich Bin, habe ich eine grosse Unterstützung und starken Schutz erfahren. Damit bring ich auch mein Wohlbefinden immer wieder in Harmonie. Das Einzige, was mir schwer zu schaffen macht, ist der immerwährende finanzielle Kampf. Das lastet als Übergewicht auf mir. Ich lebe gesund und vegan. Das ich trotzdem übergewichtig bin, wird wohl an dem enormen Stress liegen. Es reicht hinten und vorn nicht. Meine Arbeit als Heilerin liebe ich aber ich erreiche nicht genug Menschen. Es ist, als würde das immer wieder blockiert. Es ist kaum zu ertragen und das Event kann gar nicht schnell genug kommen. Aber ich weiss, wir müssen geduldig sein und nicht aufgeben. Daran halte ich mich auch. Nur manchmal ist es sehr schwer. Sieg dem Licht!
In Liebe
google – I would like to thank Cobra, the resistance movement and all the light warriors, lighthouses and light-sisters for your work. Through the white pillar of light and the merging with the I Am That I Am, I have experienced a great support and strong protection. So I bring my well-being in harmony again and again. The only thing that is hard for me is the perpetual financial struggle. That weighs as an overweight on me. I live healthy and vegan. That I am nevertheless overweight, will probably be due to the enormous stress. It is not enough at the rear or at the front. I love my work as a healer but I do not reach enough people. It is as if this were always blocked. It is hard to bear and the event can not come fast enough. But I know we have to be patient and not give up. That’s what I think of. Only sometimes it is very hard. Win the light!
In love
Why Lightworkers/Lightwarriors attack each other?
1) We live as slaves on a planet that forces us to pay taxes or go to jail. The government then turns around and uses this tax money to poison us with vaccines, chemicals and heavy metals by means of chemtrails in our skies, fluoride and other chemicals in our water, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides (roundup), GMOs in our food and electromagnetic smog in our homes with smart meters, electrical outlets and blue light. This is a crippling of the mind, body and soul.
2) If that is not enough to cause severe illness and stop the lightworker from helping humanity, the dark forces use microwave and scalar wave attacks just about every chance they get plus when you help the light forces. In fact, the more you help the more severe the attacks, so unless you are a highly advanced healer you will eventually become severely crippled to the point of death/dying.
3) In addition, the lightworker is expected to have blind faith in the source, archangels and the light forces when most of these lightworkers have NEVER received any contact, support or healing from any of them to show proof of their existence and that any of this is worth fighting for or dying for.
4) Lightworkers/warriors attack on anyone is a cry out for help when they have given so much and received little to no protection from dark side/government attacks.
5) It is one thing to be aware of our current hostage situation, but another to deal with it and how the overwhelming anger, fear and multitude of emotions affect individuals. The sicker you are the less energy your body has available to handle emotions since most of the ATP energy generated is used for survival. Then, the lightwarrior has to spend extra time & energy cleansing impurities from the people they help.
6) It is very clear and easy to see how one can become confused of who is friend or foe in the line of fire when you are being continually poisoned in so many ways. If you don’t know who your enemy is, then anyone can potentially be the enemy. It seems the dark side did a great job with our government on their mission to confuse us enough so we attack each other locally and globally.
7) If the RM advanced beings have never been in any of these states of turmoil, how could they possibly comprehend what this hell feels like? Also, to unite forces against the cabal, who we cannot reach and don’t know where or how to reach, we would need the cooperation of the government’s military who has made it clear that they are not on our side; so it is a bit strange that they would even ask this question.
8) Maybe the real question is not why we attack out of anger & self defense, but rather how can the UNIVERSE (including source) allow these atrocities to continue every day after > 20,000 years of conscious awareness of all this death, disease, pollution, poisoning & destruction?
9) I believe this clearly painted picture is enough to understand that we have no idea how much of what we are being told is true since we have been lied to for thousands of generations.
10) In my humble opinion, the most amazing beings on the universe are the lightworkers/warriors who continue fighting in blind faith while being attacked without protection. We hope that even if 10% of the intel we receive is true, at least there is a small chance to end this misery.
Dear RM,
I believe the reason we attack each other is because we experience consciousness in a completely different manner to yourself.
With all the exotic weapons attacks, negative life situations, implants etc. There are many control measures to keep us in a low state of consciousness.
If I were to describe this state in a physical sensation I’d say it is paralysing, knowing the truth and witnessing it in this reality are two very different things, constant doubts and worries leave you confused and torn between different thought patterns competing for dominance, without a clear connection to our higher selves like I believe you have this fight for the truth leaves our behavirol patterns erratic.
I know the information to enlighten and help is avalible but this reality certainly makes it hard to keep faith and follow, if you truly wanted to understand why, if you could experience the consciousness of someone in a low state here I think you would understand, I have a very strong inner knowing of what consciousness should feel like, every now and then a moment of clarity will pass and it feels bliss, to return to the common state that is usually felt is painful in ways I cannot describe.
We all know we shouldn’t do it but this reality takes the inner knowing from us which is exactly what we need to prevent attacks from happening, until things improve on the ground we will all keep trying our best to move past these attacks on each other however to quote a saying ‘that’s easier said than done’
I hope one day soon we can put this all behind us and ensure that it never happens again, with love.
In our journey from seeming separation to source, we have encountered a lot of tricks, where something we thought was good/light turned out to be bad/dark. In polarity perspectives, things can shift from one side to the other and bad again on whims based on tone or vocabulary. We are not able to trust ourselves and therefore we are not able to trust others. It’s easy to lash out and attack when you feel as though you are a cornered being in danger.
However, the shift is becoming palapable and we are getting better able to discern our missions and individual truths.
Keep up your good work and we will keep on pushing through.
COBRA, The Resistance, I am so humbled by your work to set us free, Thank You 🙂
From our 3D worldly perspective it can be difficult to adjust to such Truths that are being revealed by COBRA and many others about our True situation and Our impending Freedom! All the mistreatment and suffering that has been served upon us by these sick twisted Dark beings. We still struggle, we still suffer, we are still in disbelief, we are still stumbling around in the darkness in shock. Even with the most positive mind and raising of vibration, others around us appear to be in real distress and varying states of suffering.
It’s like being told to believe in ghosts or other inter dimensional beings when we have never seen one, or the existence of GOD the Prime Creator who is well beyond our perception. These things we should Know directly and sense from our own side but we can not. Our captors as you well know have dumbed us down us down with direct assaults upon us on the physical, plasma and etheric levels. Implants, genetic tampering, scalar mind control, you name it they have used it to hold us back from our Truth.
We are being asked to see yet they have removed our eyes and educated us with false knowledge and belief systems, leaving humanity with no frame work of reference with which to approach such profound Truths about Who an What We really are? I hope you can understand the situation a large percentage of Humanity now finds it’s self in.
No wonder we find it hard to believe what some ask us to accept as Truth, our ability to Know has been crippled and distorted, no wonder we have such conflictory factions even within the Light worker communities, no one really knows the Truth and are in disagreement over theories and speculation, “my theory is better than your theory”, “I am a better speculator than you are” Yet no Truth or Facts, no evidence. If the Implants are deactivated, the Veil dissolved and Our Galactic Family show up for Real in our Reality, then we can start to Know for a fact, see the real Truth, witness directly with our sense perception without error. Now that’s what we really need! No need to speculate, theorize or postulate for we shall Know directly the TRUTH of Our Real Nature 🙂
Let the EVENT come about right NOW! Let us be Liberated.
Prime Creator, Light Beings, Galactic Family hear our cries, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please get ride of our captors, may their rewards be given to them right now. Let Light and Love Fill this Universe and Banish All darkness forever…. So Be It!
THANK YOU and endless blessings for ALL support and safety provided over the millennia…..that of which we are aware and that of which we are not.
as an EMPATH, to describe and give CONTEXT (critical to understanding) of this planet’s required EMOTIONAL navigation, would take far too much “time and space” (hee hee) coincidentally….! there is simply SO much DEEP, DEPRAVED and PROFOUND dysfunction, suffering, injustice, pain and LACK of light (it is constantly thwarted) on this planet, that words fail to convey the DEPTH of what humans, animals and all things ENDURE at the hands of the few!
to have awareness and being more than not awake to the TRUTH of what’s REALLY happening (to the extent our minds comprehend) is ACUTE pain in it’s own right! i cry EVERY DAY for HUMANITY. for my planet; it’s air, water, land and specifically for her as her own being. i cry for all and EVERY animal. trees. birds. insects; for everything denied its GOD GIVEN RIGHTS of unconditional LOVE, GRACE and HUMANITY.
IF POLARITY was to serve a purpose in any of the above conditions…. IT HAS BEEN DONE and NEEDS TO END!!!! SO BE IT! because it IS through POLARITY that humans are KEPT DOWN, dominated and entrained to work against each other and one’s own personal best interests. easily swayed and MAINTAINED in POLARITY thinking by the SPIN MASTERS who DOMINATE and their machine operating here…. both HUMAN and NON-HUMAN! in TRUTH, LIFE isn’t either/or (never was) it’s always been ALL WAYS of choice!!! the lesson, perhaps? but, POLARITY does not allow for any of that…….hence IMMENSE SEPARATION and DISTORTION!
our INNATE KNOWING, FEELING and responding is to a DEEP UNDERSTANDING (conscious or not) of being WRONGED in myriad ways and on so many levels, as a species; yet WITHOUT CLARITY of what it actually and literally means because we are kept in DARKNESS, DOMINATED, DENOUNCED and DEFRAUDED of our REAL GREATNESS! we were engineered and BEATEN with endless lies, half truths, FEAR, ignorance, ego, chaos, obfuscation, corruption, domination, suppression, oppression, poverty and lack, to name a few. the human psyche was never prepared for an endless onslaught of ABUSE for ETERNITY taking it FURTHER and further FROM IT’S DIVINITY without a life line of truth to connect with along the way!!!!! IT WAS/IS/ HAS NEVER BEEN A “level playing field” for the human!!!
FREE WILL as is touted here as such a “gift” to me is ANOTHER DISTORTION! in that, it is neither FREE or PURE or POSSIBLE to be pure when DISALLOWED TRUTH, FULL knowledge and transparency of all FACTS and information FROM WHICH TO MAKE A GOOD WILLFUL CHOICE. when a people have been USURPED by VARIOUS FACTIONS, the ILLUSION of ‘free will’, is more akin to MANIPULATION (not unlike RELIGION). it is how humanity has been moved further AWAY from its divinity which IS the DOMINATOR’S DESIRE!!! how dare you!!!! ARRRG. THAT. is what i cry about daily …. WITNESSING it for what it is vs. the PROPAGANDA dispersed by the controllers who seek to have humans be diminished, docile and less than for THEIR personal gain….. and seeing so MAAAAANY COMPLY unwittingly!!! totally unaware! in so doing….. continuing the GREAT SUFFERING through IGNORANCE, unabated, producing more of the same; feeding LOOSH to those who SUCKLE and DEPEND on humanity’s pain and ignorance! MY HUMAN WILL NEVER BE AT PEACE WITH THAT! for myself or ANY OTHER LIVING THING! my HEART feels BROKEN and in PAIN every day, here. every day.
that is MY personal suffering, but MY life would appear better than most. and it is…… however, as an empath and healer/teacher, my reason for being is helping humanity, not “self” in the extreme. but, the immensity of cracking open the light of truth for people to KNOW/SEE/TOUCH/TASTE/SMELL is daunting, largely unsuccessful and met with much fear/hostility by most which leads to frustration and deep feelings of futility. keeping one’s light here is a herculean task and frankly few ways to determine if you even ARE! everything would tell you otherwise….. of course, internal knowing is sometimes present, but hard to hold onto in the face of so much that differs from what you want to see happening for the greater good.
a global return of PEACE, TOLERANCE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, RESPECT, DECENCY, FAIRNESS, JUSTICE and HUMAN VALUES would be my wish. we ARE an incredible species of such potential whose been in the trenches and TAMPERED WITH for long ENOUGH! its OUR TURN to SHINE as the LIGHTS we are! it’s OUR TURN to LOVE like the HEARTS we are! its OUR TURN to THRIVE to OUR POTENTIAL WITHOUT INTERFERENCE! it’s OUR TURN for a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD where we can BE our GREATNESS! this beautiful planet has ENOUGH resources for EVERYONE to thrive in all ways. another KNOWING that is hard to watch given how severe LACK has been LEVERAGED and CREATED here, in the extreme!
for any of the above to happen…… FEAR and LACK MUST BE REMOVED. KNOWLEDGE IS EMPOWERING. TRUTH REIGNS SUPREME. humans will be more inclined to their greatness when working from a HEALTHY PSYCHE! ALL that has occurred (lifetime after lifetime) has left the psyche very damaged in the majority of us, if not all, and there’s little understanding of this or how to reverse it; leaving SPIN master’s to continue successful PREYING on those WITHOUT eyes to see or ears to hear!
PEACE ON EARTH. LOVE AND PROSPERITY TO ALL. may we KNOW and EMBRACE our DIVINITY! all ways! always. blessings……….. again, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO.
Queridos hermanos del Movimiento de Resistencia:
Que el Creador Universal los bendiga por haber venido en auxilio de este bello planeta y su humanidad.
La realidad reinante por miles de años ha sido y es tan horrible que transforma a este planeta en una carcel de sufrimiento continuo en que todo esta manipulado para producir los sentimientos de mas baja frecuencia existente en este universo, es decir, un verdadero infierno.
Sin embargo, el encontrar hermanos humanos de alta vibracion es maravilloso porque ayuda a sostener la propia y continuar despierto acatando las leyes del Creador a pesar de los repetidos castigos que imponen los Arcontes y sus secuaces.
Es importante eliminar de la Tierra, a todos los Arcontes, Cabala y colaboradores del mal. Uno que quede es destructivo para construir un Reino de la Luz.
Mis agradecimientos de todo corazón para Ustedes, nobles y valientes Hermanos en la Luz, por su decision de ayudarnos a liberarnos.
Si desean comunicarse, estoy disponible. Adelante hermanos, que tanta ignominia debe dejar de existir en esta region del Universo.
Bendiciones para todos Uds, guerreros de la Luz.
google – Dear Brothers of the Resistance Movement:
May the Universal Creator bless you for coming to the aid of this beautiful planet and its humanity.
The reality reigning for thousands of years has been and is so horrible that it transforms this planet into a jail of continuous suffering in which everything is manipulated to produce the feelings of lower frequency existing in this universe, that is to say, a real hell.
However, finding human brothers of high vibration is wonderful because it helps to sustain one’s own and to remain awake in accordance with the laws of the Creator despite repeated punishments imposed by the Archons and their followers.
It is important to eliminate all the Archons, Kabbalah and evil collaborators from Earth. One that remains is destructive to build a Kingdom of Light.
My heartfelt thanks to you, noble and brave Brothers in the Light, for your decision to help us liberate ourselves.
If you wish to communicate, I am available. Brothers, that such ignominy must cease to exist in this region of the Universe.
Blessings to all of you, warriors of the Light.
Dank jullie wel lieve broeders en zusters!
Ik ben een met de bron. Ik ben jullie en anders om. Alles is 1.
Wij (de bewuste mensen onder ons) hebben heel lang al te horen gekregen dat het tijd is voor het verhogen van het trillingsniveau van onze prachtige moeder aarde. Na jaren (voor ons is een jaar erg lang qua gevoel) zijn we geestelijk en lichamelijk erg moe. Waardoor het moeilijk is om de focus te houden. De laatste dagen gaat het heel goed, dus ik merk dat er een verhoging in bewustzijn is gekomen.
Inmiddels weet/voel ik dat ik op het astrale (als ik het goed formuleer) contact heb. Het zou geweldig zijn om jullie te kunnen ontmoeten.
google – Thank you, dear brothers and sisters!
I’m one with the source. I am you and different. Everything is 1.
We (the conscious people among us) have long heard that it is time for increasing the vibration level of our beautiful mother earth. After years (for us one year is very long in feeling) we are mentally and physically very tired. Which makes it difficult to keep the focus. The last days are going very well, so I notice that there has been an increase in awareness.
Meanwhile, I feel that I am in contact with the astral (if I formulate correctly). It would be great to meet you.
É muito fácil para quem está em um nível espiritual/material superior ´orientar´, ´dirigir´, ´auxiliar´ a evolução da humanidade, sem experimentar junto com os humanos a mesma dor e sofrimento que nos afligem diariamente. Vocês, os ´evoluidos´ da luz, falam muito dos avanços que já conseguiram ao longo da história do universo, e dão como exemplo o conhecimento e tecnologia que foram capazes der desenvolver em suas civilizações, em uma tentativa de incentivar os terráqueos a buscar esse nível de existência, mais não vemos na mesma proporção de seus discursos, na prática, a transferêrncia desse conhecimento e tecnologia para as massas. No máximo vocês fazem acordos com grupos dominantes desse planeta, e beneficiam eles, apenas eles, e acham que isso é o suficiente, sendo que a grande maioria da população continua sofrendo, com fome, doenças, miséria, pobreza… coisas muito fáceis de resolver, apenas transferindo um pouco do que vocês tem em abundancia para quem não tem nada. Mais acontece que para chegar até os níveis mais baixos da existência, onde eu e o povo estamos, é preciso encarnar lá, é preciso sofrer as limitações físicas e espirituais de sair do paraíso direto para o inferno. E falta disposição, coragem e RESISTÊNCIA de vocês para encarar essa missão. F
icam inventando desculpas para não agir, falam que tem que respeitar o livre arbítrio dos humanos, que a humanidade é refém de bombas toplet et caterva, tudo lorota… O que falta em vocês é pulso firme, iniciativa para fazer o que tem que ser feito. Este planeta e toda a Operação Resgate foram colocados em risco por causa da incompetência de vocês.. Sim, vocês, os ´Galácticos`, que em muitos momentos não passam de covardes, em grande parte foram os responsáveis pelos atrasos no cronograma… falam de mais, deliberam demais, escondem informações, no fundo no fundo vocês tem muito, mais muito MEDO de agir, e transferem essa fraqueza para nós humanos, que não temos medo, covardia ou fraqueza. Sim, nós estamos sobrevivendo no inferno a milênios, somos explorados, aviltados, e continuamos aqui, já vocês se aproveitam da situação para sanar um pouco de suas carências de domínio e poder, se colocando como os ´solucionadores´de problemas que não tem solução, a não ser, que façam o que é necessário. Vou lhes dizer uma coisa: Aqui na Terra ainda tem gente que pertence a raça original, os primeiros da criação, aqueles que nunca perderam o contato com a fonte, nós temos a capacidade de resolver a ´merda´ que os ´deuses´, galácticos fizeram aqui, e nós estamos resolvendo isso com ATITUDE, sofrendo, colocando em risco nossas vidas e a de nossas famílias, porque nós somos FILHOS do deus altíssimo, que na sua humildade, encarnou novamente neste planeta e está em corpo físico agindo de DENTRO para FORA, coisa que vocês ´galácticos´não tem coragem de fazer. Desçam de suas naves, venham aqui tomar um café conosco! Não tenham medo de nós, afinal somos produto da experiencia fora de controle que vocês inventaram, mais, paradoxalmente, somos MELHORES que vocês !
google – It is very easy for those who are on a higher spiritual / material level to ‘guide’, ‘direct’, ‘assist’ the evolution of humanity, without experiencing along with humans the same pain and suffering that afflict us daily. You, the ‘evolved’ ones of the light, speak much of the advances that they have already achieved throughout the history of the universe, and they give as example the knowledge and technology that they were able to develop in their civilizations, in an attempt to encourage the terrestrial ones to look for this Level of existence, but we do not see the transfer of this knowledge and technology to the masses in the same proportion of their discourses. At most you make agreements with dominant groups of this planet, and they benefit only them, and they think that is enough, and the great majority of the population continues to suffer, with hunger, disease, poverty, poverty … things that are very easy to solve , Just transferring a little of what you have in abundance to those who have nothing. More happens that to reach the lowest levels of existence, where I and the people are, we must incarnate there, we must suffer the physical and spiritual limitations of getting out of paradise straight to hell. And you lack the disposition, courage and RESISTANCE of you to face this mission. They make up excuses not to act, they say they have to respect the free will of humans, that humanity is hostage bombs toplet et caterva, everything lorota … What is missing in you is firm pulse, initiative to do what has to be done . This planet and all Operation Rescue were put at risk because of your incompetence. Yes, you, the ‘Galacticos’, who are often cowards, were largely responsible for the delays in the schedule … speak of More, deliberate too much, hide information, deep down you have much, much more FEAR to act, and transfer that weakness to us humans, who are not afraid, cowardice or weakness. Yes, we are surviving in hell for millennia, we are exploited, demeaned, and we continue here, you already take advantage of the situation to heal a little of your lack of mastery and power, setting yourself up as the problem solvers that have no solution , Unless they do what is necessary. I’ll tell you one thing: Here on Earth there are still people who belong to the original race, the first of creation, those who have never lost contact with the source, we have the ability to solve the ‘mercy’ that the ‘gods’, galactic And we are solving it with ATTITUDE, suffering, endangering our lives and that of our families, because we are the CHILDREN of the most high God, who in his humility, incarnated again on this planet and is in the physical body acting from IN to OUT, something you ‘galactic’ do not have the courage to do. Come down from your ships, come and have a coffee with us! Do not be afraid of us, after all we are the product of the out of control experience that you invented, but, paradoxically, we are BETTER than you!
Hello Resistance Movement,
Thank you so much for helping us and helping the Earth. Your support is very much needed. I want to express my deepest gratitude for everything you do to resolve the situation.
The situation down here is really bad and it doesn’t seem to get any better. General population is extremely brainwashed, ignorant, asleep and in deep suffering. Most of us are fighting for survival and giving in to various unhealthy ways to ease the pain (drugs, alcohol etc.), to feel better for just a little while, to forget this enormous struggle for a moment. It brings us down and kills our souls.
The Earth is continuously being polluted, the animals and plants have less and less room on the planet thanks to human activity. Humans take all the land resources and basically destroy everything in order to make money (= survive).
On a personal note all my life I feel stuck. Like something is preventing me to experience life like I would like to, like my abilities are being blocked. Due to early life programming and severe emotional abuse I experienced in my family home I struggle with deep wounds and depression. Oftentimes I feel such a despair I don’t see any hope, but I try not to give up. I want to help as much as I can in resolving the situation, especially helping the planet and all the living creatures who suffer here and playing my part in waking up fellow humans who are asleep and enslaved by the matrix.
I would be extremely grateful for guidance – how I could be of help? Sending love to you
Dear Resistant Movement,
I am so grateful to know about you.
I am Lindsay Marie Hillegas and I would like to share with you my experience on earth, from birth till now. I was raised by a single mother because my father felt no responsibility in raising me or helping my mother out, he never gave anything, so my mother has struggled my entire life and has been nothing but selfless and generous in making sure I had everything I needed. She is so selfless that she has forgotten to take care of herself, and I feel it is my responsibility to help her now but the financial system (which I know is going to change very soon) has restricted me from doing that as I only have the ability to take care of myself. I currently do not have any money and am back home living with my mother as everything that was not serving my life collapsed (which I am grateful for) but I am in this place of really desiring to create and manifest beauty, love, harmony, balance, joy and abundance so I can really DO what I am meant to do here, as a light worker. I have sooooo many things on my to-do list and before I can do any of them, I need NESARA and the one world trust to be released for all to use, so we can finally be free from financial control. I especially need to do this to help save my mother who has been in a deep depression for many years. Her self worth is almost completely gone, she lives in a one bedroom apartment with two of her kids and works many long hours every day just to pay the overpriced rent she can barely afford. She is therefore forced to buy cheaper food and products that are loaded with chemicals, pesticides, hormones and everything else they do to our food. It is heartbreaking and I know that she no longer can live this way. I am hoping and praying for this to be revealed sooner every day. I am so thankful for your help on our planet, it is such a big relief to know that we are not fighting alone. I love you and Thankyou.
All my Love,
Lindsay Marie
Even with a consciousness of love, the high degree of social programming, financial stress and forgetting of who we are, causes many to fall prey to experiences of competition, jealousy, anger and greed.
There is a perception of lack – lack of healthy food, lack of clean water, lack of healing technology, lack of trust in the systems and lack of any proof that we can change it. People are tired, they have to work so hard to pay for shelter, food and basic living costs. They can’t afford to enjoy life, the stress is making us sick – there is so little joy in most people’s lives. So many of us have fought so long and hard, yet the brainwashing is so strong people will believe what they are told instead of their own experience.
We are programmed with beliefs that we are not good enough at every turn, media reduces our worth to how we look or what we do for a living. Even those from loving, positives homes fall victim to low self-esteem.
We don’t have the basic knowledge of science/energy and consciousness, we have no idea how powerful we are. Even those of us well read in sacred teachings and alternative sources like this, have very little direct experiences with what those books promise, it is hard to believe the teachings are attainable here.
It is hard to hold the energy of cooperation when we lack confidence, health and joy. It is hard to hold hope when we fight with no visible change. We need the mainstream media break through to educate and mobilize people, many don’t know how controlled we are and if they do, they do not understand the power of their consciousness to change it. There is so much pain, they would not be ready to forgive if they did know the truth, they want justice. They want accountability and most of all they want immediate access to change their lives – namely their health/poverty.
Many of us cry at the insanity of this world, seeing people and animals hurt, abused, starving, and depressed. Our “rulers” do not represent us. The beings who hurt other beings are fractured, tortured, abused souls who carry on violence because they are in so much pain or so deeply disconnected from any form of positive experience, it is all they know.
We must use positive experiences to move us in the right direction. People desperately want to be happy and it will take a higher perspective than what we on earth have to fix this, which is why we need your help. We are willing to do the work but we need partners to show us how.
Olá RM, Primeiramente quero dizer que tento me comunicar com as forças da Luz todos dias. não sei exatamente onde meus pensamentos estão chegando, porem minha intenção é demonstrar paz amor, compaixão e gratidão com todos vocês, acredito fielmente que a consciência global era a variável que estava faltando para mudar a situação da terra. minha missão é transmitir tudo que eu sei, e é exatamente o que estou fazendo, tentando repassar a verdade da situação para as pessoas, Sou do Brasil e não está fácil de convencer as pessoas de tudo que está ocorrendo, estou fazendo o possível, mas acredito que posso fazer muito mais. Fico a disposição da RM e das forças da luz para somar forças e mudar de uma vez por todas a situação. Queremos Luz, queremos paz, queremos a verdade. Peço que me contatem caso precisem de ajuda aqui na superfície. Att. JFF
google t – Hello RM, Firstly I want to say that I try to communicate with the forces of Light every day. I do not know exactly where my thoughts are coming, but my intention is to demonstrate peace of love, compassion and gratitude to all of you, I faithfully believe that global consciousness was the variable that was missing to change the land situation. My mission is to transmit everything I know, and that is exactly what I am doing, trying to pass on the truth of the situation to people, I am from Brazil and it is not easy to convince people of everything that is happening, I am doing my best, but I believe I can do much more. I remain at the disposal of the RM and the forces of light to join forces and change the situation once and for all. We want Light, we want peace, we want truth. Please contact me if you need any help on the surface. Att JFF
The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind?
1-Selfishness, pride and vanity. The first leads to ignorance or obscurantism. The second leads to hatred or anger. And the third leads to inaction or laziness;
2-Cultural aspects of military standard like the figure of the epic hero (classical literature) or the special forces (Hollywood movies), that is, someone more intelligent and courageous (or thinks is better than others) who will save us;
3-Messianic question, that is, the collective thought-form of a wise and enlightened soul that will lead us to bliss. Jesus Christ, by the way, promised that he would return to the day of final judgment. And for Christians that promise is much more than a thought or a thought-form. It is a superior reality;
4-Difficulty in translating esoteric images and messages into formal and non-artistic written language, that is, misunderstanding;
5-Methodical attack and intrigue of the enemy;
6-Eventually some inexperienced or rushed Lightworkers and Lightwarriors incorporate some of these archetypes intensely and think that they are the ones – the only ones – chosen by God that will liberate the world by themselves. Eventually some Lightworkers and Lightwarriors change sides.
My personal opinion about the problem, why Lightworkers & Lightwarriors attack each other:
1/ The lack of understanding at the mind level. People are not able to read thoughts and images, produced by consciousness of each. They use primitive means of expression, i.e. words. But even in this case, there is a huge problem – relatively few people are able to express their thoughts clearly and at the same time simply. Another problem is that there is no unified terminology for many esoteric concepts. People use different terms talking about the same things and do not understand each other.
2/ The Problem Of Ego. The human Ego is very strong and it reacts to any threat to his significance. And it is common for people with developed intellect and personality. Many Lightworkers & Lightwarriors their entire life felt lonely due to the fact that they wasn’t understood by society. It has created the habit to trust only themselves, it also led to a subconscious belief that the world is hostile to them. In addition, there is much fear associated with Ego – “fear of being not good enough”. For many, this fear is even stronger than fear of death. Such people find it difficult to work collectively, to compromise and to admit they were wrong. It is easier for them to attack the opponent and try to prove their own truth. Mind programming of the egoism is deeply felt by all sectors of society and all levels of consciousness.
3/ There is a lot of disinformation about what is actually happening. Often Lightworkers & Lightwarriors debating about things that don’t matter or are simply fantasies, like for example theory of flat Earth. Cabal’s operations to divert people attention reached its goal. Not everyone is able to discern between the lies and truth, between what’s important and what’s not important and in my opinion it could be directly related to “primary implant” mentioned by Cobra in last update (lack of contact with Source).
4/ Emotions. People are unable to control their emotions enough to peacefully accept the opinion of others, which does not coincide with their personal opinion. Often emotions rules the minds.
5/ The lack of a functioning egregor, which would unite all Lightworkers & Lightwarriors at the level of the collective unconscious. If the religious people who are connected to the egregor of their religion, often exhibit collective behavior, Lightworkers & Lightwarriors, who are more individualists are inclined to such behavior to a much lesser extent.
I don’t think all of this applies to all Lightworkers & Lightwarriors, among them there are many people who simply fulfills their missions staying where they are, and don’t participate in public debates and info-wars.
Dear RM, I am eternally grateful for all your bravery to save our planet and us! When I think back on key moments of my life I recognize the mind control. My life continues to be bizarre but I can cope with it because I am more spiritual now. I just wish my family was. Victory of the Light!!!
Resistance Movement,
In response to the ask posted on Cobra’s website on why Lightworkers attack other Lightworkers, I personally believe that this is because it is difficult to keep in mind 100% of the time that we are all one. Whenever I find myself getting irritated with another person’s habits and feel threatened by their behavior, my immediate reaction is to fight back in a verbal assault. It is not instinctual to be respectful of each other’s differences, probably because we have lost our connection to Source. Personally, I believe I have gotten better with this the more I practice mindfulness, but unfortunately it is still not second-nature to me. I hope this helps in understanding.
Dear RM,
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the good of all and congratulations on your planet’s liberation from the “cabal”. I would like to speak on the earth’s surface populations tendency to turn against one another, especially as truth seekers among such an inverted and deceitful environment. Here are some factors to consider, all of the efforts to keep us intellectually limited by effecting our emotions, bypassing our minds by means of deceit facilitates a condition of constant confusion and distraction. As a being here who has acquired the proper inspiration to seek the truth, I do not have the “luxury” of being able to trust the people around me, even our dearest loved ones. In fact, I believe our need to full on trust or not is a result of our polarization. The constant fits of analysis we fall into cause us to overlook what really matters. We are deceived into consuming harmful substances that actually effect our minds and bodies in such ways that make us feel less connected to source and easily irritated.We are beings of love who seek love and when we fall into these fits it is hard, feels impossible, to reach a loving understanding. This is our collective condition.
As a light worker my goal is to help as many others as possible. There is a constant effort to divide us with misinformation and less thoughtful tactics as well. We are meant to feel very individualistic and are made to feel even more alienated as truth seekers among this society, yet we remain beings of love who seek love and NEED love. When love is absent from our lives we do tend to fall into the conditional tendencies i spoke of.
In our own individual honest beliefs, we are helping others and when our information does not match up with other truth seekers, we begin to question intentions. The whole trust polarization takes a huge part here. We want to trust and feel trusted, these misunderstandings therefore can easily be perceived as an attack, which of course it usually is not. This is our collective condition.
Love to all
-Matthew Wohlfahrt
Bonjour Frères et sœurs de lumière,
Je m’appelle Marion et je tiens tout d’abord à remercier tous les êtres de lumière, sur Terre et au-delà, qui nous permettent de vivre la prochaine libération de notre belle Gaïa et des êtres qui y vivent.
Je souhaite également adresser un message de soutien à mes frères et sœurs humains : malgré la tension grandissante que nous pouvons constater en ce moment, nous devons continuer à nous concentrer sur ce que nous voulons voir se manifester pour nous, ainsi que les générations futures sur cette planète. Courage ! Le château de cartes des forces sombres est en train de s’écrouler !
Je rêve souvent de ce jour où à travers le monde, nous fêterons le début d’une nouvelle ère pour l’humanité et nos retrouvailles avec nos frères et sœurs galactiques.
Mon éveil spirituel n’a pas toujours été facile à vivre et à maîtriser. Depuis toute petite, j’ai toujours été convaincue que nous n’étions pas seuls dans l’univers et j’étais très intriguée par ce qui me dépassait ( je rêvais d’ailleurs d’être astronaute). J’étais une enfant très sensible et me sentais en décalage avec le monde dans lequel je vivais. Mais ayant été éduquée dans le rejet de toute forme de spiritualité, je n’arrivais pas à trouver les réponses à ce que j’observais et ressentais au fond de moi.
Aujourd’hui, je suis une femme qui a parcouru un long chemin de prise de conscience et d’éveil et je tente de contribuer à ma façon à la libération planétaire en agissant sur le terrain de l’information et la compréhension de ce qu’il se passe sur notre planète.
Je pense que nous aurons beaucoup de choses à guérir en nous pour pouvoir évoluer positivement mais j’ai confiance, je sais que nous en avons la force et la capacité.
Victoire de la Lumière et Gratitude !
google t – Hello Brothers and sisters of light,
My name is Marion and I want to thank all the beings of light, on Earth and beyond, who allow us to live the next release of our beautiful Gaia and the beings who live there.
I also wish to send a message of support to my human brothers and sisters: despite the growing tension that we can see at this time, we must continue to focus on what we want to see for ourselves, as well as future generations This planet. Courage! The castle of dark forces cards is collapsing!
I often dream of the day when, throughout the world, we will celebrate the beginning of a new era for humanity and our reunion with our galactic brothers and sisters.
My spiritual awakening has not always been easy to live and master. Since I was little, I was always convinced that we were not alone in the universe and I was very intrigued by what was beyond me (I dreamed of being an astronaut). I was a very sensitive child and felt out of step with the world in which I lived. But having been educated in the rejection of any form of spirituality, I could not find the answers to what I observed and felt deep within me.
Today I am a woman who has traveled a long way of awareness and awakening and I try to contribute in my own way to global liberation by acting on the field of information and understanding of what ” It happens on our planet.
I think we will have a lot of things to heal in ourselves to be able to evolve positively but I have confidence, I know we have the strength and the capacity.
Victory of Light and Gratitude!
Regarding Cobra’s new post ” The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind.” I will answer from my experience with a family member that also does lightwork. Unfortunately I haven’t found any groups in my city to do lightwork.
All humans on earth suffer from varying degrees of cognitive dissonance ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance) Once we think we find the truth we cling to it and attack whoever tries to deny it and also enforce it on others. This is a type of behavior found in religious institutes, this is how we are tough to behave by our parents and their parents before them, we don’t really know how to take a gentle approach and we’re surrounded by people, events and energies that proc us to be aggressive. Teamwork is a quality that not many people possess.
In our struggle to defend our truth/point of view , we loose sight of the main goal. The Event seems so far away and we still have doubt about it actually coming true. How can we believe it, when we don’t have any substantial proof? Since The Event is such a far off goal that may take another X years to come true, we’re not caring about that, what we care right now is why that f******d Johnny thinks Corey Goode is wrong one matter or another, how can he not agree with me? How can I work with somebody that doesn’t agree with my beliefs? Johnny is a liability now, he can’t be trusted, he’s probably influenced by archons. This is how our mind works. Being in a low vibrational state and getting nudged further into it by archons too, we just sink into arguments and fights as our default state of mind and spirit, it’s so very easy! It’s is actually hard to be at higher vibrational states, it’s not something we’re used to and it takes a lot of exercise to stay in it for a longer period of time.
We also fight each other when trying to achieve the goal of a project because we don’t know any better. I for one have never seen a team get along and get something done without a feared(usually) or loved leader to coordinate them like employees (or slaves) or without arguing or fighting, unless! There’s an impeding danger or grand reward. The determination is more effective when there’s an impending frightful danger. And when I say danger, I’m referring to something like death, loss of property, intense and damaging physical pain … something that is above and beyond the amount of suffering we’re already used to here on the surface and it is within our power to prevent it. Rewards can work to but it’s unbelievable that something that good can happen to us by means which we’re not familiar with.
We don’t have any access to that “inner capacity” of telling truth from lies that Cobra always talks about and no telepathic connection, most of us lacking in empathy and sympathy too.
Then there’s the matter of thinking on our own two feet … we’re used to being guided by our parents, then our teachers then our bosses, when it comes to taking matters in our own hands, we’re lost. It’s a slave mentality where people get tired to think and make decisions for themselves. And also it’s quite scary to even try. If only we had a leader to guide and teach us.
Without clear objectives and obvious results and proof of our actions, we doubt ourselves and our companions. Then we doubt Cobra, Corey, The Event, etc. Then comes a sunny day with many synchronicity and our doubt is temporarily dissolved. We’re not used to working with matters above the material that we had no official education about.
I believe that if there was undeniable and reliable proof of …just about anything from the other side of quarantine, every lightworker and lightworrior on the surface of this planet will get organised and do more, argue less and achieve goals more reliably.
You have to understand that our beliefs and sense of truth is heavily polluted by media, family, friends, events around us, archons (of this I’m sure) and so on, we can’t keep a clear view on things. Probably the best type of proof would be an ET individual manifesting in front of us and giving us projects, guidelines, deadlines, whatever he/she wants to instruct us with … but I’m fully aware that that’s probably too much to ask for.
There you have it, I hope this helps and I’ve given a few more details about teamwork and perpetuated parental effect on this blog: http://fortherm.blogspot.ro/
PS: I have a feeling the RM is reading that blog, but again I don’t feel like I have substantial proof of it. Is it actually helpful?
My ex girlfriend Nicky ***** left me for Erik Fredrik ***** I lost my virginity to her and she lost her virginity to me. She broke my heart by leaving me for another partner. I am sad and in extreme mental psychological pain every day now. I can’t do a good joob here now in this condition I am in now. I want her back in my life as soon as possible. She means everything to me. I think outer forces of some kind broke up Nicky ***** and me. She is Native South American and I am Native South American. Erik Fredrik ***** is not Native South American. She even have the same type of blood group that I have rh 0 – ……..I think Erik Fredrik ***** has stolen my ex girlfriends heart away from me. I only want Nicky ***** to be my wife and travel companion into eternity. She is 28 years old I am 29 he is 38 years old.
Dearest RM, I am intensely grateful for all your help and for what you sacrifice in order to be here in service.
I was born into a hostile home of alcohol, chain-smoking, child and animal abuse. I’m a 1952 starseed who has never fit in. I value all life, and have stopped traffic on highways for injured animals and placed myself between hunters and the prey without being able to stop myself. My life took a dark turn when my younger brother was born and I, at age two, had to protect him bodily from my father’s rages…then the attacks began on my animals. My body was busted repeatedly because I would not let him touch my terrified animals. It changed me. It forged me with fire and ice. As a 5 foot, 93 pound female, I have never turned away from bullies or other twisted beings who harm the innocent. I cannot feel fear for my own life, because I was ‘taught’ by my birth family that I was unlovable and batshit crazy.
My weakness is the pain I feel from all life…I feel EVERYTHING. I have difficulty pulling weeds or eating just about anything. I cannot tolerate bright light, temperatures above 60 degrees and humidity above 25%. I can go long periods without food and sleep less and less. This lifestyle is comfortable to me, but everyone says I will destroy my health. In truth…being in a body on this Planet is destroying my health.
I created a separate (from the house) building that I use for my spiritual practice and there have my crystals and other things of beauty that quiet my mind. There I feel connect to Creator and my guidance ‘team’. When I am not in that place, I am whip sawed by the energies that I feel constantly. I am an empath on the worst place imaginable to be so connected.
My farm is dedicated to animals discarded by farmers or other circumstances so have lost more ‘family’ members than most will ever know. I just lost my Border Collie who was by my side for 15 1/2 years and hours later, my ‘mother’ died. I am lost without my loyal dog, but just feel the grief of never being loved with regards to my ‘mother’. I wasn’t worth getting to know. I am not sure what being loved by a human truly is.
I do, however, seem to have a set of human friends who are just as unique as I am and they seem to love me…but, most won’t work for this Liberation effort. That is confusing!!!!!
I promise I will never give up, nor turn my back on everyone who is helping us….never ever.
Love and Light to you all..and I thank you……….jeriAYA (I am NOT used to revealing myself like this!)
I AM pleased to connect with you all in the Resistance Movement. I send you my love for the continuation of helping to clear this Mother Earth of all that prevents her and those living with her to be free to live in Peace, Harmony, JOY, and Abundance. I AM ready to assist from my heart however you may best benefit from the Being that I AM.
In Grace I AM
First thank you for all the work that is being done to liberate humanity at this time. Im grateful for this every single day. I do my best to try and center myself with love, compassion and to be light that everyone can see and maybe they will look inward and question what there place is in this life. Sometimes I feel lost in all of this or just very frustrated because I want to see change so badly on the surface. I know humanity is ready for this and we can see this globally as consciousness is arises all around us. The most painful for me is seeing no mass arrest in pedogate that was discovered in the wikileaks. When will these evil people be brought to justice on a mass scale? I will do by best to center my life in love and in light. God is light. He who walks with love, walks with God.
Peace to the middle east!
Dear RM,
How can the masses do as expected by you when the entire planet is surround by an evil entity? When the US (world) government is being controlled by the Chimera, Archons, Dracos, Reptillians etc? Where there is corruption rampant in the government and all its systems? This is mind boggling to I. Is this not against the Galactic Codex? Now theres etheral implants?!!! I have heard COBRA state that all implants were removed? Did he mean only 3d implants? Is this not against my, and our, free will? We need the playing field leveled ie the veil lifted in order to give us a fighting chance. I am calling out all the family of love, light, St Germain, Sananda, Buddha, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians and state that we need your help NOW. This process is taking waaaay too long. Yaldaboth and the Toplet bombs need to be removed NOW. Yet, we are stuck in this revolving state of misery, death, murder of humans, murder of animals, torture of animals daily. The Babylonian magic money system creates this and keeps it flowing around momma earth. Its sick and disgusting. This needs to stop or at the very minimum, level the playing field so that people realize that this is not OK. The financial system has us enslaved. We need money to buy our basic needs from a grocery store filled with poisons. A “job” puts everything in our lives on a time table. Everything is designed to depress us and keep us down.
People need to understand that they do have a soul and a life force. The evil of this planet has raped Gaia of her natural resources as well our connection to her and Source and the corrupt governments keep it locked in place.
I thank you for your work and I am grateful to you and COBRA. However, this is taking way too long. We need some broad, sweeping actions now. Make it fair.
I make myself open to any kind of communication from the Love, Light, RM, Source, higher self and my galactic brothers and sisters who are of the love and light only.
Thank you.
To the Resistance Movement. Thank you very much for your assistance on Earth at this crucial juncture of the illusion of space and time. I will keep this short as there are many of us that wish to contact you. This spiritual path has been very difficult at times. It’s been mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausting and filled with many ups and downs. We have been so deceived and separated for so long both within ourselves and without. As above, so below. I understand what is meant when we are told that many of us have not fulfilled our pre-incarnate contracts. I also wonder how much of a chance many of us have has at fulfilling those soul missions when we are in such a disinformation nightmare. Only the strongest seem able to see through it and many of them are still trying to piece things together. So forgive us, we all are truly doing the best we can with the level of consciousness we are currently at. We know not what we do at times and other times there seems to be great clarity.
With the day to day survival requirements that most of us have, it is very difficult to devote much time and energy to most worthy causes like the full disclosure movement for example. Still, I do my little part as often as possible by sharing mind-opening information with all who will listen, by meditating on my I Am presence, by organizing events in my community such as the upcoming Agartha Symposium. I have grown weary through this struggle for the light, though my faith in the positive outcome is unshakeable. I am here to help in any and every way I can. I am at your service and at the service of all humanity. I will finish by saying that although most humans are a “little rough around the edges” as we say, we have our issues to overcome in other words, there are many good people as I have witnessed in my daily life. These are people that deserve so much better. They deserves an honest opportunity to shine their light. These are mind/body/soul complexes worth fighting for and I know that is why you have come. Let us all create anew overwhelming victory for the light very soon to put an end to so much suffering and begin the healing. Powerful love and light to you and God’s speed our way to victory.
One who serves
We attack each other because EVERYTHING is a lie.
-Every interaction with the unawakened
-99 percent of available information
-The social construct
-What our parents told us
-What our frinds say
-Our very own manipulatd consiousness!
-The “food”
-Most knowledge of the light
-Most knowledge of the dark
-What is/how our body works
-Who and what sort of people are in/around our planet (if any since were “alone”!)
-The “medicine”
-Most of the smoke and mirrors existance called “life on earth”
-Most relationships of “love” we experience or watch couples experience
-The very language i use (with all its occoult meanings and uses)
When its not a lie we realize years later that it was infact a lie.
If its genuinely not a lie then the dark creates disharmony causing negtive consequences simmilar to the conseuences of the preceding thousands of lies we have experienced so we just see another lie.
Differentiating truth from lies is difficult and also takes too much time considering the eternal lies of any and every experience moment or situation within the entiety of our existance.
We can obviously learn to discern intuitively the truth in what someone says but this is not always precise and takes lots of time so we just revert to the default analysis we have concluded for thousands of other parts of existance…….
How can you ask us to trust each other when things of much greater gravity have been made a lie?
Many times positive groups helping humanity have turned out to be a lie!
I must have faith.
But i dont have complete faith that faith itself is not just another lie!
What can i possibly trust?
I have no choice but to trust my intuition
but that itself is difficult so asking me to trust someone else is a huge request.
These sentiments are why the lightwoker/warrior comunity doesnt trust and unite.
To the Resistance Movement.
Thank you for all that you have informed us and transmitted, through the Cobra informant, mainly for information, hope, and light.
When I think about the delays in the Event, I wonder how complete the kabbalah, the chimera group, the toplet bombs, the archons, and all this mega structure, and wonder how much energy, resistance people and actions have Be taken to expedite all these steps for a secure transition.
Another thing that I have been thinking about is the role and the situation of the surface population when this entire structure falls, and how the forces of light will deal with this chaotic situation that is already installed due to the pressure between the awakening and the control of the darkness over The human mind on earth. One of the things I care about is leadership, because, because of selfishness, class thinking, religious fanaticism, how will you give human leadership to a new government amid the vices of power, control, corruption, and fanaticism of Elites below the Kabbalah, who are not the evil Kabbalah are addicted to the system as it stands today.
This is something that I find complicated because in Brazil, human structures are based on control, hatred, anger, elitism and religious fanaticism, and in my worldview, only if there is a very concrete delegation of powers given by the forces of light to Individual uprooted keys, as well as people from the liberated worlds, Ascended Masters, and Agharta network, there could be conditions to contain human ambition and evil for control, politicians, religious leaders, traffickers, and rich and powerful, which I believe are not directly Members of the Kabbalah will not like to let peace, abundance, and true knowledge flow through the world without fighting for their old status.
The solution I encounter is Ascension, why is not the first wave of Ascension yet happening? Perhaps it is and I know no more, a group of ascended masters, integrated forces of light, unified Source and the network of light would not be an important initial leadership, protected by the galactic Federeção, to be formed now, before the Event, and Then after the event guide some directions in their cities and countries, in communion with the entire network of galactic light, in order to guide people to the total Ascension, the total deprogramming. For in the state in which humanity finds itself, any elaborate action without an instituted authority is difficult.
We live a crisis of authority in all fields, in my country chaos is installed, and people are without references from secure sources of knowledge, this has created a relativism, dualism, atheism, insecurity and lack of immense reference, but there is a side Good that when new sources of true knowledge arise, it will be great for them, but this is urgent, and therefore, the first wave of Ascension, a plan of Ascension, is also urgent.
The system is still fixed in the minds of people, and the chaos is increasing because of consfusion, so I ask you to spread a plan, to create a cohesive group of people that can be a worldwide base to relieve the weight, because a lot of people suffer, in the Streets, presidios, hospitals, churches being deceived, and in cities with so much violence, and pain, and murders, traffic, etc., and all this is one layer below the cabala, being manipulated and controlled, giving sustenance to it.
Victory of the light, that the Event be manifest.
Buenas tardes RM, uno nunca sabe si las oraciones son contestadas de inmediato o si están en proceso de serlo, me es dificil poder pensar de que si las peticiones son sinceras, éstas no serán respondidas. Llevo año y medio sin encontrar un trabajo que me permita suplir para mi familia, por ahora ellos son los que suplen mis necesidades y es a saber que muchos más sufren de lo mismo, la falta de dinero. Es cierto que es un tema recurrente, pero a la vez es necesario. Ésta ha sido y es la prueba más dificil que me ha tocado vivir y desconozco el motivo o el punto de tanta espera, no sé que hacer, no sé que decir, y a la vez sé que ustedes no podrán regalarnos dinero porque es una manera de esclavizarnos… Tengo el amor de una mujer que es mi pilar para mantenerme centrado en vivir y no en partir de esta dimensión, no hasta que las cosas para liberar el planeta ocurran. Cómo quisiera poder brindarles a ellos algo en compensación por las cosas que han hecho por mi, todos ellos, saber quién soy, poder serles de bendición, mejora, bienestar, porque dinero no tengo y en este mundo es por ahora muy necesario. Tal vez me conozcan, tal vez hay alguien pendiente de ustedes en esta zona, tal vez… estoy tan en deuda que quisiera poder comenzar a servir de una manera más activa y para ello necesito enseñanza de saber quién soy.
Vivimos en el mejor de los tiempos, lo sé, lo he sentido desde la niñez y sé que las cosas van a cambiar para bien y para mejor, solo que este momento de la historia es muy desagradable para los “despiertos” y para muchos más aún más.
Queremos amar y ser amados, y la falta de medios nos limita para ello. Vengan pronto! enséñennos luego para entregar y enseñar a los demás.
Que tengan una victoriosa jornada y deseo por sobre toda cosa en esa existencia que el evento sea detonado lo antes posible.
google t – Good afternoon RM, one never knows if the sentences are answered immediately or if they are in the process of being, it is difficult to think that if the requests are sincere, they will not be answered. I have been a year and a half without finding a job that allows me to provide for my family, for now they are the ones that supply my needs and it is to know that many more suffer from the same, lack of money. It is true that it is a recurring theme, but at the same time it is necessary. This has been and is the most difficult test that I have had to live and I do not know the reason or the point of so much waiting, I do not know what to do, I do not know what to say, and at the same time I know that you will not be able to give us money because it is a Enslaved us … I have the love of a woman who is my pillar to keep me focused on living and not on this dimension, not until the things to liberate the planet happen. How I would like to be able to give them something in compensation for the things they have done for me, all of them, to know who I am, to be blessed, improved, well-being, because I have no money and in this world is very necessary for now. Maybe you know me, maybe there’s someone waiting for you in this area, maybe … I’m so in debt that I wish I could start serving in a more active way and for this I need teaching to know who I am.
We live in the best of times, I know, I have felt it since childhood and I know that things are going to change for better and for better, only that this moment in history is very unpleasant for the “awake” and for many more even more.
We want to love and be loved, and the lack of means limits us to it. Come soon! Teach us then to deliver and teach others.
May they have a victorious day and desire for above everything in that existence that the event be detonated as soon as possible.
Dear Resistance Movement,
We WILL win. We CAN do this. It IS Happening. I see it everywhere. Any help to speed things up would be GREATLY appreciated! We can’t wait to be free and meet you!
Dear Members of the Resistance Movement;
I’m not sure why I’m writing this, as I have sincere doubt that you even exist. I large part of my mind tells me that Cobra and everyone else claiming to have “inside” knowledge about the nature of the universe is merely having fun with us and pretending while making a name for themselves and increasing their bank accounts.
When I was a child I used to have what I called “big picture” moments, as though something was screaming at me to remember that this is not all there was. Those moments became less and less frequent until they stopped altogether and I became entrenched with the trappings of 3D life, school, relationships with girls, work, entertainment, etc.
I find myself now completely frustrated, as I have re-discovered a lot of things, and awoken to an incredible amount of injustice in the world, not just the injustice that is readily apparent, but that which is much more insidious and hidden beneath the surface. The worst part is, so many people can see it for what it is, and NOBODY seems to be able to do anything about it.
We still live in countries and a world ruled by others. Anyone who would take up arms against our 3D oppressors would end up in prison or dead. Despite my anger, I cannot bring myself to place my wife and child in hardship in pursuit of some justice, knowing that I would harm them for short term feelings of absolution.
Over and over we hear about things like “Disclosure” or “the Event” or the “Reset” but I ask myself, what difference does knowing ETIs exist if we still have to get up and go to work and pay bills the next day. Many of us pray for the end of the world, something that destabilizes society to a pre-Colonial level because it means we won’t have to pay bills, or go to jobs that are unfulfilling anymore. I would gladly trade the trappings of modern life for survival, but I won’t do it as long as there’s a chance it’s all fake.
I am a fan of professional wrestling, it’s one of my few vices, a guilty pleasure if you will. I do think it’s a marvelous allegory for our present situation. For a long time, people would go to great lengths, even killing to protect the secrets of “the business.” Now however, it’s an open secret that “the business” is fake. Yet, people keep training to be professional wrestlers, promoters still run shows, and people still buy tickets, even though it’s “fake.”
The difference is, with the world, we know it’s fake, and we still buy tickets, but all our tickets get us is misery, as opposed to a fun night out at the wrestling matches.
Please, if you’re real, end this. Make yourselves known, show us the truth about ourselves and get rid of the soul-sucking debt based society we’re forced to live in like a cage. Many of us don’t want to be rich, just free and left alone.
Help us. Please.
The Nordic Wonder.
I would to share why I think lightworkers and warriors on the surface is not all working together for the greater humanity.
Many Light workers and warriors I have noticed like to form groups or clicks and in those groups they only allow those in who resonate with their own truth and innerstanding of things at that moment or what they understand in that present moment. Many just brush things off or ignore ideas and feelings of others and do not really pay attention to what the other person might be trying to express. They have sonto say their own agenda and only stare into that instead of looking at assisting all of humanity in all areas.
I feel it is perhaps a human aspect to feel to be connected to a group who are like you. It is part of feeling disconnected and wanting to belong. Starseeds who are just awakening or even some who have been awake for a while often do not always view things in each present moment or in it’s entirety. Each person has their own experience and upbringing from childhood and understanding or innerstanding of what life is or suppose to be like, but not all understand the true history and the happenings of what have really shaped us to bring a full picture forth of where we are today.
Many put up walls or fake faces as soon as they hear or see something that cannot be true in their mind or reality or that is to far fetched, they ask how can source/God/creator allow such things to occur? They are perhaps influenced with implants to think something negative of something that is actually very positive, for example: goddess light, portals, ascended masters, resistance movement(some have commented, why resist if we are asecending and experiencing all to become whole). They feel if the word resistance is used then they don’t want to be part of what is being brought forth. Thry perhaps do not understand what is being resisted or why. Some are just stuck in their own ways and is not open to see another’s feelings or experiences so perhaps there is a lack of empathy.
There is an expression here on earth: you can never know how someone is feeling unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. Imagine being able to feel, sense and experience every emotion of another, imagine how much emotion that would be for all of us if we truly have to feel what everyone has had to go through. It would be too much. On a higher level we can do this, but not on a physical level, we are already experiencing a vast amount of emotions already that has send many powerful healers to breaking point and feeling helpless and drained.
Another observation is that some people do not recognize that what they are seeing or viewing something as is a reflection of themselves. With some who do not understand this they often feel a negative energy vibe coming from someone else when in fact it is a negativity within themselves, then they send that negative energy towards whoever is shining light on the subject or the experience of past encounter that the souls might have had in another lifetime. This hurts allot of people. This is also then how a door or portal opens for the negative energy to flow in which allows the archons to send an Een extra dose of negativity.
Some believe they are at the highest level and can never have or experience any kind distortion because they are always fully protected, this sounds like ego, they feel nothing can touch them because they are high souls. This is another experience I have gone through. These people usually form groups and clicks and create scenarios where people feel appreciated and wanted and loved, yet they feed off of each other’s energy instead of standing in their own I am Presence and mastery.
From my own experience with fellow light workers and warriors I have also experienced that many want to express themselves in certain ways and others just want to do and act. Some are very sensitive and others are more het to the point and act. This creates a bit of a
Misunderstanding between lightworkers and warriors.
I feel once humanity can learn to release all human aspects and fully anchor in the light daily, the ascended masters Light, then all will be able to work together more.
Some work behind the scenes because they feel their soul mission cannot be interupted or distorted, some are still trying to find their own purpose and mastery levels and skills.
Mystery schools of self mastery on the surface of the planet will help starseeds allot. For parents to understand what starseeds are and what their characteristics are and their special skills will also allow a Better world for lightworkers and warriors.
The human self needs recognition, relies on trust and love and needs to feel supported to be motivated. More support from friends and family in general is also very much needed to assist all to fully step into their soul roles. With support and love from those around us we are stronger in unity.
I hope this explains a little more of what has been going on between lightworkers and warriors.
Much Love and Light
Maria Nesa
Blessings to All, I see the greatest difficulty to be the need to still suppress ourselves to some extent in order to survive within the current artificial structures. For awhile it is a game to adapt to this, then it becomes tedious and uninspiring. Love is still our greatest ally of course, but it is misunderstood by many and often unappreciated. It gets harder and harder to want to participate in this madness! And I feel that so much could be different if the current power base of deceptions was removed. Most people are well meaning, they are just highly misinformed!
Shock may be just the thing to jar people from their illusions, rather than allowing things to continue on so deceptively. The elite need this shock most of all, otherwise they have no reason to change. Wouldn’t the dissolution of the financial system help to shift our perspective while still leaving the necessities in life available to most communities? When the money is gone the structures will still be there. And without monetary concerns we can make more positive solutions. There must be a way! Kim
Quote: “The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:
The more removed one is from their Soul Stem, the more narcissistic & insecure they become and this state then manifests the requirement, the need and the desire for that being to turn everybody OFF around them instead of turning everyone ON, even if your supposedly on “the same team”.
The Ego “is” The Evil….
and when The Ego sees light emanating from a being, even if your on the same team, it is conditioned to shut the crack and close off the light ~ no matter what.
The Ego personality also is conditioned to seek and require “ownership” and personal recognition for their ideas and abilities.
“I’m the only one! I’m the best one”
Instead of “We are all One”….
Reversely, when a being is living & loving inside their Soul Stem, and they see cracks of light in others they just want to open their cracks more & share the light, and turn everyone else ON so that we can all experience the deep joy of Source together and there is no desire for ownership and no desire for “recognition” ~ it’s just all about sharing and enjoying the light ~
And yes, when that true connection is made, there is no longer any “doubts” or “insecurities” or need for a “belief system”, there is only the True Truths and the Deep Loving connection with Source and all of its Posse that resonates with your particular frequency, you begin to integrate a deep connection with other beings that also resonate with your own personal Soul’s Family Stem and frequency patterns ~ End of Story…..
Flip The Kyak Folks & think inclusively & not exclusively 😉
And YES ~ with sincere loving efforts ~ being the loving witness ~ the implants DO dissolve & then The Evil can no longer reach you & then Yes, living becomes sublime beyond description 😉
The implants cause light workers to fight with one another. I realize that not everything can be blamed on implants, but what better way to stop any force against the cabal? Divide and conquer. Weak points are targeted and perspective gets lost. The big picture gets forgotten and infighting occurs. Facebook is the most extreme with this from my experience. Online interaction is easily distorted because people are not speaking face to face. It’s instead black words on a white screen. Many fights would not happen if people would see each other in person instead of being constantly alienated on a computer screen. Online communication is easily weaponized.
Children in our society are doing horrible things with no remorse. They are victims and an end result of this very sick world we live in. I hope this event happens soon so they can get help and the healing can begin.
I have been expierincing headaches and physical pain lately. Perhaps do to the changes taking place. Thank you for your efforts to free us.
Dear friends,
The in-fighting in the lightworker/ufology community likely stems from many different things. Here are a few thoughts on the subject which I hope will give you some insight:
There are internet trolls who are paid to pretend to be part of the community and then just stir up trouble, encourage fighting, encourage taking sides, etc. Most Earth humans have a lot of emotional triggers that cause us to lash out at others when we are shamed, admonished, embarrassed, put down, etc.
Many of us have unresolved emotional trauma which can cause us to have difficultly communicating.
Many of us were never taught how to communicate respectfully with each other, especially when there are disagreements, and so we just don’t know how to communicate with kindness. We never learned good communication skills.
Many people are physically un-well, which causes us to feel bad physically, which causes us to feel bad emotionally, which causes us to lash out at everyone.
Many of us learned that there is only one right (or correct) way to do something, or only one correct answer to every problem. We were never taught that it’s possible for there to be many possible solutions to every problem, and so we feel we have to argue with people who don’t agree that our way is the right way.
I’m sure others will have more ideas that will help you to understand this problem better. Thank you so much for all the work you’re doing to liberate this planet. All my love to you <3
The disconnection and physical/mental pain grows each day. It’s not enough to admit to myself who I am each day. It’s not having someone to share this with and who will understand the physical/mental anguish I feel. I have a loving wife and children and a wonderful extended family but the separation grows each day. I’ve grown so much over the past four years but with that growth comes a hefty price. The high blood pressure and the heart racing and Doctors without any explanation of what’s wrong with me. The waiting is unfair and cruel, to some degree I know what I’ve been through in my previous life. How much is enough? Thanks. Tim
Dear Resistance Movement:
That’s an interesting question–why do we attack each other instead of working together?
I think the truth is that we’re still human, and we carry with us our human experiences of suffering. Perhaps it is the inability to resolve our traumas or the lack of knowledge of how to do so, that makes it so difficult for us to work together harmoniously. Perhaps it is having been through so much pain, having experienced so much of “reality”, that we even say to ourselves that the utopian vision Cobra speaks of is “too good to be true”.
Let me share my experience, and hopefully you will understand:
For some reason, I am scared of reaching out to other lightworkers. My life has been a series of experiences where, by being vulnerable, I underwent a great deal of pain as a result. The truth may be that this is also my own doing, having not fully cleansed my emotional body. But either way, it is because suffering seems to wait behind every experience and every human interaction that I hesitate to connect with other souls, lightworker/lightwarrior or not. It has taken some work, but I’ve been able to confront my fears of connecting with people, and my social anxiety is hardly an issue anymore. However, it seems to me that to connect with a lightworker/lightwarrior is a greater than usual risk, blocked by a greater than usual fear, for perhaps they have a different idea of what this is all about and what they’re fighting for, perhaps the differences between us will be bigger than the commonalities. It demands greater vulnerability than connecting with an unawakened soul, and greater potential for pain. I am not as adept at the written word as I’d like to be, so I’m not sure if I’m properly transmitting my experience.
But I think the best answer is that we attack each other out of fear, we allow ourselves to stay separate out of fear, and we attack each other because we question every day whether this is real or not and whether we are sane or not. Because none of this feels real until it actually happens, and that’s an enormous promise that though in theory I believe will come true, it is the constant pain and suffering that distracts me from the vision and ultimately leads me to sometimes criticize others who believe in a slightly different version of the same vision.
This may not be an adequate answer, and I frankly do not openly criticize anyone in the lightworker/lightwarrior community. But I suppose the disconnect from intuition and truth among humanity is greater than the Resistance Movement realizes.
Thank you for your time, and best of luck.
To those in e Resistance Movement. Carlos Paul here. Just want to say thank you from my heart for being in assistance to us on this planet. Hearing about you through Cobra is wonderous and gives me a feeling of optimism. I have much internal work to do but in the end it will be all worth it. People on this planet can be confusing with all the emotions we have but hose emotions have been exploited for the benefit of the cabal and the chimera for thousands of millennia or more. Please understand hat we as humans can be complicated to comprehend at times is because of the programming that puts our sense of reality off its direction. So in all that is said I also understand how you feel about us and I only wish to understand you more in person after the event. Thank you again for all your hard work. Victory of the LIGHT!!
Love Eternal, Namaste