by GreyFox78659
Just wait until they ban the people reporting on the municipal bankruptcies and the fact that the bond market collapse that caused them is not related to Covid and was predicted back in September when the bond market froze.
Also that this is the exact same scenario that happened back into 2008 and that both parties are complicate in the cover up of the bond market collapse and the sabotage of Bernie Sanders who would be the Democratic Nominee had this not been suppressed back in September by the impeachment of Donald J. Trump.
This is the end of both parties in the USA they are both guilty of the coverup of the mass bankruptcy of corporations and municipalities.
Things coming to make it increasingly obvious what this is……
Mass Jail releases (starting under Covid cover)
Cut backs at hospitals including Doctors and Nurses (starting despite Covid)
Corporate and Government Checks bouncing
Explains why a massive shift happening right now in the financial markets could create biggest opportunity in last 100 years.
Fire and Police department cutting staff down to just officer and firemen (starting despite Covid)
National Guard deploying everywhere without NBC gear (Starting under the cover of Covid)
Lock down goes indefinite despite numbers clearly showing things are getting better
Looting and rioting
Infrastructure damage do to theft
Let me cut this short see fall of the Soviet Union it will be exactly like that.
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I was in the Municipality building in my town the last day it was open to the public, I knew at that point what was going on. Reality is, this is not a bad thing. I am sure this was another reason why schools were closed. County taxes on your home goes hand in hand with municipality. Which taxes on our homes need to be eliminated. As well as the Federal Tax. So there are 2 major savings right there. My County of Cook in the Chicago area is also been closed ever since. Mass jail release should only be for the ones who were put there for enslavement on bogus charges to feed the Private sectors investment on owning jails, go figure. Hang the murders & child rapist & human traffic slobs. Doctors, don’t need them as much as people think, they make us ill through the health care system that they get kick backs for, whether vaccines, preventive test that are deceiving or prescriptions that you don’t need. Sick industry. Which means we don’t need the Insurance industry that goes hand in hand. Everyone who has a Student loan of any kind, whether student or parent needs to stop paying Now, another savings. Both parties need to end, no lost there. No more fat pensions to these useless slobs of government officials. Isn’t the whole House of Representatives Covid 19? As well as all 100 Senators & 50 Governors & 9 Supreme Court Judges & 450 State Supreme Court Judges & 800 Federal Judges & 7,400 State Legislators & 1,900 Mayors & 150 U.S. Ambassadors & 1,970 State Senators Covid 19?Sounds like were cleaning house. Is that not what we wanted & needed?? Welcome to The ‘New Age.’ Look up & enjoy the Son Shine & the Peace & Quiet.
To Linda- Love your comments. Hallelujah!