The Mirror of the True Self
By Katharina Bless
With this Moon/Sun conjunction we find a trine to retrograde Neptune and a one-and-a-half square to ret. Jupiter. And another one-and-a-half square is connecting Mercury to ret. Saturn. These karmic aspects will bring a lot of changes and push humanity to look into the mirror! That mirror that reveals the True Self.
The focus on Gemini shows that there is a lot more coming out to the surface, the disclosure has just begun and Mercury will also enter Gemini in a couple days. So be ready for the tidal wave that is coming.
The “orange” karmic aspects mentioned first are now activating the disclosure movements, support all those who are ready to look at the truth and help them heal personally and with this also globally.
What ever we process in the microcosm will also affect the macrocosm. This is the key for now to know that we are not powerless, but what ever we do on a personal base will affect the whole. It always did, but now with this fast and massive awakening the shift in the macrocosm of our planet earth will have a massive effect in our lives.
The active movements have massively increased when Uranus entered Aries. And in this chart we see the red triangle going out from Uranus to Saturn and the conjunction of Mars/Venus. We can expect that the gender issue will also come up massively and it is about time to understand that we have chosen a gender to incarnate for a reason.
In the 1980’s I was involved in regression/rebirthing therapy and it was so obvious that many who have come here not in this time of the shift needed to balance one side of gender experience. Many who felt they are in the wrong gender, for example one of my lady clients who thought she should be a man, had one incarnation after the other as a man and not suddenly experience a feminine body (a very beautiful feminine body!) could not handle it. But it was her free choice to balance the experience. Once, after about half a year of sessions, she was finally able to accept her body and some time later even experienced happiness and fulfilled sexuality with her future husband.

The Aspect from the Moon/Sun conjunction to retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius shows that we need to go back to the roots and focus awareness and feelings into the blueprint of the original plan we had when we came to incarnate as a human being. This might be a long way, especially for old souls, but it is possible to find out why you are here and what you have signed up.
Since 2012 many things have chanced, but most people thought that this year has passed without any changes, are not correct. You have to look at it like you plant a seed and then it takes some time to shoot and grow. The “seed” was planted in 2012 and now we can observe better what kind of energy was planted and how it unfolds.
One fantastic thing is that the veil has become thinner and those who want have much easier access to the “Higher Self” and does not need to sit in mediation for hours. We can hear through inspiration and intuition any time what we need to know. And the best is simply ask every morning when we get up something like: “Dear spirit, please tell me what I need to know today when ever I need to know it.”
Now we have the great oportunity to expand our consciousness and understand what is going on! People who insist to believe and rely on the outer sources will not be in a very good position and life will try all kind of things to make them understand. As you know, illness is actually a teacher and tells us where we are not balanced. Many more will have to learn from this teacher!
The gift of healing is in this connection from Mars/Venus to Chiron and requires the balance of male/female and the conscious connection with the body, with our primordial imprint that is with us in all life times and the innate intelligence of our body, connected to the earth.
Imagine that we all are standing in front of that gate now that is the way out of this low level consciousness that has ruled the planet for a very long time. Now Mother Gaia has enough from the destruction and violence… now she refused to stay in this energy. You want to move with her? You can, but you have to let the old paradigm behind you!
Many blessings,
For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology:
A guide to Life’s Pilgrimage and the Soul’s Path of Evolution
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