Website Welcome

Welcome to Prepare for Change first time visitors!

Prepare for Change has been organized to give you both an overview of what’s happening in our world, and a way to participate with solving its problems. It revolves around a well-defined plan which is called the Event.

The Event is the upcoming breakthrough moment of the shift happening on this planet. We are at the end of the cosmic cycle and this whole planet is entering a golden age where everything is progressively being reconnected with Light, Love, Harmony.

The Event is the moment, the day, that will totally change the face of this Earth. There will be mass arrests of major criminals, top banksters, political figures, etc. The financial system will be shut down so it can be reset, re-started based on fair, real value economy. There will be at the same time, a major pulse of light coming from the central sun of this galaxy, down to this planet, shifting things drastically spiritually and energetically.

Prepare For Change was initiated by the Resistance Movement communicating messages through a member codenamed Cobra, who is in direct contact with them. They gave instructions for the general population to get involved directly in the Event. Our work still has to be done by us, as we are the creators, the ones who can create our own role in this unfolding new reality.

Participate in the Solutions

The first step which was asked by the Resistance Movement is to create local, physical, Event Support and Sisterhood of the Rose groups, to help the Event and work on all 6 New Society Groups in their local areas.

You can register your group contact information through social media and other platforms on our site so that other locals can find you : click here.

You can get further involved with PFC by clicking on the Participate button on the right side of your screen. Fill out the form and choose a New Society group to become a part of our global movement for change. It will ask you put down your skills and talents that you can contribute to making the Event and New Society happen. Our network has been created by people like you who responded to this form. We are all volunteers. It is an important means to make change happen.

Join or Organize your own Local Group

We have offered “Meeting Guidelines” for your group to follow, however each Event Support Group can decide their own way to help complete the mission.

One of the most important mission suggested to PFC members is the Weekly Synchronized Liberation Meditation. This meditation was designed by Light Forces and is the most effective and important thing the general population can do to help the Event happen as soon and as smoothly as possible. Please join us, it is our most important contribution to world peace !

The Sisterhood of the Rose leads a special meditation every week after the Event Support meeting and organizes global meditations regularly. Their special meditation involves twelve women in a circle doing a traditional deep meditation, which is often written by one of the women involved. If this resonates with you, see this page and contact the Sisterhood of the Rose

Work globally with your New Society Group

You will have a choice of New Society groups with which you would like to work. We recommend you join only one group but you may join all groups if you are so inclined. After signing with one or multiple groups of the “New Society”, the leaders will be notified that you have signed up. Below is a brief introduction to the New Society Groups with links to their featured activities.

If you would like to email any specific questions on anything in regards to this site or its mission, see the email links below:

Prepare for Change website features you should know about

If your native language is not English you will be excited to learn that soon the Prepare for Change Network will have additional sites for other languages, we expect at least the top twenty languages will be translated with their own site on our servers. We will need help with this, so if you can help translate, please use our Translations Form to volunteer.

However please read the Websites Protocols section for your comment to be approved. Please be patient.

Writers and Authors Please!

Yes, is always looking for well written articles about interesting subjects. You can Submit an Article you have written, either anonymously or with your byline . Read the instructions and protocols for submissions to be sure you can publish it here.

Additionally, we have several website functions or activities you can email directly using these links.

The Prepare for Change Radio Show

Every week Prepare for Change Radio Show has a new interview in the Archive list along with a short biographical sketch and a written transcript.

PFC Newsletter and Mailing List

We send weekly newsletter containing a few selected articles, as well as important updates about the unfoldings on the planet. At the time of the Event, and after, we will transmit critical time-sensitive informations through that same mailing list.

You will be able to UNSUBSCRIBE at any time.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, Please be actively involved in bring our world closer to Peace, Prosperity and Hope for all of mankind.

Welcome to Prepare for Change.


  1. Perhaps it is high time to reintroduce the idea of Esperanto to the world again.Is there anyone that feels worthy enough to perform this?ANYONE!?

  2. I cannot load the following . . .
    'Weekly Synchronized Liberation Meditation'

    Would love to participate!
    can you send me some other way to
    sign up. thank you.

  3. Attn: Investigative Reporters
    Re: CC of email sent last week to all parties concerned

    Please contact the DIEHOLD FOUNDATION – Professor Harold B. Vogt
    regarding clarification of the “Solar System Warming” via the Gleissberg Cycles, rather than the lie about “Global Warming”.
    Also contact Professor Pierre Marie Robitaille and see his presentation,
    Youtube – What is the Sun Made Of?

    Disregard the lame attempt by the proxy puppets to monetize natural occurring events and gain more wealth & power over “We the People”.
    FREE PEOPLE, not wage slave peons to be lied to and micromanaged by corrupt,

    Q: Did I leave anything out? HAHAHA!

    Re: Get the facts straight with CC of message sent to the DIEHOLD FOUNDATION
    Please review ALL of the information presented on Youtube by Professor Harold B. Vogt regarding the”Earth Changes” related to the current Gleissberg Solar Cycle.


    Attn: Professor Vogt
    Re: FBI / DoD Outreach
    From: Jim Mariano / Northwest Construction
    10923 Progress CT. #3211
    Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
    Cell (916) 718-9587

    I have been following your Diehold Series and I appreciate the incredible detail and expertise that went into your presentations.
    I wanted to direct you to the DoD Joint Chiefs of Staff rather than the corrupt FBI.
    Please email DoD Joint Chiefs –
    Contact Us –
    The Joint Chiefs Staff and Senior Enlisted Advisers to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are listed on various social media sites.

    My personal experience when dealing with the FBI has turned out to be a total waste of time. The FBI turned out to be a second set of criminals I have had to deal with over the past 8 years 3 months 19 days.
    The entire FBI organization is completely corrupt and incompetent.

    I had arranged a successful sting operation that took 2 years and netted over 200 arrests.
    Google – “Jan 20,2011 FBI Reports 127 Mobsters arrested”
    Note, that there were an un-disclosed 30+ arrests of “Dirty Top Cops and Staffers” that triggered the street thug round up.
    My 3 Rookie Podcasts with USMC Jim Fetzer review some of the case details.
    Google – “The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer and James Mariano 10-3-14 / 10-24-14 / 12-15-14
    Professor Jim Fetzer phone numbers (608) 835-2707 (608)354-4280 (608)466-4339
    Phone contact with Mr. Jim Fetzer PhD, may be needed to get a copy of the recorded podcasts due to servers have had the recordings deleted to suppress the information.

    Also contact Radio Talk Show Hosts –
    Dennis Miller – DMZ Radio – (866) 509-7268 V.Mail
    Michael Savage – Savage Nation Radio – (8550 400-7282
    Dennis M. and Michael S. are familiar with my case.

    Remember that the FBI costs the taxpayers over 8 Billion each year with a combined INTEL budget of over 1 BILLION [each week] for NRO,NSA,DOJ,DIA,DHS,ICE,ATF,FBI
    1 Billion each week and they just can’t seem to figure out where 21 TRILLION US Tax Dollars went and who stole the money.
    **More damning information about our corrupt INTEL
    See Youtube – Cody Snodgres – Retired Black Op’s OK City Bombing Whistle Blower – Pt 1
    See Youtube – Katherine Austin Fitts – 21 TRILLION MISSING
    (also read her quarterly report -“The Solari Report”
    See Youtube – CIA Kevin Shipp Exposes the Shadow Government by
    See Youtube – CIA Susan Lindauer Exposes Everything – Extreme Prejudice
    See Youtube – NSA William Binney
    See Youtube – CIA Robert David Steele – Shocking on what Trump is about to do.
    See Youtube – David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford
    See Youtube – Hagmann Report – Field McConnell, Sgt. Juby “Why are there no criminal investigations? (Explains Uninterruptible Autopilot)
    See Youtube – Jeff Rense “Methodical Deception” with Rebekah Roth (Explains The Mossad & Westover AFB involved in 9/11)

    Please read-
    VT-Veterans Today . Com articles by Preston James PhD
    “Proposed Declaration of War Against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia” by Preston James PhD
    “The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia” by Preston James PhD
    “Suppressed / Classified Thermobaric Nukes” by USMC Gordon Duff
    “Too Classified To Publish” by USMC Gordon Duff
    “Nuclear Demolition” by Dimitri Khalezov
    “9/11 Mapped / Fort Lee Mysteries” by USMC Gordon Duff

    Please reach out to the Joint Chiefs rather than the corrupt FBI CLOWNS.
    The entire Intelligence community has been infiltrated and compromised at directorship level.
    The only guys you can trust are the Top Brass at DoD.
    Also contact the patriot whistle blowers that I have listed above
    to verify my claims.


  4. You say, make some preparations, store food, fuel etc. but on the other side, you don’t say when. So… should I be in stance of preparations every day or what???? And to be honest in the center of our galaxy is not the sun. It’s a huge black hole instead. This is how the whole galaxy turns. So if you tell about librarations, lights from the center of the galaxy, I don’t really understand what you mean. And your religious views are perhaps not shared by the rest of the huge universe. You put some UFO‘s on your site, but are they Christians or moslems or do the aliens believe in Buddha? That’s horrible to read some comments here, that Christ would save us all. What if I don’t believe in him or have another religion. Will he not „save“ me then or what??? Instead to make some improvements by ourselves, me wait – again – for some kind „enlightenment“ or whatever you call. You don’t really believe, that those who have power (because of money) would be arrested just because of justice views????

  5. All are invited to attend an event. time 9.45 a.m utc. 18 08 2018. place Bokou Chad. between long- lat 18.082018 and 18.820189. come via meditation, astral projection , remote viewing etc. Physical bodies not needed.

  6. The Maharlika Tribe is the first settlement in this planet earth, it is King David is the Maharlika Tribe. there are lot of history but do not match to History Legend of the Royal family tree. most of the group are occult group witchcraft or vampire kingdom gorgons are the 666 under octopuz organization who run this present time full of turmoil crime syndicate are the fulty faculties take for example run under presidential decree are people who creating war against their own brother and sisters.

  7. I am very happy that someone like you guys working for peace process. the true goddess of love and goddess of the rainbow will reveal the secret of this sinful world. we need peace amongst nation work toward great peace great nation. Princess Maharlika of Maharlika Tribe Royal Family Tree who hold the secret and receive the last will and testament of the Ancestral Legendary Heritage Legacy and bless the Last Will as the Goddess of Love and Goddess of the Rainbow. the Ancient Daughter of Zion.

  8. I just want to be clear. I am a light worker as all or most of you. Im sure that we all practice different religions and that is what makes this so wonderful. we can all pray together for the good of the world / universe as one unit. Please don’t make this a argument of belief. Let love light the way!!!!
    Love to all

  9. Reincarnation is as follows:
    As above so below.
    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    That is the scientific law of karma.
    You must pay back your debts to whoever you may have slighted by returning in a new life with that person and pay them back. When you have cleared all your debts you will advance to a higher frequency .


    • Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our
      official member today. you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the
      Satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you,
      no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along
      wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty
      away from your life now. So contact Mr Benson Nelson. Via: [email protected] to Join us today and realize your dreams. Or call +2347054693150

  10. my name is michael i really want to share my testimony on how i became an
    Illuminati member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more
    than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me
    money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was
    frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he
    open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the Illuminati that he
    have been in the cult for more than 10 years that his riches and
    protection came from this i told him to let me be into the court
    but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the
    devil church of the Illuminati and i was confirm in there church. after a
    month of being a member of Illuminati i got promotion that same month in my
    working place and within a year i was promoted thrice in my working place
    to the extend of being a managing Director i never know how to thank this
    church of Illuminati and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one
    that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the
    car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me
    i really thank you people Illuminati. so i just want to share to the world
    that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to
    become a member i can lead you into the cult of richness and you will
    never be poor again, know that it only a member in the Illuminati that can
    initiate you into the church of illumination they do not contact directly
    because they are fake Illuminati all over the world, this is my email
    [email protected] they will tell you how to join,

    • Ummm, okay. Perhaps you should check out ‘initiation666’ above this post. It sounds like the two of you have a lot in common.

  11. Hi Rob,
    I have corrected the translation of the home page in “human french”, because it was not very comprehensible. I shall try also to do so for the important pages as “the Event” ans “Leadership”.
    I have saved some french human translated of some important pages, so it is just a matter of copy/paste. I can also send them if you have volonteers at hand.
    I still don’t understand why somes english pages are translated in french and some, the recent ones, aren’t. Do you know why ?


  12. Is there an exact date/time lined up for “The Event” to take place? I know it should be soon. I believe you have to wait on your end, until the Other Side opens some kind of seal. I know the Divine Creator (builder/Demiurge) has all of the pieces in place. Why so slow on the trigger finger? Waiting for a dimensional rift to start this off? I thought this was about WANTing to manifest your own destinies? To turn away from Acceptance and give in to indulgence? You push Lucifer’s Father too far and see what happens.

    Then there is Lucifer’s Brother that was given the Blessing for this very reason. Self-fulfilling prophecy by their mother (The Holy Spirit; Gnosis itself; Sophia.) Life on earth would have been disastrous had he been given the blessing.

    Lucifer is just a big egotistical brat that has Mommy, Daddy, and Brother issues. Humanity is just caught between some hyper-dimensional family drama. If Lucifer just understood that His WANT and DESIRE is the reason He got snubbed; then we could go about our lives. No, He has to throw the biggest hissy fit ever.

    I say Boo to “The Event!” Let us humans just be. We might be able to figure it out if you weren’t fucking us up all the time.


    P.S. – Extra Terrestrials actually means Hyper-Dimensional Beings, because they reside in a physical plane above ours. That means the are not technically of this Earth.

    • Jesse
      You must be new here so welcome. i will recommend you check it out a bit but it is sort of a secret when the event will happen. We don’t want to wait too long for it or to expect something outside ourself to happen or to change for us to be active.
      But since you asked I am going to tell you please dont tell anyone else ok? Promise? Really not a soul ok?
      Yes the event will happen at 4:20 on earth day in the year 2525 I gonna see if man can survive !
      sorry just kiddin around but lucifer is a naughty naughty little brat and god is going to send him to his room for a time out from planet earth! when he promises to be revealed .com a good boy he may be let to play but he must appologize to everyone and he better do as mommy and daddy god want him to be a nice little devil and not try to hurt people anymore or daddy will give him a spanking in the central sun!
      whew I hope the RM and GFL have a comedy channel because that was my first or second audition!
      thanks for being a good sport Jesse
      victory to the light
      rob potter

  13. I am happy to find out that there is hope to overcome this madness that has overtaken life on this planet. My relationship with God is why I am still alive and knowing the truth. Most religions and even most Christian denominations have proven to be anti-Christ to me. Jesus’ murderers proved that. His own disciples failed him. My heart cries for all truth to be known. Not so many people throughout history have actually evolved toward what we are meant to be on both levels together, spiritual and physical. I hope to keep on researching all paths to both. I want to accomplish evolution after I reverse back to the original point of perfect health. The Reversal is necessary to heal. Thank you all for not giving up on this.

  14. After reviewing this site, a lot of the beliefs line up with what I consider to be the best picture of what is going on now in the world. I, however, have never fully put my faith in anything because for the 26 years I’ve been alive learning about this planet, the only beliefs that really manifest themselves are based on evil, greed, corruption and lust. Everything I’ve read on this site seems to line up my understanding of whats really going on from pre-history to now, and I’d like to believe it’s going to play out the way this site predicts, but to do that requires faith… which for me, giving the world I’ve seen thus far, won’t manifest. I’m staying positive in my thoughts because (despite the global turmoil and apparent rapidly approaching implosion of our civilization) I am a believer that everything is connected, and the more positive thought there is, the better. I also believe in ET life, it’s certainly present… but is there a benevolent force that will show up and help us? Is there a real resistance group? Snowden just released info on jtrig … when put into public light, it in essence,
    besmirches himself, this site, and well probably any to everything I’ve ever learned. We are surrounded by misinfo. So then it’s all really just faith eh? I’m awake. I know the earth is screaming for help. What proof do you have besides words and pictures on the internet?

  15. My question is: Do you represent the Divine Light of Universal Reality as contrasted to the false light side of the Corrupted Demiurge, such as the so called Lords of Karma, the gatekeepers to this prison planet who violate Free Will by forcing people to re-incarnate over and over again against their will? I believe this to be a fiar question.

    • M,
      Golly that will be for you to decide? What do you think we represent from your limited either or choices ? /HINT // We think pray and act for peace hope love and non violent change with no doom and gloom prognostications. We call ourselves light workers. I will disagree with your understanding of Karma and reincarnation but what do I know I am not dead yet so my view is only an opinion. I live and work in the here and now on earth.
      Peace and warm regards
      Rob Potter

    • That’s a false understanding and a projection you have created onto your understanding of the laws of karma.

      There is certainly no “lord of karma” or being which oversees reincarnation.

      Karma is negative or positive ions balancing into equilibrium. It’s action coming full circle from whence it came and propels us into a greater understanding of selves.

      If you feel you are “stuck” or forced to reincarnate here you are blaming some figmental being for your lack of effort in understanding your karmic relationship with the universe.

      The only lord forcing you to reincarnate and play the same roles over and again on this planet is yourself.

      • Hello CoyoteB,
        What you say may be true for most people, I do not know. One thing I can say for certain, What you believe is not true for everyone. I have personal experience that strongly supports Floyds analysis. Whoever/whatever is controlling this prison planet is also controlling the reincarnation process. It is important to investigate this issue and not continue believing what you have been told about this subject. Only if we have the whole truth do we stand a chance. For me, what you believe is a nice story but far from the truth.

      • CoyoteB,

        Blessings to you at this time. I wanted to share a book with you by Barbara Marciniak. She is a Pleidian channel and through her channeled book (and I feel that it resonates for myself) she basically states that the Pleidians struck a deal with (I believe the archons – whomever they were at the time – I read this in the 1990’s so please forgive) . She relates that the Pleidians made quite an error at the time these nefarious entities occupied the earth and that they have come back to correct the errors that they made on this planet in dealing with the dark forces at the time which had led to the of horrific karmic process for humans on the planet. I for one – had been very, very angry about this in the past. the name of the book if you care to read it is “Earth – Pleidian Keys to the living library” She does mention how the Pleidians plan (which is occuring now) to correct the errors they made with regard to the humans living in this matrix. Peace – to you. taf

    • Your question is fair. Our Free Will has been violated for thousands of years by lords of Karma, gatekeepers, etc (whatever you choose to call them) that force us to incarnate over and over and over and over. These aliens try to make this an acceptable endeavor by telling us we have something to learn. Wrong! The one thing we are really getting a good look at is the greedy parasitic elite that steals energy from you and I because they refuse to go directly to Source. Blessings N

  16. The only way to true peace and happiness is through Jesus Christ. We are in the End Times. When Jesus returns, all of “his” beloved children will have everlasting life with him. If you aren’t saved, get saved now! Jesus is coming SOON! Repent now!

    • T,
      Hallelujah we love the sweet baby jesus. Tyler go to your old doobie brothers album and listen to “Jesus is just allright with me” and you will know how I personally feel.

    • That statement has been regurgitated for many years; a 2000-year-old belief cannot save you. Learn the history of Christianity and see what society has become now because of it. Out of the over 40,000 Protestant denominations, which do you belong? Don’t stay in your avoda-zara.

    • Urantian,
      No, IT SEEMS MANY PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO VERY HARD TO CONVINCE EVERYONE WE ARE THE PUPPETS OF THE NWO. WE ARE NOT NWO. If it wasnt so funny it would be sad to think we are being labled as such. We have officially become the targets of some very narrow minded fundamentalist christians who want to label us the “anti christ”. I find this a wonder if we who call for peace truth understanding and love are the anti christ who is in charge now. Come on people think !

      muahahha muahahhaha
      Dr EVil with Mini Me inside my secret lair

      • I don’t see any mention of the bible in your list above. You mentioned the anti-christ but you didn’t mention the power of an Almighty God we will all have to answer to after we die.

        • I do not speak for anyone but myself when I post here to make that clear before i comment fruther on this. There are many other people who work very hard to bring the light of hope and love for peace to this site. I speak only for myself when I say I have faith in the life and message of Yehoshua. The Bible is missing many many books which have left out the true message and deeper meanings of the bible.
          You may disagree with my views in this respect as you are free to do. This site is not about shoving beliefs down anyones throat or smugly declaring them false teachers or fools because they do not believe or have the same understanding that we have. I will offer my dear friend mentor and guide Dr Frank Stranges to share my views on christ the Bible and our space family. //// ///// //// /// these will or will not open your mind to the friendly space family and their place in scripture. The Bible is full of references to Seraphic Transports or space vehicles. This change is a spiritual revelation as much as a temporal change within our material world ans society!
          let us all work together for peace and love
          Rob Potter

    • KP – NWO is the attempted enslavement of our current world under a self-serving power hungry oligarchy.
      We (PFC) are the exact opposite, a one world democracy (of, by and for all people) that seeks to break the enslavement of old world orders and values to build a world of harmony, peace, abundance and love for all that is self-governing.

      I hope that helps.


  17. Estou no interior de São Paulo, especificamente no Vale do Paraíba, a todos desta região em breve teremos um grupo o qual a pouco criei, e acredito que logo estará disponível. Fique em paz

  18. Looking forward to this New World as
    the old ways of doing things are not
    working out that well, are they?

    E. Al Boek, aka Green Earl
    West Coast Factory Rep.
    Personal Cell 530-215-6218

    My LinkenIn Profile Page

    My FaceBook Profile Page

  19. VICTORY NOW! LIBERATION NOW! VIVA to the World Revolution/Liberation. Love, Light and Peace to ALL In, On and Off Our Beautiful Planet. <3 🙂

  20. Bonjour Avi et Tous,

    Je cherche à créer un groupe dans / autour de Digne les Bains (04), j’entends que la communauté de Paris est active, est-ce que cette communauté pourrait nous rendre main forte pour que les choses commencent à prendre forme ici dans le Sud?

    A bientôt!


    • Bonjour Lilla,
      Tu peux me contacter directement au 01 48 45 11 62 à partir de 15 h en semaine. Je te donnerai toutes les informations utiles.
      Bien à toi. Avi

  21. Bonjour Avi et Tous,

    Je cherche à créer un groupe ici dans le sud de la France, j’entends que la communauté de Paris est active, est-ce que cette communauté pourrait nous rendre main forte pour que les choses commencent à prendre forme ici dans le Sud?

    A bientôt!


  22. Attempting to subscribe. Link leads to:
    Sorry, but what you’re looking for could not be found.

    Looks like I’m not the first this has happened to.

  23. Hello Ritchie and Mike,
    This is Véronique from Cobra Etheric Liberation FB Group in Paris, France.
    Victory of the Light, my Bros!

  24. I do trust all the ideas you have presented for your post.
    They are very convincing and can certainly work. Nonetheless, the
    posts are too brief for newbies. May just you
    please lengthen them a bit from next time?
    Thank you for the post.

    • Bonjour Ange,
      Notre communauté basée sur Paris est très active.
      Nous nous réunissons et méditons chaque semaine.
      Nous avons aussi traduit un texte important que j’ai publié ici:
      Sur ce site vous trouverez aussi des enregistrements audio de nos réunions hebdomadaires à la rubrique PFC.
      D’autres articles peuvent être trouvés à la rubrique PFC.
      J’ai créé une liste de diffusion par email, PFC, qui comporte 70 personnes à laquelle vous pouvez demander à être inscrit(e).
      Si vous regardez et faites défiler ‘tous les posts’ sur le site PFC, vous trouverez des articles en français.
      Le site est en cours de réorganisation des traductions. Cela ne devrait plus tarder.
      Amour et Lumière

  25. I am really interested to know about all what is hapening, please let me know. I live in Mexico and my english is not a 100%, so if it is posible to send me the information in spanish it will be great. That way i will be shering it with more people. Thank you. If is not posible, it is okey.

    • Hello Patricia, here is the Prepare for Change Site in Spanish. Actually this is the EVENT page, but you can navigate to any other page you like too.

      Ev Evento

      You can find all the available languages for this site on the top right corner of your screen.

      Take care.* 😉

  26. So I would assume this trailer is talking about ‘the event’,the lightworkers/white hats working behind the scenes,and what will be revealed after it happens…


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