Luciferase: Quantum Dot Tattoo & the Seething Energies of the Light-Bearer – Trevor Winchell


Luciferase. Learn the name.

You can forget all about buying and selling. Because once they inject this thing into your hand, you won’t be able to climb into a car, much less walk down the street, without getting tagged. Mm-hmm, you heard me. It’s humorous, but not at all funny in the slightest, how often people argue for the illusion of their freedom. Meanwhile, they’re getting ready to inject the good slaves. We wouldn’t even be having conversations like this had humanity chosen to step off the plantation. America is a Corporation, and there’s no end to the entertainment in the barracoon. If you haven’t a clue what I’m talking about, then I suggest you read some of my papers.

Let’s get to it. I’ll keep it brief.

Raphael Dubois. Just look at this clown with all his medals. Sometime late in the nineteenth century, the French pharmacologist extracted the oxidative enzymes necessary to generate bio-luminescent light. Think fireflies. Jellyfish. And certain fungi. Those two chemicals are luciferin and luciferase, names which he personally coined. They’re derived from the its Latin counterpart, lucifer.

And the name means Light-bringer.

From the moment I began warning people about ID2020, Bill Gate’s magnum opus project, which promises to assign every man, woman, and child on earth a digital identification mark, I have stumbled upon a multitude of “Bible-believers” who are already justifying their decisions with the worst deductive argument, and perhaps the most tragic in the course of human history. And it goes something like this:

“I see nothing wrong with taking ID2020.

I am not deceived.

Therefore, ID2020 is not the Mark.”

Again—worst deductive argument ever.

I’m not sure what else I or anybody else can possibly say to convince everyone of the grave situation we find ourselves in. Everything that I’m about to mention is currently being developed by Bill Gates, often in partnership with the COVID-19 playbook, MIT—all of which is backed by the United Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation.

ONE: ID2020 is a global digital identification system and will be expected of every man, woman, and child, and is quite literally called a Certification Mark.

TWO: Due to ongoing mutations with COVID-19 (I know), the coronavirus vaccine currently being developed will alter our DNA through an actual synthesizing of our individual genetic code using mRNA and CRISPER technology, which acts as scissors by cutting DNA at a designated spot and removing or inserting a new sequence with an artificial code. Need I remind you; this is the transhumanist wet dream.

THREE: A recent Microsoft patent, 060606, involves another implantable device for the purposes of buying and selling, which is mutually covered by ID2020 (and is likely the same project). It’s a cryptocurrency system that monitors our bodily activity—even our thoughts and emotions—and rewards each person based upon how well the perform their task with monetary transactions.

FOUR: A tiny drug delivery chip will act as a contraceptive agent, turning off a woman’s ability to reproduce like the flip of a light switch.

FIVE: The digital ID will include an Immunity Passport.

SIX: to make sure every man, woman, and child complies with the One World Order’s mandatory implementations, Gates and MIT are currently developing the “Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.” It’s a tattoo for the hand, which will include our identification Mark and vaccination records.

Repost Source:

Trevor Winchell
Site Admin – Investigative Journalist
American Patriots ForumInformation and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!

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Shari has been active with PFC since 2018. She is proud to be a Council member and a co-facilitator of the Nature Restoration Group. The Nature Group is filled with passionate, Earth loving volunteers who wish to heal and restore the planet to a healthy state. Shari also hangs out with the awesome people in the Media Group where she writes, researches and creates innovative media projects. She has a background in Holistic healing and Wellness. She is a Reiki teacher, mindfulness meditation teacher as well as an ascension guide. Shari is a community member of Energetic Synthesis, which is an ascension community that follows the Law of One and Guardian Alliance teachings. She is also the founder of an environmental education nonprofit called Greening the Sphere.


  1. I believe that this scenario is planned for some time, and now playing on the global stage, in the first phase of it, sort of "visible". I also believe that none of this shall come to pass. Life won't allow it, with Supreme Being in tow, and humanity's consciousness expanding, even into heavenly realms after being treated with and for C-19. Shaking up the clouds a bit in those realms, and some of the angels… dozing off… 😉🤸‍♂️

    To many of us it's almost like a split, being confronted with the presence of darkness, emotionally triggered, and, on the other hand, understanding the role of compassion, forgiveness and respect, on the first page in the manual of our Ascension process. Which is the manual for life at all times, as I perceive it. And yet, this is the crux of existing in the 3D world, learning by contrast. I don't suggest that practicing compassion by using mental acrobatics is the way to go. That's artificial.

    Here's a text I've got on my wall. My eyes fell on it, this morning. It reminds me of the simplicity of being at ease within oneself, while so much is going on in the external world, that, in a mix of survival mode, a need to understand, define, and be informed, so that one can choose…. it can draw us out of our presence inside, throw us off centre, our tune off key…

    "The time will come when with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror. And each will smile at the other's welcome, and say "Sit here, eat". You will love the stranger who was yourself.

    Give wine, give bread, give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the desperate notes, peel your image from the mirror.

    Sit, feast on your life".
    From "Love after love" by Derek Wacott.

    • Hallo Zach, I've watched that video, and I'm not sure what to think of it. When most people are vaccinated, and in Britain the campaign was very successful, to accept that treatment, I'm not sure if this nurse is talking about health-hazards caused by being near vaccinated people, and can proof that what's being "shed" by them is the cause, or that she describes side-effects caused by the vaccine present in those suffering from all the symptoms she describes here. That detail is missing, I believe, or did I miss something? What do you think?


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