By A. True Ott, PhD
Nearly a decade ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine named Don Harkins authored a wonderfully thought-provoking piece entitled “Slavery and the eight veils. Prior to Harkins’ untimely death, we discussed this “Eight-veils theory” for literally hours together – and in the end, Don asked me to write a piece about this for his newspaper, “The Idaho Observer.” He did this, because I had shared much of my research with Don, and we together came to the conclusion that in reality, there were actually NINE veils placed on the human soul (i.e. intelligence), and that spiritual progression and thus a full knowledge of TRUTH would require the piercing of these Nine Veils.
I joked with Don that this topic would take an entire edition of The Idaho Observer, and then it would only scratch the surface. That was one of Don’s editorial talents – taking a complex story and compressing it to a more readable format. In memory of Don Harkins, here is the writing we discussed, in as compressed a format as possible.
Any dedicated seeker of truth eventually stumbles upon the incredible symmetry and structure of mathematics, which is especially true in fractal geometry involving the integers 1-9. For a most basic example, just take a look at these nine equations:
(1 x 8) + 1= 9
(12 x 8) + 2 = 98
(123 x 8) + 3 = 987
(1234 x 8) + 4 = 9876
(12345 x 8) + 5 = 98765
(123456 x 8) + 6 = 987654
(1234567 x 8) + 7 = 9876543
(12345678 x 8) + 8 = 98765432
(123456789 x 8) + 9 = 987654321
Amazing, isn’t it? I find it very interesting, furthermore, that all of the great philosophers in history such as Archimedes, Copernicus, Socrates and DaVinci all were mathematicians first and foremost. I submit that everything from biblical prophecy to DNA strands are built and based on quite simple mathematical formulas and patterns – but I am getting ahead of the story, for understanding the role of mathematics is in itself one of the nine hidden veils.
Consider also the so-called “mystery schools” of antiquity. In shadowy temples in Sumer and Babylon – the Kabala showed the way to the ultimate “Holy of Holies” – the re-veil-a-tions (revelation, i.e. the parting of the veils) of life, the creation, of God and when embraced in honor and truth, the very Origins of Man. This involved systematically piercing and embracing 9 levels of understanding or “Truth Plateaus” before finally entering “Nirvana” (or the ultimate unity with God) as depicted in modern “tracing boards”.
Like a giant Sudoku Puzzle board, the human experience we call life truly revolves around the numbers 1 – 9 in so many remarkable ways. Everything has a place in the system, and everything fits neatly and precisely in the eternal grid of time and space. This then, is but one definition of Truth – hidden, arcane knowledge that fits completely in the mathematical grid called logic. Yeshua (aka Jesus of Nazareth) declared this to His disciples: “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”
This question is best answered by Don Harkins’ wise words written in 2001:
“Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth — even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples´ inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don´t want to see” what is really going on.
Extremely evil men and women who make up the world´s power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears.
The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” those of us who can see the past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship´s castle.
Finally, I understand why.
It´s not that those who don´t see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don´t want to see it” — they simply can´t see what is happening to them because of the unpierced veils that block their view.
All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports are one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October.
Behind the first veil: There are over 7 billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.”
Indeed it can be said that less than 1% of the world’s 7 billion humans ever pierce all nine veils, and it would appear that even this small minority is ever-shrinking. In order to keep the “virtual pasture” green, the global elite also successfully bribe many who have pierced multiple veils, in order to misdirect others who may be approaching truth in many areas. I call this simply intellectual prostitution – selling the birthright of Universal Truth for a worthless mess of pottage. The gilded glitz of wealth, fame and social elevation have seduced many a gifted intellectual.
With full credit given to Don Harkins, here now are the newly updated “Nine Veils”.
The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, become active and develop an opinion. Our opinions will be shaped by the physical world around us; we will have been “conditioned” from our days in public education to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are the primary voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
The second veil: Ten percent of us will also pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
The third veil: Ten percent of those who pierce the second veil, will eventually pierce the third veil to conclusively find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the entire world´s economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.
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Based upon evaluation of actions and behaviors, I see the 7th veil behind me and the 8th before me. However, the 8th veil appears to be thin as my level of awareness and understanding allows me to see the logic of description. There is much inner work to be done in order to move through the 8th veil and many things I must strive to become so I may embrace the 9th in true Love.