From our friend at
Hot off the heels of our most recent post Will The Poles Shift in 20 Months? , this One feels to share further suggestive insights from a recent Quantum Hypnosis Healing session by Allison Coe.
In this article i will give a summary of the video as well as Allison´s work, linking it to the information i shared yesterday about the magnetic poles.
This One has been aware of Allison since 2018 and found this audio rather fortuitously, as is often the case. Allison, for those who are not familiar with her work, is a hypnosis facilitator out of Portland Oregon, who once trained with the great hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. I believe Allison has gone on to adapt the QHHT technique made famous by Dolores. Back in 2017/2018 she began releasing information, with her clients permission, of her sessions, particularly those which spoke of an Event, or a flash of light. In these videos people talked about the “New Earth”, experiencing a flash of light during the day and others being on the other side of this shift. Allison however, did come under some criticism from the more skeptical viewers for these videos back in 2018.
Having received a QHHT session from a dear friend and author Senya Uctzecmen, this One felt the profoundity of the experience within the session and can vouch for the technique.
Allison does a great job of lovingly guiding her clients through their experiences whilst extracting vivid information by her explorative questioning.
What is the information you may be asking..
Well for sure this One suggests watching the video. finding a quiet place to be while you let Allison guide you on this phopetic journey her client goes on. To summarize, as any informative article must do, the client describes a few situations that arise. I will write them in a linear order of events, as the transcript of the session jumps about a bit. So her it goes…
It is shared that in July of this year 2020, the pentagon releases information, potentially related to UFO´s. As this information goes global, more and more information is released, which starts an avalanche of info/disclosure. As the weeks and months fly by with daily paradigm breaking news, people come together to support each other as things start to turn ever more uncertain.. At some point during this fall out, things look to become chaotic. It is described as a storm. However the account says, as things become violent, the ships (UFOs) will appear. This is said to be in 2022. It goes on to say that some will go onto the ships while most will stay.. Within days of these landings a great flash of light will stun the planet and population by a CME. Everyone will be affected by the light, some will recover very quickly and begin helping others who are left unable to do anything other than absorb this huge influx of light.
I will at this point share on of my poems that was published in November 2020 that predicts this very event in 2022, in a simplistic, tongue and cheek style… The book itself is, available on Amazon paperback in certain territories, not only is it a channeled collection of prophecy, it is also a book of magic spells that is quite unlike any other book in existence, in this One’s eyes. Be sure to follow the links to order yourself a copy and also support both Allison and Gene in their efforts to continue to do what they do best.

Why then is this of importance in relation to yesterdays article, is… that with weakening magnetic fields around our planet, we are ever more susceptible to CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejection) or solar flare/flash from the Sun, which is what the flash of light is said to be on the transmission. We must acknowledge that the information Gene is sharing is an estimation at the current migration rate.. This does not take into account a potential quickening of this movement as the fields move further apart. This is a real and soon to be present situation. We do not know what will happen once the poles hit that 40 degree zone however, the potential for a major CME would increase dramatically if our magnetic fields were gone or unstable at least. This One so far, is not an expert in magnetics even though there is a unusual interest in it.. (look out for future articles on Ken Wheeler, he is an expert in the field and many others) so i look to others with greater experience to predict how the poles would react after a displacement.. By all accounts Gene has a video from some years ago, on his channel Maverickstar Reloaded, sharing his findings from these exact experiments.. If i find them i will add them to the article.
So, if what this hypnosis session suggests, is close to the unfolding timeline we experience, we are in for one major ride. A mix of uncertainty, fear and excitement is felt considering these events playing out. Life as we know it, in this post modern era will likely end and a new dawn will begin.. One prophecised by countless cultures, that brings back balance, love and unity to the planet and it’s people.. Oh that would be such a dream come true.
It comes to mind to recall a channelling by Kryon that describes the Pleadies going through a similar and equally challenging liberation, from the same forces. Lost in the archives of “time” & memory, again, if the community wish to share links so that others can see a potential bigger picture, i highly encourage you all to use this article as a ongoing thread of information.
For now, enjoy the transmission, keep one eye on the skies and the other on the mainstream news.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Alison has been trying to make a name for herself for some time from her Event clients. You can tell from her recent “ glamor” shot that she has chosen to use now. I plan to be very discerning each day for information. An upcoming webinar from Dr. Salla concerning how the C may use their ships to deceive us by giving the perception of salvation is something to think about. Go within for your info and be careful of other’s perceptions that are their personal views.
The flash of light emanating from our sun at the time of the Event is a much greater phenomena than what is described here related to CME s and magnetic pole shifts. It is something that will originate with our galactic central sun and will be as a spiritual tipping point of consciousness not only for our planet But for our solar system and galaxy
Well it does sounds pretty similar right. a pulse or flash of light coming from a heavenly body. Do you avtually know because your dismissiveness suggests you do.. and im oretty sure you dont. It is widly acknowledged amongst those that study ancient texts and story suggests that cme's kick start shifts in consciousness as well as ice ages. So given the information Allison is providing (a suggestive narrativea playing out) and the data of the poles migration to a 40 degree distablization point written about in this and other articles, would leave us defensless to a even medium sized solar flash. For me I get enthusiasm to write about and present corelating information like this that nit many people may be taking note of. I personally feel to add that this solar flash event cme whatever it is has the potential to awaken many, likely mess up many and certainly fry whatever digital culture we have. Now maybe it is said that no body is hurt in the Event, im not sure.. however speaking to Alice above as well, Allison is a beautiful soul that shares information she feels that will be of interest. She does not write that script she is reading.. it is presented to her.. i feel it is of interest and so i share it. People jugding the book by its cover in commenting on her thumbnail is playground stuff and probably something that subtly sieves out those who are too judgemental to watch it and receive the truth of the information.. it resonated with me and im sure many others who are ready to conceive of such events.