Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

We are all being ‘played’.
Is there a missing piece that goes in front of the king?
Yes, most likely is. There is also a few ‘missing’ pieces in-between pieces.
Yes, very good question! To me, there’s always the element of the jester, present at Royal courts.
In company with a wisdom that surpasses all arguments of king, ceasar and pope. The skill of great timing of an unpredictable force, called Supreme Being, in sync with our being, from a viewpoint that sees all players on the chessboard and the chessboard itself.
Do you have a Facebook page?
Antoninette, I almost can’t believe you, asking, but if you ask PFC, look at the right side of the page, there’s a banner saying “Facebook” Or am I mistaken?
Government is organized crime. Those that you think are your leaders are actually puppets to the “Illuminati”. The Shadow Government behind the enslavement of mankind. Lucifer took ownership of the planet and has been ruling for far too long. He is a tyrannical, megalomaniac, blind to his own insanity. Yes the Anti-Christ has been living alive and well on our planet. Fear and violence is the signature of Lucifer’s agenda. He has held the planet under a shadow of darkness for millennia. All that you think you know is a lie. Even those that think they know, let me assure you you do not.
We are living in a manufacture reality strictly controlled by those from “Soul Group Lucifer”. The Illuminati are those that organize the playing out of their agenda for total world dominance and demonization.
All this is about to shift. Know that the shadow of forgetfulness that has kept mankind in a state of servitude is being lifted. Even the channel of the following message does not know the scope of what is actually happening on the planet. The channel will always interfere with their message when full understanding of the self has not yet been realized.
Know that the heart of humanity, the heart of the cosmos, is getting an upgrade. All is well, all is LOVE, all is in Divine and perfect order. There is nothing that can stop the wave, the tsunami, of love that is shifting the life on this planet and the life of the cosmos as we know it. Freedom Dove
Once fear was learned it has been used to dis-empower the masses to an agenda. Where there is violence or fear there is Lucifer’s agenda for control. Prime creator is love, you are love, all is one love. Each person must learn to listen to their body and use discernment. Follow what feels good. The truth will always bring excitement to the body. Focus on what feels good…leave the rest. I reiterate “there is nothing that can stop the wave, tsunami, of love coming from the galactic center of each human heart”.
Once fear was learned it has been used to dis-empower the masses to an agenda. Where there is violence or fear there is Lucifer’s agenda for control. Prime creator is love, you are love, all is one love. Each person must learn to listen to their body and use discernment. Follow what feels good. The truth will always bring excitement to the body. Focus on what feels good…leave the rest.
Yes, there is a wonderful awakening taking place. All is well, all is LOVE! There is nothing that can stop the force of truth. Infinite blessings for a life of peace, harmony, joy and the boundless love that comes with the knowing we are our own source for life and for love..we are all one. There is no other! <3
well………………..I agree wholeheartedly with this illustration. There is one factor omitted though. The caption reveals the visible. There is an entirely other level of secrecy like the Majestic 12 that is unseen and unknown of by 90% of the population today, including many governmental positions and their constituents within that 90%. In most organizations the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing. As was such the case of the building of the atomic bomb……………many assisted in its making having no idea what it was that they actually made. Prime time secrecy. Oh, but get ready……………….here it comes………..here comes the light! Soon…………very soon indeed. Dr. Steven Greer and the disclosure project are making fantastic headway for the collective. Not to mention his movie Sirius and the next one to come out is Unacknowledged, with many persons of high official rank coming forward to testify what they know and are done with the secrecy. They are all 150 plus ready to be subpoena………………this guy is on it! I highly recommend checking his website and you-tubes out. True universal power will always stand the “test of time” when shown upon the false illusory nature of force.
You put the government first? Nope.
Yup, government first, Kim Anthony Kersey. The king is the one who falls, in the end. Felled by peons, by us. We the people. The fairy tale, like in Alice’s Wonderland chess game, becomes so very obvious. See what I mean here, the video with Barack Obama’s incomprehensible speech on the US ipopulation’s living conditions