2-22-15 Cobra with Transcript



From Cobra’s first blog entry March 31, 2012      2012portal.blogspot.com

About this blog

We are living in extraordinary times. This is the shift of the ages. The financial system will restructure itself, the matrix will fall apart and new society will be born. Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This tour is not just an introduction to preparedness… It  is the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. It contains information and guidance about time around 2012 and the planetary dimensional shift, never before revealed on this planet.

Beginning with this entry almost three years ago a fascinating journey into the future began. Since this simple paragraph the regular entries have drawn 15,355,000 visitors to his blog and he has toured the planet conducting Portal Openings and working to increase the awareness of all humanity. Unususal in the sense that his work is focused on changing the etheric planes of our planet, his message is one that embraces positive mental and spiritual attitude with a strong rejection of the negative forces that have engulfed  our world for millennia.

For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 549 entries to this date.  See: 2012portal.blogspot.com

02-22-15 Cobra


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Transcript:  Cobra on Prepare for Change  (FR)

Radio Show February 22, 2015

www.prepareforchange.net & Cobra interview.  Feb 2015

Judi – We’re delighted you could join us today for our interview with Cobra.  We hope you’ll join us each and every week for our new www.prepareforchange.net radio show at BBS radio.com.  Every Sunday from 9 – 10pm where we will be featuring new speakers from the global community and we hope you can join us.  Please remember that PFC (www.prepareforchange.net) is a volunteer group and we survive by donations only.  Look deep within and if you feel guided we encourage you to go to PFC.net website and donate an amount that you can afford that way you keep going the divine prepareforchange.net  global movement.  We thank you for your generosity and much show of love and kindness.  My name is Judi.  I am the co-chair of the media group of www.prepareforchange.net.  I would like to share an important announcement to all the PFC members and event support group leaders around the globe.  We currently are upgrading the PFC.net website to make it easy  or all those light workers to form an event support group or join an existing one.  We have just added to PFC.net homepage a chart called entries for event support groups form.  So if you go to the PFC.net homepage, scroll down you’ll find it.  If you’re looking to join a group in the area you live in, you can contact that organizer on the list or else you can start your own event support group in your area.  Just fill out the entry for support group forms, starting with name of your country, city and adding a contact name and e-mail.  Anyone who’s looking to join a group in your area can easily contact a leader in that specific area.  Were also announcing our re-launch of our PFC.net weekly newsletters which will include detailed information about our new platforms to unite all our global event support group media such as FB, etc.  So, look out for the next newsletter and you will see more specific information regarding this important social media subject.  The PFC newsletter will now be sent out every Friday.  PFC.net strongly believes in teaching by example, so starting this week we are now including an example of the PFCLos Angeles support group invitation, so you can see ow it’s done, how you can form, grow or keep your own group going successfully and we’re really excited to announce all of these changes.  We’re thrilled to see our beloved www.prepareforchange.net family growing worldwide daily.   (music)

Judi – Greeting everyone,  I’m Judi (& I’m Dov).  We want to welcome you to our prepare for change radio show.  www.prepareforchange.net is a community roundtable council and volunteer communication hub.  It was founded in June 2013 to offer vital information and guidance before, during and after the planetary shift called the event.

Dov – Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on earth.  A massive surge of positive feelings is powering a deep shift world wide.  Optimism and joy is creating peace in everyone as they are filled with instinctive knowing of truth and humanities potential for loving change.

Judi – The enfolding of love and truth has been written about and spoken of by great prophets, sages and mystics of all cultures for thousands of years.   It is the event when humanity is lifted above the darkness and fear that has so engulfed us.  Now is the time prophecies for the Victory of the light.

Dov – www.prepareforchagne.net (PFC.net) was formed out of the Cobra conference in Irvine, CA.  Today we will be speaking with Cobra himself via Skype.  All Cobra interviews are done with voice modulation to alter Cobra’s voice with his request.

Judi – Today in our studio we have our chairs of several of the prepareforchange groups.  Raissa and Dov and the Renaissance co-chair’s.  Eduardo is Event Support Group and Angel Eyes is the co-chair of the healing group.  Angle Eyes has posted a request on the internet inviting people form the global community to submit questions for Cobra and we will be posing those questions to him today.  In March 2012 a group known as the resistance movement opened an informational website called www.2012portal.blogspot.com/  who’s anonymous spokesperson in code is named Cobra.  His mission is to inform others of the spiritual and operations happenings and developments that are being initiated for the protection and subsequent liberation of our planet.  Since the inception of their website the voice of the resistance has gained a wide spread following among many countries and cultures.

Dov – As of October 2013 there has been over 7 million views to the web site plus numerous listeners to Cobra’s interviews.  Without further a due, we present Cobra.

Judi – Greetings Cobra, we’re glad to have you with us today.

COBRA –  Yes, hello everybody.  Welcome.

Judi –   Before we get started we are not going to get into any personal questions and Cobra will not be asked questions relating to other people or other web-sites.  Cobra, it’s been a while since we saw you on the big island of Hawaii.  We had a great time at the ISIS conference there.  I’ve had some questions about the lava flow of Kailua.  Some messages have come from the contact to ascension website that perhaps the lava flow will cut off the main road and turn that corner of the island into an island of itself enabling the galactic brothers and sisters to have easier contact with us.  Do you think that is a possibility.

COBRA – It is extremely unlikely.  Because according to my information, the situation is not so drastic and will not lead to drastic changes in the infrastructure of the island.   Actually at a certain point after the event the whole planet will become an island of light.  So this is what we are heading towards.

Judi – Very good, so that would be very good news because many of the people living in that area have been concerned that they would be cut off so that certainly would be good news.  I have another question about technology from the star visitors.  Is it possible that the islands of Hawaii would be one of the first places for shared technologies to occur?

COBRA – It will be actually simultaneously happen throughout the globe, so there will  be no first place or last place.  It will be happening everywhere.

Judi – And people have asked about creating intentional communities with off-grid energy systems and permaculture, food forests, etc.  How quickly do you see these new models spreading throughout the globe.

COBRA – This will spread drastically and fast after the event.  Before the event it is not likely because most people are still part of the financial system, this is number 1.  #2 the interpersonal relationships between the people in those communities are not healed because of the past issues and because of the Archon interference.

Judi – Recently we had the LA Conscious Life Expo here in LA and many people experienced the star gate portal where through meditation and music transmissions were received from the Pleiades, the Arcturians and the Ascended Masters.  Do you think that this is a good way for us to raise our vibrations to be receptive to contact with other civilizations?

COBRA – Yes of course this is a good way to connect but not the only way but it’s a good way to connect.

Judi – And it is also said that during this experience our DNA that’s been dormant can be re-awakened.  Is that possible?

COBRA – Basically it’s not about DNA.  DNA  is part of the physical body.  What needs to awaken is the conscious body.  And the DNA transformation of the physical body is just a consequence of that transformation.  The consciousness needs to transform first and then the DNA transforms by itself.

Judi – I have some questions from the internet.  Gill would like to know who is Lucifer and is he connected to any of the Alien races dominated this solar system?

COBRA – This entity has been removed from the planet quite some time ago and is now working with the light forces and has been transformed and no longer part of the dark Cabal.  This entity came from the Andromidan galaxy long time ago and he had an important role in the history of this planet.  He is no longer part of this planetary system. So he is no longer here.

Judi – Gill would also like to know: what is the process about gaining power through the sacrifice of people, especially children in satanic ritual as being done by the elite?

COBRA – This is complete nonsense.  This is their idea which. . .  it is acting out their trauma.  It is actually trauma base mind control that goes from generation to generation and they think they are getting power from this.  In reality they are just keeping the trauma active from generation to generation and those people are completely delusional.  They don’t know what they’re doing.

Judi – And how does pedafilia tie into this.

COBRA – It is part of this process.  It is because those people who are doing this, most of them have been mis-used and abused as children themselves and they have no way to deal with that situation so they are acting that out.  This has been rationalized inside Illuminati circles as part of the ritual but in fact it is creating ___ dis-balance.

Judi – And the final question from Gill:  what is harvesting?

COBRA – Harvesting is the concept that many of the low vibrational races use when they come from planets and they harvest the resources and for them resources include various races inhabiting those planets.  And harvesting as it was referred to in this question, will never happen again.

Judi – We have Raissa with some further questions.

Raissa – We have more questions from PFC web-site.  Judith would like to know:  Can the light beings and whoever else see who is meditating down here on this planet?

COBRA – Yes.  When they reach a certain level of consciousness a certain level of development that can see who’s meditating and they can actually assist in the meditation by sending light energy to that being.

Raissa – Are there ships over our areas far up, we can see some parts of them.  Do they know we can see them and are taking pictures of them?

COBRA – OK.  One question at a time.

Raissa – Can they see, do they know that we see them?

COBRA – Yes, yes.  They are aware of our presence and especially when they connect to us and if we are aware of this a certain link is created.

Raissa – Judith also says:  I have many pictures and videos of many objects with many strange designs on them.  Some have lights but the whole ship doesn’t show and there is more than one over us on a clear night as sometimes we can see changing colors, sitting for hours, then they leave, turn orange or white.  Many of them.  We see a reddish/orange ones or huge white lights.  They sit but you can see other parts to these objects.  Are these the ships that actually watch us?

COBRA – Yes, many of those lights in the sky are actually ships that are watching us.

Judi – We now have Angel Eyes with some questions.

Angel Eyes – Hi Cobra.  I was wondering if you could give us and give the healing community your vision of how the healers of the world can contribute their energy and intention towards building a new society where people can find. . .  where people can finally be free from illness and disease.

COBRA – OK.  There are many factors here.  The first one is for the healers to act in a higher vision of the new society and also to begin exploring some pranic healing technologies. There have been many technologies developed especially in the last 400 years that have been very extremely effective in healing from physical disease.  And many of those have been suppressed.  And combining those new technologies or shall we say, our old suppressed technologies that will appear to be new with spiritual and energetic and emotional healing, dramatic healing results can be achieved.  This is something people can being exploring right now.

Angel Eyes – Cobra, do you have any thoughts on how our healing groups throughout the world can start to procure the new healing technologies and help people who need help now.   Pre-event.

COBRA – The situation for them is a little bit complicated.  Mainly because of the financial factor and also because people are not aware that they need healing.  Most people do not contact healers for assistance.  So there is not enough awareness of the importance of healing on the planet and this needs to spread also to the alternative media.

Angel eyes.  OK.  Thank you for that Cobra.  I have a question from Richie and he would like to know what the view will be of gun ownership in the new paradigm.

COBRA – Ok.  Most people will no longer have a need to carry guns because the climate, the society climate will change and those who will have the needs to do this will still be able to secure guns if they wish.  But this will be drastically reduced after the event.  It will no longer be so present for people

Angel eyes.  Thank you.  What will happen with the Christians and other fundamentalists in the new world.

COBRA – OK.   They will be very drastic awakenings that will take place.  when the truth of the religions of how they were recreated and how they manipulated will be coming out.  This will be quite an intense shock for most people but the evidence will be provided and many of those belief systems will be shattered and instead of those belief systems higher truth will come.   People will need to go through a certain mental  transformation and after that transformation they will feel much better.  They will be much more free and there will be no more need for organized religion as we know it now on this planet.

Angel Eyes  – Thank you Cobra.  Could you perhaps give us more insight to the cashless transaction system.  How it will work and will we be using gold and silver in this system?

COBRA  No.  Actually the transformation of the financial system will have many phases.   The first phase will be at the event.  The moment of the reset.  It will be a transition into the society where the new financial system will be asset backed.  There will be gold and other physical tangible value which will make up the system.  We will still use currencies for value exchange.  Society will go through a certain transformation and after new technologies are introduced, when the replicators are introduced, the need for money will be less and less.  At a certain point there will be no more need for human beings to change value for money.  All physical matter will be easily reproduced in replicators.  Spiritual value will be freely shared among human beings.

Judi – Thank you Cobra.  I have another person who’s asking for more intel about the ascension process.  He says that previously you had mentioned there may have been some people who have already ascended and he’s interested to know if this is possible before the event.

COBRA – Very few people have ascended and nobody has ascended on this planet on the surface of this planet since 1996.  At this moment real intel about ascension is still classified.  Because there are forces that would like to misuse that intel.  I am not giving any comment about the ascension process.

Judi – Very good.  We have Raissa now with some questions.

Raissa – We have a series of questions from Andy.  He asks:  I’d like to know about twin souls and how to reconnect with them,

COBRA – You can re-connect with your twin soul through meditation because on a certain level you are one with your twin soul and if you reach a high enough state of consciousness you will reach that oneness inside.

Raissa – What does it mean when they show up in a dream.

COBRA – It means that this connection, this oneness has been manifested in dream state and it is actually a part of the awakening.

Raissa – Could it be a shared dream? Or is it a dream of the future or just what my mind wishes to have happen.

COBRA – In most cases it is a vision, a real actual contact which happens on the higher astral planes sometimes.

Judi – We have Angel Eyes with some questions.

Angel Eyes – This is from Eduardo.  If we are changing into a completely new social and financial system, why have the Royal families such as the European Royal families and the Chinese Dragon families in charge of all the wealth of the entire globe.

COBRA – They are not in charge of the wealth.  They think they are in charge.  This is precisely, one of the reasons why it’s taking so long because.  So few of those families do not wish to release attachment to the world wealth.  One way or the other, when the event happens, this wealth will help ____ for humanity and be given to the whole of humanity.

Angel Eyes –  OK.  Thank you.  Why are the Royal Chinese families calling themselves Dragons when in the occult an esoteric meaning of the word, it is reptilians.

COBRA – It is not the only meaning of the word.  Actually I will explain.  There were the Draconian race that came to this planet has two factions. The majority of them were, I would say, the bad guys but there were some good Draconian factions.  The one part of the mission of the good part was to be custodians and guardians of the wealth of the planet.  In the West this project did not succeed.  In the east It was successful to a certain degree.  The original plan of the dragon families was to give this wealth to humanity.  Along the course many of them got corrupted so this is the problem.  The problem is not their origin, the problem is not the symbol of the Dragon, the problem is  human personality.  And this is the problem and everywhere around the planet regardless of the names that they give to those people or those groups.

Angel eyes –  Thank you Cobra.  What is going to happen to the Royal Families around the world after the event to all those blood-lines who believe that they are better than the rest of us.  Aren’t we all supposed to be one?

COBRA – They will need to face their reality and finally they will begin to realize that they are nothing special in that sense of the world.  They are part of the family, yes, but they are not more than anybody else.  Many of them will be able to be integrated as equals in society.  Some of them will not be able to be integrated and some of them will be taken to the central sun for restructuring.

Angel eyes –  Thank you.  Why is everyone asking for a foundation type 501(c)3 in  order to receive funding for humanitarian projects.  Why not any other entities such as a trust.  It is well known that only small minority of people own foundations and most of the elite and big transnationals have one main purpose and that’s hiding and parking large amounts of funds for tax evasion purposes.  So the rebuilding of the earth now requires a 501(c)3 before we can get started. Is this not unfair to the majority of the light workers who do not or can not afford to set up a 501(c)3 foundation?

COBRA – Probably you’re referring to a certain ____.  One of the benefactors chose to only commit to 501(c)3 type entity in that particular case.  In general I would support the benefactors to finance all the projects regardless of the form or shape and I would give priority to projects that give the basic necessities of life like food clothes and shelter to have the people in Africa, Asia, So. America and also No. America, Europe, everywhere on the planet.  This is #1 priority and then, after that other things will happen.

Angel Eyes – This also seems to be also a requirement for the Red Dragon and what the ambassador has been saying also.

Judi – I have some questions from George.  George would like to know is it still necessary in case of the event to stock up on food and water supplies.

COBRA – Yes.  This part of the plan did not change.  We still have that series of time when people will need to be ready for disruption in distribution channels.

Judi – George wants to know will the financial system completely crash for the new system to be implemented.

COBRA – Yes, it means that all banks throughout the planet will be shut down.  No on-line no electronic transactions will be possible.  All transactions will need to happen with cash. No credit cards, no online payments.  No bank transfers, that will not be possible for a week or two.

Judi  – George says for my understanding, ascension is a more of a gradual process.  Will the event trigger the masses to start awaken.

COBRA – Yes the event will trigger the masses to start awakening but this is not ascension yet.

Judi – That’s it for George.  We now have Raissa.

Raissa – Andrey wants to know Cobra, was the Cabal behind the Romania revolution in 1989?

COBRA – Basically what happened is the awakening of the people which was much of a rise which transformed the political system in those countries, then the Cabal came and that mis-used that awakening and directed and channeled the energy to strengthen the control of the central banking system over those countries.

Raissa – Thank you.  (We now we have Angel Eyes)

Angel Eyes – Mark is asking:  how do the cabal identify light workers.  What kind of technologies do they use.

COBRA – The cabal, the majority of the cabal has no interest in light workers, they just want to control everybody.  Massively without any discrimination.  The light workers are targeted only by special groups when they get powerful enough to start creating cracks in the matrix when their energy gets so strong it interrupts their scalar waves and then they get targeted.

Angel Eyes – Thank you.  If the resistance movement said in the past that they have moved all the elite gold off the planet, why are the Chinese among Neal Keenan and others claiming that they have seen thousands of bunkers that the Chinese, around China and South East Asia that are full of gold.

COBRA – OK.  I would like those people to give proof to their claims.  That means a photo from inside the bunker with a recent newspaper.  When I see that kind of photo of them then we can discuss this question.

Angel eyes – Thank you

Judi – Cobra, I have some questions from the healing group.  The first one references a channeled message that millions of higher selves of the dark souls came back to the light.  The question is what happens to the aspect of the dark soul and the physical form.  Can you comment on this.

COBRA –  OK.  You see, the problem with the Cabal is that most of those entities have disconnected their personalities from the soul so there is almost zero soul contact.  It is not easy for them to reconnect back.  Some of them will reconnect when the time is ready, some of them will not.  It is not determined yet.  For some it is not that they will not, for some it is not that they will but for many of them it is not determined yet.

Judi – I have another question.  Will the cities of light appear this year, actually it’s referencing the one in Sedona.  Will the city of light appear this year in Sedona.

COBRA – I will not answer any questions with time frames.  I will not give any time frames for certain events.

Judi – Here’s another question.  Is all of humanity going through the activation of the 12 strands of DNA now or only certain groups would go through this process now.

COBRA – Only certain beings that have incarnated on this planet for this process. These are the star people or the star seeds.  They are the only ones that are going through the full transformation of DNA.   Most of humanity are not ready for that yet.

Judi – Thank you.  The final question is asking if President Obama who’s in D.C. is a real person or a clone.

COBRA – He’s a real person.

Judi – Thank you Cobra.  Now we have Angel Eyes with another series of questions.

Angel Eyes – David is asking:  Cobra has said in the past that it’s better that we stay on our plane than on the astral plane for now and I think this was in reference to a comment that you made about people who commit suicide.  He has recently had a family member die and now he’s concerned.  What’s going on over there.

COBRA – The situation is that the lower astral plane is not purified yet and what is most important in his particular situation is;  what was the state of the consciousness of the person who died.  Most of the people who commit suicide are in a very distressed and very unstable state of consciousness.  When they die they attract very imbalanced circumstances.  If someone dies in a harmonious state of consciousness it is easier for that kind of a person to by-pass any reptilian presence on the lower astral plane and go to higher astral plane quite easily.

Angel eyes – Thank you.  If we have the grid up now and people have been seeing UFO’s for the last 75 years, are these maybe Archon ships?

COBRA – No. People have seen ships of many different civilizations.  Good ones, bad ones ones, mixed ones.  It was a very busy.  This planet has been visited many times and by many races in the last century I would say.

Angel Eyes – Thank you.  Right now in our society we have all types of fires from brush to structure.  Will this end when we no longer need a fire department?

COBRA – Yes.  This will end when the time is right.

Angel Eyes – Will we be subject to karma after ascending.

COBRA – Karma is a concept which has been introduced by the Archons who enslave,  to spiritually enslave humanity.  So I would simply say that the role of cause and effect will already be here but this has nothing to do with punishment.  It is simply to do with  physical laws.   There will be an enormous amount of grace granted and  an enormous amount of light which will actually serve as a buffer to improve manifestation, I would say.  so even if you make a mistake there will not be drastic consequences of that mistake and we will learn from those mistakes quite easily    The reason why the situation is so difficult on this planet is not because of Karma, it is because we are occupied.  We are now liberating the planet which has nothing to do with karma as you understand it or as it is explained in different spiritual circles on this planet.

Angel Eyes – David’s last question is:  Is there karma after ascending.

COBRA – No.  Karma as I’ve said before ____ does not exist.  The law of manifestation after ascension is simply spontaneously manifesting perfection, always as being in the center of divine flow.  This is how I define it.

Angel eyes – Thank you.  (Raissa over to you.)

Raissa –  Cobra, Francis would like to know.  Can Cobra confirm that the quarantine has been lifted?

COBRA – The quarantine has not been lifted.  The quarantine will be lifted as we proceed through the break through phase.  When this happens, I will make a very clear post about, a very detailed post about this will all the intel.  From this point, the quarantine has not been lifted yet.

Raissa – Once it is lifted, will we have access to all the energies as the rest of the universe.

COBRA – Gradually yes.  The problem here is the human masses which need to awaken enough to integrate this new energy.  The individuals which are more awakened will have more and more access, corresponding to their own level of awakening and their own level of consciousness.

Raissa – Thank you.  As far as ascension goes, from this point to ascension, what is still left to do?

COBRA – There is much to do but as I’ve said before, I would not like to speak about the ascension until it gets strategically the right moment to do so.

Raissa – Thank you. Francis also would like to know, it’s a little compounded question:  I’m still seeing chemtrails, what’s up with that?  Every morning I wake up with frost on my windshield.  When it dries it leaves the white powder on everything.  What is the cause of that and will it clear up.  Is that a natural occurrence.  Is it a soot, chemical trails, dirt from the earth, toxins and poisons, radiation, calcium or all of the above.

COBRA – Ok Everyone,  chemtrails still do exist.   They have not been completely removed.   Also, chemtrails are not the main thing to be worried about as I’ve said many times.  The main source of poisoning is the food and water.  And this is something that needs to be addressed a little bit more.

Judi – Thank you Cobra.  I have a question here.  How significant was the decoupling of the Swiss Franc to the Euro.

COBRA – It was a very important signal that something is really going on with the world wide financial system.  That switch from that has executed it’s plans to re-focus and to direct it’s future towards the BRICS alliance or the Eastern Alliance.  In secret the whole Europe is doing the same thing.  _____ It will be a big shock for the financial world.  Many central banks are thinking of doing something similar in their own way.  So the future of Euro and the future of European financial system is very interesting.  Many things are happening behind the scenes and one day it will be ____ a shock of that magnitude or even greater than what happened to the Swiss Franc.

Judi – Very Good.  On a lighter note, someone wants to know what is the best way to reverse age and stay young.

COBRA – The best way to reverse age and stay young is to keep the energy of light flowing.  The energy of kundalini or ____.  This is the theory.  This practically is not always reasonable, but this is the theoretical answer to this question.

Judi – And in the case the event does not occur for some months or even years, Cassami would like to know, can NASARA be implemented now.

COBRA – No, it can not be because the cabal is still in control of the central banking system.

Judi – We have Angel Eyes with some more questions.

Angel Eyes – Are all of the historical bonds backed by real assets like precious metals, lands, resources, etc. being honored and paid their real value by the system after the event.

COBRA – OK.  It is not about the bonds.  Bonds are just Financial instruments.  The main . . the basis structure of the new financial system will be real assets, gold, land, production, creative resources, food, all that.  The bonds will be used before the event to bankrupt the Federal Reserve.  They will just be the  instruments of re-set of the financial re-set.  They will not be something that will . . .  The owners of those bonds will not receive the gold back.  The owners of those bonds will just bankrupt the Federal Reserve and then the wealth of the world, the collateral accounts will be distributed among humanity.

Angel Eyes – Thank you Cobra.  There are some stories that we can confirm of certain military personnel that have already been paid their Iraqi Dinar’s.  Why is this being allowed and why not the general public.

COBRA – I can not confirm that.  I would not be able to answer this question because I don’t think that it’s true.

Angel Eyes – Thank you.  Has anything been promoted in the www.prepareforchange.net website regarding the event, change so far? or is the message to prepare with plenty of food, bank closings and general shut-downs described on the site, still the same as before.

COBRA – Nothing has changed.  The general plan remains the same.  The only thing that is not known is the timing, when is this going to happen.  But the way it is going to happen is pretty much determined.

Angel Eyes – Thank you.  Will you tell us why it is of great importance to promote and be a part of an event support group (ESG) in our communities and around the world.

COBRA – It is simply because when the event happens there will be masses of confused people and the event support groups will have a task to calm down the masses and to coordinate many operations.  They will be contacted by the light forces at the time of the event.  They have a little bit more of an understanding of what is going on.  When the event happens, they will have more knowledge and more understanding of what to do.

Judi – Great.  I have a couple of questions.  Nick would like to know:  with many many thousands of people focusing their meditations and visualization on the defeat of the cabal, each person has their own idea of how they see it happening.  Is it more effective  for the masses to all have their own versions of the defeat of the cabal or should we all focus on one version as a group, and if so, what exactly would that be.

COBRA – It is a combination of both. It is good that each person has his  or her own way of visualizing the change and it’s also good to have our common denominator like the unified group vision which already exists.  So it’s always a combination of both.

Judi – Thank you. Gregg has a question.  He would like to know: Cobra, could you explain why cell towers keep popping up and getting larger and more menacing looking.  They have a lot of power running to them.  It’s very peculiar that it’s a non issues to the people I’m around. No one seems to notice or care.  I understand about staying in the higher levels of love and gratitude and I am doing this  rather easily.  When I drive by those cell towers though they draw my attention in a negative way.  Is this a discernment or do I need to clear and pay it no attention. The strange thing is I can usually get the answer by asking myself.  When I do that, my answer from self is not to pay any attention to that, yet here I am asking about them.  Your insight would be appreciated.  Thanks so much.

COBRA – These are not (just) cell phone towers, these are scalar network towers.  Those towers are emanating low Frequency electromagnetic fields that control human consciousness.   And yes, It is good not to focus on them but at the same time, it’s good for people be aware of their existence.  It’s a clear combination being aware and spreading the intel, but not dwelling on them.

Judi – Thank you Cobra, here’s Raissa.

Raissa –  Cobra, you are awesome and amazing.  Maria says:  Thank you Cobra for the work you’ve been doing.  Question from Maria:  It’s a compound question.  Why have Hungarians been majorly persecuted.  They have been on the planet for thousands of years.  Hungarian runes have been discovered all over the world, in Bosnian pyramids, Easter Island, Egypt etc. Are they coming from the Orion star system.

COBRA – Several of them are coming from the Orion system.  The Hungarians, I would say, I’ll put it this way:  There is a certain  ____ very important positive secret group in Hungary which is working towards the planetary liberation.  That group has been in Hungary and that part of the world for many hundreds of years. Those people are working for the new financial system and for the justice for humanity.

Raissa – Thank you.  Down to earth question from Bree.  How do you stay hopeful when you’re loosing your job, home, health, when you’re down and out and completely owned by the financial system and struggling to survive.

COBRA – OK,  Every time you fall you just get up and just continue.  This is how we proceed.  It is the same for everybody.  If you loose your job if you are down or you loose your home,  I would say that it’s a personal re-set situation.  When you have an opportunity to leave the old and  start something different.  Instead of having a slave job in the old financial system, you can start creating something independent.  It is an opportunity for a new beginning.  Of course it is not easy.  A new beginning always starts with a new vision with your own determination of what you would like to create and slowly this begins to become reality .

Raissa – That’s great.  Thank you.  How do we protect ourselves from attacks of a low frequency, HAARP, EM, high energy weaponry.  This is also question from Bree.

COBRA – OK, number one is to stay in balance as much as possible.  Not to put anything into extremes.  It is good to remove as much stress from our life as possible.   It is important to connect with nature.  It is good to meditate and there are many protection techniques, some of them were also announced on my blog.

Raissa – Thank you.  I would like to have first contact with E.T’s.  Is that something that is likely to happen soon.  Is this only possible after the event and can I do something that will speed up the contact.

COBRA – OK.  Contact can happen for a certain extent before the event.  There are groups around the world that are attempting to make that contact.  Stephen Greer is known for organizing conferences where people attempt to connect with E.T’s.  This is one option.  You can also speed up the contact by going into meditation and connecting with those E.T.’s energetically or telepathically.

Raissa – Thank you.

Judi – Bree has a couple more questions.  She wants to know:  Is there anything we can do to turn things our way, like trying to change the current politics, or is that futile.

COBRA – Yes, of course there is much you can do. The first thing that is the key factor  to transform human society is to spread the truth.  When there is a a certain critical mass of people being aware of the truth, there is a physical ____ and society needs the change.  there is a strong surface tension on the inside of the society and that tension shakes and moves a society regardless of what the Cabal would like to do.  When you reach a certain amount of awareness on the planet, the situation will change, regardless whatever the Cabal would like to do will not be able to stop the transformation.

Judi – Thank you.  Bree also says:  I want to express my gratitude for everybody on and around this planet who works so hard for us to be free.  Thank you Cobra for translating and giving updates.  It is the little bit of hope that keeps me hanging on.  She also ends by asking this question:  I felt the lifting of the physical bombs and it felt light for about a week then it felt like there was a counter attack and I was very emotional and I felt very weak and cold all the time.  I know other people felt it too. Was there a counter attack.  Since 11/2 the energies are OK again.

COBRA – This is basically how it happens.  There is progress of the light forces and there is a counter attack and there is again progress of the light forces.  The same thing has been occurring the last few decades.  It will continue until the final liberation happens.

Judi – Thank you.  We have Angel Eyes with some questions.

Angel Eyes – This is from John:  He wants to know if we can gain access to the city of Telos under Mt. Shasta or the other Lumerian cities.

COBRA – Before the event that is not possible.

Angel Eyes – When the event occurs and during the mass landings,  approximately how many ships will there be and will they be all over the planet in every country.

COBRA – OK, at a certain point there will be many ships around the planet but I will not go into the details of the plan yet.

Angel Eyes – Can you talk a little about the crystal light chambers.

COBRA – OK. Basically, there are chambers which are actually light chambers.  I would not call them crystal light chambers but there are certain technologies which have been developed by various E.T races and Ascended masters to raise our physical frequency and also they can heal any disease and they can harmonize all of our bodies.  That technology will be available to humanity after the event at a certain point.

Angel Eyes – Cobra, is there any likelihood that we may possible see the event this year.

COBRA – Yes, there is that possibility.

Angel Eyes – Thank you.  Becky would like to ask if we will ever be able to meet you Cobra.

COBRA – OK, sometimes I have conferences around the world and people can meet me in person.

Judi – Cobra, we’re getting to the end of our interview and I just want to bring to your attention a message from Peter in New Zealand which is where I come from.  Peter says:  In a recent interview Cobra stated that the election in NZ were rigged. Can Cobra tell me how they were rigged.

COBRA –  You see, in most counties the elections are . .  the votes are counted electronically.  And also there are many ways where this whole process can be interrupted.  This same thing happened in NZ.  It is the same ____thing over and over again around the planet.

Judi – Thank you and Peter also wants to know, is round up Alpha’s list of the statesmen and the government officials the real list to be actioned as Gordon Duff stated.

COBRA – It is not the complete and reliable list.  It is simply a compilation made from various sources.  It is not the actual list that the light forces have.

Judi – Thank you and finally Peter wants to know:  Will New Zealand be a safe haven for all the corrupt politicians and banksters of the world, and if so, will the Dragon society rid New Zealand of them.  Thank you for informing the world.

COBRA – It will not be a safe haven for the cabal.  They hope it will be but it will not be.

Judi – Thank you.  Raissa has a final question.

Raissa –  The final question is:  could you share the latest information about Vladimir Putin and Russia.

COBRA – Putin is continuing with his strategies of transforming the climate in that part of the world and bringing it closer to the Eastern alliance.  And he’s doing a great job to a certain degree.  The course _____ he has he is continuing on that course quite effectively.

Raissa – Thank you.  That sounds good.

Judi – Would you like to ask a couple of final questions for Cobra before we end our interview today.

Angel Eyes – Cobra, Where is the planet X in our solar system at this point.

COBRA – The planet X is on the outer region of the solar system, beyond Pluto al the time.

Angel Eyes – Has the vortex where the Archons used to invade in 1996 been closed and dealt with?

COBRA – Not completely.  Not healed completely. There is still quite much more work to be done in that area.

Angel Eyes – OK.  I have a couple of questions from the financial (technology) group:  Do you think the most important technological change will be after the event?

COBRA – Yes.

Angel Eyes – Will there be any release of major theoretical physics knowledge after the event.

COBRA – Yes, of course.  All science about ether, all science about over unity and many other things, anti-gravity, unified field theory.  Many things will be released.

Angel Eyes – Thank you Cobra.

Judi – Cobra it has been an absolute delight to have this conversation with you.  We’re going to be asking everybody to submit their questions for future interviews.  Would you please tell others how they can receive more of your message from your blog.

COBRA –   Simply go to my blog:  www.2012portal.blogspot.com/  There are updates there.

Judi – Thank you.  Do you have any final message for everybody.

COBRA – I have just started a new article about the weekly liberation meditation.  Please participate because we need to get higher numbers to be more effective in assisting the compression breakthrough.

Judi -Thank you very much and from all of us at www.prepareforchange.net, we say a big thank you to you and we look forward to having this conversation again.

COBRA – Thank you for inviting me.

Judi – Thank you and victory to the light

Raissa Thank you very much and it was great having a wonderful conversation with you.  Blessings and Love and Victory of the light  (thank you, thank you)

Angel Eyes – Victory to the light Cobra and thank you so much for being with us today.

Judi – We’re delighted that you could join us today for our interview with Cobra.  We hope you’ll join us each and every week on our new PFC.net radio show at BBSradio.com.  Every Sunday from 9 – 10pm where we will be featuring new speakers from the global community and we hope you can join us.  (It will be archived on our web-site)  Please remember that PFC is a volunteer group and we survive by donations only, so look deep with in and if you feel guided we encourage you to go to the www.prepareforchange.net website and donate an amount you can afford that way you can keep going the divine www.prepareforchange.net global movement. We thank you for your generosity and your much needed show of love and kindness Remember we are all the voices of the world.  (end.  song)


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. It’s obvious Newage Biscuit you don’t know what you are talking about. Besides your failure to give any reason why Steiner’s prediction for incarnation of Ahriman in North America during the 21st century should be wrong, your methodological and epistemological approach contradicts Steiner’s views. It doesn’t matter to me if you have studied him, but you shouldn’t pretend that you are familiar with his views. You can’t judge and speak on Steiner because you don’t know him. – Obviously, Cobra must be referring to some other entity than the powerful cosmic spirit Steiner called Lucifer. And I find it very odd instead of Ahriman, who is never mentioned, instead “Archons” are named. That Archons misled by invoking karma is just the opposite to Steiner’s claim his mission was to teach karma. Cobra’s refusal to say what is up with Satan is quite different from Steiner.

  2. What Cobra says about Lucifer doesn’t fit to what Rudolf Steiner says. If Satan is Ahriman, there’s no withholding information by Steiner on that issue, either. Steiner asserted Ahriman incarnates in America in 21st century.

    • Changes have happened since Steiner was alive. I can neither confirm nor dispute what Cobra is stating here – but it is important to consider that circumstances may have been radically altered since Steiner first communicated that.

      Any ‘prophecies’ are usually based upon specific ‘likely’ outcomes of a sequence of smaller precursory events over a long intervening time span. It’s really an application of probability-focused mathematics on scales unfathomable to the human mind regarding energies and influences we cannot always perceive.

      Steiner ‘called it as he saw it’ back in the day. That does not mean he was wrong then, but that also does not guarantee that he is ‘correct’ now.

  3. Where (the hell) was this ‘February interview’ till now?
    It was nothing in the label ‘Latest interviews’ till the ‘March interview’.
    It seems PFC shall work more of PR for interviews!
    Kind regards.


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