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Benjamin Fulford Report: The White Dragon Society plan for the planet....
The ancient ruling bloodlines of the planet are trying to negotiate a surrender with the White Dragon Society and their white hat allies. The...
Deep State Trapped
Unity is Power
New World Order
Debt money system
MSM propaganda for organised crime
Gold as money has value of its own
Real Wealth requires little money
Unity is...
Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra: Portal of Light Activation...
Sisterhood of the Rose organized another interview with chief intel provider "Cobra" to follow up about the results of the important and successful Portal...
Propaganda and Mind Control
From Robert Malone:
Tony Robbins is the most successful life and results coach in the world. Why? Because he gets results. His system is based...
5D Shift: Unleashing Primal Dragon Energy onto the Plane of Mind
Why is our planetary history steeped in mythology of Dragons? Does the metaphor have anything to say about the energetic dynamics of the Earth...
Benjamin Fulford Report: Enough is enough, it is time to hunt...
And that appears to be what is finally happening. Of course, we have all heard this story before, but there are many signs this...
Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra – “Portal of Light...
( “Prepare for Change Francophone” team has prepared a very beautiful pdf document to explain the importance of the Portal of Light Activation. You...
Benjamin Fulford Report: As Ukraine war ends, fireworks set for Asia...
The Ukrainian war has now ended and Ukraine will cease to exist. The next targets are South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, Asian and Western...
The Most Important Realization On The Path Towards Awakening
From veilofreality.com:
by Bernhard Guenther, June 10, 2022
“If a man could understand all the horror of the lives of ordinary people who are turning around...
Feds Using Banking Crisis To Usher In Central Bank Digital Currency,...
By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.,
Experts warn that recent bank failures and the stabilization measures taken by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street are creating even greater...